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Scary movies

Re: Scary movies

I found a lot more plot to se7en then Saw. While yeah Saw technically has the bad guy win, the "twists" it comes up with are getting more ridiculous as the series goes on.

What happened in se7en wasn't nearly as ridiculous as anything in Saw.

Also, se7en was more about finding the killer, and Saw was about... people in traps.
Re: Scary movies

True, and true. I just think it's interesting when I think something is completely stupid and then find a point in its favor like that.
Re: Scary movies

So, how about them zombies?

Anyone ever seen City of Rott or Dead Fury?

I can't believe I hadn't responded to this...

while I have not seen City of Rott or Dead Fury, I've seen quite a few other zombie films. A lot of them really bad too, but some fairly decent ones.

Such as Dead Meat, Dead Snow (or Dod Sno, its a Norwegian zombie movie, with Nazi Zombies), Return of the Living Dead (a really cheesy series, but the first one is hilarious), one called Outpost which wasn't half bad, Flesh Eater (staring the first zombie you see in the original Night of the Living Dead).

Well, those are some of the better more obscure ones I've seen, besides the obvious George A. Romero stuff, Resident Evil, 28 Days Later (debatable whether this is a zombie movie or not), and the Dawn of the Dead remake.

There's also a New Zealand movie called "Black Sheep" that plays out very similar to a zombie movie. Except instead of living dead, you have man eating sheep. Quite funny rather than scary though... and pretty high on the gore factor. It was still a good movie for its absolute ridiculous.
Re: Scary movies

I own Black Sheep, and while it's pretty gory it manages to come around with enough ridiculosity to completely make up for it.

(Real Spoiler)
The Weresheep had me seriously creeped out, though.
Re: Scary movies

I can't believe I hadn't responded to this...

while I have not seen City of Rott or Dead Fury, I've seen quite a few other zombie films. A lot of them really bad too, but some fairly decent ones.

Such as Dead Meat, Dead Snow (or Dod Sno, its a Norwegian zombie movie, with Nazi Zombies), Return of the Living Dead (a really cheesy series, but the first one is hilarious), one called Outpost which wasn't half bad, Flesh Eater (staring the first zombie you see in the original Night of the Living Dead).

Well, those are some of the better more obscure ones I've seen, besides the obvious George A. Romero stuff, Resident Evil, 28 Days Later (debatable whether this is a zombie movie or not), and the Dawn of the Dead remake.

There's also a New Zealand movie called "Black Sheep" that plays out very similar to a zombie movie. Except instead of living dead, you have man eating sheep. Quite funny rather than scary though... and pretty high on the gore factor. It was still a good movie for its absolute ridiculous.

Sin, I like you more and more every day that goes by. You've even seen Død Snø, I'm impressed!
Re: Scary movies

Sin, I like you more and more every day that goes by. You've even seen Død Snø, I'm impressed!

Yeah, Sly downloaded for me. It didn't come with subtitles, but God Damn we found us another file that put subtitles in. Can't remember where she got the movie from.

And thanks.

For Rule:
The weresheep was a creepy fucking thing wasn't it. Goriest and creepiest bit of that movie.
Re: Scary movies

Not a big fan of zombie movies, but I think I've said that before. The only one I really liked was Night of the Living Dead. They're usually to gore-filled for my tastes, some aren't too bad though.
Re: Scary movies

1991 remake by Tom Savini, or the original Black and White horror form George A. Romero Ronny?
Re: Scary movies

Original black and white one, I didn't even know there was a remake of it.
Re: Scary movies

Yeah Tom Savini directed it.
Re: Scary movies

I should have figured since they've remade just about every horror movie you can think of. I wonder what they'll do when they run out of movies to remake.
Re: Scary movies

I should have figured since they've remade just about every horror movie you can think of. I wonder what they'll do when they run out of movies to remake.

Rinse and repeat. Always repeat. Aren't they, by now, already remaking movies that aren't even out yet? Like they did with "Let The Right One In"?
Re: Scary movies

They remade Watchmen a couple times from what I understand, and that movie only came out once.
Re: Scary movies

I saw Resident Evil 2, but that's the only really 'zombie' movie I've seen. Not much into horror, though oddly I favorite play vids of Resident Evil and Dead Space, and actually enjoyed L4D *shrugs*
Re: Scary movies

The Resident Evil series...
I liked the first two, but not the third. It was just too... out there, even compared to the first two.

I knew it was coming after the end of the second one. But seriously, those god damn psychic powers just made me want to puke or something. That was a horrible decision.
Re: Scary movies

Yeah, not brilliant... Ilked the tentacles though:eek:
Re: Scary movies

indeed. I'm surprised there's not more Resident Evil tentacle hentai and such.
Re: Scary movies

They got enough monsters with tentacles now. Thank you Plagas parasite!