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RPG [サークル獏 ] 聖愛退魔RPG batt-era(1) Retirement Sheng'ai Magic RPG batt-era RJ082350


Sex Demon
Jul 14, 2010
Reputation score
It seems to be some sort of yuri BF/GOR flash game. Not sure if it's the a good translation of the name, but that's what I have to work with. Some people seemed excited about this game over in the GOR thread on hongfire. I cannot read japanese nor can I get agth or anything to work with a flash file so I imagine I'll be no help with questions, however I'll gladly accept help. Anyway, here we go. Once again, I don't think this is loli, but if it is let me know and I'll axe it.

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Re: Retirement Sheng'ai Magic RPG batt-era

I can't read jap either and agth translations simply suck hairy balls.
Oh well.
Re: Retirement Sheng'ai Magic RPG batt-era

It is pretty simple even without translation just a little bit try and error.

First you got 2 player so dont get confused.

The game have a Lifepoint system (Sp)
If you reach the max C/V (arrousal) you lose 1 Sp and at chance you get KOed wich causes you to be unable to act for some time. (retores +10/100 every turn)

Same goes for your enemies, if you are KO you and they can perform sex attacks wich causes a lot of more damage almost every hit 1 Sp

To the buttons, first button upper left corner is a normal attack the 2nd is a magical attack which need 2 Mp but also deals far more damage.
The green button is defending and the blue buttons are the sex attacks.
(Hint: you can only perform 1 sex attack on each enemy a turn, but 2 normal/magical attacks)
The other buttons are skills you get in the game. They differ so just try them out.

1 nessesary hint, the School building has a nursery there you can heal yourself it is located on the 1st floor 2. button (the game autosaves after each encounter)

I am now at the 4. event floor which is way too hard cause i cant return to the nursery easily T_T
Re: Retirement Sheng'ai Magic RPG batt-era

I've gotten up to the end of floor three where the whole building turns into a crazy maze that seems inescapable. It heals you after each fight, but I feel like I'm wandering in circles with no way out. Doesn't help that one of the semi-random encounters has two of those 30sp futa chicks.

Its worth mentioning that certain attack/character combinations will cause the game to occasionally pull a cg sequence. It'd be cool to get people to list the ones they've found that work.
Re: Retirement Sheng'ai Magic RPG batt-era

Update in official site:

Fix some bugs and adds a gallery in start menu.

Credits to chaosttc from Hongfire.
Re: Retirement Sheng'ai Magic RPG batt-era

Bugfixes are nice and all, but i'd really prefer some different outfits. They all wear the same stuff, it makes the game rather boring.
Re: Retirement Sheng'ai Magic RPG batt-era

Unforetunate for this game that I agree with there being no variety. I liked this game for the first 20 minutes or so after I started to figure things out. Then, it was just a dose of .. this.. again.. really?

I will say there is alot of promise with this, but as it is there is not so much to look towards. Not disappointing so to say but certainly unsatisfying.
Re: Retirement Sheng'ai Magic RPG batt-era

Thirded or fourthed I guess. I can actually appreciate the format of this game. What they should have done however, is show a CG for every attack used in battle, including the ones that the enemies use against the heroines.
Re: Retirement Sheng'ai Magic RPG batt-era

Is mediafire Down? I'm only getting HTTP404's on any of the MF links. And the site itself.
Re: Retirement Sheng'ai Magic RPG batt-era

I...think I just finished the game. After the building turned into a maze I found a way to the roof, from 2-2 or something I think (yeah, lots of loading was involved when I died in random encounters; but was able to go straight from infarmary to roof without encounters). There I faced some White-haired girl who has an attack that causes target to orgasm every turn or something; basically insta-lose if she uses it early.

She has two of those 32sp girls with her. About 20 tries later I lucked out enough to win it (didn't help that I only had an inkling of what about half of the abilities actually do and the distribution between the girls was probably fairly terrible). To win I had to just hope for no early KOs and that the boss doesn't use that ability before I get to KO her for the first time. Then it was just a matter of keeping them all down and grinding them out one-by-one.

Then you're treated to a CG ending with tons upon tons of Japanese lines (with some definitely epic story I have no clue of) and a couple of pictures of the girls playing with each other and then you get returned to the menu.

Overall, I like the idea of the game but:
1) The fact that most attacks lack CG
2) The fact that the game is in Japanese when most of the atmosphere and good bits are conveyed in text
3) The fact that the game is incredibly hard and luck-based (in most important fights, if one of your girls gets KOd rounds 1-2 you probably don't have time to awaken them even with the KO +30 ability and since there are 3 opponents usually, that happens a lot; also, need to get the right random encounters to get around in the maze and with no between-combat healing it's just a matter of luck that you survive long enough). I ended the game on level 23 (got level-up from the last fight), dunno how high you're supposed to grind for the fight to be more than a crapshot.

All that really eats into the play experience. If this were translatable with e.g. AGTH or had an English version, I'll bet it would be a ton more enjoyable both because understanding what the abilities do would help with the RPG-side of it and actually being able to read what the hell is going on would certainly help with the dearth of CG (though I only found about half of what there is in the game I think; mostly because I primarily used only the 5 abilities I figured out on both characters).

I'll give it a 6/10 with tons of promise but lacking execution and language barrier. Ah well, too bad, so sad.

EDIT: I can post a short screenshot montage of the ending complete with the text in case somebody wants to see it or some Japanophone were to try and translate the general idea.
Re: Retirement Sheng'ai Magic RPG batt-era

I also got to Eld's part, and I think it's the end of the game as well.

Honestly the best part is the music, even if there are only 2 tracks. The hentai is so-so (and censored) and the battles boil down to "Do you have the proper spell that this girl is weak to?" (or later in the game certain girls need 2 spell combos, never found the white-haired boss' weakness but I found a nice little combo that worked to disable her too).