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Sakura (plmnko)

Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"I'm a little big for your backpack mistress. But worry not, as I can turn into an animal of your choice! It's a one time thing though, once you pick what I turn into I'm locked in. But it should let me go through fine. Plus, it can allow for some new experiences hehe.," grins the imp.

The imp might know where the demon lord is, or someone else may know where the Debauched wastes are if Sakura cared to ask around.

"Well, maybe you should try it once mistress, then if you don't like it, pass it off on some other girl or guy hehe. Anyways I meant sexier demon form. You're lovely, Mistress but you could be so much more once you achieve your true demonhood. But yeah, could be wings to fly or a beasts keen senses or something more exotic, like tentacles or maybe vines or something like my eyes hehe."

The imp glided along, looking about at all the trees curiously. "Well, demon clothes shapeshift with their masters, so they always can fit their forms. They're also semi intelligent symbiotes and feed on their wearer's pleasure. Once your soul becomes more demonic you'll be able to control it better but for now you can have it cover you more properly by concentrating on it and imagining the clothes you want. It won't be exact yet but it'll cover you."

She hopped up into the air a bit and looked over Sakura. "Eh? My friends call me by my name usually? Much as demons have friends haha. But you can call me anything you want. I'm your property, as much as your backpack and what have you, until you no longer want me anymore. So if you wanna call me a new name or anything else, that's your choice, mistress! I'm here to serve, guide, and assist you on your way to being a big beautiful and glorious demoness who can screw a whole country into submission hehe. Maybe you'll even break the record!"
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

And then the imp said it...poor imp... oh she can transform in anything. Sakura smiled and blush in excitement.

Anything really? like... a flying silver pegasus ? or a... magic neko with wings? Sakura said with her bright eyes. You should love to fly, so anything with wings should be the best. Humans would be happy to see an angel... But i will choice later, why dont you say me what do you want and maybe i could accept.

The time passed as the fun take out her depresion from her fourth straight lost and curse. She want to get stronger, really stronger but be ugly like that demon lord was out of her likes...far far away. she really hate it.

Sounds easy, so lets see... i want hmm. Sakura think then in a cute light platinum armor with underwear of a cute pink color and as clothes maybe a blue militar uniform with white and some cute angel wings, so both she and her minion match... well maybe the wings arent needed.

I can all you Vel for now. Then change it once you say me what you want to be. If you dont have a choice for yourself then what do you think about my three choices?
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Velubia tilted her head at her mistresses exuberant questions over what she could become. "Anything you want mistress, but I can't get too big or small. Nothing bigger than a bear or smaller than a rat really. And bleh, no angels! Stuffy jerks, the whole lot of em. I can't do angels, sorry. but I could be a flappy horse or a flappy cat or something yeah! I could be a snake or a mongoose snake girl or a foxy fox or a turtle cat or what not!

As Sakura concentrated on her harness, it squirms before altering. Sadly it doesn't change to the colors she wants, remaining its shadowy hue, and it didn't form wings, but other wise made her military uniform. If a bit more revealing and close fitting than she may have expected. Nevertheless she was clothed once more, and it didn't get in the way in the least!

Vel hums as she considers Sakura's question. "Call me Vel or anything you like, mistress! Um, any of thems fine besides angel, I really can't do that properly. You should make it something sexy you want as well as not gonna make people yell demon hehe. And preferably something that can go into buildings with you. It's hard to serve if I'm too big to go inside."
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

A shame, would be funny, but fine no angels. Sakura said a little more focused on decide what she will wear first. The dress turned on her was not a cute color, but she suppose is fine instead be naked. She wish to soon see both girls on the bar to maybe ask something to eat before do the work to pay for it.

I guess than this clothes are fine, i dont want to cause any trouble. She add after look herself a little.

And lets see what would be fun? A quimera were neko girl? No? hmm im not good in mystical creatures. A creature...hmm... oh never mind a magic flying cat than can turn into a cute nekoquimera girl
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"I can do chimera neko were things!You can always make me more chimeric or whatnot later if you get any demonic forms you don't want hehe.," grins Vel before groaning a bit, her body shifting in form.

She moans out in clear pleasure, shuddering as her features roil, altering her feature as her eyes return to her face, and her ears shift up into a pair of fluffy white cat ears, her arms and legs furring up into paws and her tail becoming a snake, it peering about. Her wings remain the same, and she develops a second head, this one having a pair of long horns and hourglass shaped pupils, more goat like, becoming a chimera neko. The new found chimera girl howls her orgasm as her transformation completes, before panting, dropping to her paws.

"Uhh... Damn that was good. Well, I'm your new chimera demon girl, hehe. Hope it's what you wanted!," pants Vel, her serpentine tail swishing a bit happily as she slowly climbs up to her feet, still about 3 feet tall.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Yes, sound fun and cute. All would be amazed. Sakura said thinking more in a cute image in her head as the transformation start.

Her eyes wide up and she melt when Val eyes returned to its places and that cute neko face was ended... She was not expecting too much fur but is fine, she could caress that tiny white hair most the time...

Sudenly a second face appeared and Sakura face return to the normality, as she try to endure the rest of the transformation with horns and bat wings... it was not supposed to make her look less demonic?

The girl placed her hand on her check, looking down to se in what Val has turned Hmm... so well you looks cute in that size... Sakura giggle before place her hand on the neko head... can you purr? She said scratching softly.

So a were neko quimera can turn into a flying cat at the nights? Was the only question than Sakura gives before prepare to move again.

Well, our first goal is reach the town and eat before go to rest a little. Hmm i dunno where can we sleep, there is the temple, but i dunno what could happen to us, i have a priest friend, well more likely a priestess friend than could gift us some rice, but it wouldnt fit me enough... so we will eat in the bar and then sleep at the temple.

Sakura and Val continued talking as they walk throught the forest.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The fur is just up to Vel's fore arms and up to her knees, but Sakura could maybe give her more fur later.

While possibly slightly demonic, the second head was more goatlike, as chimeras were known. When Sakura started scratching her head, Val nussled up into it, giving a happy purr as she smiles, leaning into the rubs.

"Uh huh! Maybe you and me can make you your own wings toghether.," she purrs naughtily, winking, "Um, a temple? We have to be careful, temples and demons don't mix well, not til they are corrupted hehe. We could start there, and make it a demonic outpost y'know. You'll get stronger, and spread such lovely things too. Then you could sleep anywhere you like and with anyone you like there. I'll follow your lead either way though, mistress!"

The two walk along in the forest, this time undisturbed, before the village comes into view in the distance once more.

"Ooo, pretty! So, who would you like to play with the most, hm? The nice priestess, see her moan and squirm, and calling forth the wonders of lust and change? Or maybe the barkeep, so you can sample his meet and never go hungry, and get access to all the travellers, letting you grow your congregation? so many options hehe."
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura could not feel herself slighty ashamed by how Val still want her private with her. I said you than we will do something more important before that. First we must see if all is fine around the town, then we will decide. She may have the curse, but Sakura still ponders what to do now, corrupting the temple or the town sounds like a betray for her friends and Val dont stop to place the topic.

Thanks Val, i had already a plan, see... just try to dont act so weird in the town, the place is filled with farmers and a few travelers. Ehm well i remember also than at the side of the temple is a prostitution building than i never tried, i meet the lady in charge, she is so kind and lend me her hand but i decided to go to the temple. Let me eat something at the bar and then we will decide.

Sakura then started to go inside the town, it looks so peaceful, maybe nothing has happened, she could have a peaceful life without need to fuck anyone but... will she and Val be accepted?

It take her some time walk through the fields slowly the woodcuters increased in number then the farmers until she meet the firsts streets of the small town where she come nude and helpless.

Usually that lady in charge of the prostitution stay looking outside the building resting as the people meet her and talk with her before get inside in a charm way. Sakura tried to pass without be noticed, pointing her walk to the bar where the two sisters and their father would be working unless the oldest one is busy already fucking upstair. Sakura will open the door and see around ready to wave and a warm welcome.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"Fine, fine, I'll be patient. After all, denial makes the pay off all the more intense.," purrs Vel, nussling up close to Sakura with a wink and pressing her chest against her back before pulling away to walk beside her.

"I don;t know what you're worried about, mistress? What;s weird about a chimera girl wandering into a human town with her sexy mistress? If anyone questions it, just pull them in an alley and we can give them blowjobs! They'll be too happy to question it! Ooo, and a brothel is a great place to live and spread our influence! So many travellers and lovers, think of how wonderful it'd be! Bars are good too! Well, I'll go with whatever you decide mistress, you're the smart clever sexy one!," gushes Vel excitably.

The town does seem much as she left it. No giant demon invasion, no vicious plant take over, no orgies lining the street. Just people going about their days as they usually did.

The madam of the brothel must have been inside right now, and Sakura passes by. Unnoticed was a different matter but fortunately the attention was more on Vel than her. Either way the two reached the bar unmolested, heading inside.

The bar is as busy as ever, that is to say not really. The barkeep is handing a mug to some traveller and the girls are at one of the tables, Vanessa blushing intensely while Tess laughs. Course when Sakura comes in, they wave and smile, then stare as Vel comes in right after her. Vel for her parts has both of her heads, staring around in awe, like she's never seen the inside of a bar before.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Yes patience is always good... Sakura said back loving to hear the purr and trying to dont think anything bad of what could Val hide with her words.

Oh thanks Val, you are so cute and smart too, i really think than all here are very friendly as nobody tried anything to me the first time and many persons help me when i was just a new face here, most likely im still new. About the blowjobs you said? I dont think than they are needed. Blushing said. And dont say anything about the plans, we dont want than anyone more heard of them. The two soon could see than all was normal and boring, just as Sakura like this town, she dont saw the madam of that odd building so she must be helping someone as the important lady of this little town. She also decide to skip the temple for now, really trying to get a warm meat after such spoiled attempt to get out this game. She tried to dont looks sad or defeated as she get inside, not many should know about her attempt out of the two girls, their dad, the priestress... yes that must be all.

The place was busy, maybe all had ended soon theirs works at the fields and were relaxing as always, maybe Sakura has come almost close to be at night. She noticed how Val get all the attention so she decided to take her hand and let her sit in a free place as she wave to the girls. She wait for them and her turn, maybe she could think what to do after talk with them.

If the girls come she will be kind with her giving her a kiss at the cheek and invite them to sit at her side. Hi, i have a lot to talk about my adventure but can i get something to eat for both of us, we will pay all later in some way. Anyway my new friend is Val and i meet her outside the temple, she has been so kind with me and she is so friendly so i will love than both could be her friend too.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Vel beams happily and snaps a salute to her mistress. "Not a peep, mistress, no one will know your plans from me! Okay, how about blowjobs just for fun then?" She beams happily at the praise her mistress returns to her.

Sitting down at a free table with her mistress, Vel turns one of the chairs side ways so the back doesn't squish her snake tail and wings, her various heads looking around excitedly.

Tess and Vanessa come over, them both looking Vel over curiously. "Uh... alright. Yeah, just a sec, I'll get you two something.," says Vanessa, before heading to the kitchen.

Tess looks between Sakura and Vel a few times before grinning a bit. "So... Can you make out with yourself?"

"Ooo, I like you! Let's find out!" says Vel, clapping her hands excitedly, before her two heads turn, and make out very passionately, putting on quite a show, the whole bar stopping and staring, even as Vel's snake head winks at Sakura knowingly.
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Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sure, you can try to make them for fun, i guess it will be fine if the other person accepts. Sakura answer back smiling and then get her focus on do her best to look for Vel so she dont get into troubles soon.

Thanks Vanessa, she glady said to the young sister after this accept to give her some food to both of them. Sakura could be maybe one of the most poor peoples there, she only have what she store at her backpack and her axe, no home oreven a blanket at her backpack, so she would need to use the temple again, but maybe she could avoid it until get some courage to face the priestress with her actual curse.

Soon Vel and Tess looks to share a perv bond than made the quimera girl get excited and act lewdy in public. oh great... ehm Vel all are looking you. The blue haired girl said to herself and then almost wishper to her minion until see the tail head.

There was nothing than she could do, more than get fully red and turn to other side, as Vel looks to know exactly what was causing. Sakura begged than their food could get done soon, maybe then Vel would stop. Was she doing to get attention or blowjobs? Maybe this is how Vel is and all demons, if Sakura stop her then would this get better, she wa not sure and well the guys around maybe would just look and that would be all. This could be just Vel trying to help them, Sakura begs for it
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"But you should join in! Think of the fun to be had! Don't you want to make other people feel good? And then they can make you feel good!," purrs Vel gleefully, looking up at Sakura hopefully, before musing a bit. "Oh, you mean you want to prostitute me out, mistress, give me to people to use and then all the money I make goes to you? We could do that too!"

Sakura indeed had very little to her name and her temple run was something of a bust. That said, she did have all those furs she stuffed in her backpack that the hellhound was using as a bed. Maybe they could be used as a nest for herself or could be sold?

In either case, Tess grinned a bit, chuckling. "Boy, you sure made some great friends, Sakura! Friend? Anyways, how about those adventures huh? Don't leave any details out!" Tess seems rather excited to hear all about them.

Vel breaks the kiss with herself, both her tongues hanging out and both panting hotly a bit, before turning to the table once more. "Yeah, tell her, mistress! Or maybe we should go to a more private room to discuss it?," says Vel with a grin, a bit of mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

"Mistress? Oh, this will be a great story.," grins Tess, "There is a private backroom we could use yeah."
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura get fully red and sweating, hearing what Vel sugest about both having sex just for fun. Ehm, no i mean ah... She tried to defend herself and say something to show her manners teached by her tutors but there were just two choices and she was so ashamed to think in other to save herself and make Vel still try to make her accept that kind of life. Yes, i want you to do that and get money... the prostitution word never get out but she continue. I will be very busy at the church and the... bar so you must focus on do it at the burder... I bet than you are reaally skilled for this work... in that while we will have complete control Sakura sigh ending this talk, may she has solved that huge libido problem with Vel? She was not sure but it should be a progress.

Sakura was not interested in sleep again over that fur, it could have fleas and ticks. Also she dont wanted to remember than she almost get turned into a bitch of something coming from hell. Maybe she could trade it, sell it or make Vel use it as nest...

Tess was doing this even worse when Vel kissed herself, the older sister was so gossip? Sakura remember her for love these kind of things so her attention was focus on her as she was not working now.

Ahm yeah, is my friend, she is fun and so lovely... we may need a better place to talk about this. Sakura soon got caught by the single word Mistress... There was only a thing to do and was confess this hidding the right things and for that Vel should stay away or all will get over her again.

Ohm, well Vanessa should be close to get all ready to eat, so Vel could you stay here and receive the food, please? Also the bar is very full so we could loss our place, please dont let anyone take it. Sakura tried to wishper to Vel as she take her to pet her a little and then went to a private place.

She was ready to lie a little, say than she has lost and as a consolation prize she found Vel and help her turning herself as her Mistress for a while, but mostly a friend. Also she will say than the temple has vanished, early or late someone will find it-
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Vel salutes, smiling excitedly. "You can count on me mistress! You can pimp me out to anyone you want and I'll bring you lot's of money and stuff! You could even offer my body as payment and stuff too! But let's wait til after we eat. I want to see what a bar looks like! I'm your property to use as you see fit!"


For whatever reason there was, Tess seemed very interested in Sakura's stories of adventure and what not in the woods.

Vel nodded, smiling a bit amusedly at Sakura, leaning into the pettings as she stayed put and awaited for the food to arrive. Tess lead Sakura into a back room afterwards.

The back room was quite comfy and quiet, with some comfy chairs and a big table to sit at, very private it seemed. They could likely talk freely without being overheard, or whatever else they wished to do.

"So, here we are. Just what did you get up to out there? Was there lot's of fights? Did you see the temple?," asks Tess excitedly.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Vel words really make the poor girl feel bad and small, she dont wanted to use someone like that even if Vel want so baddly to jump to someone. Ehm sure lets eat and you will love it, that bar is ussually filled with good people and food, many have good stories to say. Im also still trying to decide what to do and really i doubt to get so far and offer you like that... Lets just talk with the madam of that place and then we will decide. Sakura said still sure than she could find a way to dont need to pass her life here thinking ussually in sex.


Once at the bar Sakura smile and pets some more her friend before go with Tess to that private room, the place looks suitable to dont get worried about someone hearing so she could just focus on change her story and then maybe try to make Vel to dont say anything about she be a cursed girl.

Of course i get many battles, you know wolves, living trees and many more things... it was really hard and every second you should try to defend yourself and inside the temple the things were more dangerous.

So yes, i saw the temple, it was really easy to find it as it was so big and the shape couldnt get missed with all the trees.
Sakura turn to see around and then take her backpack over the table.

Look i get all these furs after fight many creatures, they are really great, isnt? Also i got a new friend and a lot of experience so it was a good adventure, also the temple is not more there so all fine. Sakura said soft and faster before continue and cought a little. I fight many creatures from hell there and i almost get close to give up, but at the end i manage to go over all that, you know hellhounds, plant womens, giant plants, mutant wasps and more nasty things biggers than us, a terrible place She then get out more of the fur at her bagpack trying to find some cute ones so Tess could admire them and dont ask her more or at least give her time to decide what was safe to say and what to hide.

So as i went out, anything happened? all is normal? no monsters attacks or events close to happen?
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Tess takes a seat across from Sakura and listens raptly, eyes wide in wonder as Sakura told her rather hurried and brief tale. Fortunately she did have some time to think things through as Tess admired the furs that Sakura had brought.

"Oh wow I've never seen some of these furs before. The type I mean. I wonder where they are from. Hm? Oh, no, nothing ever happens around here. Ever. It's really really dull. Nothing to do but fuck and work heh. Not that I mind the sex part, but a girl needs more in her life, y'know? Or at least more variety in sexual experiences. But yeah, no troubles here."

Soon however Tess' attention was back to Sakura again. "So why did you ask about monster attacks? And where does Vel come into this? You told me you met her outside the temple. Why's she calling you mistress? Are you a secret monster tamer or something? Don't worry, I won't tell!"

It seems Vel had made quite an impression on the bar woman indeed.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Do you like it? It was so hard to get this fur, i almost died fighting against the beast who hold it, so if you want i could trade you one for the food... as i dont have a single coin. Sakura said with a brief smirk, glad to know than nothing bad has happened yet.

Soon the attention was focused on her again and she couldnt hide the origin of her new minion friend so she needed to say the first than get in her mind. I can use magic Tess and i found a scroll to summon her. It looks like she was trapped by the demon or genie of that temple.

Anyway, i dont wanted anything with a demon so i leave as a result the temple changed of place, but of course take the scroll with me. So that is why im her mistress, but i see her like a friend and partner.

As what kind of magics i have, well i can get skills, powers and racial improvements of monsters, so if you see me for a while with wolf ears is just my personal magic. I can also use fire and element stuff, but im not so good

Sakura stop then there and regret saying it, maybe Tess will get more amazed and will ask more questions. Well, you asked about why i asked about an invasion, it was because this place is surrounded by monsters than i dont get yet why they dont attack, is really weird.

The young lady was out of ideas to hide her new curse so she take some time to store the fur inside her backpack again. What do you think about Vel? she is really cute and know how to get fun, i suppose than both can be good friends. Her eyes started then to feel slighty wet and she was feeling so terrible to be lying to who looks to just want to be close her. Vel think than sex is the best and prostitution is well seen here... all looks to enjoy having it but i born in a place where that was just for a wife and his husband... I was pamped all my life thinking than it was bad and then they want to marry me with a stranger to get more money and social status...

So i escaped from home come here where now monsters easily can take any of us and we can fuck without worry to get money, all is so confusing for me... Is sex good or bad? i... really have my doubts now... i love to be close you and any of my friends so i was so lonely and scared in my inside... but i fight to survive and now im here... That is all the truth about my adventure Tess.
Sakura sob between words and then remain silent, she should had just stop and eat all that problem for her, but her mind was so confused after be with Vel and now being a demon, even Tess was more slutty than herself and the woman was just a human who had never leave this town
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Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"Oh they're so soft. I'll have to ask dad, but it should be more than a fair trade!," says Tess brightly, nussling one of the furs. It's a strange pelt, seeming to be purple in hue, and in the light almost seems hazy at times, like an optical illusion.

Tess eyes widen in delight at hearing Sakura can use magic. "You can?! Do a trick for me! Please, please?"

She blinks a bit at Sakura's explanation of how her magic works, tilting her head. "You can absorb monster stuff? I heard that sort of thing is demon magic. You should probably keep it quiet. I know you and that you're a nice girl, Sakura. But if any Inquistiors heard a cultist was out here, it could be really bad for everyone. But yeah, don't worry I won't tell or anything. I think it's kinda neat."

She taps a finger on the side of her cheek at Sakura's question, before seeming to notice her tears and gasps and comes around and hugs Sakura close to her.

"I'm sorry, Sakura. That sounds like a terrible place. But you're here now. Sex is good, you can enjoy it all you like. you don't have to worry about a place like that anymore. Just relax, and don't worry about such things. Just enjoy yourself.," says Tess soothingly as she pet Sakura's head and held her close.

"As for why we aren't attacked in the village, most of the people here have learned to fight and take care of themselves and the monsters get enough action and excitement trying to catch woodsman as it is. They aren't organised enough to attack a settlement. It's not like the old stories of the demon wars."
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

That really could be dangerous, the last time than i casted something i was close to be taken by a plant woman and i tried to cast a small fire than ended to burn a huge room... so maybe we should do it outside. Sakura said back when Tess ask for a trick, it was like nothing will get bad until she said than she could get skills from monsters. The idea of some named Inquistiors hunting her as a witch scared her and made her whimper softly after heard than Tess will not say anything.

I dunno what are these guys named Inquistiors or cultists are, but i will take care of not cause problems to all. Sakura said scared of what these groups could do.

The time to say all the stored inside her come and the poor blue haired girl was so needed at affect than let Tess hug her and placed then her hands as a little needed girl aroung the older sister. Thanks Tess, i will try to do that... i dunno if i will enjoy having sex but i will forget that place and live happily here, She then looks to the human still with some teardrops on her face. It make me feels more safe to know than all know how to fight, but Demon Wars? After face that demon in the temple, i want to know more of that war and why he was trapped there in that temple.

Sakura know than maybe Tess dont know too much about this but maybe the library could have more info than could be found more with what this woman could know

Sakura blushed softly and decide to trust completely in Tess to continue. If i decide to have some fun for the first time here, can be with you and some other guy, a good looking gentleman, i dont know any but maybe soon i will need to prosti... do that to get coins unless i get other work, dont want to remain in the temple taking the food of who could need it.