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RPG [ScaleGarden] New Game

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Re: [ScaleGarden] New Game

I'd suggest him to just stay with dot СG - they look cute. Anyway, I prefer not so saggy tits, but then again it would be wiser to critisize the game after release, because map design, plot and battle system were always strong sides of his games (I'm not against good art tho =)
Re: [ScaleGarden] New Game

If you put the faces of the main characters in his games side by side, it makes the newest one stand out really badly.
Re: [ScaleGarden] New Game

Comparing it to the previous version of the character it looks like he made the various lines on her face more pronounced to make it look more 'realistic'... but ended up just making her look kinda creepy. Giving her thicker lips might help make the proportions of her face not look so weird.

Anyway, I had actually written off SCGarden once he had passed a full year without an update. I was hoping for more of a progress update than "yeah, not dead." but at least it shows he's still working on the game.
Re: [ScaleGarden] New Game

Wow, I didn't know that ScaleGarden was the one who did Chun-Li's face in Marvel v.s. Capcom: Infinite!
Re: [ScaleGarden] New Game

She looks like an alien. Her eyes are too far up...or something. The whole shape of her face is kinda weird actually.
Re: [ScaleGarden] New Game

Eyes are hard to get right and they were weird in older iterations as well. I prefer the older art, but I don't really think the latest face is strange outside of certain proportions, which isn't new. The larger breasts are sadly too realistic.

I miss the original art direction:

But if he keeps this one going, I do hope that costume will be adjusted. Kept as a slutty theme or not, that whole neck brace thing is just odd to me.
Re: [ScaleGarden] New Game

I honestly don't mind her face, I think it has a nice warm feeling with it being more round rather than being sharper from his previous designs. Works perfect for a gentle daughter of a wealthy industrialist or Mayor. Though something still irks me about her eyes, her left(camera right) eye looks fine but the right(camera left) looks swollen and the iris. Pink? Purple? Whatever it is. *bleurgh* Also the nose could go for abit more shade 'cause you cant really tell its there unless you look from an angle other than front ways.

The evening gown looks nice but the skimpy outfit is abit 'meh'. The top is fine but the bottoms... That garter belt really throws me off and i'd probably stick with the skirt given a choice.
Re: [ScaleGarden] New Game

The face is a downgrade of course as people have been saying, but also what's wrong with those boobs? She went from having nice perky tits to having insanely saggy pancake boobs that almost reach her belly button. Those are like grandma boobs.
Re: [ScaleGarden] New Game

so he decided on milf/mature heroine? seems that way
Re: [ScaleGarden] New Game

so he decided on milf/mature heroine? seems that way

Don't forget that its a milf with gilf boobs.
Re: [ScaleGarden] New Game

still looking forward to the release!
Re: [ScaleGarden] New Game

The face is a downgrade of course as people have been saying, but also what's wrong with those boobs? She went from having nice perky tits to having insanely saggy pancake boobs that almost reach her belly button. Those are like grandma boobs.

I really hope he didnt add hours of boob massages in this game like the others.
Re: [ScaleGarden] New Game

I really hope he didnt add hours of boob massages in this game like the others.

Agreed. The first few times were enough. I don't know how you make boob massages a tedious ordeal, but the dev sure did for me. And in typical hentai fashion, they're fairly unrealistic events.

Personally, my hope is that the inevitable "black guy rapes you" trope isn't continued. It sounds a bit contradictory, but if I'm playing a female MC, I'd rather choose (by my gaming skills or in-game choices) whether she gets raped or not.
Re: [ScaleGarden] New Game

It's like that one person at the nude beach that should never have been allowed in in the first place.
Re: [ScaleGarden] New Game

I will never stop asking the same question whenever I am reminded of the game:
Where is her fucking ass???

Seriously, big tits, good. But flat ass? Like, COMPLETELY flat?
Disaster. I can forgive the monster hands and alien face. But I cannot forgive the plank ass.
No thighs either. It's like her entire lower body is that of a child.
Seriously, erase her from the waist up and you get a loli.
Re: [ScaleGarden] New Game

I will never stop asking the same question whenever I am reminded of the game:
Where is her fucking ass???

Seriously, big tits, good. But flat ass? Like, COMPLETELY flat?
Disaster. I can forgive the monster hands and alien face. But I cannot forgive the plank ass.
No thighs either. It's like her entire lower body is that of a child.
Seriously, erase her from the waist up and you get a loli.

This... so much this!
I enjoyed the girls from the previous games. This one? Fml... Just hell no...
Re: [ScaleGarden] New Game

The face is a downgrade of course as people have been saying, but also what's wrong with those boobs? She went from having nice perky tits to having insanely saggy pancake boobs that almost reach her belly button. Those are like grandma boobs.

I agree, each time he redesigns her she looks worse. Also I must agree where is her ass?
Re: [ScaleGarden] New Game

Honestly I think Scale Garden peaked at Sangeki of Gear. At least with the character designs. I like Rhodes Fortress, but I feel like the Main Characters are starting to look weirder and weirder. I think it really has to do with the increasing details being added to the eyes. It's really putting the MC's in the Uncanny Valley area. I think the story will be great as Rhodes Fortress was, but I wish the author would move away from the realistic look and back to his art style from Sangeki of Gear.
Re: [ScaleGarden] New Game

I think she looks much better with darker eye pupils (bottom picture) and as somebody mentioned accenting her nose more wouldnt hurt as well.
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