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Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Chapter 0: Prologue

The world around Mizuna was a vast place. Since the beginnings of her life, even as a tiny egg she had struggled to survive. Once she had grown old enough to depart from her mother, Mizuna and a group of her many other sisters spread out from the coastal area where they were born and raised. It was a mixture of natural instinct as well as the need to venture forth from the cramped cave. Ever since then, she only saw glances of her other sisters, but only rarely. Sometimes is was unclear if other sahuagin she saw were related to her or not.

But from the first few days on her own, she quickly learned that the ocean was a dangerous place. Her first experience there involved getting sexually assaulted by an aggressive scylla, so she learned rather quickly to avoid that place if she desired not to be violated by suckers. Because of that incident, she felt rather defenseless. And seeing other sahuagin with crude weapons they made on their own made her realize she needed something of her own. A bit of trade with traveling goblins and she found herself with her double pointed spear. With that, she found hunting and defending herself to come much more easily. It wasn't long before she had taught herself how to wield the weapon with competence.

Her hunting grounds were the river itself for quite a while. Although as she became more curious, Mizuna found herself once again drawn to the open sea. With a bit more combat experience and power, she met with the scylla again and chased her off when the tentacled beast tried to harass her again. Thus, her hunting grounds expanded. And she had more room to roam with her new protection. However, as she would discover, there was one location all other creatures avoided. Near the outer ocean plains, where an inexplicable barrier prevented any life from leaving. To the northern waters, where the cold became a bit harsh for Mizuna's body, the sahuagin had seen from a distance, a rather desolate, yet rather impressive ruin formation. Even Mizuna herself felt strange as she got even remotely near the ruins. Her natural instinct told her that she should just avoid that location, but... As she looked at it from afar, perhaps her curiosity would get the better of her one day.

Chapter 1: Secrets Words Can't Describe

Ever since she saw the ruins, the memories of it's structure and the sensations she felt never left her mind. As she grew more curious about the land around her, the curiosity of what the interior of the ruins were like grew as well. For so long that one place remained a location she had not explored within the lands she had seen. From within the wet and damp cove that was her home, Mizuna awoke with yet another dream of the ruins. This time, she dreamed of swimming closer, and closer to it, a sense of anticipation growing in her heart that seemed almost alien to her, as if the feeling were not her own but a sensation from the ruins itself, trying to call out to her, while she drew ever closer to the ruins.

But such were just dreams. For so long she had followed the example of other sea mamono and kept clear of the ruins. But her dreams were not known only to herself. Fellow kin of her race had seen her, especially one of blue hair who she came to know as Cai. Without speaking a word to each other, the two sahuagin met one day, and identified with each other as explorers of the water. Cai followed Mizuna on her own whenever she saw her, and often tailed her for a long time, swimming together before she'd return to her home. And now, Mizuna found Cai had tailed her to her home, as from within the underground bubble of earth, Cai's head and fins stuck out from the pool at the end of her cave that connected to the river outside. Silently, the other fish stared at Mizuna as she awoke, before she saw Cai lift her fin, and place a stone rock that Mizuna would recognize on the ground. That was the same stone as from the ruins that intrigued both fish so greatly. Pushing the rock forward, Cai put emphasis on it. It was her way of saying,

"Let's go to the ruins."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

Maybe it was carelessness on her part, maybe something else, that the other sahuagin was now at her home. This one, Cai, was someone she had acknowledged as being another explorer of the great depths. They had done some investigations together, never talking as was the way of their species. Still, there was some level of understanding between them, for Mizuna had not already gotten rid of the other in some manner. She had changed her exploration habits and locations to prevent interactions before, but to Cai, she didn't feel the need.

When the two faced each other, it appeared that Cai was desiring to go onwards with their shared desire to see new and uninvestigated places in the waters. The bit of rock she had between them was familiar to the more grown-up sahuagin, from those foreboding ruins that she had always found uneasy to approach. With her gesture of pushing it onwards, the blue-haired girl brought forward a clear message. Today, they had to go there.

While she had her hesitation towards the place, there was never any doubt in Mizune's mind that she would one day visit the place. This one was apparently that day. Picking up her trusty spear, the fishgirl nodded slightly at the gesture, showing her approval. Maybe all she had needed was a poke to finally manage going to the place. The two of them would go together, see what there was at those mysterious, alien ruins.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

Cai seemed content that Mizuna was persuaded by the stone rock she had brought. Watching Mizuna pick up her spear, Cai turned, and vanished into the water, leaving the stone rock behind. Since the stone rock was useless to Mizuna, equally in name and use, it was entirely up to her what she would do with said stone rock. But once she had decided to follow Cai, with or without the stone rock, she'd find the blue haired fish woman floating in the waters, waiting for her. Upon seeing Mizuna, Cai was more than happy to lead the way. She made an immediate turn, and began to swim down the underwater valley that Mizuna's cave was located in and towards the open sea that the ruins were found in. Every so often Cai would check back on Mizuna to see if she were with her, before speeding up, displaying an eagerness to explore the ruins.

The two swam at a quick pace for some time, going far from their homes, before they reached the intimidating sight that was the ruins themselves. A flat plain of ground surrounding the ruins kept most fish away from it due to how exposed the waters were, but even larger predators seemed to steer clear, as the whole area around the ruins were vacant, and empty. The very moment they neared the large decaying structure, Mizuna could feel her curious nature being crushed by the familiar force trying to ward her away. Seemingly affected as well, Cai looked back to Mizuna as they stood on the edge of the reef overlooking the ruins, as if she needed Mizuna's input before she could find the bravery to swim forth.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

While the other sahuagin vanished into the watery entrance, Mizuna considered the stone rock that still layed on the floor. It was most likely a useless thing, maybe fit to be a weight or something. But for some odd reason, she decided to take the piece along. Maybe she might end up smashing something with it. After picking up the rock, the sahuagin girl went after her fellow explorer, diving into the waters of the entryway.

There was a good deal of travelling required to reach the threshold of the ruins, but the two sahuagin ladies made it there in less time than it would usually take with their increased speed. The place was as curious and alien a sight as always, no sealife was near it even now. That had always been the case when Mizuna had come near, no other beings anywhere, not even the largest of predators seemed to haunt around this particular location. And as it had always been, the mere act of being there was somehow pushing her back, some unknown force trying to keep her away. The other sahuagin was feeling it too, so it was not an unique to Mizuna in any way.

This time, with the other one there, she had to do it. These ruins needed to be looked into, even if they were so unhospitable. With rock and spear in hand, Mizuna pushed back at the feelings of repulsion, starting to make her way towards the ruins no matter how hard it would be. She would take glances at Cai to see if she was following. The other had brought her out this far, so she too better go along.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

Mizuna taking that first swim into the open area was all it took before Cai began swimming next to her as if they were a school of fish, so close together on natural instinct in case of danger that they cannot avoid... Mostly by letting the other fish get eaten. Though despite her formation assuming that at least one of the two of them were going to die, the worst that happened as they swam closer to the ruins was the increased sensation filling their minds, making turning back seem more and more a logical choice. Magical sensation aside, as Mizuna drew closer, she heard a faint rumbling come from the entrance. It didn't seem that she was the cause of the rumbling, but despite that, the sensation of feeling all of the water around her vibrate and shake after every few passing seconds made her feel unstable. Her stomach quivered, making her feel uneasy as the strange force within these ruins continued to assault her with sensations that tried to make her think otherwise about going in, and turn back.

They swam to the front of the rectangular entrance to the ruins. On the inside, aquatic symbols and swirls much like the designs on the Sea Bishop's stone tablets were drawn all over the temple, always drawn in a way any uneducated fish could understand so that their teachings could spread to all, even those on land. From the outside, looking into the temple's entrance hall that held only one large door opposite the entrance, Mizuna could read only more reasons for her to turn back. Warnings were everywhere. A massive aquatic beast was drawn with a circle around it, something containing it, with several Sea Bishops surrounding it, directing their power towards sealing it... And most importantly, every diagram couldn't be more clear in what they requested: "Do not open this door!"

Cai floated at Mizuna's side, blinking at all the diagrams, before turning to face Mizuna, watching her from the side.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

As possibly expected from the place, the feelings of repulsion just got stronger as the pair entered. Through the front door, they entered into the hall beyond even as the water itself seemed to react against their intrusion into the area. The surrounding walls had the designs of the Sea Bishops all over, things that Mizuna had always liked for their beauty. But even these beautiful things were showing dire warnings in this foreboding locale, telling a story about a huge and most likely powerful creature being sealed away by a whole swathe of the saintly mermaids. All the designs and diagrams could not really have been a more clear warning to turn away and never return, but if she did not look through the place now it would haunt the sahuagin girl for the rest of her existence.

So, despite all the warnings and pervasive feelings of unease, Mizuna put her hand onto the handle of the big door, intent on getting in to see what was hiding beyond.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

Rather than protest, Cai was right behind Mizuna, and together they pulled apart the doors sealing whatever dangerous thing that the Sea Bishops warned about. Of course it took a great deal of effort, but with Cai's help, pulling one of the doors became a simple task that they could manage together. They only needed one of the doors in order to enter, although just opening it a crack resulted in an intense wave of power erupting from within. A magical presence suddenly blasted away all of the warning sensations, and replaced them with an even more intense pressure, making both Mizuna and Cai feel as if some kind of gravitational force was crushing their spirits from every direction. Though their bodies looked and felt unharmed, the force alone was enough to make the two of them act as if they were literally being crushed as Cai was clearly suffering in Mizuna's view, seemingly as much as herself. The sensation itself would have crippled their willpower if it continued any longer than the few seconds that it did before rapidly fading away.

Cai, her fins wrapped around her stomach after enduring the agony that was the extreme pressure, looked to Mizuna, before back to the door. Simply, she continued to open it the rest of the way, with or without Mizuna's help, and swam into the room with excited motions as she and Mizuna both found that the sensation that had kept them away before was now just a memory. What they found in the room beyond was perhaps more than they could have asked for to satisfy their curiosity, as first and foremost, the room was huge. Mizuna saw good reason for it's massive size when she walked in, as right before her, a huge luminescent dragon with bluish green and pink colored scales was laying in rest, with a naturally grown 'crown' growing from it's head. The crown itself became clear to Mizuna as the mark of what this creature was, and why it was sealed.

She and Cai had just unsealed the previous lord of the seas, a gigantic sea dragon. And before Mizuna could even really take in the massive size of the beast, she saw it's yellow eyes open, and shift to stare directly at her. Slowly, it rose it's head. In all it's wisdom, it had become a creature that didn't simply attack on it's natural instinct. Instead, it seemed genuinely curious towards Mizuna and Cai, just as they were curious about the dragon itself. As the pair of sahuagin and the dragon stared at each other, a sudden vibration shook through the water without warning, making Mizuna feel slightly light headed when it passed through her. During that sensation, it felt as it something had made it's way into her mind. A faint whisper spoke to her.

"I am... Free...?" the voice whispered to Mizuna. "You... Are you loyal to me...? Will you do as I say...?" it asked Mizuna, though it was the most simple, and basic request it could have made for such a thing. It's head lowered before Mizuna could answer, seemingly laying back down. "I feel strange... An outlandish magic fills me... Binds with me... Are you doing this?" it asked Mizuna. "How... Strange..."

The dragon curled up in on itself, before it's shape seemed to change before Mizuna's very eyes. She watched it's scales shrink, and move as the mighty beast began to look smaller and smaller until the dragon now appeared as a creature altered by the magics that fill both land and sea.

"... I don't understand... Why do I look like this?" the altered sea dragon asked, though her lips never moved. "You... Come closer... I cannot see very well..." she asked Mizuna.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

Much to her surprise, Mizuna found Cai to be a willing helper as she grabbed at the door, which proved to be just as heavy as it looked. But it was still two determined sahuagin ladies against a singular door, so the contest began to eventually turn over to the side of the two explorers. As if all the signs had not been enough of a warning that there might be bad things behind this door, the second that the two managed to create a big enough crack that the door was actually open, there was a rush of pressurous energy that burst out. It was the most intense and painful push that the sahuagin girl had felt in her life, like a compactor trying to smush both her spirit and body into a small bit of matter. Before it could break her totally, Mizuna found out that the energy was only a brief rush, much to her (and most likely Cai's) relief.

As one might expect from such an obviously marked room, there indeed was something lurking beyond the now-open door. Most likely a primal ruler of the seas in ages past, the crowned dragon they faced was recovering from it's imprisonment as the pair approached. While the great beast was such an imposing thing to behold, there was surely a greater intelligence and curiousity in it's mind to not make the first reaction it had towards the two being that of nomming them down. When their eyes finally met, another wave passed through them, this time acting in a mere mental capacity. Still, there was a feeling of a presence entering her mind, so it was not something the sahuagin girl would shrug off without a second thought. Immidiately afterwards, messages began to sound inside her mind, sent by the ancient dragon.

Before she could answer any of the surprisingly straightforward questions, Mizuna was privy to another spectacle of an ancient nature. The confused dragon began to change in shape and size, eventually ending up at Mizuna's size. When asked for, she stepped forward and took the dragon lady's hand in her own. She was not sure if there was a method of communication between them, but the sahuagin's thoughts would indicate that she was as confused as the dragon was.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

The dragoness reached out to Mizuna as she drew closer, before putting her claw on Mizuna's head instead of her hand. She felt the ancient dragon dip into her mind, and read her thoughts. "I... See... You were merely curious, and so you released me from my prison? What a strange creature..." she regarded Mizuna's course of action as bizarre, before letting her head go. "I still cannot see very well, and I feel weak. Bring me food, a lot of food. I must recover my strength. If you do as I say, I will reward you." she promised to Mizuna.

Meanwhile, Cai was more than happy to stay far away from the dragon, for obvious reasons.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

While it was somewhat unsettling that the newly girlified dragoness planted her clawed hand on her head instead of her hand, Mizuna didn't still flinch or mind too much. Communication was the thing that mattered most, and if it had to be done this way, so be it. "Strange... is it that odd to be curious..." the sahuagin girl thought as she was asked to get food. While there was a brief thought of hesitation about this being a good idea, the curiousity was the bigger of Mizuna's influences. But what did a dragon eat really?

Thinking about the only possible idea, she poked Cai back into action. The two of them should go out and catch as many fishies as possible. Maybe that would help.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

Cai looked at Mizuna with a moment of hesitation, much like the hesitation Mizuna herself had, but was soon following after her to assist her in her task. Both were already adept hunters for getting their own food, but with Cai's help, hunting for food was immensely easier. Cai didn't seem to discriminate between what she hunted, spearing every fish she could, and gathering seaweed and even clams. She gathered anything edible. Whatever Mizuna decided to gather, whether or not she decided to follow with Cai's plan or not, they found themselves with a very lot of food, which Cai put on top of a large leaf that was floating above that had dropped from one of the large trees above. Picking it up in her arms, her face was hidden behind all of the food, leaving behind another leaf for Mizuna to take.

Making their way back to the mysterious dragon's location, Cai laid the food down before the dragon first, as the dragon herself wasted no time, picking up the first fish, and eating it with little care for mannerisms. One after another, the dragoness picked up the food, and ate them in the blink of an eye using razor sharp teeth that sent a visible chill through Cai, as if fearful that those teeth would devour her next.

Within a few minutes, all of the food they brought was devoured by the dragon, who then looked up to the pair with her glowing eyes. "That was a wonderful snack..." Mizuna heard the dragon's voice echo in her mind. "I was going to eat you, but you seem useful." she said with honesty, making Cai panic and hide behind Mizuna, even though no emotion of fear showed on her face. "So, as your promised reward, I'm not going to eat you," she announced, seeming satisfied.

But Cai wasn't having any of it, she rose her spear, and shook it at the dragon, furious.

"Are you not satisfied? Very well, what is it you desire?" the dragon said, which might be surprising to the pair after she revealed her intentions earlier. But she seemed to expect more out of the two of them as well, instead of letting this be the end of their relationship.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

While the two were out, Mizuna followed after Cai's actions, deciding to focus solely on getting more fishies when she saw the other sahuagin start to pick up clams and weed and other things. The gathering process was nothing difficult to the two dwellers of the sea, and they returned back to the uneasy ruins after a brief moment.

When presented with the food, it proceeded as Mizuna expected the sleepy dragon to do after waking up from a who knows long naptime. Namely, scarfing everything they had gathered in short order. Somehow, the act of eating seemed to terrify Cai, something that the older sahuagin couldn't understand. There was nothing to be afraid of in the act of eating. It wasn't like they were the ones being eaten or anything.

Afterwards, there was a conflict between the two others, Mizuna not really being that affected by the dragoness' words. She had almost expected the thing to turn out in such a manner, considering what they were dealing with. Gesturing at Cai to put down her angrily shaking spear, Mizuna took looks at both of them, trying to get the answer out from the other sahuagin since she seemed intent on getting something else too out from this ordeal. For her part, the older sahuagin wasn't quite sure what she could ask from such a creature. The only real thing in her life was exploration, and that wasn't something she needed a companion, let alone a dragon, for.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

"So... You basically want to learn new things?" the dragon inquired, before bringing her hand to her chin in thought. "Well, do you know the purpose of this body?" she asked Mizuna. "Mine, and your's. Why do we share this form?" she wondered. Looking down at herself, she rose a clawed hand to her breast, and pressed at her nipple. "It feels good when this area is teased. Did you know that?" she asked Mizuna. "Come here. It seems that our bodies are more susceptible to pleasure as a result of this transformation. I want to share this knowledge with you, if you don't know of it." she offered, basically asking Mizuna if she wanted to have sex.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

Hmm... she does make a good enough point... Mizuna thought about the dragoness' words, not having all that much experience with her own form. All she had usually used it for was the usual hunting and eating and exploring things, not really for any pleasure activities. It was an aspect of knowledge among all others, so there might be something to get from the offer. So, she decided to go closer to the dragon lady and see what she would have to teach. There was still some hesitation, but it was never superior over the endless curiousity that made Mizuna's being.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

The dragon took Mizuna into her lap, and directed her claw to indicate Mizuna's breast. "I will show you my meaning," she indicated, before pulling aside Mizuna's outfit enough to reveal at least one of Mizuna's nipples, and then moving her mouth forward to extend her tongue and reach Mizuna's exposed nipple. Licking back and forth, her tongue teased and flicked at Mizuna's chest, stimulating her slightly. "Do you see? Lust inspiring, our bodies are. But we cannot pleasure ourselves so easily, this leads me to conclude that others are meant to provide this pleasure. But the other thing of interest to me is this," she said, before Mizuna felt the dragon's finger brush between her legs. "Doesn't it feel... Very good?" she inquired, testing to see if her own beliefs of how their bodies worked were true.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

Going along with the dragoness' instructions, the sahuagin girl took up a spot on her lap as the other asked for her to do it. It wasn't a long way from there to a situation where Mizuna was being pleasured with something that would likely end up being a much longer session. The ancient tongue had obvious skill, but it was not enough to produce sounds from her. Still, there was a visible sign of arousal on Mizuna's face, a healthy red glow. Even as the centuries-old fingers brushed at her sensitive lower parts, the only sign of the sahuagin's aproval was a slight nod. Not wanting to break the dragoness away from her peculiar ways, she waited for the other to carry on.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

"Interesting..." the dragon suddenly said, before Mizuna found herself being lifted off of the dragon's lap. "Well, now that I have eaten, I would like to venture out to destroy Atlantis, and the Queen mermaid there who imprisoned me... I would, but without my massive form, I don't seem as intimidating as I used to be..." the dragon thought to herself, while Cai came over to Mizuna with interest, swimming up behind her, before Mizuna felt her legs gripped by Cai's fins, and Cai's mouth introduced to her lower area as the other sahuagin began to orally assault her fellow fish. "Use of the mouth...?" the dragon wondered using her mouth on such a place, though saw Mizuna's initial reaction of pleasure, before leaning forward, and testing the theory herself, before Mizuna found herself being licked from both women.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

While being picked up a bit, Mizuna could hear the ancient dragoness talking again. "Huh... what is she going on about? That sounds oddly weird..." she thought about the babblings related to Atlantis and mermaid queens. But before she could really think about it further, Cai decided to get into the thing between them as well, scooping up the older sahuagin's legs and starting to please her in an oral fashion. It didn't take but a few pleasurable seconds for the dragoness to enter back into the act as well, leaving Mizuna the target of a double sexual assault. Being subjected to simultaneous stimulation, it was much harder for her to contain her arousal, and occasional quiet sounds began to emit from Mizuna as she was teased by the two others in the ruins.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

"I recall something similar to this," the dragon thought as she gave Mizuna a routine lick, varying a bit in her operations, applying her tongue to the sahuagin's genitals. "Humans, I saw them often, and they were all over. The men would be aggressive to the women, back then. And the women would always reject them in some varying degree, or not at all. But what we're doing now seems like both a taboo, and yet it's not. It's a practice everyone wants to engage in, and yet they don't." The dragoness stopped licking suddenly to look up at Mizuna. "Yet, this seems different. This act of providing pleasure to such sensitive areas to one another is not something any of us do not want to distance ourselves from... In fact, I'm filled with the urge to inflict this pleasure onto others, despite seeing it as a taboo among the human society. Even among dragons, acts of this supposed taboo wasn't simply done to experience pleasure. As a male... I had to be stronger than others... But most the most confusing thing of all is..."

The dragon looked down at it's own body. "I am clearly not a male anymore." she noted.

"I want to explore how much society has changed. Accompany me, won't you?" she asked of Mizuna and Cai.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

Even as she carried on with the pleasurings, the ancient dragoness didn't let up on her voiced thoughts. While it was somewhat of a rambly thing, Mizuna found herself agreeing to most of it. What little of the societies she had seen, there was indeed a dilemma about sexuality being expressed or supressed. Then there was the request to join the dragoness in her quest of society exploration. Always one to look for new things, Mizuna quickly agreed to join on the undertaking.