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RPG Patreon Active Unknown/Hiatus RPG Maker [SHOEGAZER] Dungeons and Prisoners (RJ113419)

Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Iam using the latest 2 patchest but when the Joker puts the vibrator into Miene's butt... it makes her clit pleasure go up insted of her anal pleasure (the numbers you see on each turn).. her anal sensitivity still goes up though.

And also it seems like nothing strips her anymore either... they dont take her helm off or anything so youd have to do stripping yourself before they gonna penetrate her

Once her virgin barrier is broken Joker will use another dildo on her pussy. It has the wrong pleasure type too I forget which.

You can unequip them and use them later if you want to. Enemies can remove them and as far as I can tell it's gone for good when that happens.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

In addition to the pleasure amounts being shown as the wrong category issue above.
I've also noticed that when Miene gets defeated sometimes all the enemies stop being hostile and just stand there until I attack them again.

Also this while fighting some doom-kuns:
◆ 2015-05-18T22:35:56
◆ Version 312_20150516 ◆
Loaded : Patch/20150517_fix.rvdata
Loaded : Patch/20150518_fix.rvdata

■ エラーの種類 :

■ メッセージ :
undefined method `>' for nil:NilClass

■ バックトレース :
Game_SrpgMap(1864):in `available_effect_table_sector'
Game_SrpgMap(1860):in `each'
Game_SrpgMap(1860):in `available_effect_table_sector'
Game_SrpgMap(1857):in `each'
Game_SrpgMap(1857):in `available_effect_table_sector'
Game_SrpgMap(1717):in `available_targets_from_pos'
Game_SrpgMap(2223):in `target_in_range?'
Game_SrpgMap(2163):in `each'
Game_SrpgMap(2163):in `target_in_range?'
Game_Enemy(391):in `make_action'
Game_Enemy(383):in `times'
Game_Enemy(383):in `make_action'
Game_SrpgEvent_TRPG(329):in `refresh_turn_start'
Game_SrpgMap(3392):in `update_first_round'
Game_SrpgMap(3360):in `update_timer'
Game_SrpgMap(3297):in `update'
Scene_Srpg(455):in `update'
Scene_Base(19):in `main'
Scene_Base(16):in `loop'
Scene_Base(21):in `main'

■ 最後に呼ばれたコモンイベント
ID : 37
Name: ダンジョン内休憩

■ Party
001: [001: Miene]
HP: 96 / 277
MP: 37 / 37
States: [86,209,157]
002: [002: Lynn]
HP: 44 / 220
MP: 31 / 55
States: [209,157]

■ Active_Unit:
Active_Unit_Name: Doom Kun
Action: スキル: [342:Cone of Cold]

■ Map:
Player_Unit_XY: [81, 83]

And another while Miene was getting fucked and Lynn was being dragged around:
◆ 2015-05-18T22:59:56
◆ Version 312_20150516 ◆
Loaded : Patch/20150517_fix.rvdata
Loaded : Patch/20150518_fix.rvdata

■ エラーの種類 :

■ メッセージ :
undefined method `empty?' for 239:Fixnum

■ バックトレース :
■SrpgSay(48):in `set_text'
Srpg_Windows(227):in `set_say'
Game_SrpgInterpreter(2102):in `say'
Game_Battler_TRPG_SEX_ACTION(1291):in `draw_ex_damage_text'
口上ファイルV - actor用(54):in `call'
Update_Actor_Unit(136):in `update_actor_unit'
Update_Actor_Unit(130):in `each'
Update_Actor_Unit(130):in `update_actor_unit'
Scene_Srpg(534):in `update_active_unit'
Scene_Srpg(461):in `update'
Scene_Base(19):in `main'
Scene_Base(16):in `loop'
Scene_Base(21):in `main'

■ 最後に呼ばれたコモンイベント
ID : 4
Name: 宿屋の処理

■ Party
001: [001: Miene]
HP: 132 / 258
MP: 0 / 37
States: [114,33,38,102,104,271,47,157,158]
002: [002: Lynn]
HP: 0 / 220
MP: 7 / 55
States: [98,33,38,99,157,158,159,300]

■ Active_Unit:
Active_Unit_Name: Miene
Action: 待機

■ Map:
Player_Unit_XY: [27, 33]
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I can't play this game

◆ 2015-05-18T22:53:05
◆ Version 312_20150516 ◆
Loaded : Patch/20150517_fix.rvdata
Loaded : Patch/20150518_fix.rvdata

■ エラーの種類 :

■ メッセージ :
stack level too deep

■ バックトレース :
(eval):4:in `start_map17''
(it actually keep said eval 4 in start map 17 for 100 times most
(eval):4:in `start'
Scene_Base(12):in `main'

■ Party
001: [001: Miene]
HP: 22 / 22
MP: 16 / 16
States: []

■ Active_Unit:

■ Map:
MAP_ID: 25
Player: [9, 7]

but if i let it roll for a while. it play itself
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I just had the most hilarious glitch
Miene was getting fucked by some monster and suddenly the game said she "passed out". The screen turned half black and only miene's bald head was floating where her full body once was at the right side of the screen.
I had zero HP and could wander around and no enemies would attack me, they'd all just ignore me even if I attacked them.

Sadly I can't post any error logs or explain HOW exactly that happened, its just a funny thing I encountered, maybe someone made the same experience
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

How do you aces the ai settings? Once I accidentally opened it but I have no idea how I did it.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

How do you aces the ai settings? Once I accidentally opened it but I have no idea how I did it.

Open the x-menu(the one with attack, defend, item, stats) and press W if I recall it correctly
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Ill has a 3.07_Fixed version up on his blog.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Not sure if its the meaning but with the 3.07 fixed version i can take Lynn with Miene in the fairy forest :p
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Noticed in the bridge fight the bandits that are supposed to come from the top of the map towards Miene just suddenly appear after a turn instead of moving down fluidly.

Also the bandit mage and two thugs that start on the other side of the wagon seem to be in the wrong faction as they show up with a green box when highlighted for attack. They just kinda stand around after Lynn kills the bandit boss and the 4 thugs that go after Miene.

Also Meine's sprite is absent in the lesbian scenes after finding the below deck meat toilets. Doesn't show back up until you regain control and can move.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Someone can give the latest version link please?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

An additional thing I notice is that when capture in Heaven, she is not considered captured. There not time as Heaven slave in system menu. She also does not get the Heaven Slave title. I think this also prevents the pubic and armpit hair growth since those only grew while captured before.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

3.07_Fixed came out.
Patch Notes

Still needs translation :( (Proper for Ill's blog)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners


Bug 1: Bridge fight: Half of the NPCs cannot be targeted or killed.

Bug 2: Passive skills aren't immediately applied upon reloading the game. (Minor)

Bug 3: Lynn freezes in place when rejoining party. (Minor)

Bug 4: . (Workaround: manually de-equip your clothes.)

Bug 5: I have no return scrolls, no potions, and this happens on floor 1 exit:

- First toilet scene broken.
- Body writing / standing-pose bukkake doesn't seem to be working.
- Ruffians don't enter room unless door is broken.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

A direct appeal to the dev him/herself.

Could you maybe put in an item that lets us manipulate Miene's stats directly? A "debug" of sorts? Would really be helpful when I want to, ahem, "play" around :D.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

A direct appeal to the dev him/herself.

Could you maybe put in an item that lets us manipulate Miene's stats directly? A "debug" of sorts? Would really be helpful when I want to, ahem, "play" around :D.

Back doors may be forgotten. But I wouldn't mind something like that after you beat the game; like in princess sacrifice.

Also, ILL's eye blur's back >.<

Seems that ILL fixed the stamina per level hack.... NOOOOOOOOO T-T, now meine faints too quickly... T-T
Curiously, is it hardcoded now, or is it still just a variable? I noticed that the new saves CAN be opened and modified with SGedit. The save can then be moved back to v3.06_fixed with the augmented stats (cool).

He also increased the limit of sensitivity to 5 (or lowered the requirements?)

Something I don't like it the fact you can't press X while to check your stats anymore - while Meine's unconscious/mercy-of-situation.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Her stamina depletes too quickly? More often than not, I find that she doesn't even faint after hitting 0/0 because she simply regens it again while being violated.

Well, at least it's better than the previous demos where she instantly faints.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Her stamina depletes too quickly? More often than not, I find that she doesn't even faint after hitting 0/0 because she simply regens it again while being violated.

Well, at least it's better than the previous demos where she instantly faints.

There's certain status effects on Meine and Lynn that doesn't black-screen faint them.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Apparently I'm stupid, I can't even get out of the starting house. The main hall door is blocked, which one should I use?