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Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout (ALPHA)

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Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

As he saw them come up, Gilfer immediately advanced on the one on his right, swinging the mace in a lazy arc, even as he manifested, more focused on shocking and disorienting him then killing him at the moment, stating simply, 11 eyes staring at him from every angle, his form otherwise hideously mutating into a series of bloodveins instead of hair, and an assortment of other minor, hideous mutations "Is this job really worth your life?"

(9 on the to-hit. Goin' nowhere. Rolled a 22 on Initiative, showed to GM)
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Elise followed right after, diving at the other guard and swinging her own mace at him, the snake slipping off as she neared and aiming to sink it's fangs into the guard's ankle.

( 22 to hit
11 damage, max

nat 20
19 to confirm
no need to roll 1d2-2 damage, so he takes 1 damage, 2 on a crit, and DC10 Fort save for six rounds, 1d2 con damage each failure, ending the streak if he wins one.)
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Guard 1: Next to Elise
Fort Save: 16+4 = 20
Attack Roll: 14+2 = 16

Guard 2: Next to Gilfer
Attack Roll: 10+2 = 12

While the Guard that Elise attacked happened to stagger, he wasn't quite out of the fight yet.

However, neither guard seemed to have much luck striking back.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

With a shout, Mekel raises his greatsword over one of his shoulders, charging forward in a blind fit of rage, nearly bowling Gilfer over before bringing his blade down in a mighty strike that, were it to hit, would rake the blade across the guard's chest diagonally.

((Charging guard closest to Gilfer, so +2 to my attack roll. 17

Damage Roll: 12 damage total if it hits.))
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

And now Guard 2 is mostly dead as well.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Gilfer swung, halfheartedly, all the while taunting the man in front of him "Really, this job, this minimum wage, is sincerely worth your life? I find that resolve impressive, albeit foolhardy, you could be at home, running a farm right now..."

Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Sparks flew from the guard's weapon as the sword met an invisible barrier over Elise' chitin, skimming an inch away from her as she swung in again. Her mace cracked down and she kept the momentum, spinning closer tot eh second guard as her second pair of arms came into play, scything at the second guard.

( 20, 18, 10, two hits.

mace min damage kills first guard, no contest

6 damage to second guard)
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Both guards topple to the ground...And one of them has another key. Whether it's to a personal locker or the map-indicated cell, though, is uncertain at this point.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Mekel steps out of his battle stance, resting the greatsword up on his should as he runs his left hand through his hair "Well. That was a thing. Anyone care to wager who's behind door number one?" he asks, looking at the door, then down at the key. "Five copper says it's the beautiful woman who set us free."
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

"Her map said to meet her outside, this is someone else." Elise said, panting slightly from her exertion, blood dripping from the claw she had used for the killing blow. "But yes, let's see if we can get this door open and find out, hmm?"
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

When they do open the cell door, they'd be glared at, not by the woman, but a slightly pale and almost sickly looking man. Although he'd obviously been born with black hair, it was already starting to turn white. Pale green eyes stared out at the trio. Despite the hair color, he seemed to still be somewhat young.

What might catch the attention of the trio, though, is that the man was bound much like Elise was, although he seemed to have been in solid physical shape at one point.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Gilfer walked over to the man, shifting back into his original state, and stating with some degree of amusement "Good morning and salutationing sir, we are the party of vacationioning, the group that assures that the people in this prison are to be leaving with the absolute mostest of exercise, and the reductioning of guards is a mere side-effect of our travel that results from us having my friend this Reaper with us." Thinking for a moment "I never actually asked the lady for her name, so her name is not to be known, that said, until your limitifications are known, we're going to avoid sharing names, just for the moment, you understand I trust."
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

“What we think he means is that, play nice, and come with, or stay here and die. Hmm?“ Elise said after, remaining in her monstrous form for the time being. Stepping in around the other man, one of her clawed hands reaching out to clear the man of his gag. She knew from experience that he seemed a caster, but she didn't fear his spells, he‘d need his hands for the more potent ones anyway, or at least generally.
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Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Once the gag is removed, the man simply snorts derisively. "Looks like that fool of a sergeant is as bad as he seems after all."

It's clear he's speaking of the guard sergeant that had overseen the marking procedure, and was likely the one in-charge of the guards at the moment.

Haven't named the Sergeant yet. Yes, all characters involved had a run in with the overly-smug bastard when marked. He's in charge of the current guard shift, and the transfer of prisoners from the Magistrate to the Prison.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

"Ah, so you are to have been meeting the man who refers to himself as the master of these premises as well, yes? He was rather disappointingly lackwit in his color-combination understandification of his targets, as shapeshifting makes branding an inefficiency that is hardly worthy of note. That having been said, we shall see about your shackles if you are to be agreeing to working to escape."

Gilfers' manner of speaking rambled onwards, but those who listened could perhaps perceive a note of allowing the individual to escape just for the simple aspect of confusing the guards.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

"I say we take him with us. 4 better than 3 and whatnot. Doubt an extra head will anger our lady friend too much." Mekel says, keeping a watch outside the door with his greatsword gripped tightly in his right hand. "Whatever we decide, we gotta do it quick. Guards'll be here any minute."
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

The prisoner raised an eyebrow at Gilfer's rambling. "Okay...That's...odd."
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Gilfer rolls his eyes, before moving and attempting to unlock with the key from the previous room, stating "To be following and working alongside, or to be being forgotten and charging off alone, either way results are reached."
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Elise looked back and forth between her partners in crime and the possible new addition's look of mild confusion, sighing. "A vamp helped spring us. She's apparently waiting in a mansion a ways off, figure it's worth checking out anyways. We're setting you loose whether you want to come along or not, but if not, then stay out of our way." She said, crossing both pairs of arms across her chest.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

The man stretched slightly as the bonds were released. It would be fairly obvious to most that he'd been there for longer than the group had been bound. "As long as you don't mind helping me get a little revenge on the way out, I'll help."

As he stepped out into the hallway, he rubbed right arm slightly, as if it was cold. Seeing the fallen guards, he stepped over and grabbed a sword, and the accompanying belt and sheath, from one of them.
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