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Sakura (plmnko)

Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura made her way through the forest, whatever was behind her still following closely, though just out of sight. Soon enough, though, the treeline was in sight, and the creatures following her slipped away, apparently not wanting to leave the forest. As Sakura got out of the trees she could see a small town, most outer houses small wooden affairs, and it didn't seem that there was a "skyline" besides a fairly short steeple in what was probably the center of the town.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The danger close Sakura banished when the creatures return to the forest, leaving the scared naked girl in front of the little town. Her happiness was showed by a wide smile and a quick run toward the town, but soon the win and the dripping cum make her remember about her nudity.

Trying to be more presentable, she opened her bag and dress her swimclothes after use the towel to clean and dry her body. Then she store her towel and walk toward the town, maybe going at the limits of the town after see if her clothes are enough to get more deeper.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura cleaned herself off and put on her swimsuit before walking to edge of the small town. The first few houses seemed to be tiny shacks, most with small plots of farm that likely amounted to nothing more than a garden for a few fresh fruits, vegetables, and spices. There wasn't anyone around for a bit, and when she finally got to a point where she could observe the first small street she would find that there were very few people out and about; perhaps they were all working, since it was just past midday. It seemed as everything led towards the one main street, this town not really big enough to muster more than one main drag.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The town was less that the rich girl had expected, she was ready to see big farms with harvests that end at the view or some animals happily filling the place with their noises, but instead she was in a very small town, who maybe only have the enough to feed the townspeople. At least all were busy at their works, the enough to dont harrash her, but this could change at the night.

Sakura moved quickly, trying to dont call the attention in her ashame state, she look around for a charitative place, maybe the shrine who her friend said her that was in the town. Her blue hair, moved behing her and she start the search of the shrine or other suitable place to as help.
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Re: Sakura (plmnko)

To find the shrine Sakura needed only to walk to the center of town along the main road. There were more people along this road, mostly woman with their children, seemingly out to visit the few markets and shops along main street, and the blue-haired girl drew a number of odd looks from people, a few of the kids pointing at her and talking amongst themselves. The shrine looked more like a small mud-brick church, likely only two or three rooms from the look of the outside. The steeple wasn't particularly impressive, and it certainly didn't have a bell.

Sitting next to it were what seemed to be the two largest buildings in town. One of them had two men dressed in what seemed to be the poor equipment of the town militia standing at the door, the other had an older woman sitting outside in a rocking chair; by the look of her Sakura could tell that she was likely in her early forties, though it was clear that she had once been very beautiful, and she wore her years quite well. Across the street was what looked to be a small tavern, which was fairly empty at this time of day, while beside that was the biggest of the markets, which seemed to be doing decent business at the moment, mostly selling fresh produce.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura's clothes were calling the attention of some people, but not of the way that could help her, instead she soon ended with her hands around her body, trying to hide more of her well luscious body, even when her swimwear was decent.

Her hopes get reduced, when she noticed the small church and then the soldiers and the good looking mature woman.

Sakura was sure that she cant be walking toward that place with only her clothes, so she take her towel from the backpack and made a long skirt from it, that hide slighty over her belly and kness, she then walk ashamed toward the woman and wave to her before get a little closer and talk ashamed.
Hi, good day. Im really sorry for bother you in and in these shamefull state. But i need a helping hand. Im an adventurer from a distant land and i come to this town to get a decent work, but some monsters had destroyed my clothes and armor, if you could help me with some clothes or a fine job, i will be in debt with you, please help me.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The woman chuckled a little when Sakura had finished asking her for help, looking her up and down. "It's no problem, young one, I'm not exactly bothered for time right now. I don't really have any clothes for you, at least none more presentable than the ones you're wearing already. Maybe the maiden of the shrine next door would be able to help you with that. I could give you a job, of course... oh I could definitely give you a job. Of course, I don't think you really want to work in the town brothel" she said, a grin plastered on her face as she looked at the blue-haired adventurer in front of her. "If you want, though, you can start today."
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura get flushed when she understand what kind of work this woman had for her. Certainly she was totaly against it, there was not way to use her body like that and having sex for money was still a tabu for her, even when the monsters had taken her and cum inside her. She smile and bow to the woman after shake her head Thanks for the offer, but im looking for a different kind of job. Anyway im glad for your help, have a nice day said trying to sound formal and calmed, then she went to the church, wishing that the woman inside dont get a bad impresion of her
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"You too. Feel free to change your mind" the woman called out as Sakura walked next door to the church. She opened the relatively large wooden door on the front of it, to find a mostly empty room. In the middle was a large altar of some kind, and it certainly wasn't of a kind that Sakura had ever seen before. It seemed out of place considering the building around it, seeming like it would be more at home in a more eastern building. There was no one in the room, but there were three closed doors at the back of it.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura wave to the woman before pass the door. Inside she was expecting a christiany or similar fornitude, but instead it was more like a budist temple, maybe the game had created a mix of them or maybe a new one. Anyway, she feel more confortable and safe, Hello, is someone here said weakly when her steps make her get close the three doors and after check which one could be habited she tried to open it after knock [middle if i need to choice]
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

As Sakura went to the middle door and knocked, a young girl with long black hair opened the door, dressed in what the rich girl envisioned as a typical shrine maiden outfit. "Oh, hello" she said, nodding to the blue-haired girl, "I don't believe I've seen you here before. What brings you to our little shrine?"
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

With her eyes looking to the little maiden, Sakura think about how cute she looks My name is Sakura, im just an unlucky adventurer from a distant country. Im so sorry for disturb you, but could you lend me some clothes, please? Some monsters destroyed my clothes and armor when i was coming to this town to get a work.

So, if you want, i could work here too, help you in something until i know what will be my next destination.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"I see. I can give you a fairly simple robe, but that's it. You can stay in the guest room for a while, but I don't have any way of paying you. This is a fairly poor shrine. You might be able to find work with the brothel next door, or maybe later tonight you could find work protecting a forester from monsters tomorrow or something, those jobs crop up from time to time. Does that answer your questions?" the shrine maiden replied, somewhat surprisingly no doubt.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Uhm...yes... thanks. Said Sakura, shocked by the easy way of how the shrine maiden talk about the burdel and even nearly invite her to work there.

I guess that i will try to protect foresters from the monsters. *sigh*...Why all likes the burdel? Every person that i meet said me to work there, for where i come they are bad places... its this diferent?... Said Sakura in a way to clean her head, in her mind she can see herself being defeated by other monster and used by it, maybe her way to see the things was placing her in the wrong way and she would be more happy using her body to get money, but she was not like that, Sakura will never go so bellow to get money as a slut.

After get the robe, Sakura will thanks the shrine maiden and ask about the buildin where were the two soldiers.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"Hmm? Well, for one thing I assume you don't want to stay here for a long period of time, and the brothel would be a safe, reasonably paying temporary job for a young woman. You look like you'd be worth a decent amount as well. Secondly, why would it be a bad place?" The shrine maiden tilted her head at Sakura, as if confused. "It provides a safe and easy outlet to those who need it, and no one is hurt." When that conversation was over, she went back into her room, coming back to the door with a simple, soft robe, which would cover Sakura quite well. "That? That's the town's granary. It has to be guarded constantly against thieves, so that we won't run short of food in the winter" she explained when Sakura asked about the building with the guards. "If you have anything else, I'll be glad to help."
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

... I hear bad things...about them... like women used as slaves... deaths... i dunno, it looks like they are lies. Anyway, i will find a way to get out quick without use it, there must be many beautifull places to see in this world Said the confused Sakura, as she take her new robe and then look to the other two rooms. This world was really weird but she have to live in it until find a save point. When the maid ask, Sakura dont lost time to answer Yes, I forget to ask your name and if i could help you with something, like cook, clean or something else. Said Sakura before check if the right door was the guest room.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"I've heard stories like that as well, but it's definitely not like that here. Have you met the madam? She was probably sitting outside the building. She's a kindly woman, who worked in the brothel herself for many years. I've heard she's very good to her employees. She even helped donate the money that allowed us to add on these back rooms to the shrine, so that the maiden would have a place to stay and a house travelers like you" the shrine maiden said, nodding. "My name is Jennifer, and there's really nothing I need help with. Keep the guest room tidy, that's all I ask. It's the room on the far right" she said, smiling warmly and pointing the way to the room. When Sakura got inside it, she would find it to be very simple, with a low table to the side of the room, and a bedmat on the other side. There was also a rack to hang clothing and other such things on the back wall.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura nodded when the Shrine maiden ask her about the woman who she meet outside. ...She really is a great person, im so ashamed to had think so bad about the brothel. But i was very scared and walking like this at the streets was so shamefull... Maybe i should ask an apologize to her. The rich girl said feeling a deep pain in her inside, how could she had think so bad of an inocent person and institution? She turn the sight to the black haired girl and tried to smile and hide her worries Thanks for all, Jennifer. I will look for a job after dress myself.

Quickly Sakura get inside her new room, looking to it for an instant. After think for an instant she start to undress herself and put the robe, being naked behind the fabric feel a little strange and she check that it was not so transparent. She was trying to have her swimwear like a reserve outfit in case that something bad happened to her clothes, but she will wear both if the fabric show her breasts.

With her backpack and new clothes on, the rich girl leave the shrine and run toward the bar, maybe she could make a peek to find a work there.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"Mmm, the people you'd get a job with will probably start filtering into the tavern in an hour or so, you should try to catch them before they get too much drink" Jennifer replied, nodding and closing the door when Sakura had gone away. Sakura would find that the robe was really quite comfortable, and could be worn one of two ways. Either she could tie it off loosely at her waist, which would leave it baggy, though somewhat revealing of her cleavage, or she could tie it tightly, causing it to hug her ample chest a bit more closely than she might like, but would allow her to be otherwise modest. The fabric was opaque enough that she could be sure no one would see through it.

When she entered the tavern, she would find it mostly empty, though a few young women and an older gentleman were cleaning and setting up; it seemed they were expecting business soon. The older man, who was behind the bar, looked up when the blue-haired girl entered the room, scratching the side of his head briefly. "Ah, hello there. You must be a traveler. You wanting a drink, or is there something else you're after?" he asked, continuing to clean off some glasses and mugs. For their part, the girls ignored the newcomer, their backs to her as they swept up and cleaned tables.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura get inside the tavern without know what she will find, like a inocent little boy who without know get inside a sexstore. The place was only filled with the workers and she soon noted that she had not a chance to work as a waitress with the quantity of girls working there.

Even more, the words of the gentleman put her in a critical situation, there was not a way to make a lie or accept a drink so as inocent that she was, she just said the true Yes, im an adventurer... im looking for a job after reach this town some hours ago Sakura look to the floor to avoid to see any anger face coming from the bartender, feeling the press on her breasts by the robe on then, maybe she would have chosed to wear to show her cleveage, but that would be as is she was selling her body. I really sorry if my presence is not allowed in this place, but if i get money from a work, a part of it will stay here Just when she end, something on her said her that she talked a lot.