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Shop, and missions

Re: Shops, and missions


"Even if it is useless against she herself, it may prove of use against the filth that serves her. However if you insist... I will take a third clip of ammo in exchange then."

(Bleh, moving on since it's obvious you don't want us to "waste" the armor *cough*)
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse nods, and hands Luna three 9mm clips, and an extra sword.
Re: Shops, and missions

Azure rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath.


"bullshit. She's got a few neat tricks. If you saw half the crap I've reported on, you'd understand... everyone has a weakness. Find that, and she's dead meat."

Azure walked out of the area to check the board, seeing if any new information has come up yet.

While she was there, she jotted down some notes of her own and pinned it up.

"Have a story to tell?
Want to share how to escape those bastards out there with other girls?
Need to find something special out in the dangerous city?

A-Z Newspaper
Survivors of Apple Inn
Coming Soon!​

Please sign your name and room number, with a brief description of what you want to put in the paper. Reporters will be visiting rooms starting tonight."

Azure nodded and left a couple extra sheets she lined for reading, putting an example of how to submit new story information.

"Azure W. - Apple Inn Lobby.
Seeking reporters to verify information given and assist in writing of the paper."

(We may need a new thread for this if it gets kicked off effectively.)
Re: Shops, and missions


"Excellent... I'll see you again should I survive... "

Taking her leave, Luna went to make her final preparations against the goddess, spinning "simulation fights" through her mind in an attempt to figure out the best way to fight against her.
Re: Shops, and missions

(( Iris didn't see Luna.))
Iris felt nervios and shy and she was getting close to the inn shop. The shop keeper had really freaked her out with her offer the day before. Iris had never been asked to do something like that with anyone, that's mainly why it freaked her so badly. Iris had thought about it before she had fallen alseep. She might be willing to do something like that with Jesse...

Iris didn't want to leave this inn and never come back without speaking with the shop keeper who had been so kind to her during her stay here. Bravly Iris walked into the shop, going up to the counter. Upon getting in front of the woman Iris felt herself start to get really nervous. Fighting the feeling Iris said-

" Ummm... H-hi Jesse... "
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse lowered her head when she saw Iris, not making eye contact as she said shyly,

"Oh... Hey..."
Re: Shops, and missions

Iris really nervous and awkward but that wasn't going to stop her from what she was going to say. Iris still looked at Jesse, even thought Jesse wasn't facing her directly. Iris let out a sigh then began to speak. Iris spoke in a bit of a shy a nervous tone.
" Jesse... Listen. You've been really kind to me while I've been here. I'm really greatful because of it. I'm going on a really dangerous mission today, I might not come back. Before I left I wanted you to know this, and if I survive... I could... stay with you sometime... "

Iris went quiet after that and waited for a reply.
Re: Shops, and missions

Her body tensed at what Iris said,

"Why... Why would you go and say a thing like that...?"
Re: Shops, and missions

Iris replied to her, not changing at all in tone or looks.
" I... I just wanted to let you know how I felt before I left..."

Iris then went quiet again. Iris had forgotten about asking for ammo or any supplies.
Re: Shops, and missions

Jenn wanders into the store.


"Hey, you're Iris, aren't you? One of the other women who signed up for the faceoff mission? Are you ready to... get ready?"
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse looked up at Iris with teary eyes,

"Honey... Why would you want to say this now? When you might not be comin' back? Why would you want to hurt me like that?" she said while sounding on the verge of tears, as she lowered her head again, "Why would you want to tell me how you feel now, when I might never see you again?"
Re: Shops, and missions

Iris froze up and looked down, away from Jesse. Iris felt like an idiot now. She had just hurt the feelings of someone who could be one of her very best friends. Iris felt a tear weld up in her left eye, she felt it roll down her left cheek. Iris turned around. Iris wasn't sure what she should say now. Iris then said what came to mind.
" I... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..."

Iris then shut up again. Iris felt depressed as hell at the moment.
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse sighed,

"Honey... You don't have to leave... You could stay here with me... You don't have to go..." she begged.
Re: Shops, and missions

Selena looks around and shrugs, ignoring all the drama and looks over the missions,

"Hey shopkeep, I'm going to go out and try to get to a hunting goods store, take care of my Kitty if I don't come home tonight, I don't want her to go hungry."

Selena turns and leaves the hotel.
Re: Shops, and missions

Iris had ignored Jenn, not from disrespect but because she was to focused on what was happening.

Iris kept herself turned away, just accually considered Jesses offer. Iris didn't have to go. She could stay here. Stay with her...She didn't have to risk her life...

Iris thought to herself for about a minute, a tear or two came down her face while she thought. Iris finished thinking, making her mind up. She couldn't stay here, as much as she wanted to. She had to go and fight the goddess.

Iris began to speak.
" I'm really sorry Jesse... I have to go. The woman I'm going after... I've seen the people she's killed, the people she has harmed. I can't live knowing what she's doing... I promise ill come back alive thought alright?"

Iris went quiet after what she said.

(( Have Jesse give Iris some 9mm ammo or something. Maybe an extra sword. ))
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse looked away from Iris's back, looking at something else, anything else.

She felt betrayed, distraught, heartbroken, and nearly on an emotional breakdown, she wanted to get this girl out of her mind. She didn't want to care for someone she might never see again, even though she knew it was too late for that.

"Just... Go..." she said, unable to look at Iris without feeling the urge to hold onto her and never let go.
Re: Shops, and missions

((Raptor, how much ammo does Iris have for her 9mm handgun? ))