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Scourge of the Silver Marches

Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Let's see what they're servin'" Bolm agrees.
The bartender is an average looking man; moderate height, brown hair and eyes, slightly balding, and a healthy sized beard. He still has all his teeth too. His voice is low and monotonous; "What'll you be having?"
Trex replies; "What are you serving for dinner, and what do you have to drink?"
The bartender replies; "For dinner, we've got the stew, or a plate of whatever you pick. The stew's carrots, peas, and beef, with a few spices for flavor. Not bad actually, had some myself earlier. Otherwise, there's bread, venison, rabbit, potatoes, fish, and whatever leftover vegetables after makin the stew. Take your pick, meals paid for by the room, and we've got plenty to spare. For drinks, clean water's free, a tankard of mead or ale's a silver, and we've got whiskeys or wines for a gold piece per bottle. So, what'll you be having?"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Water and the stew, then. Granth says before looking at the others. From personal experience I've found that my personal magic doesn't react well with alcohol.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Fish and water, please." Tod says, yawning and relaxing in a chair.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Stew and an ale fer me," Holi says. "At least that'll get me started," he smirks.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Venison, potatoes, and vegetables, and a bottle of red wine, please." Malacet asks quietly, giving the keeper a gold for the wine and sitting down with the others. She considered just going up and starting her bath while the others were busy with food, since she had no real need to eat herself, but she felt the need to socialize some.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Taking the required coin, the innkeeper motions to a nearby large empty table, and quickly one of the serving girls brings over a platter and passes out the meals, Trex and Bolm having ordered plates and water. She winks slyly at Granth as she gives him his food. The wine and ale are brought over separately a moment later, the glass wine bottle has badly scuffed writing in a language none of the party can read, and upon sampling it, it's slightly sour but still very sweet. The ale's thick, apparently not as watered down as expected, and Bolm orders a tankard for himself after draining his water.

Trex begins, after starting his food; "Well, for a place full of scum, this isn't so bad. Maybe those men went bandit on their own, and this Gershalt is just trying to open an honest business and happens to have hired a few thugs. His spokesman is certainly a pleasant enough sort, though I detected just as evil much from him as I did from anyone else. well, except that guy;" he says, motioning to the armored man near the stairs, who had yet to take his eyes off of the party. Or even blink, for that matter; "I've sensed demons and devils with more mercy in their hearts than he."

(Talking timez)
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Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet started eating once the food arrived, drinking sparingly from the wine. Her magic helped protect her against poisons such as alchohol, but that didn't mean that a lot wouldn't have an effect. She stayed quiet for the moment, wanting to hear the other's opinions before she added her own.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Holi starts eating as well, and despite his high tolerance for drink decides to take it easy and not move to anything stronger than ale.

Keeping his voice low he says, "They may be evil, but at least they serve a decent ale. Not the best I've had, but still pretty good. Hopefully we'll get a quiet night for once, but something tells me we won't."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

You'd be surprised how merciful demons can be if you're willing to do something in return. You just might not end up having your soul when you walk away from the bargain. Granth says as he starts to eat, fortunately managing to keep his appetite despite the serving girl's wink.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Trex and Bolm both turn and scowl at Granth for a moment, then continue their meals. Trex keeps his voice low as he says; "That's why I preferred the suite, if something happens, we'll be able to face it as a group. I agree though, I'd prefer no confrontation with this many enemies."

(Whenever you want to go upstairs, it's up to you.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Well we might as well head up to the suite then," Holi says as he finishes his ale and stew.

"Maybe we'll be able to get some sleep if we head up early enough."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(Time to pick up the pace again. Granth and Carella get their own thread.)

The group finishes their meals, and goes up the stairs. They hear a strange moaning coming from behind a door just to before the door to Carellas room. Granth enters the room Carella was staying in, bidding the rest of the group a good night.

The rest of the party proceeds up the stairs to the suite, which is exactly as Trex described it. There are four large bathtubs and six large beds in the room, along with the stone fountain. Looking down it, you can see that it's quite deep. The room is lit by paper lanterns hanging from the walls, and furnished in dark wood.
Bolm says; "Well, this is a bit nicer than we're used to."
Two women enter the room behind the group, apparently the suite had its own serving staff, as these two were in much better shape than the ones downstairs. "How may we serve you?" One says; in an accent similiar to the man downstairs, and with similar slanted eyes.
Bolm immediately replies; "Well, I could use some help gettin' me armor off. Had it on for days now!" The one who spoke nods, and proceeds to assist him in doing just that. The other steps forward, smiling; "Would any of you like a bath? There are curtains to assure privacy that go around each tub, though if any of you would desire... assistance, I'm here to help."
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Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Just make sure there's hot water in the tub, and I'll be fine." Malacet tells the girl, walking up to the tub on the end, and waiting for the girl to fill it (I assume it's not full already).

Once the tub was ready, Malacet thanked the girl and sent her to deal with the others, then pulled the privacy screen shut. Casting a globe of darkness over herself as well, she finally proceeded to strip down and settle herself in, sighing comfortably as she did so.

((She'll just keep casting it as needed, 'cause warlocks can do that :) ))
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Gladly helping Malacet with her bath, the girl also warms water for another bath.

Meanwhile, the women helps Bolm remove his armor, after which a very unpleasant smell wafts through the room; "I'm thinkin I might need a bath myself. Help Trex with his armor, would ya?" The women does so as Bolm gets into the other warm bath. The bath girl warms the other two tubs; "Anyone else?"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Holi just yawns as he follows the others in, "No thanks, I never take me armor off. Well not in the last 20 years at least."

Walking to the beds he looks at them before deciding to go lay on the floor near the door, "Crazy humans and their soft beds.'" He mutters under his breath.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Tod shrugs and heads over to one of the other two baths. "Thank you." he says warmly to the girl who prepared the bath, drawing the curtain and stripping, then stepping in and giving a happy, relaxed sigh.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Trex takes the last available bath after seeing Holi take a seat near the door. After the water cools, all members of the party redress, Bolm and Trex putting their armor back on. Trex dismisses the assistants, and both men say brief prayers before going to bed. They leave their weapons and packs near their beds, in easy reach. The door has no lock.

(Need the other thread to catch up before I go on.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Holi quickly falls asleep on the floor while hugging his axe, his pack sitting near his head within easy reach.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet took a bed by the wall, re-arranging the blankets and pillows so she could sleep comfortably against the wall, still fully clothed.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Before going to sleep, Tod casts his usual extended buffs on himself, inc ase something did attack, and so he would have a few hours of them after he woke up. He took the bed nearest Malacet's, feeling safer near the hellspawn for some reason.

((Cast extended mage armor and false life on self, then snooze))