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Shop, and missions

Re: Shops, and missions


"Yes, of course! Here's another set of jeans, and once you change into those, just gimme the torn ones and I'll ask Amy to sow them up for you!"

The lady pushes a pair of jeans across the table.
Re: Shops, and missions

"Thanks..." River says, changing on the spot and passing the torn pair over the countertop to her. She was somewhat surprised at how nicely the girl was treating her after the browbeating River had given her last time, and decided to apologize for it.


"Hey, I'm sorry for the way I treated you last time I was here. I wasn't really angry at you, just at the circumstances. Friends?" She says, holding out her hand.
Re: Shops, and missions

The woman giggled


"Why, dear! That's awful sweet of you!"

She grabbed River's hand, then pulled her closer into a hug.


"I can't get really angry, I don't hold any grudges! Please don't worry yourself on my account!"

She giggled.
Re: Shops, and missions

River blinked as she was hugged, returning it hesitantly after a moment.


"Thanks..." She says for the second time in as many minutes. Looking around for something to change the subject, her eyes fall on the armour behind the counter, which for all the world looks to River like a dulled leather catsuit. Thinking of how easily that crab thing shredded her clothes, she pointed over to it.


"How flexible is that suit? I wouldn't mind a little extra protection, but if it slows me down, I'd rather go without."
Re: Shops, and missions

The girl was easily distracted as she released her hold on River to show her the armor.


"This thing wraps completely around your body. It's tough and flexible, providing extra protection against any curious little monster! It's also very light weight, so you don't have to worry about it slowing you down!"

She happily said with glee on her face.
Re: Shops, and missions


"Lightwight is good, but I need full range of motion, no exceptions, is it really that flexible? Picture a gymnast doing their thing, how mucjh would it hinder them?" She asks, just to make sure.
Re: Shops, and missions

She puts a finger to her chin.


"Y'know... I actually never wore it. But I'm told it's very comfortable! So I'm sure that it'd work for a flexible woman such as yourself!"

She said with a wink.
Re: Shops, and missions

River smirked a bit at that last comment.


"Good enough for me. Worst happens, I'll know before i ever leave the building if it won't work, and I'll just bring it back. Pass it over, I'll go up to my room and change while my pants are getting mended."
Re: Shops, and missions

The women took a set from one of the hangers, and handed it to River.


"Here ya go! Don't break it! We don't have a lot of these things..."
Re: Shops, and missions

River takes the suit and examines the weight and texture for a moment, quite impressed. Then she folds in under her arm and turns to ave.


"Thanks. I'll be back in a bit to returns the jeans and pick up my pants." She says as she waves to the girl and heads back out to her room.
Re: Shops, and missions

The girl nods at River, then reaches over and grabs a nearby disassembled pistol, and begins cleaning the parts with a napkin.
Re: Shops, and missions

River returns fairly quickly, carrying the pair of jeans, as well as her gun and ammo, under her arm.


"This suit works really well." She says. "It will take me a bit to get used to the weight, but you were right, I keep all my flexibility. here's the jeans back. How's Amy doing on my ants? No worries if she's not done yet, I'll just stop by and pick it up later. Also, you wouldn't happen to have a spare holster around , would you? i usually just carry my gun in my pocket, but the suit doesnt seem to have any..."
Re: Shops, and missions

The girl looked up from her cleaning.


"Oh, I gave them to her after you left, I think she's in her room right now. She's very good at sowing, so I'm sure she's done by now! Her room is on the third floor. It's the last door on the left if you were heading to the Director's Office."
Re: Shops, and missions


"Alright, thanks. How about that holster? I need some way to carry my gun and clips when i'm not using them. Also, come to think of it, i need some more ammo, I have exactly one empty clip to fill."
Re: Shops, and missions

(There's combat webbing on the suit.)

The girl blinks.


"There are only clips available... I don't have an ammo box to fill your empty clip with, but I'm sure there's a use for everything! Maybe you can use it to distract a monster that doesn't see you!"
Re: Shops, and missions

Terry entered the weapon shop examing it rather intently but then let out a sigh.

“Here I expected an armory and I got a freaking flea market for weapons” She muttered rather displeased at the selection grabbing a 32. Caliber handgun which looked in decent enough condition along with some extra clothes.

“Hey this comes with bullets when you buy the gun right?” Terry asked handing the gun to the shop keeper and quite rudely interrupting their conversation.
Re: Shops, and missions

((*facepalms* d'oh! Of course there is, silly me...))

River gives her a stunned expression.


"Really? Wow, guess I'll want to stop by a gun store on the outside then, we can't keep wasting clips like that. Alright then, just another clip of .32 ammo, and I'll be on my way. Thanks."

River takes the clip of ammo and heads off, giving Jesse a smile and a wave as she does so.
Re: Shops, and missions

The shopkeeper gives River her clip of .32 before addressing Terry.


"You're quite welcome!"

Then she turns to Terry.


"Yes it does... But are you sure you know how to wield a gun?"
Re: Shops, and missions


"No but I don't need to know how to use it and I know well enough how to aim at myself." She spoke quite causally about shooting herself.

"Now don't freak out I just rather do that than be forced to be a slut again or loan it to someone who actually needs it." She stated showing her intent for buying a gun wasn't for herself but for any survivor she met to borrow or use it as insurance she won't be made a breeding tool again.
Re: Shops, and missions

The girl shook her head.


"I'm sorry, but what few guns we have here are meant for those that actually know how to use them. I can't give such a deadly weapon to someone so inexperienced."