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Sarah (thetwo)

Re: Sarah (thetwo)

15 vs 7
7 vs 1 | 6 vs 18

Sarah finds her ax landing heavily into the weakest looking bandit, as he falls over. The other two bandits try and rush her, but only the leader succeeds, grabbing her and pressing her against the wall, harshly, as his hands play with er breasts. For some damnable reason, she starts to feel aroused by this.

Slaver Leader 5/6 HP
Slaver 3/3 HP

Sarah 3/5 FP 0/10 AP
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah curses again, wishing she had had time to put on some sort of clothing before the fight as it seemed obvious the men would take advantage of her nudity. She is almost surprised when the bandit drops, and it puts a grin on her face despite the punishment the leader manages to mete out.

She turns her attack to the third bandit, hoping he'll go down as easily despite looking a little tougher.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

18 vs 5
13 vs 17 | 8 vs 3

Sarah hefts her ax again, landing a solid blow on the other man, as he backs away at just the right moment to avoid a truly terrible blow, below using his whip against her, striking her crotch, while the leader misses her as she recoils from the whip, leaving his grabbing only air.

Slaver Leader 5/6 HP
Slaver 2/3 HP

Sarah 2/5 FP 0/10 AP
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah lets out a grunt as the whip hits her between the legs. This time the fact that she's landed a blow doesn't give her much comfort, as the increasing fatigue makes it clear to her that she probably won't win a war of attrition. She attacks again, hoping that if she can eliminate another enemy she'll be able to take the leader one on one.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

2 vs 21 counter
20 vs 1 crit | 11 vs 16

Sarah tries to attack again, finding the whip striking her as she hefts her ax, entangling her wrists and pulling her off balance. She lands hard on her front, on the ground, while the leader starts whipping her some more, until the pain is too much and she stops trying to get up.

The other girls have fearful looks on their faces as the second slaver moves to them and starts to tie them up. Sarah finds herself tied up, hands behind her and a gag applied, as the bandit finds her panties and uses them to gag her. Finding the other girls panties, and gaging them as well, tying each gag off with a cleave gag, before picking up the entire set and carrying them out.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

When Sarah loses her balance and falls, she knows that it's over. She continues struggling for a while after, but it's quickly clear that this is only going to get her whipped more, and she finally stops.

As the slavers bind and gag her, she tries to retain whatever dignity she may have left, refusing to beg for mercy.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah watches as the slavers step outside with the three bound girls, laughing at their easy prey.

Sarah spots what seems to be a large wooden prism shaped object, a wooden horse, with what appears to be hand-holds for the slavers to use to carry it.

"Don't worry girls, we won't make you walk, you'll get a nice, easy ride back to camp." the leader taunts them, pulling out some a few pieces of cloth.

The two girls start to shake their heads and protest loudly into their gags, an act which only gets them a few whippings. They quickly grow silent as the leader blindfolds all of them. Before it goes on, Sarah sees a look of absolute terror in the eyes of the two other girls.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

As they are prepared for their journey home, Sarah can see the other girls are terrified. Somehow she doesn't feel scared herself, though. Perhaps it's just because she knows this is a game, and that she'll get pulled out if it's really too much for her, or because she knows that "enslaved" was on the list of things that Ashley gave before she completely wiped out her memories of this place.

Of course, that doesn't mean she wasn't a bit nervous. She realizes what the 'horse' is for the moment she sees it, and by the time they start to lift her, the damp between her legs isn't all from her recent bath.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah can't see it, but the two other girls are tied back to back before being placed on the horse, and Sarah can hear they cry out into their gags as the men tightly bind them to it, pulling down heavily.

The same thing shortly happens to Sarah, roughly loaded on the horse, heavily tied down so she can't move, the ropes digging into her almost as much as the horse itself, arms bound even more tightly behind her as she's forced to lean in, pressing her breasts against those of one of the girls, though she doesn't know which.

The men pick the horse up, roughly walking away, causing as many bumps and jostles on the thing as they can while they walk, Ashley can hear the two other girls starting to moan, maybe they're enjoying it by now...
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah bites down hard on her gag as each bump of the horse drives it slightly into her folds. She can ever so slightly taste her own arousal from the incident with the tentacle pit. It's hard not to let out a moan of arousal as the slavers reach a larger then usual bump, and Sarah tries to think of something else.

Unfortunately, what she chooses to think about is the other girls. She wonders if they will enjoy this. After all, they did come here for sex, but this won't be sex with monsters, it'll be sex with slavers. And they probably won't let them go after a few hours like all the monsters seem to...
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah can tell through the sounds now that each of the other girls seem to be enjoying the horse, at the very least, as the slavers joke about how horny their captives must be to enjoy this ride so much.

Sarah hears the other girls both moan loudly, it seems they reached a climax. This is followed by the horse being dropped roughly, also causing Sarah to climax. The sounds of whip strikes follow, the salvers punishing the girls for orgasming. As one also whips Sarah, mostly on her ass.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

As her arousal grows, it gets harder and harder for Sarah to stop herself from moaning, but somehow she manages it. It isn't made easier by the other two girls' vocalizations, or the slavers' jokes. Finally she hears the other girls climax, and has a momentary sense of victory that she held out better then they did. Then the slavers roughly drop the horse, and Sarah can't help but let out a half-moan half-scream as she is suddenly brought to orgasm herself.

Then the punishment comes, whips on her ass. She remains stoic about it, again biting down on her gag, and more then a little aware of her own juices making the horse below her wet. She tries to think what she might have done to avoid this punishment, but nothing comes to mind.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

The slavers continue to carry the girls, as they pass out long before the ride is over.

Sarah wakes up , blindfolded, tightly bound, arms behind her as well as pinned to her side, ropes going above, below, and between her breasts, squeezing them. She feels naked, except for what seems to be a pair of leather dildo panties, the invader large and definitely impossible to ignore.

She can't hear anyone else, the other two girls no longer around. And she feels as though there's a collar on her neck. The room, though she couldn't tell, is a small eight by eight foot one. And she's sitting in the middle, her leash tethered to the wall so she can't move. She's still blindfolded and gagged with her panties and a cleave.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

As Sarah wakes up, the very first thing she notices is the large dildo inside her. She tries to take it out, and quickly discovers her other bindings. She realizes that she can't move, and struggles against her bonds, hoping that she can loosen them enough to start trying to escape, though it doesn't seem hopeful...
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah utterly fails to remove herself from her bindings, freezing when she hears a door opening, a heavy lock closing behind it when it closes. She can feel another person has entered the room.

"I'm going to remove your blindfold, I'd suggest closing your eyes so you don't get blinded." a rough voice says, shortly afterwards the blindfold being removed.

Sarah sees the room, and the man. He's dressed in armor, and has a whip on his belt. He's bald, a scar going down the left side of his face.

"You're a slave, now, understand?" he says roughly, not yet ungagging her.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah glares at the man, ignoring the apparent brightness of the light. But it's pretty clear that this is true, so after a moment she nods.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Really then?" he asks, a little surprised at her answer, leaning down to remove her gag, leaving her panties on top of her head after he takes them out.

"Do you truly understand then, slave? Tell me, slave, what is your name?"
Re: Sarah (thetwo)


This felt like a trick question. She thought quickly, and decided that one of the other girls would have given up her name if asked. Maybe he expected her to lie? Well, she certainly had planned to, so perhaps that was it. No point in lying if they already knew the answer, though...

"My name is Sarah."
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

The man whips her almost instantly after she answers, striking her crotch, which seems to make the dildo vibrate and turn on.

"Wrong!" the man says in a harsh tone. "You have no name, you are a slave."
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah gasps when he hits her, then starts squirming as the dildo begins vibrating. She knows that trying to pull away from something that's attached to her panties is futile, but she can't help but try. She lets out a groan as she suddenly becomes terribly aware of her rapidly growing arousal.