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Scourge of the Silver Marches

Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet just nods, taking position near the center of the road to get a good line of sight to the entire area.

((How far away did you say they were again?))
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

So I guess you're saying I can't blast them? Those looking would notice several crackles of electricity outlining his right hand.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Not yet, at least." Malacet says, quietly building a charge of power herself.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(120 feet. I didn't give a specific range.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Sounds like a plan to me. Ready when you guys are." Tod sighs, putting his concoction next to Carella's and waiting to see what happened before casting anything.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

1d20+2 = 13+2 = 15 vs 1d20+1 = 14+1 = 15
1d20+2 = 13+2 = 15 vs 1d20+7 = 11+7 = 18

Holi and Trex walk calmly toward the group assembled around the watchtower, weapons sheathed. As they get closer, both see how antsy the group is, and how poorly equipped. There are six, including the man on the watchtower, one wielding a longsword and a shield, two more with spears, two more with axes, and the man on the tower had a crossbow. None of them had better than cheap chainmail on. The man with the longsword steps forward, apparently the leader. "That's far enough! Who are you? And state your business! Be quick about it, we've got you surrounded and out numbered ten to one!" Trex simply grins, not buying into the obvious bluff. Holi doesn't fall for it either, though he does glance around a bit at the proclamation.
"My name is Trex, Sir Almodeus Trex, and I am a paladin of Lathander. My companions and I are on quest to rid the land of a great evil in the northern mountains, near to the Coldwood. Already we have been attacked by lesser evils, some in its employ and some independent of it. We travel to Stonebridge, then on to the evils lair. We seek no quarrel with you. Though, might I ask what a band such as yourself is doing out here? This road is seldom traveled, and there are no settlements nearby that I know of."

The man jumps slightly at Trex proclamation, and quickly says; "My apologies sir, we've been hired by a man named Gersalt, he recently opened an inn along the road, and he had heard that orcs were in the area, and wanted us to watch the road for trouble. You and yours may pass freely, but we've got nothing to spare in the way of aid."

Trex replies; "That's fine, we'll just be on our way." with that he turns to return to the group.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Holi starts to walk back with Trex while occasionally turning to look behind him. "I don't know if I completely believe their story if'n that's what I think it is." Holi says in a whisper to Trex as he furtively nods towards the woods.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Indeed? We'll discuss what is best while we approach. They seem likely to be bandits, but I don't think they want to fight us. We'd have no trouble of putting an end to them, but it would cost us time, and we have a bigger mission to fulfill."

The group reunites, Trex filling the rest in on the conversation and their suspicions. "What shall we do then? We could just continue on, but that would leave these bandits here to attack others who pass along this road. The towns to the North get little trade as is, and these men seem to have taken at least one caravan already. What say you?"
Aramil immediately says; "We shouldn't leave these types at our backs, they won't be much trouble anyway."
Bolm says; "I agree, they ain't worth a bucket of sandals, and ridding the region of 'em would be doing the world a favor."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Let me just put my opinion this way: lightning solves all problems, even if they aren't problems to begin with. Let's get rid of them. Granth suggests.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"I think we should probably get rid of them, but something worries me. they don't even look tough enough to take out a caravan. I say we rid the area of them, but we had better be prepared for them to be tougher than they look." Holi agrees.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"I have one question." Malacet says quietly. "You're a paladin, right? Did that group read as evil to you?"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Yes, of course. But that's beside the point. I leave it up to you."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"That is far from beside the point. If they didn't read as evil to your mystical senses, it would have lent credence to their story." She says, then goes silent for a moment. "Alright, I'll help. What do we figure, just surprise them as we walk by?"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"As long as we do it quick, I don't see a problem. Just tell me when and I'll haste most of us."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella looks at the bandits with indifference, "Are they really... worth our time?"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(So, you want to kill them, and do it by walking in and surprising them as you pass by the watchtower. Is that the consensus?)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(Check kill them and take their stuff, sounds like the plan to me)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Granth looks over at Carella, Probably not, but that won't stop it from being fun!
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Trex leads the group, forward Aramil and Bolm in back. The bandits watch them as they draw near, none of them putting away their weapons, but the do disperse to other parts of the area on the road. As the group draws close to the watchtower, Trex glances up, to the man in the watchtower, and whispers; "Granth, he's all yours." As they come within 10 feet of it, he shouts; "Now!"

The bandits aren't quite caught by surprise.

Aramil 1d20+5 = 8+5 = 13
Trex 1d20+3 = 12+3 = 15
Bolm 1d20 = 10
Tod 1d20+4 = 18+4 = 22
Holi 1d20+3 = 18+3 = 21
Carella 1d20+4 = 10+4 = 14
Malacet 1d20+3 = 11+3 = 14
Granth 1d20+1 = 4+1 = 5
Bandits 1d20+2 = 14+2 = 16

Order is: Tod, Holi, Bandits, Trex, Carella, Malacet, Aramil, Bolm, Granth.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Holi charges to attack the nearest bandit drawing his axe in the same movement.