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[RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

[RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

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Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Here you go Seri.

Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Thx :D
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

NP, Seri. Also the forest areas (Dark Forest, Lost Forest, Forest Town, Cave Entrance and Tree of Life F1,2 and 3 are meant to be the dark forest, deep forest and green lair.)
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Looks good so far, couple of things though.

There seems to be a waterfall sound which plays with the action music in town and in the forest, im not sure if its an atmosphere noise you have turned on or part of the track.

Also, the 'action music' is a bit out of place. when music like this happens in order RPGs ive played there is usually some kind of action going on such as an invastion or alot of chaos or battle, being that it is just out character and the ruined world, the music should reflect this. it should be somber and somewhat sad, at least in the beginning of the game to reflect the empty feeling of the world you are trying to portray.

Although admittedly a work in progress, the forest area you have is far too complex, it is almost like a maze in itself and the darkness (which is a nice touch) seems to make things even more difficult to navigate though, there were several times i got frustrated with the lack of light and the labyrinth of the forest, the first couple minutes (hour even) of an RPG should be fairly linear, as the player who finds it too confusing or frustrating may simply quit.

I think at the beginning of the game, the player should be eased into it, be introduced to the world, the emptiness of the town helps to reflect this, as it is what everyone expects of a town in an RPG, except it is inexplicably empty.

Your encounter with the woman is important because it is contact with someone who tells you a bit about what happened, the dialogue here (which is one sided atm) should be of a person who is almost hopeless and timid.

The character in the church shouldn't have too much of an attitude either, since most of her life she likely hasent really been in a position where her opinion or attitude about anything would have made a difference.

Also, the eyepatch is kind of unusual, as the tentacles probably haven't poked her in the eye or something.

Ill give you an example, feel free to use it or not.

*As you enter the church, you hear a noise coming from the back*

"There must be something worthwhile here!"

*the rummaging noise continues*

(you step forward and see her there)

"Theres nothing useful here....*sigh*....and im so hungry"

(you go to speak with here)

"Ahhh!" the character runs away from you against the wall.

"geez you scared me!"

Character - "What are you doing here?"

"What does it look like im doing? im looking for something to use to defend myself!"

Character - "From what?" (character variance)

"Have you been living underneath a rock? the tentacles are everywhere!"

Character - "you cant just go through people's stuff like that, it belongs to someone!" (character Variance)

"Nobody has used this stuff for hundreds of years, they wont miss it, besides, its every man for themselves!"

(scavenger begins to leave)

character - "Wait! where are you going?"

"im getting out of here, i wont be caught again, i dont want to end up like the others"

character - "What happened to the others?"

"They are slaves, their bodies are used as fuel for the tentacle creatures or they are forced to give birth to their spawn"

(scavenger leaves the church)

"Slaves?" the character says to themselves.

Character variance means that the dialogue might change based on who the character is, although that is extra work you might not want to put in, it will help differentiate the personalities between the characters.

Keep up the good work!
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Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

An introduction into the setting would be appropriate after you choose your character (or even before), you could give the player some kind of an idea of what to expect by giving them a history lesson that none of the other characters in the story would know or tell you.

I could write this up for you, if you'd like or at least give you an idea.
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I'll talk to X about the waterfall sound. Well I picked the music there is because it sounds quieter, and rather somber at first. I could probably use the music in the buildings and church instead. Well, I wanted a maze. But I guess I concede to your point about keeping it simple first. I also need a few more maps so you dont head straight into a lair righ out of the city. I really feel like at least the Deep Forest should be maze like, since greens are the clever hunters; or was that black? I do want some maze/puzzle elements in there somewhere though. The forest is dark cuz I meant it to be, it's a dark forest, it's meant to be forboding and sinister. I guess I could make it less maize like however though. I'll take what you said about the stuff in the church into consideration though.
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A maze is fine, but it could be introduced later in the game or something where you'll probably be investigating the dark forest.

Early in the game, you should make things fairly simple, just so the player can get into the story and figure out what is going on, you've put alot of work into this, and you deserve to make a maze or anything else you want in this game, but for the sake of pace, it just probably shouldn't be something you have to deal with right away.

The music you hear when you first enter the world is great, its slow and calm, kind of sad and somber, but when you go outside there is a slow buildup until it sounds like an epic battle is going on right next to you.

Id look for more music like the first one and use that for the majority of desolate areas like this. There should also be music for the forest as well, the darker the better.

also the waterfall might be an ambient noise you accidentally turned on, i don't think it is related to your music at all.

Is your lair in the game yet? because in having trouble finding it. if its at the end of the maze ill have a hard time getting there. i suck at mazes.
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

The green lair is. At the end of forest maze. Purple is in the poison swamp area, or was if I didn't change it, after the bottom of the graveyard'esque area outside of the town. It should be in through the cave entrance towards the top. Both should probably be only minor ones I feel, and maybe then might ought to be inaccessible till later, I think. :/
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

i work my way through the maze until i get to a lightened area with alter or something in the middle, from there there is no where to go, the path to the right leads nowhere (and actually traps you) and the middle exit just goes back to the dark-ass maze.
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Inside the cave, the tree like area is supposed to be the lair. It's unfinished but that's what I had in mind. ^^;;; and I thought I put ways to get you back to the forest. :/
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

destructable gear depends mostly on the version of rpg maker and how it can handle extra stats on gear and effecting those stats in battles, one hidden stat that tells the game how powerful at attack must be to cause damage to gear and a durability stat that says how much it can take, or maybe a critical hit could punch a hole right in the crotch or the ass and pretty much kill the main reason your using it

but since i haven't seen much in that version i have to wonder what options you have and if it can even give it a feel that would be just right, have you ever tried out a game called "Violated Heroine" it's a japanese rpg maker game, it's got a good battle style that could be the right feel, but way to complex unless someone can get in touch with someone who knows how

has for the mazes, might be best to keep those to lairs to make it hard to escape if you get captured, the current mazes feel rather complex and are all the tunnels one way?
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I'm thinking I will put in NPC party members, possibly making different ones fo the different protagonists you can play as? I want to hear your ideas, thoughts, suggestions and such for what you would like to see as your party members. Please list them in the following form:

number of NPCs (maximum of 6, minimum of 3)

Rinse and repeat for all four of the heroines.

Ella had been raped throughout her life as the tentacles have been able to track her down where ever she had gone, throughout the years, Ella has learned a wide variety of techniques for fighting tentacles, she trained herself in the use of the sword and shield, and started wearing chain mail so that it wasent easy to access her delicate regions, it had been more than a year since she was raped that she lost again, in a tough battle, the creature managed to slide underneath her mail armor and penetrate her, she quickly dispatched the creature as it raped her, and pulled its dead tentacle from her loins. Ella decided that she was not going to run any longer, she was going to start hunting the tentacles so that she could to make the world a safer place. she knew that if she didnt find them, they would eventually find her.


- Veteran in Tentacle combat, able to kill tentacles with her abilities cleanly and efficiently.

- Master of Arms, with training in all types, she is able to use any weapon and wear any armor.

- Resolve, will not be hindered by rape attacks while fighting tentacles, continues to fight until she is disarmed and held down entirely.


- Attracting Scent, Ella gives off a strong and powerful scent, making her irresistible to tentacle creatures, who come in droves to rape her.

- Grudge, for killing so many of their brood, tentacles generally save their most vicious and humiliating rape attacks for Ella

- Loner, Ella prefers to work alone, she doesn't want the burden of having to watch the back of someone else.


Zoey turner was a girl who was captured several hundreds of years ago, having stopped aging due to her consumption of tentacle semen. Zoey was fucked several times every day by her captives sometimes becoming impregnated and giving birth to tentacle spawn. Zoey's body became extremely weak and unable to experience anything but pleasure from the multitude of tentacle cocks she was forced to endure, she eventually started to become immune to the tentacle's slime, due to her years of being fucked repeatedly, she developed a significant increase in her vitality and constitution. As her body became accustomed to becoming impregnated, she started to produce higher quality tentacle spawn with less gestation time. Zoey woke up one day to find that she was not bound against the meatwall properly, she snuck out of the lair and saw daylight for the first time in hundreds of years, finding her way into an abandoned cabin, she found a knife and took it with her, a dress was lying on a desk, but after trying it on, she found that it was uncomfortable to her and took it off, leaving the house naked.


-Resistant to the effects of tentacle slime, her mind is not easily manipulated

-Due to her time as a captive, her body has become accustomed to being impregnated, meaning that if she is impregnated, she will be able to give birth faster and suffer less debilitating effects from the state.

- Tentacle Understanding, Being a captive of tentacles for hundreds of years, she knows their anatomy, their weak spots and what they want, she may be able to interact with tentacles in ways that other characters cannot.


- Godiva, Zoey is uncomfortable wearing clothing, and refuses to equip it even for defensive purposes, this can be socially awkward as well as reckless.

- Tentacle Withdrawl, Zoey's body is leaving a rigid cycle of sex from tentacle beasts, she may experience urges to be fucked or consume their fluids, and may begin to actively seek satisfaction.

- Weakling, her muscles have deteriorated due to many years of being held in one place, making her unable to escape from grab attacks easily.


Eva was being raped again in the middle of her town when a group of humans carrying pitchforks and shovels swarmed the creatures and saved her, Eva was traumatized for weeks before she finally got it together and started to participate in the group. Eva found that she was a good people person, becoming friends with many of her human protectors, Eva eventually became the leader of her group, planning movements, procuring food for them and finding shelter, she was a good leader, making everyone around her feel calm and work better as a group. When the tentacles attacked her group she became frozen in fear again, and watched as the people she had cared for were taken away or killed. she hid there crying for days before she finally mustered the strength to move, she found herself alone again, burdened with the guilt of her own weakness she resolved to not let it happen again.


- People person: Eva is a terrific leader, able to boost the confidence of those around her, they will fight harder for her.

- Provider: Somehow, Eva is able to find things that she needs, be it food, clothing or shelter, Eva will always know where to find what she or others need.

- Determined, Eva is determined to make the world a better place, and even the greatest failure wont cause her to lose faith.


- Terrified of Tentacles, Eva is completely terrified of tentacles, her ability to defend herself against them is significantly hindered, relying on her allies to defend her.

- Fresh meat, As a woman who was barely touched, tentacles will tend to keep her in their custody longer and may choose to impregnate her more often

- Victim, Tentacles love to take advantage of her, causing their effect, be it pleasure or torment to be amplified.


Sofia Bettman - The Mute Nymphomaniac.

Age: 23
Breast Size: Average
Hair Color: White
Skin: Pale

Sofia traveled from land to land hunting the tentacles, watching them closely from cover until she could strike, she would single out a tentacle who was too weak to take her captive and lure it away, Sofia opened her legs and let the tentacle fuck her as she struggled to keep her moans of ecstasy quiet, such was her life, wandering around avoiding capture, luring tentacles away so she could fill her desires to be fucked, Tentacles had been a great blessing to her, as she was a nymphomaniac who couldn't keep her mind off of sex, she took great pleasure in hunting the tentacles as she evaded capture in this ruined world, unlike people, who had social expectations for sex, Sofia saw the tentacles as an opportunity to fulfill her own desires. Sofia a mute, unable or unwilling to talk, and while she didnt mind the company of other humans, but much preferred the mutual understanding she had with the tentacles.


- Hunter of Tentacles, unlike many women, she tracks and hunts tentacles, knowing which ones to avoid and which ones to attack.

- Nymphomania, Gains incredible pleasure from sex no matter what kind (gain pleasure from anal sex)

- Quiet, While sneaking, she is very difficult to detect, able to slip in and out of places other woman would have trouble navigating without detection.


- Nymphomania, must be fucked by SOMETHING at least one per day, masturbation does not count.

- Mute, she is unable to speak to other people, making communication with them difficult and sometime frustrating.

- Descent into Madness, If she becomes Addicted to Tentacle Cum and Slime, she has a chance to loss control for a turn (1/6 chance) and choosing whichever option would fill her with the most cocks.
Thank you for your continued interest,encouragement, and support in this project. :D
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Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Ill put a couple of suggestions in.



1. Edward (Black tentacle creature)

2. Ethan (Blue Tentacle Creature)

3. Eric (Purple Tentacle Creature)

4. Bruna, (Angel) Spirit of Harmony.

5. Sigarda, (Angel) Spirit of Valor.

6. Gisela, (Angel) Spirit of Vengeance.

Ella is a loner and doesnt like having companions, however, based on her choices, she may be given companions throughout the game.

As a champion of Angels, they have invested their remaining power into Ella for her to see fit, the choices she makes will determine which Spirit comes to her aid during battle, late in the game.

Bruna: Ella accepts help from tentacles and comes to peace with them, thus, the spirit of harmony comes to her aid, also to buff her and her allies with various spells and even merge Ella's soul with a tentacle temporarily, giving her unique powers.

Sigarda: Ella Opts to destroy her enemies and hunt down the tentacles which subjugate women and make them feel pain, Sigarda comes to her aid during battle to buff her with defensive spells such as shields and redirects, should an attack get through, it will make her enemies feel a fraction of the pain.

Gisela: Ella chooses no to accept the help from any tentacle creature as they are all spawn of demons and cannot be allowed to live, Gisela comes to the Aid of our lone warrior, enhacing her significantly with offensive and speed buffs, allowing her to evade simple attacks and using incredible power to smite her enemies, Gisela also empowers Ella with the knowledge of the Ancients, allowing her to unlock specific techniques and maneuvers long forgotten.
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Gisela seems really fuckin' damn powerfull OO People will surely not choose her, after all (if they react as in your CYAO) ...
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

well, im not in charge of the game's design so Tentanari could interpret that suggestion any way that he wants.

However, if you make choices in the game which make you isolate yourself and really hate everything tentacle, a powerful ally would have to be your reward.

You'd have to earn it the ability to use her, declining help from tentacles and killing them, making them a true enemy.

If you chose to accept any of the first 3 as allies, you would immediately be unable to get Gisela as any ally, ect.

Bruna: Accept tentacle help, and empower ella and her Allies (tentacles) with abilities which use each other, also, perhaps you could temporarily merge souls and gain special tentacle abilities which you wouldent otherwise have.

Sigarda: Accept help only from 'good' tentacles, Sigarda would defend you and your allies, buffing them with shields and redirecting some special attacks.

Gisela: Its you alone vs. the world, earning this powerful spirit would require only the purist of player, you would essentially play through much of the game without any allies and accepting little help, halfway through the game, Gisela would be able to assist you. This would basically be hard difficulty, and would require the player to level up significantly so they could take on bosses by themselves.

Once again, these are only suggestions and these suggestions are unlikely to manifest themselves in the CYOA.
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Just one thing : for the "H-content", what will you do ? Drawn, put drawnings, make some "3D pictures", just put text, other ?
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I like them, and they are all good, for Ella. But I have three other characters who will be having their own adventure as well. I think for zoey/sophina the first three would work good. I am still wanting to hear people's ideas for the other heroines. Though I guess if Ella accepts tentacle help any but the black could be good as well. Do you have any ideas for other possible party members for the other three characters?

I am thinking of doing 3DCG for the H scenes, when I think I am ready for it. ~('_')~
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

*likes Serifyn's suggestions*

1. Chivalrous man?
2. Blue tentacle creature?
3. Escaped tentacle slave girl?
4. Wondering priest(ess) and healer?
5. Crusading former tentacle slave?

1. Green tentacle creature / Rachel (green tentacle princess)?
2. Blue tentacle creature?
3. Orange tentacle creature?
4. Black tentacle creature?
5. Chivalrous man?
6. Wondering priest(ess) and healer?

1. White tentacle creature?
2. Blue tentacle creature?
3. Pink tentacle creature?
4. Orange tentacle creature?
5. Chivalrous man?
6. Crusading former tentacle slave?

Dunno, this is the best I think I can come up with while taking the girl's individual personalities into account...
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Humans dont possess magic in the CYOA, the only ones able to use it are matriarchs, which obviously are rare. Demons are Angels might also be able to use it, but pure humans cant and tentacle creatures, even overlords only magic is the able to manipulate the minds of those who have consumed their slime.

Instead of healing magic, you could have abilities like first aid or some kind of alchemy which can produce fire or energy, aside from the obvious healing items such as potions, elixirs and tonics.

Men in Apocalypse are incredibly rare, often times, many of the women they travel with dont even know they are men so they can protect their identity. While women would have a second chance if they lose combat against tentacles, men would not, tentacle are stronger, faster and more durable than any normal human (the main character is stronger than the average human), therefore the likelihood of a male being successful enough in combat against tentacles is quite low and likely wouldn't have survived long enough to be any use to you even if they did, not to say you wouldent find any men in the game, but the ones you would find would likely be hiding away somewhere, not actively participating in any conflict the character would face, finding a character like this would not be out of the question, but would fit best in Eva's party, since she is a rebel leader type as it were. ill write up a quick summery of how each of the characters were originally designed and how i thought their story would go if you selected them in the CYOA.
Re: [RPG Maker] Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Ella: You should know her from the CYOA by now, she is a warrior, more specifically, the Champion of Angels, from the moment she as born it has been her destiny to embark on a journey where she defeats a great evil, though she only learns of this during her quest. The great evil comes in many forms, and it will be up to Ella to decide whether The tentacles, demons or something else are the true enemy, for choosing her path, she is empowered in various ways by spirits of angels who come to her, based on what choices she has made about who her enemies are.

Zoey: A girl who initially starts our questioning her loyalty to her green tentacle captors, after being in their captivity for hundreds of years, after she is posed the question whether she loves her children or not by the green overlord, she realizes that she does infact love them as her own and accepts the tentacle race as her family.

Zoey is the 'good' aligned tentacle master, her abilities should be build as to assist the tentacles in her party, using her body as a resource for them to feed from and empower themselves as they fight for her, all of her companions should be tentacles and each tentacle should have individual powers and abilities.

Her interaction with the tentacles would be based on how the story goes, first and foremost she is loyal to the green tentacles, but may change allegiances and thus, her companions based on where her loyalties lie.

Zoey would be able to fight rival tentacles and possibly other humans as she hunted for 'food' for her tentacle companions to grow stronger from.

Eva: Eva is the resistance leader of a small group of humans, when her group was attacked, she hid as the tentacles raped and abducted all those she cared about, she would seek to gather another group of humans and try to survive, eventually understanding that she must go on the offensive against humanities foes, as she and her party begins to raid tentacle lairs and kill the overlords.

Eva is a coward, but she is very resourceful, her natural role is as a support character and she would collect companions and support them with first aid or other buffs which as offensive and defensive buffs, Eva doesnt like tentacles and all of her companions would be humans, each of whom would use a differant type of weapon set. some could be archers, others could be warriors or rogues.

Sofia: If Zoey is the 'Good' tentacle master, Sofia would be the 'Evil' tentacle master, Sofia is proficient at manipulating the tentacles and draining their energy, she has built up a resistance to the tentacle's mind altering effects and instead, using their powers to bolster her own power.

Sofia can be described as a 'reaver' who saps energy from tentacles as she herself grows, she is a fierce melee combatant who can use attacks after consuming the energy from her tentacle companions, Eventually, Sofia can become a princess of an (evil) tentacle race and 'reave' from humans as well, gaining power as the tentacle creatures do.

think of Sofia as a character who when a battle starts out is weak, but after draining energy from her companions (tentacles) she gets stronger as the fight goes on, her attacks will hit harder and faster, and she will unlock new abilities based on which tentacles she drains.

Sofia also would have some special attacks which could lifetap enemy tentacles, or others would could 'death touch' (instantly kill) weakened tentacles all while she gains more power.

Im not sure whether these mechanics are too complex for RPG maker, however.
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