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RW Project X


Demon Girl Master
May 14, 2012
Reputation score

So here we have something from the artist dude with nickname - RW, like I understand this is no game, not even a demo, this just a concept of the game, something like VN type similar to "Broken Heart Bordello". This still doesn't have a proper name, but this guy has a good style so you can check this out.

Download link:

RW HF link:

Re: RW Project X

The amount for a startup is 500$ per month. This is the minimum rate to start creating a full demo version of the game. Development period is about 5 months (but only if I collect 2500$).
Let me give an explanation of your possible questions:

Geeze 500 just to make a demo....thats pricy >_>
Re: RW Project X

I like the western fantasy style of your image :)
Re: RW Project X

Wow. Wait. " gimme 500$ and then i'll start working " Is that what he is saying on his patreon?

Am I the only one shocked?
Re: RW Project X

Wow. Wait. " gimme 500$ and then i'll start working " Is that what he is saying on his patreon?

Am I the only one shocked?

I don't think that is what he said
But quite similar , yes

It's quite a trend that Patreon game quite slow development
And I get the gist , dragging as long as You can for the $
Well , maybe that is just Me~

I Prefer Kickstarter than Patreon nowadays~
Re: RW Project X

Oh no Larcx, the patreon clearly says he needs 500 to start developing the demo.
Re: RW Project X

I don't think that is what he said
But quite similar , yes

It's quite a trend that Patreon game quite slow development
And I get the gist , dragging as long as You can for the $
Well , maybe that is just Me~

I Prefer Kickstarter than Patreon nowadays~

Yes that's what he said :D I doubt he will get the support needed since he failed to deliver at least the demo to show everyone first hand what the game is all about.
Re: RW Project X

Wow. Wait. " gimme 500$ and then i'll start working " Is that what he is saying on his patreon?

Am I the only one shocked?
It's possible to read it more charitably:

"I'm an artist. I draw character designs and concept art all the time. I'm going to continue doing this, regardless of whatever else happens."

"One of my designs has gotten a few people excited, and they've suggested that I should make it into a game."

"I don't have the actual skills or experience to make a game on my own. I'd need to learn some stuff, and also hire a few people to offer part-time assistance (such as "translating the whole thing into English"). I'm not going to ask people to work on my project for free (because that's a dick move) but I'm not willing to pay them out of my own pocket (because I'm poor)."

"All of this activity (recruiting, organization, study, coding, debugging) would need to take place in my spare time. I already have a job and a family, so the learning and development would be very slow. And there's a high risk that I'll just get frustrated/bored halfway through, and just go back to doing the things that I enjoy."

"So I'm asking the Internet for its opinion. If the world wants to see this game get made, and is willing to put its money where its mouth is, then I'll quit my job and do this stuff full-time. If not, then I'll scrap the idea and just go back to being a normal Russian guy who draws sexy pictures."

Note: there's also a risk that I'll just take the Patreon money, post a few blog entries to explain why I haven't created anything (e.g. "I'm sick" "my computer broke" "mother-in-law is visiting"), and eventually vanish altogether.


A developer can always publish a quick proof-of-concept demo with rudimentary game mechanics and shitty MSPaint placeholder artwork (or stolen artwork from random H-games), but it's tougher for an artist to create placeholder code.

In the worst case, you get someone enthusiastic-but-unskilled who has a neat idea for a game, but then implements it as in a . And then it takes weeks for volunteers to translate it, and months more for volunteer modders to un-fuck the worst sections of code, fix some of the bugs, and try to repair the incomplete features.

If we could avoid all of those headaches for a mere $500 then I'd call it a bargain.
Re: RW Project X

"What will happen if the project does not get sufficient financial support? Well... I'll be honest. To my great regret, I will have to close the project."

That isnt really a good sign either...its like saying give me the money to do it or I wont bother. Most people make the game regardless if they make their set goal or not but that's not what this guy is saying he will do.
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Re: RW Project X

I wish all the "I have a game idea, pls give monies" threads were dusted off into the under construction subforum, seeing as thats where vaporware belongs until it shows something substantial.
Re: RW Project X

I would like to support a game that shows promise and gameplay concept that shows what kind of game it is but I don't think I be supporting a game where it's too undeveloped and asking me to blindly give money to a game were I don't even know whats the game is and is it ever going to get finished or atlease make it to the alpha stage.

though if you do start to create the game and show even the most pre-alpha stages of the game I'm sure people would support it but I don't think many will give money to something that is barely an idea of game.