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Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=73/83 ; Enthralled, Dark Armor, Paralyzed1(DC30), prone

Iri, returning to the scene, decided to make her way to the rooftops to get a good vantage point. She phased through the darkness while trying to stay out of the prying eyes of the sentries.

Stealth: Failed
Iri is spotted by a scanning sentry.
To-hit: 46 vs 39 = Iri is hit with a paralyzing dart
Resistance: 20+12 vs 36 = Iri gains an instance of Paralyze

Iri is paralyzed: 20+5=25 vs 30 = Iri remains motionless on the ground.
Resistance: 20+20 = Iri can move this turn.

The sentry tries to shoot Iri with another dart: Miss

While checking on the warehouse across the way, the flash of a lens graces her eye. She finds out that someone is looking right at her a moment too late. In a split second, a drugged dart is fired right into her arm. In an instant, her entire left side goes numb, and her foot gives out, causing her to fall on the ground in front of a ruined segment of the building she climbed onto. The sentry who spotted her began shouting that he found "the shadow walker" before trying to fire again at the girl, but luckily the shot was too difficult as she was now prone. It sounded like the whole nearby area came alive, with even footsteps coming from the building she ascended below, sounding like a couple soldiers were on their way to intercept her in her weakened state.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri cursed as she felt the dart dig into her arm, leaving her body numb. She couldn't help but crash into the floor, unprepared for this. The only good thing about this was that the sniper couldn't hit her again so easily. Unfortunately, he raised an alarm, letting the others know where she was. This was bad, as it sent gods knew how many armed guards after her. She had to retreat quickly - this approach was burned, anyway, and attempting to infiltrate while half paralyzed was foolishness. She'd need to even the odds in order to make the escape work, though.

The Anudorian spread her darkness around once more, covering as wide an area as she could. With her cover shot, there was no need for subtlety. She'd use the cover of shadows created by her to get up and teleport away, then look for a place to hide. Once she got far enough and broke line of sight, she could drop her armor and try to blend in somewhere among the crowds. If the pursuit kept up, though, she'd probably have to consider retreating to nearest friendly place, though, like Master's den or maybe even Hank's house. One way or another, she had to evade capture and settle down for a few hours to recover. There was no way she'd make a second approach before nightfall, not with defenses like these.

(Patch of Darkness, then Shadowstalker to escape, 5 EP each.)
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=61/83 ; Enthralled, Dark Armor, Paralyzed1(DC30), prone

Iri created a patch of darkness in her area. Meanwhile, the soldiers came up the stairs, cursing. "Fuck, I can't see!" one said. "Find her, she's gonna try to run most likely!" another followed up.

Stealth: 17+15=32 vs 16 Iri successfully evades being spotted
Paralyze: 20+13=33 Success

Iri was able to move, able to stand up from being prone. The men were having great trouble bumping into her.

Stealth: 17+8=25 vs 20+18-10=28 Iri is found
Paralyze: 20+10=30 Iri succeeds

Iri began trying to dematerialize, right when someone stumbled upon her. He immediately tried to catch her, but Iri was already one with the shadow. She teleported away, never once thinking of anywhere specific. Alleyways, places to hide inside houses, rooftops, the only thing she thought of was escaping 'away' without any actual specification. So away she want, her instincts telling her that into the alleyways was at least away from the sniper fire.

Paralyze: 20+18=38

Iri managed to fight through the numbness, and flee before the soldiers could escape the patch of darkness and start looking for her again. After a time, the sounds of pursuit seemed to end. She let her armor fall and would try to blend in with the crowd, though the paralyzation was still a factor. It was hard to walk. It was also hard to not look like a zombie in the midst of the crowd. It was inevitable that she'd lose her ability to keep up her step and fall just like she did initially. Except it wasn't concrete that would greet her this time, it was a perhaps frighteningly familiar large presence. "Oh, mi amore! We meet again, it must be fate!" the large man announced. With his twirly mustache, he picked up Iri like she were a princess. (Paralyze=20+6;fail) And she found the paralyze cruelly not allowing her to move, or even try to cast magic to escape. "Alas, you look so weak! You sink into my embrace, or perhaps it is your relief to see me again?" he chuckled. "Come, I will take you to my home~" he promised. "Manni will cure this sickness that possesses you!" he declared, as if trying to pretend he was Iri's prince in shining armor and the anudorian was doubtlessly happy to see him. Or maybe that's how he truly saw the situation. Either way there was no doubt that he was crazy about Iri, given how he seemed to be stalking her after their last meeting and how eager he is to be apart of her situation and even offer to cure her of her paralyzation.

His intentions were obvious though, based on his wandering eyes.

(Resistance: 20+20 ; Iri can attempt to escape)

If Iri didn't resist, she'd find she actually ended up not far from the man's house as he pretty much was just walking home. He'd enter his house and take Iri with him, closing the door behind him. As for what he intended after that, Iri would find out if she refused to be trapped inside his home.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri let out a long breath as she dematerialized, barely avoiding the man that ran into her. That was close. Too close. She wasn't safe yet, though, she still had to put some distance between herself and her pursuers. Thankfully, she was able to fight off the paralysis long enough to move away from the place she got spotted. Altough she was a little troubled by the fact that they recognized her gender. She could no longer count on being unknown to them, which sucked. Still, it wasn't a crippling loss, as long as she made no more mistakes. And now that she apparently managed to break contact, she could drop her armor and try to lay low for a few hours.

Unfortunately, trying to hide among the crowds turned out to be far more difficult than she assumed. Iri had no idea it'd be so hard to act normal when her body was half paralyzed, but she was quickly realizing she'd stand out a lot. If anyone chased her so far, they'd quickly notice her and figure out why she acted like this, blowing her cover again. Before she could think of a solution, however, she tripped and fell. And ran straight into quite possibility the last person she expected to find here. The pig-like man from the brothel, who immediately scooped up her immobile body while spouting some embarrassing and cheesy lines.

Unable to act, Iri found herself trying hard not to scream in frustration. Was this Manni an idiot, or delusional? Either way, he was definitely a pervert, she could tell. Still, if he was going to take her to his home, then maybe she could make this work for her. She could stay there for a while, recover, then return for another go once night fell. "Sorry for being a bother, but I'm rather weak today." She replied, trying to smile, if only slightly. Damn, she wasn't feeling too hot about the prospects of fucking him again, but safety was more important. "I'll be very grateful for your help." The Anudorian let him carry her off to his house. She'd recover, let him fuck her, rest up and leave come nightfall, citing orders from her Master as an excuse.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=61/83 ; Enthralled, Paralyzed1(DC30)

Taken into the man's home, it turned out that he had a fairly alright place. To the left was some kind of relaxation room, with a huge tub in it of all things. A couple of demon maids dressed in short skirts were walking around as the undeniable source of his corruption, cleaning the house and the other cooking food. "Welcome home, master." a demoness with black skin and blue eyes with shining white long hair flowing down her back greeted. "The misses is apparently planning to leave. She is packing her bags above." she declared.

He looked shocked, before a loud thumping came down the stairs. A woman who looked equally fat as him pounded her feet down the stairs, carrying two massive suitcases that looked able to carry two adult human beings apiece. She seemed on her way out when she saw him, carrying Iri. "GOOD! THERE SHE IS ALREADY!" she growled loudly. "My replacement! The whore from the horse brothel! The little skinny bitch who rode your dick for your entire fucking wallet!" she snarled.

"She has already fallen into my arms from the streets, you evil hag!" Manni declared. "Our love was predestined! However the love between you and I was not but a farce created by your wretched parents!" he declared.

"I DON'T FUCKING CARE MANNI!" the fat woman screamed, before stomping past him and slamming the door shut behind her.

He sighed, before taking Iri into the relaxation room. There was a super wide couch apparently meant for the two fat people who lived here to sit on at the same time that Iri was laid upon, with plenty of room to relax. He took some of the pillows next to the arm rest and laid them under her head. "Sorry about that, mi amore. The cancer in my life is gone, she was jealous of you." he declared. "Bring my new love some herbs and such in a tea to cure paralysis, won't you?" he asked one of the maids, who made a bow.

"Yes sir. Also, there are soldiers outside asking around for-" she began, looking right at Iri.

"I know." he replied immediately. "Do not worry, my love. They will not find you~" he promised. The other demon maid, a completely white skinned woman with red eyes and jet black hair walked in, carrying what seemed to be a silver tray with medicinal supplies along with a mortar and pestle and set it down next to him. "The water will boil in a minute, master." she cooed, before walking away without glancing at Iri.

Manni calmly began taking the herbs, and crushing them into a powder. Eventually putting them onto a circular strip of cloth and tying that up into a tea bag. "So, my valentine colored love. May I at last have your name? And might I inquire as to why you narrowly escaped those soldiers? Perhaps you attempted something and failed?" he asked, before taking her limp, paralyzed arm and kissing her hand. "Or perhaps you could use some aid from your one true love?" he asked as silly mustache tickled her hand.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Glancing around as she was carried inside, Iri had to admit that Manni had a fairly impressive home. It must have cost a lot to build or buy all that stuff. He also had servants, from what she could tell. Demon maids, not very suprising. The way those two seemed to be complete opposites of each other, at least in appearance, was a little perplexing on the other hand. Some kind of bizzare twins? Before she could ponder this further, however, the Anudorian came face to face with the so-called missus of the home, whatever that meant. And became a witness to what was perhaps the most bizzare argument she had seen in her life.

The woman's very appearance was startling. She was fat, just as much as Manni, and apparently had a great amount of physical strenght if the way she carried those two massive suitcases was any indication. Kind of intimidating, actually. Had a good set of lungs on her, too. She also seemed to be incredibly angry at Iri for reasons she couldn't quite fathom. Sure, she understood that Manni apparently chose her over that, but... Who was this woman? Why was she here? Why was she so damn angry about it? Back home, women were mostly free to sleep with whoever they wanted. What did her parents have to do with this?

As the man laid her down on a large and comfy couch, reassuring her, Iri decided to stop thinking about that. Instead, she opted to wait for the healing tea. And silently cursed herself for allowing the soldiers to find out what she looked like so easily. At least Manni seemed unlikely to betray her, even willing to help. Though he was probably not as much of a fool as she initially thought him to be. His guess was very broad, but accurate. And while anyone could have made it, it proved he wasn't stupid at least. Waiting for the tea to brew, Iri carefully considered how to reply. She could probably trust him, but didn't want him to get too involved in this either.

"My name is Iri." She introduced herself, figuring it wouldn't hurt. "Those soldiers... They've attempted to capture a friend of the brothel's Master and sought to replace her with their agent in a plot against him." She explained. "I've stopped that attempt, but there's one more girl they've captured. I need to get her out." A brief summary of situation ought to suffice as a show of trust. "Unfortunately, I got spotted while plotting a way in and out. I was hoping you'd let me stay at least until nightfall, to avoid their patrols. You needn't do anything else, I don't want you to put yourself in too much danger because of me."
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=61/83 ; Enthralled, Paralyzed1(DC30)

After announcing her intentions, Manni hummed, and asked her about the location of which she wished to enter. She indeed answered his inquiry. When she did, he lit up. "Oh! Well, fancy that, my dear! I was going to make a business trip there tomorrow morning!" he announced, before grinning as he was brought a cup and kettle with steaming water coming out of the spout. He poured the hot water into the cup along with a teabag. The aroma quickly reached her nose. It was a soothing smell.

He lifted the cup up towards Iri with one hand, and using the other to lift her head a bit to drink. "How about I deliver their items tonight, instead?" he asked her with intent. "All you need to do is ask, Iri my love~" he cooed.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Letting the man help her drink the tea - not that she had much of a choice - Iri carefully considered her options. They might expect such a tactic from her again, considering how she managed to get Cresent out of their wagon. However, with her abilities it'd be much easier to hide, as she could simply phase between boxes and other objects that could obscure her form. They likely remained unaware of her connection to Manni, and depending on how trusted he was he might get in without too many checks. And they'd be on the lookout for an aerial approach, in all likelyhood. Even with the cover of the night, she'd have a hard time getting in unnoticed.

"Yeah... This could work." She nodded. "If it's not a problem, I'd like to ask for your help with that. I can probably secure an escape route on my own." She stated, slowly sipping the tea. Damn, it had a really nice smell.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=61/83 ; Enthralled

Iri feels the paralysis leave her body.

"Yes, indeed. I'm so happy I can be of such use to you~" he said happily. "But even so, it's not even noon yet. Night time won't be around for a very long time..." he declared. "What shall we do while we wait?" he inquired with intent, setting her tea cup aside while sliding one hand along her thigh. "Can you think of anything?"
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

As feeling and motor functions returned to her body, Iri let out a sigh of relief. Sitting up and stretching slightly to get her limbs back in working order, she pondered what to do next. It was rather obvious what the man wanted from her, really. He did have a point about one thing, though: she had a lot of time to burn till nighttime. And she didn't want to lose his support. "Well... Perhaps we can pass the time doing something enjoyable." The girl replied. "You have a very nice house and I'm sure there's quite a few places here we can... Get to know each other a bit better." Yeah, he was kinda like a pig. But he was helping her and wasn't too lousy in bed, so she could deal with it.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=83/83 ; Enthralled

The man chuckled, a blush appearing on his face that made him look twice as silly. "I am absolutely flattered, my dear! After all my attempts to woo you, now it is you wooing me?" he declared. "I would be absolutely foolish to refuse! How about a bath?" he offered. "I just got home you see, from dealing with a bit of a..." he frowned a bit. "... A bit of a problem. But with a bit of pressure, the problem resolved itself just fine! Unfortunately I'm rather sweaty after the experience, and your own adventures have you looking like you could freshen up a bit, no offense milady!" he declared. As if understanding their task, the two maids were bringing in water and casting what seemed to be a fire spell to heat the tub up. Meanwhile, the merchant stood, pulled at one sash around his waist, and his entire wardrobe, his silk robe, his silk pants, even his underwear, all fell off at once. Like magic. A frightening kind of magic.

He'd soon enter the tub, raising the levels of water by a large margin, with enough space for Iri to comfortably enter as well. Given the grime from being a whore the past two days, she was understandably sweaty as well. "We will wash your clothes." The black demoness stepped forth, offering to take Iri's clothing. Unlike the wife, they didn't seem to care in the least that Iri existed close to their source of food.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

"None taken." Iri sighed. It was true, she really needed a bath after what happened to her lately. She was a bit curious as to what kind of trouble the fat man got into, but decided not to pry. With the kind of stuff that seemed to go on in town on a daily basis, it was probably wise not to learn too much. And it was, in her opinion, yet another hint that Manni was not as much of an idiot as he appeared to be. Altough the way he stripped was... Scarring. The magic employed by the succubi was nothing compared to that. Staring blankly, the Anudorian quietly stripped and gave the maids her clothes before entering the tub, hoping she'd forget the image soon. Damn, she needed a drink.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=83/83 ; Enthralled

Scarred, perhaps for life, Manni chuckled. "You make me blush at your shock. Indeed, this glorious dick is the same one that you experienced before." he assured her, said cock now fully erect indeed just as long and especially thick as she'd remember. Large for human standards, but the thickness was obscene. Were she just a normal human, being told such a fat dick was going in her would sound like a curse. "Why so shy? Oh, of course, you're expecting me to be a gentlemen~" he declared, before leaning forward and coming towards Iri. After he leaned in, he was practically towering over her. She'd find herself scooped up, and coming back down as he sat down, setting Iri back down into his lap. Now she sat with a massive dick right under her pussy, pointing up as a joke could be made about it being her own. Using his hands, Iri suddenly felt as if she wasn't being attacked by a pig-like merchant just out to fuck her, but an artist. He wasn't groping randomly, Iri found him touching the right spots of her pussy, tickling the right nerves between her thighs, and tweaking her nipple just right as his breath along with a nibble on her ear assaulted her with sensations. Then, his fingers dug into her pussy as he began to pump his two fat fingers in and out rapidly inside of her folds, curling up and stroking her inner wall to hit her g-spot.

Quickly, she felt him awaken her inner demon. He seemed to know how to push her button, and did so without care for the consequences of letting out Iri's inner lust. Revealing her inner self that was honestly more insatiable than any but the horse man, who effectively squashed her maddened form. "From just that one night, I learned you, my love. I know how to awaken who you truly are." he declared, before his talking made her animalistic state adopt impatience. Iri heard his words, but the core desire in her mind was to claim that huge cock and have him fuck her like the pig she saw him as. Instead, she'd find herself denied. Manni was restraining her. He began slowly lowering her, revealing a truly sadistic side as he teased his cock inside, gradually inserting himself into her pussy while denying her the pounding sex her body desired. He licked her neck, nibbled her ear, and placed a kiss on her angry lips. The last bit would be his mistake.

Instinctively, Iri's head would slam back, hitting the merchant square in the face and sending him reeling, almost knocking the tub over before Iri became free to mount his cock and slam herself down on his massive dick until her stomach was expanding from the sheer lack of room. "I-Iri! Not even I can contain you!" instead of being angry, he was impressed by Iri's ferocity as she slammed her hips down on his cock. "But... I can outlast you!" he declared, allowing Iri a moment of lead as she grinded herself quickly on his dick, fucking herself rapidly into a climax. Her body trembled with pleasure as the orgasm that rocked her body and mind shoke off the madness which Manni invoked.

In but that moment of weakness, Iri found herself dunked under the water, on all fours in the tub and with no air to breathe. The merchant's weight pressed down on top of her, taking advantage of her weakness. Helpless to shake the man off, Iri had to hold her breath while Manni jackhammered her from above. She could feel the water shifting everywhere under his force, and no escape for her as she'd have to literally lift him to get out. Struggle as she might there was no escape, and under his crushing rape and hard pounding body slamming his large cock into her pussy, she seemed to lose a little air each time from her lungs, until there was nothing left. She truly felt like she was starting to suffocate, all while she could feel him fucking her into an intense orgasm.

Iri's vision began to go black, pleasure mixed with suffocation creating a deadly mix and an oddly nice way to die. That is, before she was ripped out into open fresh air. The breath she took couldn't be deep enough as he held her legs up with his arms and drilled his dick into her pussy above before slamming to a hilt at last as white flashes over took her dark vision. The most powerful orgasm she'd ever had taking her as her blood began to circulate back to her brain. Her heart was pounding so hard that the loudest sound she heard for a good while was a loud drum in her head. Then slowly, she heard sounds of large amounts of liquid splashing into water. She'd come to understand what she was hearing as her feeling returned. A ferocious pumping of the large dick inside of her. The mirror before her showed Iri held in the air with her legs spread, her pussy fully exposed and a fat cock lodged in it, throbbing and pulsating with life as the heavy sack beneath it throbbed. Copious amounts of cum was gushing into her womb. Her womb was steadily inflating before her very own eyes, but Manni wouldn't stop cumming.

It all came to a halt, as Manni slowly stopped cumming. Iri was heavily bloated, and completely exhausted in more ways than one. A second creature that subdued her wild side. Or simply exploited it's weakness of recklessness and lack of skill. One of the maids came forth, holding a large bucket. Manni's cock slowly dislodged itself, letting an unearthly amount of seed gush from her pussy, quickly filling the bucket beyond it's brim. A second demon quickly replaced the first bucket, containing the rest of his seed that was pushed inside of her as his cock flipped loosely into the water, as did he, as did Iri. Iri's lustful state now completely quiet after being given such a dangerous treatment. "I hope you weren't scared. I'm used to giving amazing treatments to some of my maidens. I decided to treat you to some light suffocation." he called almost reaching the point of blacking out light suffocation. "That hit to the face though, ouch! You have quite the temper when you're awoken to your true form." he chuckled.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Staring at the fat cock, Iri would have said it'd never fit if it wasn't for the fact that the merchant was able to push it into her pussy once before. The man himself was able to easily tower above her as she sat down in the tub, too. Pulling her into his lap, he quickly began to work on getting her prepared for what was to come. As she sat atop the massive dick, the girl realized that despite his looks, the man was a master of foreplay. The girl squirmed in his lap, soon panting as she felt pleasure shoot through her body when he groped her chest. A lone moan escaped her lips as Manni pushed his fingers into her pussy, her sensitive folds yielding to his touch as he wound her up more and more.

Within mere moments, the Anudorian felt her reason slip away as her lust awakened. The insatiable devil in her that craved to mate and fuck without regard for anything else. Yet the man was taking his sweet time, making her wait. This made her feel impatient, irritated. He kept teasing her, pushing in so very slowly while he still continued to play with her body. This made her angry, angry enough to buck hard and nail him in the face, throwing him off balance. With a joyful cry, she slammed her hips back, impaling herself on his dick and pushing until it was all the way in. Rapidly moving back and forth the girl drove herself to a climax, moaning lewdly as she felt the madness recede a bit now that she was able to get some release.

Trembling as the orgasm shook her, Iri was momentarily unable to do a thing. That was her undoing, as the man quickly seized the advantage. Even while she was still impaled on his cock, he quickly managed to force her down on her arms and knees, getting on top of her and stopping her from escaping with his sheer mass. And with how high the water level was, that meant her entire body was underwater now, including her head. The girl barely had any time to prepare herself for that or take a deeper breath, As such, she had very little air available, and the supply was dwindling very rapidly. Because now that Manni was back in charge, he was taking advantage of it with gusto.

The man was pounding her fast and hard, doing her with nearly as much zeal as she was doing him earlier. The Anudorian found herself rapidly suffocating even as pleasure rocked her entire body. Her lungs were starting to feel like they were burning and she could feel a dull pounding in her head that intensified as she felt her body go numb. Yet despite the seemingly inevitable lethal conclusion, the pleasure she felt was unlike anything before. It was practically paralyzing, the intensity being beyond anything she ever felt before, overwhelming nearly every other sensation. Despite everything, the girl found herself giving in, surrendering to her fate, lured in by exhaustion and extasy of drowning while being fucked quite literally to death, her heartbeat slowing down.

As her vision slowly went dark, Iri felt her consciousness slip away, along with the strenght to keep her mouth shut to prevent the water from rushing into her lungs. Before that happened, however, she was suddenly hauled out of the water, prompting her to involuntarily take a massive breath of fresh air. The girl could only gasp and pant, nearly choking as she tried to get some oxygen in her lungs while brilliant white light flashed before her eyes. The pounding in her skull returned with a vengeance, magnified tenfold as her heart suddenly began to pump fast and hard. The sudden crash made the numbness she was feeling recede, causing her senses to assault her with a veritable overload of sensations. And with many of them being those of pleasure, she was forced to come hard.

The orgasm that tore through Iri was so powerful she felt her mind blank out again, no thought being able to break through the intense climax she was suffering. The girl went completely limp, unable to resist and barely registering what her partner was doing to her body. She could only pant and moan weakly, lacking the strenght to even cry out. It wasn't until Manni began to pump her full of his cum that she began to realize what was going on around her, only now noticing the mirror in front of her. She could only stare ahead, groaning as she was being filled with liquid heat to the point of overflowing, her body expanding to deal with the massive volume.

After a few moments, Manni finally pulled out, the demon maids approaching with buckets to collect the overflowing seed and stop it from mixing with the bathwater. Falling back into the water, this time in a sitting position at least, Iri felt as if she had the strenght only to lean against the nearest convenient support, still recovering from the insane ordeal. "I can't control it, you know..." She muttered, panting, as the merchant commented on her sex craze. "It just... Happens." That was the best explanation she really had for it. It was another one of those things she couldn't quite understand that none the less were a part of her. "Damn it, I thought I was going to die..." She moaned, sinking down into the water a little more, though not enough to dunk her head again. She had quite enough of that, thank you very much.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=83/83 ; Enthralled

"Oh, you thought you were going to die, eh? What a surprisingly weak constitution you have!" he noted with a chuckle. "Before we truly can become the mates we were destined to be, my dear, you will need more endurance than that! Training you now would be a bad time though, as my lessons are crippling to say the least! You see, on the side, I accept women from various mercenary groups or even unknown affiliations, and men as well, to undergo training from me. I'm a master of torture if I do say so myself, and I help them undergo the steps to become more resilient to interrogation, and poisons." he explained. "Someone like you, if caught... I certainly hope you won't be caught, as they'd surely get you to talk in no time at all." he said, and his voice rang true. She was completely in the palms of the horseman's hands. His influence was far stronger than her own.

"What do you say? Of course, it's all up to you, my dear. If you prefer gentle, I can be gentle~" he offered.

(Iri, in her free time, can train with various NPCs in order to become more powerful, at the expense of her dignity and corruption. The fat man in this instance can increase her Resistance, which might be useful for breaking the enthrallment if she ever desires to. Similarly, being a whore at the brothel can give her money, or instead she can service her master to become better at fucking. When not advancing ye plot, Iri can still be rewarded for interacting with the lowlifes of Acheron.)
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri listened silently, mulling over what she was told with a suprised expression on her face. Damn, she did not expect the fat man to be a goddamn torture technician. Then again, everybody in this city seemed to have some kind of dark side to them. This must have been his. And much as she hated to admit it, he was right - she was far too easily overcome by weakness. His lessons would most likely be degrading and definitely nigh unbearable, if what he said was true and their brief session was anything to go by. Still, she could probably use some extra resilience in the future, especially in a city like that.

"Escaping on my own is something I can do easily enough, I think." The girl sighed. "Actually getting the job done is the hard part. Some training would be nice, but if it's truly as harsh as you've said, then now it's a bad time for it. I'll need to be at full strenght to tackle that place again, especially when they're on alert." She glanced at Manni. "Say, since you're doing business with those guys, you've probably been at their place before, right? Any idea where they could be holding a prisoner?" If they had a basement, it'd probably be there. If not, she'd put her bet on the upper floor.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=83/83 ; Enthralled

"I've never been inside, so I cannot provide a blueprint, however I do have an idea. The lower floor is mostly storage for all their weapons, and sleeping quarters for some of the soldiers. So, I'm fairly certain that if someone is being held there, it might be on the second floor." he explained. "Just be careful. They don't seem to just be normal Acheron thugs. By the way they operate, they might be taking orders from someone with influence. So I'd suggest against killing them if you can help it. Wouldn't want to become wanted in a place like this. Not just the guards but half the town itself would jump on the opportunity to claim you for a reward."
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

"Second floor, huh? Better than basement." Iri nodded. Hmm, if she could find a big enough window there, an escape would become much easier. Definitely flight and phasing for entry and exit. Besides that... "And thanks for the warning. It's not going to make things easier, but I think I might have a couple ways to disable people if need be without killing them." Yes, the tail was coming out this time too. Paralyzing attack had it's uses, not that she had any idea how exactly her power inflicted that. She had to admit she was wondering who ordered those gunmen, though. Clearly it had to be someone uncommon, as simple thugs didn't orchestrate such plans. "Hrrm, if someone influential is in this then they might have some kind of mage support or a demon. This might get tricky. Can't back out at this point, though."
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=83/83 ; Enthralled

He nodded. "Shall we finish our bath, my dear Iri?" he asked. Regardless, they'd get clean and would be given towels by the demons, both of whom seemed to get done consuming the cum that Iri ejected from her body, one even whispering thanks to her for milking it out of him. 'Thanks, he can be a handful to milk sometimes~' she whispered.

Iri would be allowed to stay without much fuss. She'd be given food and shelter through the day, until night fell. That's when the fat man got his wagon ready, inviting Iri outside. "Get into one of the crates, my dear! They'll take you right in if it's bolted shut! Then you can just use that little power of yours to slip right out!" he declared as he sat by the side of his home, which was like a driveway that led into a storage shed. It would be handy in this case, since no one would see Iri get into the wagon.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

"Can't think of a reason not to." Iri nodded, moving to clean herself up. She'd accept the towel from one of the demons, a little suprised by her gratitude. Still, she took it in stride. "You're welcome." She whispered back. She spent the remaining time before the mission relaxing, saving her strenght for the inevitable infiltration. And soon enough, she was back outside, following Manni. At his urging, she slipped into the storage area, picking out a crate that could conceal her before entering. Now it was a matter of being brought in, then getting out and rescuing the prisoner. Hopefully nothing would go wrong, but she had to be ready for anything.