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RPG Patreon Active Unknown/Hiatus RPG Maker [SHOEGAZER] Dungeons and Prisoners (RJ113419)

Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Just to clarify my versions of WIS and INT are just being based off of the D&D rulebook as this game is clearly emulating it (which I really like btw good job)

Just to show where I got it from.

I always saw Int as "I can use this new MAD SCIENCE! to build a robot army programed to slaughter all humans!"

and wisdom as "... but i probably shouldn't, because i'm human too."

in short, INT is "can i do this?" and Wis is "should i do this?"
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

nonono. hiding ruffians doesn't move :eek:
and they passing all of turn events.

I doesn't set wait time for every movement. even if their sprites hiding, wait time is never changing.
however, hiding attack animation is too much decrease wait time.
other way to decrease lag is only the optimization of the script.

What I'm concerned is, I don't know if it's a script optimization issue (I mean, a perfect optimization MIGHT cut it) or an engine issue (which is what I'm afraid of).
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

What I'm concerned is, I don't know if it's a script optimization issue (I mean, a perfect optimization MIGHT cut it) or an engine issue (which is what I'm afraid of).

Yeah. a certain RPG maker game managed it by script to control amount of chars.
but yes. I'll keep in mind that your notice.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

This is a good game. But it's still trial and it limited. The advanture stopped when they jumped out the ship.
Have anyone had a full of this game?

The full game isn't out yet.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

This is a good game. But it's still trial and it limited. The advanture stopped when they jumped out the ship.
Have anyone had a full of this game?

It's like you're not even trying.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I don't know what is everyone talking about slow system. I mean my pc is pretty old, around 4 year and I have no lag in the combat at all. Even with all those ruffians moving the same time.

By the way ruffians... is it possible to make them hidden if you escape from the back room and then you are captured again? So you don't have to worry about them breaking into the room you are kept in until you go to sleep.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Nahh you cant say he isnt trying its really sad that It ends so fast :/ (its a trial ^^) The game is really Great but Its pretty sad that you can only be violated by the Bandits :/
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

The speed is perfect on my computer.

Then again I just built it last year so just a reference.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I don't know what is everyone talking about slow system. I mean my pc is pretty old, around 4 year and I have no lag in the combat at all. Even with all those ruffians moving the same time.

By the way ruffians... is it possible to make them hidden if you escape from the back room and then you are captured again? So you don't have to worry about them breaking into the room you are kept in until you go to sleep.

Yeah I don't think overall combat speed will be bad for a good amount of people, there will only be a few that may have issues with it.

Overall I think the game is shaping up well, almost no bugs now, and good combat system. Looking forward to full game! (。◕‿‿◕。)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

yes, everything works pretty smoothly now :)

Few things I noticed (as I do not understand Japanese, I have no idea what the text says, so if the game text explains, forgive my ignorance please):
1) You can no longer leave the Dragon / kobold region now until you finish the 'return the egg' AND get your vagina booby-trapped - was that intentional?

... I ask since I would run down and do the fairy fight before the 'booby-trap' ritual as otherwise the booby-trap goes off while you are playing with the fairies... not such a big deal, except it means the first time you are knocked down and stripped by a ruffian you lose your virginity without the 'Virgin Barrier'

2) the plants (again, in the fairy woods) do the two 'spell/fragrance' attacks.. one that seems to be a charm and makes them look like maids to you and the other that previously seemed to be some sort of 'confusion' effect which now doesn't seem to do anything. It occurred to me that instead of maids, perhaps if the charm made the plants appear as fairies (who also are in the area) or made the fairies also appear as maids, it would make things more interesting (provided some sort of confusion effect also) or at least make more sense (if they mimicked whatever happened to be near).

I know you said that that area was just a test-bed, but please don't get rid of it - the fairies is one of the funnier and my more favorite areas (especially when they 'teach her to be nice and not attack peaceful folks)!

3) While bored, I wanted to see what some of the higher skills meant and was beating up ruffians repeatedly to level and try them out.
a: The 'avenger' ruffian that spawns after hitting an area repeatedly - if you kill HIM 3 times and keep coming back an even stronger version starts spawning (and the process repeats again if you keep coming) with the new ones becoming blurry (as well as tougher). Since it wasn't mentioned when you talked about it, I just wanted to say something in case this wasn't intentional.
b: If you get 'subdued' on the ground floor of the bar, you just wake up naked in the prisoner room while if you get beaten upstairs you *may* wake up cuffed/shackled/blindfolded. This created an odd situation as I was strong enough to fight my way back downstairs before being beaten again - When I awoke upstairs (back in the prisoner room), I was still bound/blindfolded but I could see (and attack) as if I were not :eek: I could not un-equip the blindfold, shackles, etc. (or re-equip my gear). Also, upon recovering my gear from the chest, I had ANOTHER set of blindfolds, shackles, etc. in my inventory (I am guessing that when I was defeated downstairs, the script to strip my inventory and put it in the chest does not exclude the restraints, so they were put in the chest too). When I went back downstairs, the hinderences (blindness, penalty to attack and defense) were back (restored by zoning, I would guess).

4) lastly (and perhaps I missed where this was mentioned before), I have never had the 'Scroll of Recall' work except while I am still in the Castle. Is it just not implemented yet?

still great work and I am really looking forward to further versions (especially when you are able to add more content! ... want to find out what happens next!)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

yes, everything works pretty smoothly now :)

Few things I noticed (as I do not understand Japanese, I have no idea what the text says, so if the game text explains, forgive my ignorance please):
1) You can no longer leave the Dragon / kobold region now until you finish the 'return the egg' AND get your vagina booby-trapped - was that intentional?

... I ask since I would run down and do the fairy fight before the 'booby-trap' ritual as otherwise the booby-trap goes off while you are playing with the fairies... not such a big deal, except it means the first time you are knocked down and stripped by a ruffian you lose your virginity without the 'Virgin Barrier'

2) the plants (again, in the fairy woods) do the two 'spell/fragrance' attacks.. one that seems to be a charm and makes them look like maids to you and the other that previously seemed to be some sort of 'confusion' effect which now doesn't seem to do anything. It occurred to me that instead of maids, perhaps if the charm made the plants appear as fairies (who also are in the area) or made the fairies also appear as maids, it would make things more interesting (provided some sort of confusion effect also) or at least make more sense (if they mimicked whatever happened to be near).

I know you said that that area was just a test-bed, but please don't get rid of it - the fairies is one of the funnier and my more favorite areas (especially when they 'teach her to be nice and not attack peaceful folks)!

3) While bored, I wanted to see what some of the higher skills meant and was beating up ruffians repeatedly to level and try them out.
a: The 'avenger' ruffian that spawns after hitting an area repeatedly - if you kill HIM 3 times and keep coming back an even stronger version starts spawning (and the process repeats again if you keep coming) with the new ones becoming blurry (as well as tougher). Since it wasn't mentioned when you talked about it, I just wanted to say something in case this wasn't intentional.
b: If you get 'subdued' on the ground floor of the bar, you just wake up naked in the prisoner room while if you get beaten upstairs you *may* wake up cuffed/shackled/blindfolded. This created an odd situation as I was strong enough to fight my way back downstairs before being beaten again - When I awoke upstairs (back in the prisoner room), I was still bound/blindfolded but I could see (and attack) as if I were not :eek: I could not un-equip the blindfold, shackles, etc. (or re-equip my gear). Also, upon recovering my gear from the chest, I had ANOTHER set of blindfolds, shackles, etc. in my inventory (I am guessing that when I was defeated downstairs, the script to strip my inventory and put it in the chest does not exclude the restraints, so they were put in the chest too). When I went back downstairs, the hinderences (blindness, penalty to attack and defense) were back (restored by zoning, I would guess).

4) lastly (and perhaps I missed where this was mentioned before), I have never had the 'Scroll of Recall' work except while I am still in the Castle. Is it just not implemented yet?

still great work and I am really looking forward to further versions (especially when you are able to add more content! ... want to find out what happens next!)

Yes almost bug is gone. but still working for small bug fix and adjustment game ballance.
also some voice reaction will add at ver.1.30. it can ON/OFF.
I say "I don't add voice" at someday. but I'll add it at now.

1. Yes i made it intentional. there is no problem.
2. the hallucination effect may change NPC's character graphic to somebody she has known people / monster. (in the plan.
3a. I have more plan to avenger. maybe he dig the wall to approaching Miene at next ver.
3b. I'll check remove blind case. bondage gear muliplising is...hmm I'll fix it and make template to this case.
4. Scroll of Recall has not enough working in demo.
however you can use it to escape when you nearly death in forest.

hmm...maybe Mega blocked file linked by ulmf...?
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Ugh, hate to be the jerk doing this, but I've been really struggling to get the translation for this game working. Followed tons of guides to the letter and still can't get the damned thing to translate. I'm running ITH (I don't know code, so it is a bit more user-friendly) and when I try to insert a custom hook using the H-code given in the first post, I get:

5724: Module not present.
5724: UserHook0
5724: Unable to insert hook.

Any help would be really, sincerely appreciated.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I personally use Translation Aggregator, AGTH and Atlas. I had so far no problem with any of the games. Well some of them games what monitor time by second are pretty annoying to translate, but still I get something from them instead an error message.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Ugh, hate to be the jerk doing this, but I've been really struggling to get the translation for this game working. Followed tons of guides to the letter and still can't get the damned thing to translate. I'm running ITH (I don't know code, so it is a bit more user-friendly) and when I try to insert a custom hook using the H-code given in the first post, I get:

5724: Module not present.
5724: UserHook0
5724: Unable to insert hook.

Any help would be really, sincerely appreciated.

If memory serves, ITH isn't fully compatible with AGTH H-codes, and I don't think that this one will work. So I'd grab Translation Aggregator, update the copy of AGTH it comes with and use that.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

hmm...maybe Mega blocked file linked by ulmf...?

Link works for me, but megauplaod seems to be going slow, only using 400K/sec (out of my total 6.2MB/sec)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

/HQN@D3CF:TRGSSX.dll (on the first post of the first page) works perfectly with ITH.

its what i use.

(you might need to delete the / at the start, i dont remember)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

/HQN@D3CF:TRGSSX.dll (on the first post of the first page) works perfectly with ITH.

its what i use.

(you might need to delete the / at the start, i dont remember)

Nope, you keep the /
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

This is a really good game! I'm looking forward to the :) I hope there will be H-scenes of Miene's mother/Marina; she is very pretty. :D
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

hmm...maybe Mega blocked file linked by ulmf...?

Everything working great but...!

1. Meine can't seem to masturbate when defeated and at 1HP. I used multiple aphrodisiac and she won't masturbate ;/

Overall I like the changes, especially to the 2nd room for ruffian house, it makes it easier to escape now, without joker coming in to rape you after opening 2nd door haha

also game seems faster now o_O