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Sex Mugen

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Re: Sex Mugen

This is pretty damn good allsop.

Yes, much better than what I posted before. I adjusted the in game settings and I was good to go. Although, a fair amount of the stages still bother me (ether with lack of quality or by being annoying (or both (mostly both))). Most importantly every character seems to be compatible with every raper in at least some way.
Re: Sex Mugen

any one have a Presea? I've seen her but just can't seem to find her, I don't think she is sex set up.
Re: Sex Mugen

so apparently if i run mugen in full screen my computer will have blue screens of death for a day... if i run in window mode no problems. thank you windows 7 i'm just going to assume im the only one who has that problem at any rate nice find
Re: Sex Mugen

I've never had any issues running MUGEN in fullscreen. And that counts using two different OS's (XP & 7) and 6-10 different versions of MUGEN.
Re: Sex Mugen

is there any dl link or source to dowload individual chars
i like to have a morrigan
Re: Sex Mugen

Well here's a separate link for Ryona Morrigan v2.5:

Hope that's what you were looking for.
Re: Sex Mugen

I've compiled my own sex mugen which has what I consider to be a bunch of decent victim characters and all the decent rape characters. I might upload it if people are interested.
Re: Sex Mugen

Post your roster and maybe an upload will be imminent.

I have like... 12 kuromaru's it's annoying.
Re: Sex Mugen

You know what I havent seen?A futa rapist char. I mean a good one thats compatible with most characters. :(
Re: Sex Mugen

You know what I havent seen?A futa rapist char. I mean a good one thats compatible with most characters. :(

Well here's a separate link for Ryona Morrigan v2.5:

Hope that's what you were looking for.

This is a Futa Rapist Char. A good one that's compatible with most characters.
Re: Sex Mugen

Noodles (The Murakami Mob guy) is working on a crapload of characters. I don't even know which one to be most excited about.
Re: Sex Mugen

I button mash when I have little to no hp left. Usually I get a win from doing that, just because it appears I attack randomly. Sometimes it backfires and I die. But NEVER button mash against an AI.
Re: Sex Mugen

Noodles (The Murakami Mob guy) is working on a crapload of characters. I don't even know which one to be most excited about.

I saw this actually, I'm honestly worried he might "burn" himself out before he gets anything done. Still though it looks very promising.

Also, link to the blog just in case someones wondering.

I button mash when I have little to no hp left. Usually I get a win from doing that, just because it appears I attack randomly. Sometimes it backfires and I die. But NEVER button mash against an AI.

Wait, so do you play against other people or something?
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Re: Sex Mugen

I've compiled my own sex mugen which has what I consider to be a bunch of decent victim characters and all the decent rape characters. I might upload it if people are interested.

Im interested :) so do it when you have time please ^^
Re: Sex Mugen

I'd also be interested in your pack Aika. Mine's lost on my dead computer and I had too much content on it to track it all over again.
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