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RPG Maker MV Speed Plugin / Clipboard hook


Jungle Girl
Sep 19, 2015
Reputation score
This is a simple tool to patch a game speedup plugin and a copy text to clipboard for RPGMaker MV games.

Unzip next to the game files -> Run patcher

Instructions and buttons are shown on the screen after patching

- 3 different text hooks
- Increase game speed from 1-9x
- Skip battles with a press of a button
- Multiply current gold
- Scroll clipboard history
- Autofire for Z key for games that don't have a dialog skip
- Builtin and custom regex text filtering, modify SpeedPlugin.js inside Plugins folder to create custom ones
- Open load game window from anywhere
- Open webkit console if running inside NW.js SDK

7.01: Tiny update that adds an alternative speed multiplier method by pressing Shift+Number. May look smoother on some systems, but may not be as fast as the default. Also small patcher folder bugfix. Renamed to an MV plugin so maybe one day some devs could support game speedup natively. :)


  • RPGMV_SpeedPlugin_v7.01.zip
    40.4 KB · Views: 3,443
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Re: RPG Maker MV Speedhack / Convenience tool

Tried it with the BloodRash trial and 魔王イリスの逆襲. It patched successfully but, there is no change in the speed, pressing 1-9 does nothing. Guess this only works for some games?
Re: RPG Maker MV Speedhack / Convenience tool

Tried it with the BloodRash trial and 魔王イリスの逆襲. It patched successfully but, there is no change in the speed, pressing 1-9 does nothing. Guess this only works for some games?

I uploaded v2 which improves compatibility with pre-patched games and certain external plugins. This should fix most issues but I'll test those games myself too just in case.

Edit: Both games confirmed to work with v2.
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Re: RPG Maker MV Speedhack / Convenience tool

Clipboard copying script courtesy of Libellule.
I'm providing the clipboard script as part of this tool just for convenience purposes. No ill will of any sort meant, please give him/her the full credit.
ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=29359 (Can't post links yet)

Plop ^^

not that i mind :p, but i thinks that a bad idea ^^, for some reason :p

the version you give is a old version of my plugin, so he will miss some things ^^ (item repetition/bloc/regEx ignore/choice separator/resend/etc...), but that not the primary point

to explain, my patcher dont "copy" the plugin IG, he "write" the plugin, differently, following selected options and after analysing the game code (some part of the code change at the installation from game to game (because of some external plugin etc... (who say YEP XD))

so just copy him will not works perfectly for all game ^^, i thinks it's better if you give the full patcher ^^

ho, i have a place for external plugin in my patcher too, if your plugin works good (didn't have time to test it today :p), i would like if possible to add it in future =) if you dont mind ? ^^

a speed hack that cool :p
Re: RPG Maker MV Speedhack / Convenience tool

I uploaded v2 which improves compatibility with pre-patched games and certain external plugins. This should fix most issues but I'll test those games myself too just in case.

Edit: Both games confirmed to work with v2.

Excellent, grinding and text skipping is a bit less painful now. I'll let you know if I find more games with problems. Thanks!
Re: RPG Maker MV Speedhack / Convenience tool

Plop ^^

not that i mind :p, but i thinks that a bad idea ^^, for some reason :p

the version you give is a old version of my plugin, so he will miss some things ^^ (item repetition/bloc/regEx ignore/choice separator/resend/etc...), but that not the primary point

to explain, my patcher dont "copy" the plugin IG, he "write" the plugin, differently, following selected options and after analysing the game code (some part of the code change at the installation from game to game (because of some external plugin etc... (who say YEP XD))

so just copy him will not works perfectly for all game ^^, i thinks it's better if you give the full patcher ^^

ho, i have a place for external plugin in my patcher too, if your plugin works good (didn't have time to test it today :p), i would like if possible to add it in future =) if you dont mind ? ^^

a speed hack that cool :p

The default clipboard script has actually worked for all the 6 games I've tested so far without issues (nice!), so I just assumed it's going to work for the most.
I understand the default settings might not be desirable for everyone, but even in that case it's possible to use your tool for patching and this one just to patch the speedhack. If there are any issues found I'll work to fix them, and will include your tool if it seems like a good option.

The reasoning behind this tool is convenience, as it's easier to just unzip a file and run exe than to navigate GUIs or use multiple different tools.

Also, I'd only be happy if my plugin was in your tool too, because that means more people can play with a speedhack.
Re: RPG Maker MV Speedhack / Convenience tool

Going to give this one a try. I can't live without speed (hack).
Re: RPG Maker MV Speedhack / Convenience tool

The default clipboard script has actually worked for all the 6 games I've tested so far without issues (nice!), so I just assumed it's going to work for the most.
I understand the default settings might not be desirable for everyone, but even in that case it's possible to use your tool for patching and this one just to patch the speedhack. If there are any issues found I'll work to fix them, and will include your tool if it seems like a good option.

The reasoning behind this tool is convenience, as it's easier to just unzip a file and run exe than to navigate GUIs or use multiple different tools.

mmm, i see, it's sure if you just use TA, that will works for the prety all game to send "all" text to clipboard and will be enough =), the issues will be prety small

for a quick list, just for info, that i see like that :

uninterrupted flooding item text in battle : RJ179039 - Succubus Frontier
Bloc with a {@|^{[ Clock (another uninterrupted flooding) : RJ173189 - [H:O:T(仮)] 堕落神官エンデリネ -わたくし純潔を守ることが出来ませ&#

those can be corrected in TA, but that kick out the convenience thing

- no choice list separator (all game)
cant be corrected by TA

the real problem will rose with Gold Scientist RJ179437, set aside that he draw all text bubble 2 time ABC => ABCABC (Yep plugin), some time IG he draw 2 bubble at the same time, MV draw text letter by letter, so the 2 text as send entwine ABC, DEF => ADBECF
no possibility to correct that with TA :x, and we get a total untranslatable thing

they are little other thing here and here, but ignorable, those are realy the more annoying for now :p

Also, I'd only be happy if my plugin was in your tool too, because that means more people can play with a speedhack.
yeah sure =), that for that i want to add it too :p, a speedhack was realy something that missed in MV ^^
Lot of ppl will like your plugin :p
mmm, what credit you want me to use o_O ? "Zeemu" or "Kura" ?, you used a different name that here in the plugin file ^^

as for RPGMV_Speedhack.exe, i see 2 little bug ^^ =>


- he add a extra useless return line :p

- he missed one, between the last } and ]

(i'm prety sure your missed one is the useless one :p you surely seeked for ] in the file and inserting things before it, forgeting the \n before him)

- you replaced all \n by \r\n, original file use only \n, that will not cause problem within the game itself (as i know), but that will make crash RPG Maker MV if ppl try to open the game in it afterward


the final result need to be like that ^^

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Re: RPG Maker MV Speedhack / Convenience tool

mmm, i see, it's sure if you just use TA, that will works for the prety all game to send "all" text to clipboard and will be enough =), the issues will be prety small

for a quick list, just for info, that i see like that :

uninterrupted flooding item text in battle : RJ179039 - Succubus Frontier
Bloc with a {@|^{[ Clock (another uninterrupted flooding) : RJ173189 - [H:O:T(仮)] 堕落神官エンデリネ -わたくし純潔を守ることが出来ませ&#

those can be corrected in TA, but that kick out the convenience thing

- no choice list separator (all game)
cant be corrected by TA

the real problem will rose with Gold Scientist RJ179437, set aside that he draw all text bubble 2 time ABC => ABCABC (Yep plugin), some time IG he draw 2 bubble at the same time, MV draw text letter by letter, so the 2 text as send entwine ABC, DEF => ADBECF
no possibility to correct that with TA :x, and we get a total untranslatable thing

they are little other thing here and here, but ignorable, those are realy the more annoying for now :p

yeah sure =), that for that i want to add it too :p, a speedhack was realy something that missed in MV ^^
Lot of ppl will like your plugin :p
mmm, what credit you want me to use o_O ? "Zeemu" or "Kura" ?, you used a different name that here in the plugin file ^^

as for RPGMV_Speedhack.exe, i see 2 little bug ^^ =>

- he add a extra useless return line :p

- he missed one, between the last } and ]

(i'm prety sure your missed one is the useless one :p you surely seeked for ] in the file and inserting things before it, forgeting the \n before him)

- you replaced all \n by \r\n, original file use only \n, that will not cause problem within the game itself (as i know), but that will make crash RPG Maker MV if ppl try to open the game in it afterward


the final result need to be like that ^^

Thanks for the comment. I'll take a closer look at the games you listed. You can credit me with either name.

Missing comma: Javascript object initialization syntax doesn't need to have a comma at the end, so this won't cause any problems.
Excess linebreak: This is actually caused by having the ]; on a separate line (which is not the default rpgmaker mv behavior), so it shouldn't happen normally. Even if it does, it shouldn't break anything.
CRLF vs LF linebreaks: If this doesn't break running the game executable it should be fine. If I release a new version I'll fix this just in case.
Re: RPG Maker MV Speedhack / Convenience tool

Excess linebreak: This is actually caused by having the ]; on a separate line (which is not the default rpgmaker mv behavior), so it shouldn't happen normally. Even if it does, it shouldn't break anything.

na na, the ] is always preceded with a \n, it's RPG maker MV default's behavior ^^
maybe you use an editor that dont show \n, notepad :p ?

Edit :


K, so now it's autistic to try to correct error =)... some ppl on this forum are strange ^^
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Re: RPG Maker MV Speedhack / Convenience tool

Missing comma: Javascript object initialization syntax doesn't need to have a comma at the end, so this won't cause any problems.

ho, the night make me realize something ^^, i was wondering why you talked about comma... :p

i didn't say that

"he missed one" was a reference to the line before, so i was talking about a return line not a comma ^^, maybe my english was a litle weird at how i say it

if i wrote the sentence like that it will be more comprehensible... i hope ^^ =>

- he add a extra useless return line and he missed one (between the last "}" and "]") (i'm prety sure your missed one is the useless one you surely seeked for ] in the file and inserting things before it, forgeting the \n before him)


and i confirm a second time (yeah, got insulted for that so... :D), having a \n before the ]; is the default rpgmaker behavior ^^, i have make the same mistake at first bacause i just looked with notepad... =), and got some complain from translator that the maker crashed

we realy need to keep that file perfectly with the original syntaxe ^^,

we need to thinks about other patcher too :p
dont remember if it's was the cheat plugin patcher or another one before he was corrected, but i remember a patcher that search on "\n];", he will have problem ^^


and so, finaly have time to test a few your plugin, he look to work realy prety well for now, tested it or some game, no problem ^^ (except on one but*), will continu to use it to see, but he is already prety good :D

(but*) : on Gold Scientist, sometime got a crash when i go upper that 5, but i thinks (prety sure) that not your plugin fault, that game is overcharged with a lot of plugin and he crash himself a lot originaly ^^, so maybe the speed just accentuate that
Re: RPG Maker MV Speedhack / Advanced clipboard hook

No worries mate, I understand it's important to abide by standard. And yeah I was wrong about the default behavior.

Released a new version. Wrote my own text hooking script to reduce the amount of files and to work around those few problematic games. Haven't found any game that wasn't playable anymore, but please report if you find any.

- Improved compatibility with rpgmaker editor and other patchers
- Added plugin messaging via game title
- Added scrollable text history (Home, End)
- Added multiple custom text hooks to deal with different mv games
+ Fixes games that spam, repeat text or are otherwise just being difficult
+ Use Alt+1-3 to toggle between different hooks, read readme for more info
- Added somewhat fast and simple repeating pattern filter
- Added toggle for instant text (Alt+4)
Re: RPG Maker MV Speedhack / Advanced clipboard hook

Wow, your code look so much more organized that mine rolf XD, you make in one day that it take me month :p, that where we see i'm not a dev :p
our aproach of things are totaly different :D

take me some time to totaly comprehend your code, i has lost with your hookidx until i realize that you directly modified the orginal game core files ^^

a particular reason to not just have override the fonction o_O ?

*learned a lot reading your code* get a lot of new idea for mine :D
Re: RPG Maker MV Speedhack / Advanced clipboard hook

Wow, your code look so much more organized that mine rolf XD, you make in one day that it take me month :p, that where we see i'm not a dev :p
our aproach of things are totaly different :D

take me some time to totaly comprehend your code, i has lost with your hookidx until i realize that you directly modified the orginal game core files ^^

a particular reason to not just have override the fonction o_O ?

*learned a lot reading your code* get a lot of new idea for mine :D

Some 3rd party rpgmaker plugins (e.g. in Gold Scientist) override those same methods and I couldn't find a reliable way to override them without affecting game behavior. I'm assuming this has something to do with weird javascript scoping or plugin load order.
Hooking text from those methods is essential though since some games incorrectly call the text update functions on every frame and cause spam. Injecting the copy text call to the originals is just a simple solution to this and guarantees nothing will break.

Bitmap.draw function is the only overridden function (just like in your script), since most if not all games are probably not going to mess with that.
Re: RPG Maker MV Speedhack / Advanced clipboard hook

mmm, yeah i see, that YEP plugin the problem :x, he make some thing in a strange way o_O

like he draw text 2 time, in and out the bipmat etc... for all thing that not in the default message windows, sometime he is realy strange :x
Re: RPG Maker MV Speedhack / Advanced clipboard hook

Tried it with the new HOT game and chiitrans2 and it works like a charm.
Re: RPG Maker MV Speedhack / Advanced clipboard hook

Updated v4

- Added instant battle win by pressing Tab. You'll still get rewards so this'll make that grind life easy.
- Defaulted instant text on, this is a speedhack after all.

Report here if some game doesn't work etc.
Re: RPG Maker MV Speedhack / Advanced clipboard hook

tested the instant win on Succubus Frontier
it only grants rewards on the first fight it is used per start/reset, subsequent fights only display a win message.
Re: RPG Maker MV Speedhack / Advanced clipboard hook

Updated v4.01
- Fixed Succubus Frontier battle rewards
- Battle skip rewards are now toggleable with Alt+5 and defaulted off, because it was such a boring button before.
Re: RPG Maker MV Speedhack / Advanced clipboard hook

friend ive been having a problem since quite a while already
everytime i unpack the game - once i try to open the unboxed exe it crash like if auto fail not even try to open just error poping of failing
i already tried the renaming but doesnt work

yet i do can use the speedhack on mvgames that already come unboxed
its there a better unpacker for mv?