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Shield High [RAGS game]

Pudding Earl

Aug 20, 2012
Reputation score
Hey everyone.

A while ago I started making a text-based game, Shield High, and with the latest release I deemed it ready for serious scrutiny. Also I got over my laziness about posting it. Mostly the laziness thing truthfully.

So, Shield High is a game essentially about a school with organised public rape and sexual slavery. It doesn't turn out as crazy as it sounds. The game focuses around combat with other girls to try and enslave them or be enslaved, depending on if you win or lose. It has content for both sides of the coin, and has a fairly large story, with lots of little choices affecting what happens. The content thus far is exclusively lesbian, and heavily BDSM, though I may branch into other fetishes later, if I get bored enough, or requests are made.

The game can be found on my blog...which I can't link. Though I know googling Pudding Games Shield High should find it for you. I'll fix this as soon as I can post links. Sorry everyone.

Hope you all enjoy it. I'll be checking back regularly to answer questions and post reminders about updates etc.

Pudding Earl
Re: Shield High [RAGS game]

Just making a small post to inform those who care that the next version has been posted.
Re: Shield High [RAGS game]

In the same boat, Need to increase post count before you can link, so I will ask you a question. Why call it shield high?
Re: Shield High [RAGS game]

Would be more interested if there was more straight rape. Oh well, different games for different folks.;)
Re: Shield High [RAGS game]

In the same boat, Need to increase post count before you can link, so I will ask you a question. Why call it shield high?

The process behind that was simple. I had no clue what to call it. My then artist threw up the idea of Shield High, since it's a reformation school, carries disciplinary and kinda prison-like tones. I liked it enough to use it, and nothing better came up. Plus I'm now really fond of the name.
Re: Shield High [RAGS game]

Just thought I should let anyone who's interested know that I've just posted this weeks update, bringing it up to 0.443. When I posted it was on 0.44, or 0.441, so if you haven't played since then, maybe you should check it out. There's been a reasonable amount of content added, though in a rather specific part to the game.