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Scourge of the Silver Marches

Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella stretches and looks at Aramil, "I wish... to join you for first watch..." she smiles, "Unless... of course... you don't want me... there..."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Tod ponders something for a moment, then recasts the spells he had done before on himself. Then without asking, he goes up to anyone without armor and enchants them as well, smiling the whole time. Once he was finished, he finds a nice spot and heads off to sleep.

(Cast extended false life on self, and extended mage armor on himself, Granth, Carella, Malacet, and any of the NPCs who aren't wearing armor. Extended lasts for 12 hours, and since I'll be recovering spells anyway...)

(Edit: Added Malacet to the list of people I gave mage armor too. You're just lucky I had enough spell slots left, Shrike. :p )
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Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Seeing as nobody had answered her, Malacet assumed her night's rest was safe from intrusion. She pulled a large blanket out from her backpack and wrapped herself in it, quickly falling asleep.
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Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

As a caster of the arcane, I'll need a full night's rest to fully restore my internal mana reserves. Don't wake me. Granth says while munching on one of the supplied rations. Setting down his bedroll, he then lies down to sleep.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Whatever you wish," replies Aramil to Carella. Bolm and Trex pass on the magical armor, and Bolm goes to rest and pray to Lathander. After handing out the days rations, Trex says "there are enough of us that you need not take watch tonight, but sleep lightly in case we are attacked." With that, he joins Bolm at prayer, as he will be taking the second watch.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Wake me when ever ya need me," Holi says after eating some rations and drinking some of his gutbuster. He rolls out his sleeping roll and quickly falls asleep. Every once in a while murmuring something about damnable monkeys stealing his ale.

(Since Lathander's the Morninglord don't their prayers take place at sunrise like mine. Ah NVM not like it's important.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(Key ceremonies yes, but they can pray whenever they want. He does have to finish again in the morning though. Trex hasn't used any spells so he's okay.)

The first four hours pass uneventfully, and Aramil wakes up Trex before proceeding to speak to Carella; "you may rest now if you wish, but wake the dwarf if you do so." With that he goes to rest beneath a tree for the rest of the night.

Seemingly at the same time, Trex and Carella here shouts in the distance.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Looks up with a worried expression as she slowly makes her way towards the sound, "Don't... wake anyone unless I shout... wake the dwarf though..."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Trex nods, and goes over and shakes Holi. Holi merely snores louder, so Trex gives him a light kick to the gut to wake him.
The shouting seems to be getting closer, though now it sounds more like screaming.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

After the kick, Holi finally rolls over. Looking up at Trex and hefting his axe. "Time for my watch is it?"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella hurries towards the sounds, despite not having rested, she was still feeling pretty good today...
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

From his bedroll, Granth calls out to the others before rolling over while still asleep, Would whoever is out there shut up?
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Trex looks down at the dwarf as he gets up, and says; "something like that, wait here, wake the others and follow us if we're not back in a few minutes." With that he tries to follow Carellas path through the woods to the North-East, but she was much faster than he.

Meanwhile, Carella is close to the screams, which take her through a patch of thick woods to a clearing. She finds the source of the screams, as a pair of ogres come rushing through the woods at the far side of the clearing. At first they seem to be charging, but she notices that they are unarmed, just as some other dark shape bursts through the trees and tackles one to the ground. She can't identify it in the dark, but she does see it bite down on the back of ogres neck, and a long tail swishing behind it.

(Trex is now 40 ft from camp to the North East, Carella is 80 ft from camp in a clearing that's 15 ft in diameter. Enemy is 10 feet from her, on top of dead ogre, and apparently occupied.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Tries to stay hidden in the trees as she waits for backup, as well as trying to figure out what the hell was going on.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Holi wakes the others and tells them what Trex said he gathers his gear and prepares to go help the others if they're not back in a few minutes.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

The creature doesn't seem to notice her, nor does the other ogre as it charges blindly into the woods a few feet to Carellas side.

1d20+3 = 3+3 = 6 vs DC14 = you don't get a good view yet.

While she waits for assistance Carella tries to determine more of what the creature is, but she can't see it as more than a vague shape. What she does notice is that the ogre it's on top of is struggling a little weaker as the moments go by. Shortly after, Trex arrives noisily by her side, but quiets down as he sees the scene in the clearing. The creature still hasn't noticed them.

(Trex and Carella hiding in woods 10 ft from creature, 80 ft from camp. Other ogre running away. People in camp rousing.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet wakens quickly, irritated and glaring. "Didn't I say I needed my rest?" She calmed down quickly over hearing the news, however, and gets herself ready to move again if need be.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Suddenly takes off out of the woods and does a running leap at the creature, trying to grapple it, "Cowardly creature...!"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

As soon as the others are ready, Holi gets them moving to find out what's going on.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(Fight time!)

1d20+13+2 = 17+13+2 = 32 vs DC16 = you got him.

The creature wasn't paying any attention to Carella, so it doesn't even have a chance to defend itself from her attack. She boles it over and lands on top of it. She still can't see it very well, but she can feel scales underneath her.

Trex, seeing her charge forward, prays to the Morninglord for light, and a bright light surrounds him as he walks into the clearing, thinking the monk would have everything in hand.

Carella is in for more than she bargained for, however, as the reptilian creature underneath her is brought into the light. She has no idea what it is, but when Trex sees the creature, he spits; "Lizardfolk?' incredulously.

1d20+14 = 1+14 = automatic failure.

The creature tries to buck her off, but it seems to be moving very clumsily.