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Sakura (plmnko)

Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"Maybe you should get a magic tutor or something? Inquisitors? Well I don't know much but they hunt down cultists and demons, and cultists and demons do... Bad stuff? I don't know much about it honestly, just stories I over heard from travellers.," said Tess, as she comforted Sakura.

Tess nods with a smile as she said she'll stay. "Yeah, sex is great. You can still roam about though. Honestly I probably wouldn't stay here in this town if it wasn't for my family. But they've treated me right, unlike yours I guess."

She paused and hummed, thinking a bit. "We get wandering bards sometimes who may know better, but from what I know, long time ago there was a big demonic invasion. They raped, transformed and spread taint, turning others into demons and monster people. Plants started raping and impregnating people, species got attracted to other species, and stuff like that. It's where creatures like Vel came from I guess. Way way to the north, supposedly it got so demonic that it became unpassable for all but the most tainted or pure, and became called the Demon Wastes, and that's where the demons came out, somewhere out there. If it's true anyways. Anyhow, I guess the crusade or something stopped them cus, well, we aren't demons or anything."

Tess blinks and grins a bit at Sakura's offer and she smiles and musses up Sakura's hair affectionately. "Usually I'm not a girl person, but for a cutey like you I'll make an exception. I'm sure you'll make lot's of money. And I know a nice guy who can make us both gush. Could even do it tonight if you want. But how about we go get you fed? I'm sure your cute kitty misses you."
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Uhm, i guess than get a magic tutor could be the best, but... it should be expensive... and i dont have money, i dunno how to pay one. Sakura answer back still sobbing softly as she try her best to calm down, her head mostly resting over Tess to feel her love. So inquisitors are like hehoes fighting demons? I guess than even when they are good... i should try to remain these skills hidden, it must be the best.

The blue haired girl heard what few know Tess about the demon war, Sakura cant stop to shiver a little by how scary and real that sound, now than she was turning into a demoness and she has almost free a strong one by mistake, it really worrier her to had started something terrible. So bards make songs of nasty events and sing them in public!? It sound odd but i get the idea, i must stay away of the north and many fighted for us so we must enjoy ours lifes as best as we can, i need to get stronger and find a life here with you Vanessa, Vel and the others. The girl hold Tess closer and kissed her cheek as a for to thank her.

Sakura blushed by how suddenly Tess looks at her, making her remember her own words and now she was thinking to had went so far, she was close to prostitute herself and look for boys, maybe that was too much for Tess but then the older sister smirk, making Sakura the surprised one.

Gush? I guess than he is handsome, well you are right Vel must be worried and the food could be getting cold, thanks for be so kind Tess, i really needed that shoulder and i will try to do my best with that handsome man. She then ended to clear her face and with Tess leave the room ready to get close Vel and hug her for had been waiting for them, that imp has been so kind than Sakura could get used to her strange words about conquer the world.

Will you stay with us as we eat, Vel maybe will be also be happy to talk more with you and it could be fun. She add before get back to her table.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Tess rubs Sakura's back to keep comforting her, smiling. "You could maybe trade your furs to one? Or maybe trade sex for it, that's always an option. You're a clever girl, I'm sure you'll think of something."

Tess blinks a bit then chuckles at Sakura's idea of bards. "Some do I imagine, but normally they recount stories of the heroes who fought them. but it's no good to talk about heroes if nobody knows what they were fighting to stop. Well you can go north a good ways, I heard it's a pretty long trip. You'd need to pass through the city and the borderkeeps. Lot's of wilderness, and lot's of monsters and bandits. I heard they've even seen the Hydabeast near the road recently. Definitely risky."

Tess smiles as they head out for the table once more. "I've got to work, but I'll stick around. If you're up for trying your first three some, or maybe foursome if you want to bring your kitty, just come by later tonight.," she says with a wink.

Vel seems to be waiting alongside Vanessa, some nice food there, potatoes meat and vegetables. Vanessa seems to be blushing furiously as Vel seems to be regaling her with a story about how endowed something called a Pounder beast could get. Evidently quite endowed.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Maybe Tess always has show a open sex image but she was so kind and fun, Sakura was starting to trust too much at her but not enough to say her about her curse or the pain than she made to the world feel again, as she was still having hopes to just ignore these two problems to live a peaceful life. I may first get some money first, just to have some more options when i find one magic tutor.

Sakura and Tess were having a great time talking and soon they return to theirs seats after Sakura was more calmed. The north description just made her frown softly and shiver in soft fear. Really that is so scary Tess, thinking than the most good path to the north is so dangerous, but it must be just that place the worst, i may stay here but if we can travel we could go to another place, maybe to the beach or a huge city could be the best places. Answer with some teardrops starting to form at her scared eyes, than she cleaned soon.

Soon then both get out that small room. Aye, i will see you at the night, ehm do you know what time is it? The temple made it so difficult to know the time inside, i may had bet to had been there almost a day at least.

Said this Tess and Sakura take theirs paths at the small bar. A pounder beast? I havent heard any of that creature, are you fine Vanessa? you looks to need to sit for a moment, please stay with us if you want.

She then turn to Vel and smiled. Has you eaten something? This looks so delicious, lets share half of it for both. She then take some and enjoy it, even leaving drop a teardrop by have the chance of eat something so good after so long and almost deadly journey.

After eat we will train some hours and maybe we will need a place to stay and money so we will need to... work, mostly at that building with that kind woman, Vel you will be the first so i can learn some skills of that stuff than you know. Sakura blush at the end and almost wishper it so only Vel could heard it but maybe Vanessa could too.

As they were eaten, mostly Sakura trying to eat as much as she could but mostly take her time tasting it, she said to her and Vel. Hmm Vel do you know how to use magic, elemental magic i mean. I heard than this place have mages but not so strong as my first friend in this land, there are some books too but dunno where get one. So, our first target is get money, then a place to live or at least rest at the town and then train as best as we can... or look around. If Vanessa was with them she will turn to her and continue. Vanessa, is there any good place to pass the time here or buy things, i could just see something useful for us later, like a watch or a compass. Also, can i ask for a warm soup or a fruit juice, please? Vel do you want to order something to drink too?
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Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"Makes sense to me. Plus never know if you'll need to buy some sort of magic supplies, right?," smiles Tess cheerfully.

Tess sighs and hugs Sakura close when she starts to cry again. "Shh, shh, no tears. You're okay, Sakura. you don't have to go anywhere you don't want to. It's safe enough out here. You could head other places too yeah."

Tess shrugs at the time. "A bit in the evening ish. You weren't gone very long far as I can tell. Come by in maybe four hours? Just knock, I'll let you in.,"[color] says Tess with a wink.

Once back at the table, Vel perked up again happily. "Mistress! I'm glad your back! Uh huh, a pounder beast. They look like big gorillas with horns. They have the ability to teleport. Normally you can't teleport someone against their will, but if they get their cocks in you, they can teleport away with you else where to pound you in good."

Vanessa shudders and glances over to Sakura. "Erm, I'm fine. Your... Friend has quite a few stories from afar. As if one needed more a reason to never travel."

Tess smirks and rolls her eyes, "Yeah but think of all the things you'd miss out on, heh."

Vel looks over and smiles happily. "Thank you mistress, I'm happy to share your food. It's been a few years since I've eaten." She purrs happily and asides alongside Sakura. The food is good, while not the fancy food she had at home, it was hearty and down to earth and had good flavors.

Vel glances up from eating when Sakura mentions training and alludes to prostitution, Vel smiling eagerly as she claps her hands, bouncing in her chair excitedly, making her breasts bounce. "Yay, I'd love to train you mistres, it's part of why I'm here! Leave it to me, you'll be the best in no time! No one better!"

Vel blinks at Sakura's question and nods. "I can make fire. The size of a candle flame. But that's about it. I told you mistress, I can't really fight at all. You already know the sort of magics I can teach you. I can maybe train you enough to simulate that magic though? I can maybe sense out a good tutor for that though too, but we'd have to go north east a ways."

Vanessa looks over at Sakura, and hums a bit. "Well many people just go to the brothel. There really isn't any entertainment besides drinking and going there. As for buying things, fancy stuff like that rarely comes through here. We mostly get our supplies from merchants and they bring stuff like axes and arrows and food and stuff. You could maybe ask a merchant to bring you one next time they pass through though."

Vel grins and cuddles up close to Sakura. "Aw, mistress, if you're thirsty you just needed to ask. I've plenty for you to drink., She grins and gestures to her breasts, a bit of milk beading on her nipples as she looks over, wanting to help her mistress.

Vanessa blushes intensely at Vel's display. "Lord there's two of em now. Uh, I could go get some... yeah?" Tess meanwhile chuckles and ogles Vel happily.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura was not sure if Tess wanted to say something else between the lines so she just smiled as she nods. Yes, but it must not be so much what that tutor could need, magic source is free and just hard to manipulate, that is all i guess. The young woman said with the small knowledge than her first mate and friend has daid her some days ago.

The two soon sit in part as Vanessa dn Tess needed to serve the others customers, so as soon she sit soon she started to pet Vel and rub her heads to try to make her purr as her minion talk her more about that pounder being. The strange description soon made Sakura blush and whimper softly as she see Vanessa dont like these kind of stories like her, even when Tess looks to like them Sakura would mostly try to avoid Vel take these topics again.

Well... Vel has been traveling around many lands, maybe she even could said stories like these for days but she must also know about something else, like... i guess... old history of these lands, maybe. Sakura was not sure really, Vell looks to be an expert in sex, monsters and demons things but maybe the neko is smart and wise as nobody has expected, a sage imp with many to share out of these three topics.

The time to eat come and Sakura loved the food, this maybe was not the best than she has eaten but it was better for ages than the almost spoiled food and odd corporeal monster fluids. Is so good girls, thanks for let us eat it, i hope than you like it too Vel. Sakura was having a great time, turning to look and pet Vel from time to time, she have some crush for the kitties and goats were also some of her favorite animals.

The answer from Vel about teach her some private things made her gasp and look down ashamed, she has been wishpering that part so the two sisters dont notice it. She just continue eating and trying to act normaly as she said more to Vel to change the topic. I want to use some spells just in case, like water spells than could be handly to drink some if need it or take a bath... it could be helpful to the plants here to help the farmers...

Sakura was maybe worried after heard the direction of her possible mage, she dont wanted to ask about what was at the north east but Vel looks to be hidding well the truth about them and the two sisters dont reacted. I dont think than we are strong enough to have a safe travel to check that place to find a mage, we must first get stronger training and... well i could control the magic with some continuos use.

Vanessa then talk and said some than Sakura has heard in part she nods and made Vel get closer as she hug her softly with an arm. We must not have problems waiting the merchants to return. How much time they take? A pair of weeks?


The needs to drink something soon make Sakura to ask for something to sattle her needs to Vanessa, she never expected to Vel to say that in public. Ahm ehm... thanks Vel, but i want a juice and... a sorry Vanessa... please any fruit is fine and a simple soup is fine...

Sakura was expecting than Vel would not get so direct again, Tess looks to be the only loving this but the poor Vanessa was getting too much and she has been so kind too with Sakura than she feels bad for make her pass by this embaressment.

Once the food ended she waited some moments as she look around, maybe nobody care of them. It was a wonderful dinner, thanks to both. Tess, that payment is enough? The next time i will pay with money, i will do my best to get it.

Once all get sattled and the bill paid, Sakura and Vel will leave and wave thanking to both sisters and their dad for the food. Good, now we must make the next step... i may hate this but must be done. Sakura frown as taking her minion hand to knock to the brothel door, her body was completely pale and soon needed to lift Vel to hug her so with some pets could she calm enough to talk with who open the door. Sakura never asked the name of the mylady and just talked with her a time, she was so kind and so motherly like, she maybe could get an easy job with a handsome guy than Vel could use to teach her, but she will mostly dont act there now, her first in her mind should be with Tess and that super gentleman than made her gush

Hi, is someone there? I want to talk with the mylady of this house...

Ehm... Is nothing sex related...

Im just a normal girl looking for her...
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"Well I wouldn't know, magics not my forte.," smiles Tess with a shrug.

"Old history, mistress? Um, not first hand, but I could tell some of the old stories we were told. Not right now though, eating.," smiles Vel.

The pair eat, the girls slipping off at times to tend to guests as Vel and Sakura fill their hungry tummies though they both return soon enough.

When Sakura gasped at Vel's giddyness, the girls seem a little confused, as does Vel, them perhaps not catching on. "What are you training her in?," asks Vanessa.

"Lot's of stuff, but among other things, confidence! Mistress is really shy, you can tell, see? Not healthy, I'm gonna help her be proud of herself!," says Vel cheerfully.

"Water spells might be useful, though the farms use irrigation most part. That sort of stuffs way more important near the desert to the south west. Much harder to farm there.," says Tess musingly.

"Safe, maybe not, but nothing ventured, nothing gained, Mistress. If you want your tutor, you'll need to work towards it. You can't give up cus it might be difficult.," says Vel with a smile, "I'll be with you the whole way!"

"The merchants? It's a circuit, um, hold on let me check the calender.," says Vanessa, getting up and heading behind the bar and looking at a paper. She comes back a moment after. "They should be due in a few days, though depending on road conditions it may take longer. Especially if they're as bad as the stories say lately."


Vel pouts a little at being turned down, Vanessa nod and quickly fetching Sakura a fruit drink to have and a vegetable soup.

"Oh right, totally slipped my mind! One sec.," says Tess, before taking the fur over to her father and talking a few minutes before coming back. "Yup, this should be fine!"

As Sakura and her familiar leave, the girls wave good bye, Tess giving a wink to Sakura, a reminder of their coming tryst tonight.

"That was fun!," said Vel as they got outside, bouncing on her feet happily. She giggled and bounced up to Sakura and nussled up against her, both heads whispering naughtily into Sakura's ears. "Tess is a good choice. I'm sure you two will be lovely together hehe." Vel gave Sakura's ears a loving nibble before separating again and hopping ahead. "come on mistress, gotta get paid right?"

They soon reached the brothel, and once Sakura used Vel to work her nerves up, making Vel purr happily as she snuggles in.

The door opens and a very tall woman is there, very muscular, but having a surprisingly large bust despite it, wearing a tight sleeveless shirt and pair of pants. She has short white hair and an unusually pale complexion with green eyes. "Hm, aw, what a cute couple. The mistress is out right now, I'm the stand in. What can I do for you girls?," asks the woman with a friendly grin.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Uhm, i guess than you are right Vel, lets eat before the food get cold. Sakura answer back to her minion who looks to dont want to talk more about random topics, maybe because all what Vel know could aim to talk about more monsters. The pair continued their dinner and Sakura was unsure what all Vel was talking about her, maybe it was truth and she was really shy and that made her sigh before drink her juice. Its just than my land is not so opened to have sex, but i will try my best Vel... if i must live here i must get used to it a little at least. Sakura said mostly about the way than all see sex.

Heard than learn water spells will not aid her to have a live without help make the noble girl to whimper softly. Well... it could help if i need to take a bath or clean something. She said suddenly having in mind than she havent clean herself after all the continuos rapes at the temple, but she dont have a home right now and go to the church would be dangerous now for them if the priestress find out her actual state.

Sakura heard both Vel and Vanessa, she take some of her food as she think before nod. I guess than we should go then to find that tutor, after all i was in that temple, the path to that place must be really easy after that challengue. The blue haired girl said with a soft smile, trying to be brave and show herself to her friends as a great adventurer. Then we will return and talk with the merchants or i could give you a list and some money to buy these things, Vanessa. She add after heard than the merchants would be here in two days and as she suppose than she would need to go to meet the tutor soon just in case than all get worse.

Once made her plan she take her tme to eat and then was really happy to heard than all was paid with just that piece of fur. Oh thanks Tess, i will try to pay with money the next time and thanks to you too Vanessa, it was a delicious dinner. Sakura then hug both girls and wave taking a second to return the wink to Tess.


Sakura dont know exactly when the night would fall, but she was sure than she should talk with the owner of the brothel as fast as possible. Ouch, no Vel. Please dont think wrong, Tess is a good friend and she will just help me to learn some stuff, you could come with us at night too, it could be fun. just dont talk about monsters and dirty places, we will meet a guy than will make us "gush"... Tess said that as she refeer to him, maybe he is a handsome gentleman with amazing cooking skills. She said after the naughty words and soft nibble.

Sakura maybe was not sure in a lot of things about this night with Tess, but she was mostly sure than talk with the brothel's owner would be dangerous, she needed so baddly to rub Vel to calm herself and when the door get opened she almost lost her soul.

Ahm...hmn...i...we... Sakura whimpered after the tall woman come out, it was like an amazoness or something like that, so scary as she was waiting for the kind woman from before, her mouth dont let her express herself as she wanted and she was so close to run crying back to the bar. She was so close to cry, but soon she closed her eyes and rise up Vel to show it to the woman. She is Vel and want to work here!! She said quickly as she shiver in fear. Hng, she is good at sex and i want to just see her work... sorry but im bad at this... please be kind... i havent meet a man, yet. She manage to said trying to feel herself safe behind the small Vel, it was so hard to get to this life, get her bread of every day with the sex juice of her privates and receiving the cursed seed of her clients, just the idea made her feel so bad.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Vel smiles and nussles Sakura. "It's okay, Mistress. That's why I'm here. So you might have had a bit of a slow start, I'll have you comfterble and confident in all things in no time flat."

Tess nods, "Oh, no, I'm not saying they'd be useless, just farming wise it's not too needed as waters pretty easy to get at here. Plenty you could still use it for I imagine."

Vanessa listens to Sakura's determination and nods, while Tess grins excitedly. "Can't wait to hear your new stories after! It'd probably be best to try and come by yourself, in case we accidently forget something. I bet you'll have it done in no time flat though!"

The two girls hug back and wave goodbye as Sakura heads on out.


"I just think she'd be a good friend and companion for you, mistress. But sure, I'd love to come.," smiles Vel excitedly.

Vel squeaked as her mistress hides behind her then is held up forwards. She meows in surprise, her snake tail staring back at Vel curiously.

The tall woman blinks in surprise then smiles gently and crouches low so she doesn't tower over them both, reaching out and petting Vel's head gently, making Vel purr. "Hey, calm down, sweety. I'm sorry if I scared you, I know I'm pretty big. And nothing to be ashamed of, everyone goes at their own pace. You're more than welcome to come and watch your friend at work, hm? We'll need to see what she can do mind, but it's not a big deal."

The woman smiles and gently offers Sakura a hand. "I'm Kaitlyn. this is my interim job, so to speak. Do you want to take a tour before you get to watch? you can ask me anything you want as we go."
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura was really growing at courage by the words than her friends were giving to her, asking for something to write to make a small list (a compass, a world map. a tent or sleeping bag and magic books, but this last mostly would be expensive, so it was optional if Vanessa ask for one) The friendly good bye soon come and so Sakura was only with Vel in the street of this small town.


Once the silver giant girl talked the first time, the young adventurer couldnt said direct why she was here, she was scared and confused by this bizarre event. But Vel was unable to follow the talk by how suddenly her mistress has placed her up and in front of her as a meat shield, the blue haired laidy was ready for run if the woman who has come ffrom the door tried something or insult her naming her something close a prostitute term, but instead this woman kneel and pets Vel before softly talk with her. Sakura nods, trying to recover a normal state before try to talk as she normaly do. Nice to meet you, Kaitlyn... She said with her voice still slighty haltingly and her hand trying to take Kaitlyn's hand with Vel still lifted, if she could not do bth this she would place Vel on the floor but still trying to mantain her minion in front of her.

Yes, please i will be glad to check the place... Sakura said with mixed feelings, she has heard than the owner was kind and a good person, but she worries herself what she would find inside and if Kaitlyn wouldnt try something once she get inside, then Sakura turn at a side and saw her axe resting at her back and this made her remember than she was an adventurer and she have Vel at her side, so she could defend herself of this woman. Uhm... so, how much time has you been working here Kaitlyn? Sakura ask as she accept to come inside and follow Kaitlyn toward the door.

Can i ask how this place works? Do we choice between a list of clients or at least can the workers here say what they like and dislike? Sakura then gasped once she noticed than she has said we instead refeer to Vel, it was like she has given another step to accept this kind of life, but she shok softly her head and focus on heard the answers and look around in case of a trap or ambush.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Kaitlyn chuckles gently at seeing Sakura's reactions. "Don't worry, we don't bite, y'know. Well, unless we're asked too." She gives Sakura a friendly wink before leading the pair inside.

Vel smiles at Sakura and nussles her encouragingly before heading in as well.

The inside of the building it's dimly lit and pleasant scent of incense is in the air. Distant coos and groans of pleasure can be heard, but much of it is muted by soft music being played by a beautiful woman on some sort of instrument.

Kaitlyn listens to Sakura's question and shrugs. "Me? Oh off and on, I come and go. Travelling and such. Mercenary life. This is an in between job. But uh, I guess this time I've been fucking around for maybe a month now?"

If Kaitlyn noticed Sakura's mistep, she didn't mentioned it and simply answered the question. "Well goes like this. You have sex for a fee depending on asked and such, you get money and the house get's a cut. You keep what's left. You have security, clean rooms, birth control, and we can provide food and such since some workers live in here. And yeah, you can, though it's usually a good idea to broaden your horizons. Not like it;s going to hurt you. Not unless you're into that. But if you've got claustrophobia, you don't gotta do bdsm or something like that. Fairs fair and all. But yeah, simple stuff."

Kaitlyn smiles again and looks over. "If you want a test one, I guess the question is you have any gender preferences? You straight, or you only like girls or you like both? People seem to be far more fussy about such things, though it's easing up slowly. So yeah, what;s your preference, cuties?"
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura softly smile and shake her head. its not of my like... She answer back with a small smile trying to follow the strange humor from the slut amazoness. Her guard just fall down a little with Vel encourage, maybe Vel dont wanted to talk with this human, what Sakura was starting to make her ponder than she needed to do more for herself as her minion has said, she get soon inside the brothel and her worries melted in part with the girl's music

Its a beautiful song. She manage to said before Kaitlyn start to answer her questions, so she was unable to look for the girl making it. A whole month? Why? this work is so good or there arent too much works? I may dont look as a warrior but i want to be an adventurer and live of help and explore the world, but i had heard than is very dangerous and im not so strong yet.

Sakura tried to earn some info from Kaitlyn to understand why this woman who looks really menacing decided this side job over her used life as mercenary but soon this made her stop thinking at that and shiver when she heard what she asked to her. She first tried to suppose than she asked for Vel but then she said the prural question and the blue haired girl was unsure of what to say.

Ahm... straight, i guess. Im a girl so is normal than i wait for the right man until now. But...

I had some with a beloved friend and it dont hurt when i and her well... but i want to know a man, Ahhhh no i mean she Vel! I want just to learn all without touch to be ready when i meet my perfect and handsome husband.
Sakura was dying from inside by the shame and soon lift softly her minion so she could answer easily to Kaitlyn. Vel maybe like both, Or do you like anyone vel? who is that person?
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Kaitlyn smiled, nodding. "Laeda is a real talent with that thing. I dunno what it is though, some sort of eastern instrument. Pretty sounds though."

Kaitlyn pauses and smiles with a wink at Sakura. "I'm keeping an eye on a few things and waiting for word from some friends. Plus I enjoy a good drink and a good fuck as much as helping people with their troubles. The pays just a plus. Adventuring's a tough business. And you're right, it is a dangerous world. But if you have the will to do the right thing, you can find ways to make it work out. Way I see it, if you can make each life you touch just a little bit better in some way, you're on the right track. It could be saving them from monsters, it could be as simple as giving them good pleasure and making a good friend. Maybe just buying them a drink and listening to their troubles, or helping them carry something heavy. In the end, it's that simple. Make things better, not worse. How doesn't matter so much as long as it's not making things worse for someone."

Kaitlyn laughs and shakes her head, "But here's me prattling on. That's just how I work, I won't begrudge anyone for not following the same path. But actions do have consequences in the end, and folks who take others happiness tend to get theirs in the end. Most folks just want to go their own way and not really do any help or harm. And that's fine too. Now then, preferences hm?"

Kaitlyn listens calmly and nods. "So you like girls some but want to see if you like boys too huh? Heh don't worry, if Vel's the one who wants to do it, then she's the one who does. And we've a few exhibitionists who would love an audience heh. You'll get to watch all you like."

Vel meows as she's lifted, her giggling. "I like you, Mistress! I look forward to being the next girl with you. Unless you want me to be a guy, hm? But I'll do anything at all!"

Kaitlyn shakes her head amusedly, "Well, your mistress wants to see you sleep with a guy, so a guy you shall get. Cmon, we'll get you two comfortable and I'll find someone to give your kitty a petting and a paying."
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The young noble let the prostitute mercenary express herself, giving soft nods as she could feel than the silver haired amzoness was a kind and trustworty person even after choice this kind of life. Indeed, that is why im looking to try to find a way to have a life and do what i can for all at this village, but all what i know to do is fight and im still not so good on it

Anyway, i will try to do the best and do as you the best for all...
Sakura look down and blush before see to Kaitlyn again. I must admit than at the start i was scared and dont expected than you were so kind and good as person Kaitlyn, please forgive my mistake.

The blue haired warrior wished than this girl dont see her bad after heard this and she focused on what the next topic at the conversation come. I said than girls are fine for me, not like i like it to forget what is normal. So, if i find a good guy than i love maybe i make a life with him. She said back trying to protect her image, after all she dont see herself as a woman lover or something like what the people call in a different name. She just suppose than humans should feel better than the monsters from the temple when love is on it.

Sakura pets her minion and then nuzzle her at her back between her too legs before wishper when Vel said than she could be a male. You can do that? well, it dont matter now. Please do your best. She maybe was worried and scared to heard than such kind of person would do things ot Vel, really why someone would love to be seen having sex with a so little girl?

Please, just try than that guy will not harm Vel, she is so cute and fluffy. Can i also hide my identity? if possible i dont want than he could see how i look. Said this even with a negative Sakura will follow the big woman to where she will be comfortable, even a amsk would be enough for her or be hidden in a closet as this happen.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Kaitlyn nods with a grin. "Knowing how to fight's useful, and we all started somewhere. I was trained quite a long time. I was younger than you when I started though. Still, I've seen people triple your age learn the blade eventually. Maybe we can spar sometime and I'll show you some tricks. I can't teach you everything mind, not unless you want to go for an indepth training and that'd last quite awhile. But I'm sure I can give you some tips. But right now, I'm on the job so let's head to it hm?"

She leads Sakura up some stairs, nodding as she listens. "Don't worry about it. You're not the first to jump to those conclusions and you won't be the last. I'm used to these sort of things. Though if you ever wanna make it up for me, buy me a drink sometime, eh?"

They moved into a nice room with incense and a great big comfy looking bed, looking soft and plush. There's a couple dressers here as well as a window with heavy curtains pulled.

"So bisexual huh? Hey. Listen, normal is an illusion. The only normal is what's true of reality, right? So whatever is the truth for you is real. So if you like both, that's normal for you. Ergo it is normal. Don't go denying yourself just because of what someone else said. Nothing wrong with hearing folks out, but if this is what you like and you're not hurting anyone, they can stuff it. Screw girls, screw guys, screw wolves, whatever. Long as everyone is having fun, that's the important thing."

"You worry too much, mistress. Yeah I can do lot's of things if it's for you. Would you rather that then, hmmm? Hehe, don't worry, no humans gonna out sex me anyways.," grins Vel, purring at the attention before wiggling away before hopping away and flopping on the bed, snuggling into it. "Oh god this bed is soooo gooood, I haven't had a bed in aggggges. Cmon, Mistress, try it!"

Kaitlyn nods with a smile, "Anyone hurts her or does anything without her permission, I'll tie him in a knot.," grins Kaitlyn a bit aggressively, holding up a fist that glows with white energy a moment, giving off holy energy that felt both comforting and dangerous at once, before it disappeared. Kaitlyn mused a bit on the following question. "Uh... I might have a mask of my own you can borrow maybe, though I'm not really supposed to lend it out. Eh, what's the harm? Have to root it out though."

She heads over and opens one of the wardrobes using a key, opening it and revealing a shiny set of full plate in Kaitlyn's size, as well as a big bow and arrows, and several magical looking knick-knacks and some sort of symbol on an amulet, though at that distance Sakura could not make out what it was. Kaitlyn begin shuffling through a few bags.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

I like the idea, Miss Kaitlyn... I may request train with you one of these days, im not the best but im not an apprentice. After all i went to take the test at the temple and i survive without any damage or issue. Sakura said trying to show herself as a proud warrior and not just a pervert girl who is named Mistress by a minion, dont trying really to hide any info.

The walk continue and this place really was huge, not so big as Sakura's house at her world but she was not expecting than this place were so clean and cute in some way she could live here if there werent so crazy people all the time looking to fuck someone.

Im broke, but yes i could invite you a drink as a friend... i dont drink too much, sometimes wine or a cup of beer in parties. She answer back showing than they could be jsut friends at the moment.

We should talk about that later, Vel. Sakura said softly with her attention placed on tehir host. The idea of love both sex really dont please the poor lady and Kaitlyn words pointing it again made her sigh as she follow Vel to feel the bed, but just a little as she was worried than it could be dirty. Im not lying to myself, if i love both men and women then i would say it openly, but its not the case now.... ehm i understand what you are trying to say, i want just to do it when i feel love and i suppose than do in with a woman is not exactly as with a man because there is not worries to get you know, pregnant. I had some bad moments with persons trying to do that to me, so its just something than im trying to do it right.

Said this she let the silver warrior to look at the chest, she wanted to get closer to look better as there looks to be a lot of things, but after show that light spell she was worried, mostly because she was a demon now and she could be seriously damaged if Kaitlyn find it out, mostly that was the reason of dont ask about her power so she dont place both her and Vel in danger.

I may still decide to dont choice this life, i understand than its a good one but if i find this guy i could die of embarrassment if he recognize me as some kind of person who likes to see people having sex when im just trying to learn some about sex
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Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"The temple? You went there? And survived?," blinked Kaitlyn, looking back at Sakura a moment, her eyes glinting gold a moment. "Oh. I see. Well you must be pretty talented then. Tell you what, come by in the next week, alright? We'll get you properly trained and maybe equipped."

"No rush. Well yeah course as a friend, you wouldn't invite me as an enemy would you?," laughs Kaitlyn.

The bed felt very clean, and very soft, the sort of bed that makes one want to just burrow into it and sleep all day. Kaitlyn grins a bit. "This ones the room I stay in actually, the bed itself is magic. Portable and self cleaning, and so comfortable it can even heal you faster, and well clear all but the most extreme illnesses. It was made for me by a friend. Have fun with it, fluffy."

Kaitlyn finished rooting through it and pulled out what seemed to be an almost demonic looking mask, the kinds fierce warriors wore to inflict fear on their enemies, before offering it to Sakura. "S'all I got. Nothing wrong with romantic love, kiddo. Men and women are different, some folks are even both genders. You can love lot's of people though, it's not a zero sum game. Works for me anyways. Treat all my lovers the same and fairly, because sex without kindness and caring is hollow. That's real love."

Vel rolls her eyes a bit, but nussles against the pillow, meowing and rolling about on it happily.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Yep, i went alone at that place filled with traps and nasty creatures. Proudly said the blue haired girl as she smirk softly. Her eyes wide open for an instant and she then smiled with the idea. Next week? Sure, i will love to get some training, you looks quite strong Miss Kaitlyn, you must have a lot of stories to tell. Mostly Sakura wanted to know what Kaitlyn tried to say about equip her, maybe she could get something of what she could buy from the merchants.

Of course as a friend, im not so skilled to have a rival and i dont want any really. Sakura smile back, sure than they could share a lot of tales on a night in the bar as she drink some fruit juice.

That kind of thing exist, amazing. So you dont need to make the bed or change the blankets? I should get one one of these days, sleep out really hurt your back. The noble lady answer back as she accept to prove the bed for a minute before get up to continue loking to what Kaitlyn was doing.

Wow, is scary and you have a lot of amazing things at that closet. Sakura said as she get closer to take the mask yet she frown by the tales of the persons with two sex types. Of course, that is right, we should love the person and not just have sex with it. Thanks Miss Kaitlyn, i will take care of this mask and return it to you once this end.

Sakura noticed how Vel roll her eyes, but she suppose than her minnion was just bored, she let the mercenary prepare all as she enjoy the bed until she needed to get in place to what will come next, wearing her mask and trying to dont be noticed as the sex start.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Kaitlyn nods with a smile, "Sure, I'll see you then, see what I can teach you. I'll show you a neat place as well."

Kaitlyn walks over and pats the bed with a smile. "Not many of em, but maybe you can get one if you spend the cash to an enchanter. And nah, does it itself. Heh, tell me about it, try learning to sleep in full plate."

Kaitlyn nods with a smile, walking over to the door. "I'll go get you a chair and Miss Vel her partner. Don't worry, just relax and enjoy the show, hm?"

Kaitlyn left the room, Vel looking over at her mistress, tilting her head. "Something off about her, but not sure what. Anyways, I don't get why you need to watch, mistress. I could just have sex with you, it'd be perfectly safe and you can do anything you like! but if this is what you want, you'll get a nice good show."

Kaitlyn returns with a chair for Sakura to sit on, and a young man in a simple worker's uniform. "Here you go. This is Vel and her mistress who you're to pay no mind too. Vel here is your partner, I know you've been wanting something exotic for awhile and safe. So tip generously, the poor girls are homeless.," Kairlyn says to the man, giving his side an nudge with her elbow, grinning a bit.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Heh, i may need first to get a full plate. Sakura said back following the joke moment and then focus on enjoy the magic bed stretching herself a little as she nods . I will try to learn what i can, i cant get enough of this bed.

Vel soon interrupt her brief ponders of if she could resist all this and she sigh unable to get why should be the same. Sigh, its not the same. I havent seen a naked man and well im scared but i want to see one for real, you know that thing, it shouldnt be so terrible as the ones of the monsters. But dont worry Vel i will give you a chance to teach me some if you make your best and dont scare them. She pats her minion at the end giving finally a yes to both having some fun later, maybe today or any other day, but at least she accepted.

The time continue and soon she heard some steps so Sakura wear quickly the mask to hide her identity of the pervert in turn, she was not expecting to see a young man, a normal one, why he was here? she just ask to herself as Kaitlyn introduce them.

Sakura dont wanted to say any word, but her manners force to do it in part, so she soon tried to talk with a more mature tone, one of a Mistress should have for what she suppose, mostly imitating her mother's tone. Greetings gentleman. Try your best to enjoy and sattle the lust of my humble servant. She was not sure what more say to him so in confidence went to take her seat as she was mostly sweating and cold by what she has said, Kaitlyn and Vel should be laughting inside. As she stay in her seat, her eyes wanted to turn to other side as the event started but she endure all what she could, maybe Vel will be soft the firt time and all will end soon.