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RPG Patreon Active Unknown/Hiatus RPG Maker [SHOEGAZER] Dungeons and Prisoners (RJ113419)

Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

You meant that she isn't kneeing?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

That would actually make sense if she were blowing a giant.

However, in that case the dick would be too huge to even get it in her mouth...
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

That would actually make sense if she were blowing a giant.

However, in that case the dick would be too huge to even get it in her mouth...

maybe the dudes got like a super long dick? maybe his dick's like 18 inches long, but its like, normal thickness.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Or...She bite and cut it from....where nealy bush.
and now *crunch crunch*
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Maybe hes really short and standing on a stool.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Good to see you're still doing well ILL.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Or...She bite and cut it from....where nealy bush.
and now *crunch crunch*
Oww... that mental image. Just thinking about it makes me cringe in pain.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Good to see you're still doing well ILL.

Doing Well? nah. scratching and sleep every day
in this month I work for my game it only 20% or woese.
I have other work it end as soon. then I wanto sleep. really deep sleep.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Doing Well? nah. scratching and sleep every day
in this month I work for my game it only 20% or woese.
I have other work it end as soon. then I wanto sleep. really deep sleep.

I hope you are able to release the english(!) game as soon as possible, earning a million Dollars with it and get yourself to PEFECT health again!!!
Good luck!
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I hope in the full version the states of pregnancy won't only last for 1 turn before she gives birth.
There is 50 turn in embryo state and 1, 1 turn in the two pregnancy states before the 10 turn birth state comes. Its annoying.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Pregnancy being more of a long term situation than something that you go through in a single day would be welcome, I think. The earlier demos where it was possible to get pregnant but birth was not yet included were intruiging, swolen breasts and stomach and stuff. Though the fact that she wouldn't leave Bandit Heaven while pregnant did make getting out that little bit more...grim.

As it is, it seems quite easy to get pregnant during the meat toilet scene if you don't skip it and you can pretty much just sleep the whole thing off if you don't skip it, waking up just in time to shoot out a little goblin thing.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

New post in the translation blog. Fishing for opinions about creative direction, so comments would be appreciated. o/
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Just checked out your blog post. Personally, I'd prefer you left it as Ryuu-chan. The fact that Ryuu can mean dragon in japanese is sort of an easter egg for those who might have picked up that in some random forum. In addition, since it's essentially a proper name, it's better to just leave it be. I do think "Draggy" is probably a good english approximation, though. You could also potentially use "Dragon-Chan" to preserve the honorific...but then it gets fiddly. Er, let me be more clear

I think you should stick with Ryuu-chan because
1. The only people who'd really care about the specific meaning of the name would be the ones who figure it out anyway, and since it's very likely the dragon's actual name will be mentioned by other characters...with a different honorific, keying the reader off that it's a nickname anyway, there's no real advantage in my mind to changing it.
2. It's best to have hard rules for names, so I'd stick with the phonetic translation, or romanization, for names, assuming you're not going to change all the OTHER names in the game with actual meanings besides names into those words. If you're not gonna change "Sakura" to "Cherry Blossom" or "Cherry" or some variation thereof, don't change "Ryuu-chan" to "Draggy", is what I'd say.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Both "Draggy" or "Ryuu-chan" seem fine to me, but that may be because I watch some anime. If I hadn't, "Ryuu-chan" would seem weird. But then again, I don't know how many people hrpgs who don't watch or haven't seen any anime or aren't familiar with Japanese honorifics.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

In any case, I agreed to change the name of Japanese style to European one.
because this game itself is a european style fantasy.
and the name Ryuu-chan is only one Japanese style name in this game. myabe.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

In any case, I agreed to change the name of Japanese style to European one.
because this game itself is a european style fantasy.
and the name Ryuu-chan is only one Japanese style name in this game. myabe.

But didn't her biography says that she came from the east? Wouldn't it be strange if her name isn't also from far east?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I thought we were talking about the dragon here.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I thought we were talking about the dragon here.

Opps. Never mind then. I haven't played the game for so long that I can only remember the MC's name.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I'd rather see it translated, leaving it as "Ryuu-chan" just looks like somebody wanted it to be left Japanese just because some weeaboos want to pretend they're totally "getting" it since they speak a little bit of fanboy Japanese, even if it looks silly in context.