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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

@Jessica: Thanks. It's nice someone's adding their own H-characters here, especially one in your own likeness, I'm guessing. I actually downloaded your characters a week ago. Personally, I'm not much for futa or scat or vomit, so I removed those anims and replaced much of the sound. I won't be uploading the changed version, obviously, out of respect, but I do like the characters otherwise and appreciate you uploading them (they're like, the only things on the old Spanish forum).

@Noka: I suppose. I do agree that if we could all speak Japanese, this would be so much easier, since they're a lot more active than we are. As for attitudes, yes, but as I've been saying ad nauseum, we have the wrong mentality in that we're constantly demanding people share, which is understandable but lazy. Rather, we need to start doing things ourselves and sharing the information. I don't give a damn if the Japanese modders share (well, it'd be nice), but if they could teach us how to code H-mugen and if we had some talented spriters, we could revive the H-mugen scene. All the same, you're right, this is a fruitless effort though I'm not going to stop posting here. And I somewhat agree. There ARE lots of sprites--H sprites--around. But the other half is that we lack being able to properly code a character for H-mugen. I remember in the old thread when we had lots of Bao sprites and despite the communal begging, nobody knew how to code Bao correctly to make it/him a raper. (I think my Bao can actually do it, but it's far from mugenero's version).

@Hamger: lol, might be captain obv here, but you need to click the little labels that say "mugen" or "link", haha. -__- As for your earlier inquiry (I had to go search for it a few pages back), my Morrigan is fairly updated, but I think she needs the bed, afaik.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Since i've been mentioned a bit in those lasts pages, mind if i put my 2 cents here?...
I don't know you, but i appreciate the fact that you loved what i did in thos e 2 years.
Let me say that the persons you mentioned above as modders, ( i mean tetchi, me, bet which i know better than anyone here) aren't the best for modding ( i said me included!), even if i greatly appreciated what they did for the whole community and still they have my respect, mosts of the moe.in modders can pawn us istantly....hope it isn't your case, but
judging from your posts you're making things too much easy to do, when they're not and to me there are some contradictions in your posts, but that doesn't matter to me.
Even great modders as Light, 22b ecc.., let me say mosts of them "artists", had big problem into modding characters and mosts of the experienced new-gen modders edit and re-edit their sprites all days to find something enough "good" to be uploaded.( and mosts of the time, this doesn't happen).It requires weeks, months in many cases.
Personally it takes me a week to proper animate 3 sprites (yep 3 sprites) depending of character, and still i find many imperfections to them.
I'd be really happy if this situation doesn't fit you, it means that you're a genius or some real pro-talented-pixelartist enough experienced to end sprites so easly.
I don't mind if someone edit the sprites i made or upload them elsewhere, i don't really care,instead i've even told in the readme to improve them. I've just upload what i felt to be uploaded.
About Ange, yep she's from umineko VN and ougon musou kyoku fighting game, strange that you didn't know her.....
If you know mugen ryona scene well you should know that Yu-toharu doesn't accept any upload of his characters, that's why i'm just uploading sprites.
That said i hope that i'm wrong, and that you're the new light for mugen-h world, but i've seen many of them fade slowly into the darkness.
Please understand that english isn't my main language and i absolutely don't want to hit your pride or postivness or be rude. It's just that it is so unrealistic that i felt to post this here and i repeat that i hope i'm wrong.
Also i've found funny that your way to answer is similar to the one used in another thread here......but nvm

Just a hint for who really want to learn.
Those are the steps to do before even start to thing to edit something:
learn to use PS,ppp,gimp (as pro) or any other software that allows you to edit images including palettes.(2 or 3 years tomake it good and there is still tolearn)>>>learn how to make a sprite appear in a stage at a specific time with a specific duration (this require yo to code even a little the .def and is the basic of coding in mugen.)(2-3 weeks depending of codingskill)>>>explore characters,learn the pose coded for the compatibility.(1 month)>>> ready doujin watch hentai,anime take them as reference (this will improve your eyes for proportions and good images,poses.(years)>>>start to edit stage, portrait,characters ecc...(1-2 years if without interruption), basically you have to be an otaku..

As you can see this requires years (yep years, i'm at 9th year of modding),time,effort, love for animation,ecc... at least its how it worked to me,or just sit and w8 for other to share their work.Just remember that there aren't hidden treasures on the web, i just hate people who promise you something that can't fullfill.


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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Thanks for your reply, RMDB. Big fan of your work and never thought I'd be speaking with you.

As far as making things too easy, it's a combination of being a small step above newbies, and also NOT being a spriter/character creator. In my mind, as I'm fairly experienced with FF3, I can actually do things; however unlike the more advanced modders who are able to sprite and code, I'm nowhere near the state of perfectionism, let alone just trying to make a sprite. So yes, I'm probably making things much too easy but it seems fairly rudimentary in my mind. Hopefully that doesn't come off as arrogant, simply because the people you mentioned (and you yourself) are far, far more experienced than I. As for being contradictory, I'm sure I am. Just comes with being a human and having lots of expressed thoughts. They're bound to conflict, even if only in someone's perception, at some point. :p

Heh, I'm quite oblivious to the mugen ryona scene, because I don't speak Japanese and I'm nowhere near the level of modding y'all are. In addition, in regards to the people you've mentioned, while I frequent most of their pages, I see next to no activity aside from what happens on the uploader or hinanjo site. As you've stated, it's no doubt because it takes forever to work on a character or their sprites/anims. But that lack of activity, along with the communication barrier and gap of mugen knowledge, prevents me from truly being connected to the best in the J H-Mugen community. As for the Ange character, sorry, I'm quite unfamiliar with most anime, save for the popular ones. And thanks for the info about the creator. I won't be uploading Ange due to that.

Yes, I do agree that it's quite unrealistic and yes, I've seen LOTS of people attempt this, with that English forum attempt that died almost immediately, and such. Still, if everyone had that mentality, there would be no hope. Might as well put myself out there and offer to coach someone, even if I doubt it'll work, and even if I'm comparably inexperienced. I offer no promises, just a dream.

While it might just be a difference in perception, I disagree with where one would start in terms of modding and also that there are no 'hidden treaures' around. Though I'm fairly experienced Gimp and the Adobe suite (due to work), I started to use those fairly recently in mugen. I started with FF3 and mastering THAT first. I think it's because you mean to start newbies with actually MAKING sprites and characters, while I'm directly speaking to those who just want to incorporate your sprites and whatnot onto existing characters. Or perhaps you know another way. I'm at that level, where--as I said--I can take anything that exists (the code and/or sprites) and plop it onto a character. I myself don't really watch hentai anymore. I JUST started to modify the CNS files and most of the time, it's pure experimentation. You may not consider that as modding or as anything impressive, but it took a while to learn that, given nobody was helping me at all, hence why I want to help others here at that very beginning level. Someday, we'll all be at your level. Maybe.

As for hidden treasures, true, I almost NEVER find anything when I browse, and it's usually from the hinanjo/uploader sites. But I have found sprites and stuff, as well as a few exceptional characters. And sometimes I stumble onto one of the modder sites (Bet, Tetchi, yours...at one point) where they've put up a new character or stage I've never seen before. You probably don't consider that 'hidden'. But you gotta understand that some English mugen users or newbies have no idea those things or places exist. As I've stated, there's a disconnect between the J ryona H-mugen modders/community and the English one, because of the language barrier and the gap in experience/skill/passion. I'm not going to encourage anyone to look for hidden gems, because my experience shows it's relatively fruitless. Yet there are resources out there, hidden or not.

But hey, I do appreciate what you've done for the community, RMDB. Very, very impressed with your mugen and am still grateful for what you've provided and continue to provide on the uploader. Honestly, I wish I knew enough about H-mugen to join that upper echelon of modders and assist y'all, but I can only offer as much as I can (teaching others what I know), and learn from my experiences in the meantime. Hope that you continue to visit, because I know this is a pipe dream and I could use support from excellent modders as yourself.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Though I'm fairly experienced Gimp and the Adobe suite (due to work),Someday, we'll all be at your level.

well..i apologize then. if you're experienced with that tools then you are a step ahead .
But seriously i repeat again, i'm not the great modder you think i am, even if it is nice to feel appreciated sometimes. that said, keep modding,have fun and good luck.

ps. i know that qofr 1.0b is a little fancy and too heavy in size. those are of course known problems, (that was a beta afterall). instead the biggest mistake i made has been to use the 9000.0 as main select screen portrait. this cause bug when you open characters with ff and other tools and its a pain in the ass if you want to edit something. Anyway it has been solved reneaming 9000,0 to a different number e.g 9000,8 (and ofc changing the loaded 9000,0 into system.def) so you dont need to change the standard 9000,0. in fact i'm working on v1.5, but its not my pority at time.
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

A page back or so someone mentioned a new creampie. Does that replace the original? Also, how do you implement it? It seemed to have file names the same as existing files and with MUCH smaller file sizes.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

yes. it replace the original,if you like it ofc.

open kuroplus with ff3 then make a new project chose stage or character it doesn''t matter. then in the new tab click on sprite icon,open, chose the creampie sff.then go to kuroplus tab. now since the creampie pack is palette compatible you have to add the sprites after an image which has shared palette.it works even if you add them after the 9000,0 but i prefer tho add them at the end of kuro moves,anyway stay on 9000,0 then click on sprite icon,import from another project chose all sprite and click ok. that should be all. This method doesn't work flawlessy all the time, but is a good way to start.
don't forget to remove the old creampie sprites group (sry remove them only if they use the same group number of the original). if the pack comes with the air, (i don't remember) then copy and paste the code in kuromaru.air after you are sure that no other animation has the same number or it will conflict, but if im not wrong it's not the case for the new kuro creampie. if for some reason the sprite you added doesn't change color in game, it means that the sprite before them is unshared. i suggest as newb method tocheck with ff ultimate. reopen the character and check if the sprite before the one you added is with sbared palette. if not then check shared palette.save and close. Just remmber this rule; not all sprites of a character has shared palettes, some sprite necessary stay unshared.After you learnt this method then i suggest to use SAE to add your sprites. it is less bugged then ff3 but it teach you nothing.
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Hey, i saw there was talk of kuromaroU in the OP, but not a link handy. I don't suppose someone could hook me up with the most recent edit, please?
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Hey, i saw there was talk of kuromaroU in the OP, but not a link handy. I don't suppose someone could hook me up with the most recent edit, please?
probably you need to ask FruitSmoothie for his compilation or the individual char.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

probably you need to ask FruitSmoothie for his compilation or the individual char.

Yeah, i was hoping to avoid downloading an entire multi-gb file. I figured there would be an individual upload somewhere if I asked nicely
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

It's still quiet here, which either means nobody really cares about H-mugen (likely), or there's not much activity in working on stuff (unlikely, given there's a lot of stuff on the uploader--D4Cathy patch, new Birdie anims, the new Schlussel). So I guess I'm resigned to the fact that I'll never see the H-mugen mod revolution I had hoped for. It was a long shot anyway.
For the record, I lurk a lot but hardly ever post. I appreciate your hard work.

Regarding a potential revolution, I've had some thoughts about how to make R-morrigan fun to play, but I have no editing talent and I'm not sure where to start or who to talk to about doing any of it.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

For the record, I lurk a lot but hardly ever post. I appreciate your hard work.

Regarding a potential revolution, I've had some thoughts about how to make R-morrigan fun to play, but I have no editing talent and I'm not sure where to start or who to talk to about doing any of it.
what kind of thoughts?it is not a bad idea to share them.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Yeah, i was hoping to avoid downloading an entire multi-gb file. I figured there would be an individual upload somewhere if I asked nicely

I figure you may not be the only one that wants this. Here's the main rapers as individual downloads.

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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

New vid from Mugen_Rape.

This man (assuming it's male) is my fuckken hero.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

I prefer the 2 videos that 'mugen sprites lover' who seems to speak english and be from the middle east makes. I would KILL for that morrigan. Though its clear these are characters not meant to use as characters, but just custom sprites being animated in a video.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

I prefer the 2 videos that 'mugen sprites lover' who seems to speak english and be from the middle east makes. I would KILL for that morrigan. Though its clear these are characters not meant to use as characters, but just custom sprites being animated in a video.

Yeh the moriggon vs yoko fight was amazing. I wish his moriggon was obtainable.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

New Mugen_Hentai vid and Mugen Sprites Lover vids in HD.

This is his 3rd vid named Bao even it is listed as the 2nd.

Mugen Sprites Lover

Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Those Mugen Sprites Lover vids are mindblowing. Great find.

I went ahead and finally downloaded all 35 parts (500 MB each) for the Queen of Fighters Redux 1.0. For the most part its really disappointing. It has more total characters than the earlier version I posted, but almost everything added has abysmal compatibility, and the extra rapers either don't do anything rapey at all or are just pure awfulness (i.e. guro). The load time for the first start was over a minute. It doesn't want to switch out of full screen. There's probably a text file I could change that in, but I didn't feel like messing with it.

One strange thing about the total size was that 2/3 of it comes from the data/end folder, and I don't even know what that is. Maybe finishing move animations or something?
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

what kind of thoughts?it is not a bad idea to share them.

Well, okay. lets see here. Inspired by that edit of her(one of the kuromarus has it also, where there's a prompt to hold A, B, C etc.) that lets you choose which animation to use after a grab instead of always going randomly.

She is kind of annoying to play though, and could use some ease-of-convenience updates: That slowdown/bullettime during grabs and the curtains has got to go.
The curtains themselves could use an update - the could stand to go for most of the sex moves, or just do a single simple left to right pass instead of drawing in from either side, saved for actual supermoves, or a post-win animation. Something different, that's all, its just kind of annoying. The bed can stay though.

I'd like to see her get an 'exxx mode' type toggle, in which you tap a button(i'm thinking replacing taunt/hitting start), which makes her strip down and grow her penis like she does when initiating a grab. Enabling it can alter some of her other moves:
Basically like a slightly more lewd version of the Ryu->Dark Ryu transformation move. Takes slightly more damage, mild naughty alterations to her moveset, but in return skips the animations while initiating sex-grabs and gets right to fucking, and moves around with a floppy dong out while in it. (swap to nude sprites, may need some animation work - if she gets sexgrappled while in this mode, the penis should probably stay while she's getting it.)
For example, soul fist might trail hearts while becoming shorter ranged, but and inflicting the same stun status that kuromaru's breath attack does but for a shorter time because its a faster projectile.(i've noticed a lot of compatable characters masturbation poses/sprites when hit by this). I'm sure other people will find ideas here.
Not actually a supermove, just a toggle with some benefits/tradeoffs associated. Also a 'hold start while selecting pallete' to start in it like minotaur has with his dark minotaur mode. Pretty much just pre-triggering the stripping animation.

The thing about succubi is.... there should be some sort of connection with the partner or control over the sex, instead of just playing out the animation. Edits of kuromaru and later rapers give you the option of which pose and speed to use, and this would be taking it to the next level - same idea, little more convenience, funner to play, giving people a reason to use her - just by playing with the speed of the already-existing animations. Minigame-ish.
If you've seen that variation of kuromaru, lite I believe - where the jump-and-hum dash move will trigger the fellatio, and then give you another option to branch into A or B and into another position - its kind of like that, except a little more fluid. Minotaur has similiarities where you can change between positions within the grab.
So you could do something where you start with the oral grab, then move to standing, and have an option to transition to the bed pose if you have enough meter. Or just end if you miss the prompt or aren't full enough, and the match goes back to continuing as normal.
Basically it would change ryona morrigan into dealing most of her damage through sex and flow better, without being an instawin like bao's animations are. Same kind of deal, more fairness.

New supermove: Pressing a button(start) while in a sex pose takes a super bar, but gives a sort of super-cumshot animation and then gives you a pause to select another pose. So you can pay a super bar to keep fucking. Since you do damage and gain meter while in it, you want to hit it near the end of the animation, so you may miss your window if you wait, or you can use a full bar to unload several times in a row for the finisher. Basically a halfway mix of the heavy damage minotaur does when cumming and a special kuromaru move where if he kills an enemy in it, he cums like 4-5 times as much and leaves a giant puddle when he pulls out. (its the ground grab where you have the option to squeeze/lick/fuck and can pull off two if you're quick on the fingers. I can try to find a video or gif if it isn't clear.)
I actually did some admittedly unskilled edits ( ryona.moe.in/hinanjo/siokara.php?res=3301[/url] ) over here towards the bottom, #3533 specifically, so you can see what i mean. Special animation and then a small prompt window to continue while you just keep unloading.
Succubi are sex demons, after all.

I'd like to see the fellatio cum animation for morrigan improved: Its a little weak, I think that sprite's from slime and his game-over animation. Morrigan's supposed to kind of be flirty and funny instead, though. So Instead of using that, make it instead a giant blast that just covers the victim, leaving a pair of wide-white googley eyes blinking and conveying 'holy-shit i didn't expect THAT much', before they shake it off and recover. You know that cartooney bubble bath/foam pose where all you can see is the eyes? Like that, but with spunk. One-size-fits-all sprite, goes over the model, plus the laughing sound.
You know that victory ending pose where Lilith drops down from the ceiling, all tied up? Stick a dick on her, and have her leak on the loser. Its much more humiliating and more morrigan's style. Stuff like that.

What else. Those are the main ideas. Meter gain/damage may have to be rebalanced, but I think it would be worth it.

Is it possible to have an attack do more or less damage depending things like the victim's current HP or super bar, or your own? I'm not sure how mugen works, there. I've noticed a lot of sex moves deal super meter damage, and there's some potentially interesting things there I don't know enough about to say if possible or not.
I was thinking that you would keep the duration of any sex move the same, but use the A B C buttons to change the speed of it - with either slight variations on meter loss for the opponents or your gain, or filling a small love-heart meter for your opponent - just a small thing to the side showing how much they're into it. Just a little heart for that move specifically that fills up as you go, and if it fills all the way you get a small bonus - vocal audio que, a little bit of meter, or a stun pose animation after the stance is over.
I don't mean applying the minotaur bar - which is used for the whole match - instead for a single sexgrapple move at a time.(it would start out fresh next time) In which case you have the choice to try to fill their heart and come out ahead, so instead of just using the most damaging move at your disposal. Loose idea involved the best move for that at any time being based on your opponents meter - slow if they're at tier 3, fast when its nearly gone, that kind of thing.

Basically, reading the situation really well and getting the victim off means a free or cheap continue type of deal, making the character more engaging to play instead of just firing off move after move.

It might also be possible to co-opt some lilith sprites for her split-in-2 shadow moves, or to change standard morrigan 'behind the curtains super-finisher' to just be a bunch of shadowishpanels of a comic book each playing out a different sex pose. Oral, then standing, then against the wall, etc, until they all play at the same time. Taking that stock finisher and spreading it out so you can see what -really- went down in the non-pg 13 finishing version.

Sorry if that was too many words. Uhm. You wanted to see the ideas and I guess I brought a text-bomb instead. Oops
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

I check in here a lot too, just not much to say. I'm not currently updating my Mugen although I play it occasionally. I'm sure I'll have a hankering to update it again eventually, I usually go on sprees with it lol. Not really enough new stuff I'm interested in to go through the hours of downloading/installing/testing to see if the characters are actually updated/functioning properly.

That and I'm still handing out links to it, I've passed 200 I think, lol. To people asking for specific characters in my Mugen set up though, I'm not going to upload individual characters, sorry. It's kind of a take it or leave it thing since it'd be obnoxious having like 50 different downloads up. Most of them aren't too hard to find on their own anywho. I know the size is a bit daunting but it's a lot better of a compilation than the "Queen of Fighters" you'll find, it's not just a bunch of half compatible nude sprites.

I check in on the fc2 videos a lot. I'm not really interested in all the human rapers like Bao, Vega and Birdie and such, and that's really what gets uploaded there the most.
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