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RPG Patreon Active RPG Maker [Sierra Lee] The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/31: 175+ ILLUSTRATED SCENES!]

Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Thanks for all your thoughts!

I'm trying to get the 100% funds for the Slums House of Petitions but the best I could do in all my saves was 90%. What am I missing? No info on the wiki about what influences the amount you get, not yet at least. Real question is, will it be worth it to pursue the 100%? Considering this never gets replenished it does look like something worthy of pursuit. Got to find out how to get this maxed to prepare my new save for the next version.
Your returns are based solely on your profits from investments. So if you invested in something that gives non-monetary benefits, you might have less than 100% but you shouldn't worry about it.

I did run into a problem by the end of this version however: There was nothing left to research, everything had been done and Robin still asked me to choose a topic of research right before the chapter end. And I did do the Qum research (no results from that so far that I could notice).
Known issue that will be fixed in time, it can be safely ignored for now. Qum's research doesn't have any impact just yet, but it will before too long.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Unpeople: I'm almost convinced it's better to allow the motion to pass considering a war with the Incubus Emperor is imminent and if Aram can weaken him enough our job finishing him off will be much easier. Riala has been missing from the story for a long time and I can't wait to see what that arsehole has done to her.

The issues with the unpeople situation revolve mainly around the fact that it cedes control to extremist branches of the church, and lack of control leads to predatory "recruiting" of unpeople recruits, there's also the fact that if as you suggest the unpeople would be very successful against the Incubus Emperor it'd be the next logical step to send them after the other "corrupt" sovereign.

Also when you let the unpeople motion pass you'll have a bunch of optional objectives to hunt down recruiters and such and put a stop to them, this happens in Yhilin but those same kinds of recruiters might go around unchecked in Aram and Aldoheim, not the best.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

The issues with the unpeople situation revolve mainly around the fact that it cedes control to extremist branches of the church, and lack of control leads to predatory "recruiting" of unpeople recruits, there's also the fact that if as you suggest the unpeople would be very successful against the Incubus Emperor it'd be the next logical step to send them after the other "corrupt" sovereign.

Also when you let the unpeople motion pass you'll have a bunch of optional objectives to hunt down recruiters and such and put a stop to them, this happens in Yhilin but those same kinds of recruiters might go around unchecked in Aram and Aldoheim, not the best.

It's all speculative at this point, but here goes: I don't think Aram will be in any shape for another war any time soon; their army will take a huge blow. On the other hand our army keeps getting better, stronger and more numerous; orcs are easy to replace, human soldiers not so much.

And we've already set in a motion a series of events to reduce their economic power via Eustrin.

Exposing to the public the Unpeople program recruitment lack of ethics could also work in our favor and reduce the influence of the more extremist factions of the Ivalan Church. Of course a successful war against the Incubus King will actually increase their influence so who knows. We can only wait and see. We're not yet at the point where we can safely judge if it's better to block or allow the unpeople motion to pass, we may need several more versions until we can make a definitive choice.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Speculative indeed, hell speaking of speculation I imagine much of this war is going to come down to how well new Yhilin can work together with the other nations, and the presence of unpeople seems like a detriment in that regard

Hell, if anything the absence/shortage of unpeople might make Aram and Ardoheim more open to cooperating and the faster a unified front can be formed the better a war is going to go, if they think they have a trump card in the unpeople, accurate or not, they'd be less willing to work together with the enemy.

Rather than the unpeople though, I'm mostly curious to see which choice will prove optimal in regard to supporting or not supporting the status quo in Zirantia.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Yeah that one also got me thinking. In the end I decided to not support anyone.

This will make for a weaker Zirantia if they get involved in the war, but will make things easier for us and the uhhh what was it again... the NUP? which we kind of sided with anyway. Simon wants to change things for the better so I felt this played more in line with what he wants. Hopefully Zirantia won't suffer a blow big enough that there won't be any way for them to recover if they get involved in war.

None of the nations Yhilin has established good relations with so far relies on the Unpeople. None of them even care about the Ivalan Church (Elven Kingdoms + Eustrin and maybe we can include Zirantia here). It may or may not play a bigger role on establishing relations with the other nations however: Ardoheim and Aram.

I would really love to know the full consequences of the Unpeople vote, it's been a long time since the update where we had to make this choice. But I think this will still have consequences for a long time to come. It wasn't a small matter after all.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Yeah that one also got me thinking. In the end I decided to not support anyone.

This will make for a weaker Zirantia if they get involved in the war, but will make things easier for us and the uhhh what was it again... the NUP? which we kind of sided with anyway. Simon wants to change things for the better so I felt this played more in line with what he wants. Hopefully Zirantia won't suffer a blow big enough that there won't be any way for them to recover if they get involved in war.

I decided to support the status quo, especially since Simon's plans were long term, and the main benefactors of instability would probably be the Divine Claw if anyone. I also considered Zirantia becoming unstable as a major detriment as it might cause other nations to start behaving erratically as well, what with the entire continent getting major events in a fairly short span of time, though realistically that won't really be a factor in the game at all.

None of the nations Yhilin has established good relations with so far relies on the Unpeople. None of them even care about the Ivalan Church (Elven Kingdoms + Eustrin and maybe we can include Zirantia here). It may or may not play a bigger role on establishing relations with the other nations however: Ardoheim and Aram.

I mainly consider Ardoheim and Aram as the big players here, Aram with their large army and Ardoheim basically sitting at our backs in any given war with the Incubus Emperor and Ardoheim in particular is a rather large danger with their king having no interest in ruling his nation, and we've already seen what effect that has on the populace and the forming of splinter groups and dissidents.

I would really love to know the full consequences of the Unpeople vote, it's been a long time since the update where we had to make this choice. But I think this will still have consequences for a long time to come. It wasn't a small matter after all.

For now it's mainly been the presence of unpeople recruiters (Dari sidequests, basically) and I believe some hidden scores to do with acceptance and such, presumably they'll play a part in the military strength of the church of Ivala faction in the upcoming war, with the main question being where they'll direct that strength in the coming conflict, and whether they'll be willing to lay down those arms after the Incubus Emperor is defeated or take advantage of Yhilin's military being depleted.

As it is, even with the motion rejected there's still unpeople around, and the church can pick up production during this war, they just haven't gotten a division of them ready in advance.

Another concern is more a "humanitarian" one again, as I understand it unpeople are no better against orcs than anything else, and are only effective against sexual magic, having no real beef with the Incubus Emperor's succubus forces and potentially being able to convert or "rescue" them I'd rather focus the fighting on defeating orcs.

Furthermore there's a strategic advantage in taking away Aram and Ardoheim's defenses against sexual magic, see with them being lacking in that regard a certain potential ally with a unique specialty becomes a lot more attractive ^^
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

I going to hold off on putting too much faith in any major decision I make as Sierra is having to constantly going back and re-tweak sections and decisions in order to provide better balance later on.

while the political aspect is important it's just one major plot point next to another equally size plot point in the case of the soul shards, their corruption and the power they represent, as they seem to not just empower lust magic but magic over all. whats the point of an army if you can make a person as powerful as one. I am curious how she'll manage to find fulfilling ends to two major plot points without sacrifice or gutting something.

lots of good plot points are in the game, just hope they don't get lost in the shuffle of trying to wrap the story up in one neat little bow under one game.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Well, one of the major "mysteries" right now is what actually happens when a Shard Bearer dies. Ginasta was able to kill a shard bearer and the shard they had seems to have vanished completely (I'd theorize she herself absorbed the shard which is what leads to her substantial increase in strength over time, quite similar to Simon himself unlocking more of the shard's power)

Shard Bearers are effectively immortal when it comes to aging, but that brings up the question with what the hell happened in Zirantia, not to mention the wraith that killed Wendis (Again, wild theory would be that the Shard Bearer built himself a tomb, killed himself for whatever reason, and the aspect of the Shard itself lingered until it was released)

The main thing here is that it's still very unclear what will actually happen once the Incubus Emperor dies, or specifically what will happen with his shard, which is significantly larger than the one Simon has.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Well, Simon's unwillingness to swallow an energy field bigger then his own head mean that it probably won't have any big effect in the immediate sense, useless the Shard overwhelm him outright, since he always make sure to eat it bite by bite with plenty of time to digest each mouthful. A process also know as "leveling up". ;)
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

All this discussion about the storyline makes me really want to play. Good job, posters. Downloading now.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

What we discuss here is just the tip of the Iceberg to be honest. There's a heck of a lot more things into play here.

Like for example, I'm just replaying the game again for the Nth time and I figure out we never really found out who is the de facto mind behind the Yhilin coup attempt.

Do you guys think it could be a scheme from Aram?
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

What we discuss here is just the tip of the Iceberg to be honest. There's a heck of a lot more things into play here.

Like for example, I'm just replaying the game again for the Nth time and I figure out we never really found out who is the de facto mind behind the Yhilin coup attempt.

Do you guys think it could be a scheme from Aram?

Um, no, we know who it was. It was that bitch in the safe-house Simon kills after taking over Yhilin.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Well, yes, that's the information we have atm. But I can't help but feel like she was still just a pawn in a much bigger game.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Well, yes, that's the information we have atm. But I can't help but feel like she was still just a pawn in a much bigger game.

There are plenty of hints that events around Simon are structured, designed to lead him toward a certain conclusion.

First there's Riala, though we haven't seen her in a long time there are a multitude of ways by which she could still be involved, she's a powerful mage that has been somehow capable of obtaining a shard and keeping it hidden from the Incubus Emperor, but even from the setup it was obvious that she has grander plans than merely unleashing incubus Simon on the world and flying off into the sunset.

Then there's Allanon making very clear reference to the fact that events around Simon have been rather conspicuous, and this same character alludes to the fact that there is a structure, some grand design, by which all proceeds.

Long story short, there's plenty of players in this that are playing a long game with grand plans and the conspirators in Yhilin could have just been a small player or merely a pawn of a larger one, ultimately given what we currently know it doesn't really matter as we have nothing to go by.

Not that I'm disagreeing with you though, the main question that's kind of up in the air for example is "how did a minor noble from Yhilin learn about a cache of lust magic, and specifically what the function of that magic was" or also "for what reason would a Yhilini noble need unpeople, especially ones that are so deteriorated"

It brings to mind theories like maybe some succubus told her about the cache, then feeling threatened she bought the unpeople as an assurance, but that's just massively wild speculation in what could be completely irrelevant detail ;)
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

I played a few minutes till get the first "scenes", all off them are text based scenes?
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Indeed. But considering the sheer quality of the writing, I really feel like we don't even need pictures.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Yeah but with the art style the scenes can be even greater if Sierra add pics to them.:D
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

If you're talking about Nomo's art from the other games I don't think this game will get them, at least for now.

This game a project of Sierra and not a Hreinn games project. Would be amazing to get Nomo's art in here in the future if possible though.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

A "full save" requires a lot of experimenting each version tbh. Currently I'm testing some things to try to get 100% funds for the slums house of petitions.

That being said, while they're not full saves as of current versions I did post a ton of saves some months ago if you're interested:


You can pick one and start your own game from there or just finish playing the game from save 1, shouldn't take too long actually. All the lengthy segments of the game are already cleared on that save (Yarra's Path, Simon's Path, Ardford Summit).

Edit: How do you research Dari's Condition right after the Battle of Yhilin? Robin doesn't give the option.
Edit 2: Well I'm a fucking idiot. I was playing the 0.26.2 version of the game lmfao. Nevermind my first edit.
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