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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/27]

Well I REALLY wanted the Dwarven Embassy to make all the votes in the Ardford Summit go in my favor. But I also wanted my army to be as good as it can be. Not only for the Doomed King plan, but I think we will also need a good army in the future. Without the Dwarven Embassy assistance you can get all but one of the votes in your favor (the Unpeople one).

It's hard to tell the future consequences of allowing the New Unpeople vote to pass (Maybe I'll have to replay this part of the game in the future once we don't have to make this choice blindly). It could make for a more difficult time with your own Doomed King plan. But it could also mean the nations will be better prepared to fight the Incubus King. So I thought that to mitigate the possible harder time I'll be getting during the Doomed King plan, I'll need my armies to be the best possible.

So it all came down to a crucial choice: Invest ProN in the Eustrin Embassy or in the Supplier/Processor/Manufacturer to benefit my army? I went with the latter, to keep my army well supplied and well equipped. Of course this means I invested in Premium Steel twice and every other Supplier/Processor/Manufacturer I could. I also had Robin research the Orcs in Janine's retreat. I feel like this way, if the Unpeople are ever a problem I'll have to face, I'll be at least prepared to fight them. Or anyone else really. It looks like we will have to take matters in our own hands and bring the fight to the Incubi Kings ourselves (remember that the war vote fails) so I feel we will NEED this army.

I choose NOT to invest in anything church related. I feel that sooner or later they will find out about Simon having a soul shard and all investments we have with them will be lost. So I did not invest in the Ivalan Bank. They also have so many factions and so much infighting (not to mention the many secret cults and the corruption) that it simply doesn't feel like a good choice in the long run.

Of course this all could change once Chapter 3 gets released.

Oh and I did buy the Deeds to Vinario for 100k.

Edit: Forgot to mention the Knights of Silence. I gave them 100k ProN.

So TLDR: I made all the choices I could to make my Army stronger.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/27]

Ah quite opposed to my own choices then, I tried to maintain a balance between economic, political and military resources since I don't just want an army, I want an empire.

I got the dwarven embassy at the cost of the third processor (the one you get from Meghail's 25k deal) and a second bank at the cost of the second tier in premium steel (so both the yhilin bank and the ardford one) I could have exchanged yhilin for the ivalan bank and get more religious clout but I wasn't sure about having two competing banks in the same place was the best choice.

I really, REALLY didn't want to have the unpeople vote pass since the desperation they require is something we're planning so hard to avoid and mobilizing them up front would just invite more corruption.

As for the ivalan investments I figure the benefit for them will largely be in how how room for negotiation you have with the church when things go tits up, you have some clout from your work with the chosen and veteran status (the same things that allow those few ivalans that know about you to trust you) and it passes as a show of good faith, that you're still on their side and haven't completely abandoned them. That said, I too chose not to invest in them ;P

My main concern this game isn't so much what we're set to do, but who is pushing Simon to do it (events so far have all been rather convenient for Simon, and we still don't know who is causing all the unrest in Yhilim and took advantage of the kingsmen to do the whole assassination ploy)
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/27]

Ah yes but so far it doesn't feel like you really HAD to make a choice with economic resources. Most, if not all, of the obvious choices to enhance your army also happen to increase your economic score so far: Suppliers, Processors and Manufacters and The Mercenary Flotilla are obviously good for both.

I did however made a few investments for purely economic reasons: Bridge Repair, Stineford Magic Shop, Ardoheim Magic Trade, Ardford Restaurant, Crystal Refiner and the Yhilin and Ardan Banks.

On the political and social side of things, I did invest 10k to tip the scales with the Ari-Gharda in favor of House Rose, Corruption Reform, Yhilin Public Works, Desert Bounty Office and Sanitation Mages Guild. I also went with the 3rd option in the mines during Aka Route.

So, in the end, I'm also pretty balanced overall. I think the main difference we have in our saves is the New Unpeople Vote. That could be an interesting one.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/27]

Haha, I should really be working instead of reading all this, but it's fun to see people engaged. XD I'm trying to make the battle for Yhilin straightforward on the surface but complex underneath, so I hope you guys enjoy it!

I played through the whole game again to prepare my optimal save for the upcoming update. One thing I noticed during this marathon (25 hours of game time!) is that Altina and Varia don't get that much character development compared to the others. And one of the many things I like about this game is how well the characters are developed.

As it is right now, aside from some game mechanics, it really doesn't make any difference if you reshape or dominate them, given their lack of dialogue. The whole Ardford Summit was specially bad for them, I don't think they had a single line of dialogue? Altina really just feels like an AoE mage bot at the moment. Qum doesn't even have a nickname for her!

Give them some love in the future updates please!
Yeah, I should probably give them some more attention. It's just with such a large cast, it's easy to focus on those who don't double my work. I may or may not go back and add some things for them during the Ardford summit, but I can tell you they each get a little spotlight during the upcoming update!
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/27]

So I just finished Ouroboros and it was once more a very interesting premise (I'll avoid posting too many spoilers here) and a great read. Atreyan has had a hard life >_>

I did run into some minor issues throughout, nothing particularly game-breaking though.
-Items in the shops have some issues with text spacing, the magic shop in particular.
-If you get killed in battle and revive the overworld music stops until you leave the area you're in.
-Losing some fights will leave you free to move around in an otherwise black screen, entering a new fight will reset this but in some cases you'll be stuck looking for a way to move to a different zone to reset it, in particular the three statues boss in the ice dungeon has this issue as well as some of the optional encounters (the three memory fragments at least is one of them)
-There are some zone/scene transitions you can jump over, though the zone transitions are extremely hard to jump over and aren't an issue (you can just take a step back and it's fine) there are a few scene transitions you can jump past (such as the vizier battle in the throne room) Not a big deal though.
-After the end credits the final scene constantly repeats, not sure if intentional or not

Lastly, not so much bugs as minor things that felt "missing"
-After getting prompted to break the cycle and taking Slimey to the area where he fizzles out and being told to determine whether or not any of the other people in the cycle are real, I decided to take Amelia to the same area where Slimey no longer functions, it'd be nice to have some sort of interaction there where you acknowledge that she's real but you have no means no interact with her yet (assuming you haven't unlocked the option to).
-After breaking down the cycle a bit and going to the ice cave with the gate breaking horn, I tried to circle around and ambush the ambush with no real result, would be nice to have something here as well.
-It seems the only way to get the bomb bag is to do specifically get gold from the young boy and the old lady but the sequence when breaking the cycle gets a bit messy, refusing you the bomb bag even if you already have more than 100 gold and the gold you get from Teira sometimes just vanishes (specifically if the box is in her room already and you restore her a second time the money and the box seem to just vanish)

One time where I restored Emantha first and advanced past the ice and gate barriers without doing any of the rock stuff, I actually got stuck because Teira would not give me the money for the bomb bag (she just talked about the secret entrance into the palace) and I couldn't get it regardless of having enough gold and had no way of progressing.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/27]

I'm glad you liked the story/premise, of course, but I'm also glad to hear version 1.1 wasn't too buggy. Adding new features while I focused on TLS was a recipe for problems, but I'm glad it was mostly stable. Hopefully I'll be able to release a version with the last problems fixed on Friday.

Revival/Music Problems: Dang, I don't think this one is my fault, I'm going to have to go deeper into the plug-in...

Losing Fight Problems: This is definitely because I didn't get a specific boss fight set up with my new revival method. I fixed the Ice Dungeon boss and the memory fragments, but if you notice any others for sure, please let me know.

Jumping Over Transitions: This only seems to happen if your computer is lagging, and I can't duplicate it. >.< But I've been padding important events to make them non-jumpable, and I'll do the ones you mentioned too.

Final Scene Repetition: Haha, not intentional. The game was supposed to send you to the gallery of scenes, but I screwed up the transition.

Amiel Fizzling: Ah! I hadn't considered that people might try that, but it's absolutely worth adding something there.

Ice Dungeon Cycle: Based on what you said, I'm not sure whether you missed some content. Did you try heading to the lower grates, like you did the first cycle? There's a whole bunch of cycle-breaking content! Anyway, I changed the side grates so it won't be possible to miss it.

Bomb Bag Stuff: Yeah. I figured I'd make the first cycle railroad the player and subsequent cycles get more flexible, but making that work has been a real headache. Will keep looking into things. -_-

Having said that, the money in Teira's house is supposed to disappear upon awakening her. Unless she has already given it to you, she should just hand it to you right away. Did she not? Hmm, with the new chest in her house, maybe that whole system can be made irrelevant, anyway.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/27]

I did manage to get the event in the ice dungeon, it's just that it required me to walk back into the trap after going around the side passage, which seemed a bit silly ;)

As for jumping across the transitions I've tried to recreate the few places where I did it with little success, it's probably a few frames at most as it involves running jumps (I was having a bit too much fun with those) so I'm really not sure if this is worth trying to fix (it never really causes any issues anyway)

One thing I did forget to mention is that it's entirely possible to escape the castle after you've infiltrated, as you can jump off the battlements by going around to the side and jumping off the northern edges which allows you to go back into town after entering the castle. It doesn't really seem to do or break anything though.

I also tried to see if there were any more item fusions to do, specifically buying every sword/armor and seeing if I could fuse them together but I guess there's only the one item.

Anyways, best of luck on the next TLS update, looking forward to it.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/27]

Where can I find the Ouroboros game? It was scheduled to be released for the public on May 13th, did it get postponed?
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/27]

Where can I find the Ouroboros game? It was scheduled to be released for the public on May 13th, did it get postponed?

I think it did because it still had bugs and TLS has priority. Honestly I wouldn't mind bugs in most games but, if it's from Sierra I would rather wait. (because it's quality stuff)

Rome wasn't built in one day was it. :p
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/27]

One thing I did forget to mention is that it's entirely possible to escape the castle after you've infiltrated, as you can jump off the battlements by going around to the side and jumping off the northern edges which allows you to go back into town after entering the castle. It doesn't really seem to do or break anything though.

I also tried to see if there were any more item fusions to do, specifically buying every sword/armor and seeing if I could fuse them together but I guess there's only the one item.
Ah, I see I overlooked some tiles there, good catch. As for item fusion... I'll consider adding other options in a theoretical future version. More on that later. ^-^

Where can I find the Ouroboros game? It was scheduled to be released for the public on May 13th, did it get postponed?
Xil has the right of it: I would have had to delay TLS work in order to get Ouroboros bug-free by the 13th. Sorry about that. T-T However, the bugs censuur listed a few posts back are from version 1.1 - if that's really the sum total of the bugs in the new version, then it should be no problem to get the public release out on the 20th. The TLS release is getting a lot closer, too!
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/27]

Ah yes , I was just wondering is all. Glad to hear about TLS! Can't wait to see how the story the develops and the impact the New Unpeople vote will have!
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/27]

Man it really sounds like I need to pick this game back up again, I have not played it in probably 6 or 7 months and now you guys are talking about army management and stuff that I would have never imagined being in the game. I played back when you got the fort and that was pretty much it.

EDIT: Actually looking at the version history the only version I recognize is maybe 0.3.0 which was way back in December of 2014. Man I have a lot of catching up to do in this game.

I just realized the fort im thinking of is in Harem, not this game. I cant remember much of this game.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/27]

I'm glad you liked the story/premise, of course, but I'm also glad to hear version 1.1 wasn't too buggy. Adding new features while I focused on TLS was a recipe for problems, but I'm glad it was mostly stable. Hopefully I'll be able to release a version with the last problems fixed on Friday.

Revival/Music Problems: Dang, I don't think this one is my fault, I'm going to have to go deeper into the plug-in...

Losing Fight Problems: This is definitely because I didn't get a specific boss fight set up with my new revival method. I fixed the Ice Dungeon boss and the memory fragments, but if you notice any others for sure, please let me know.

Jumping Over Transitions: This only seems to happen if your computer is lagging, and I can't duplicate it. >.< But I've been padding important events to make them non-jumpable, and I'll do the ones you mentioned too.

Final Scene Repetition: Haha, not intentional. The game was supposed to send you to the gallery of scenes, but I screwed up the transition.

Amiel Fizzling: Ah! I hadn't considered that people might try that, but it's absolutely worth adding something there.

Ice Dungeon Cycle: Based on what you said, I'm not sure whether you missed some content. Did you try heading to the lower grates, like you did the first cycle? There's a whole bunch of cycle-breaking content! Anyway, I changed the side grates so it won't be possible to miss it.

Bomb Bag Stuff: Yeah. I figured I'd make the first cycle railroad the player and subsequent cycles get more flexible, but making that work has been a real headache. Will keep looking into things. -_-

Having said that, the money in Teira's house is supposed to disappear upon awakening her. Unless she has already given it to you, she should just hand it to you right away. Did she not? Hmm, with the new chest in her house, maybe that whole system can be made irrelevant, anyway.

Hi, I wanted to second this.,
-After breaking down the cycle a bit and going to the ice cave with the gate breaking horn, I tried to circle around and ambush the ambush with no real result, would be nice to have something here as well.

I was the one who mentioned the sprite in that area not vanishing, (on your patreon) but that bug made me forget something else I meant to mention.

Since you can break out of the side of the gate ambush and circle around, you should be able to already be outside of the trap by the time whatshername teleports in to monolouge at you, but she doesn't teleport in until you walk back into the trap to trigger her, and which point you remove the whole trap and do battle.

I sorta expected a way to be able to ambush her ambush by circling around and waiting behind the spot where she teleports in.

Edit: One other thing i meant to mention. Don't say you should be working instead of reading comments. Reading feedback IS working. For you anyway, I don't have any excuse.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/27]

Hey, guys, two things!

1) I am tentatively scheduling the private release of TLS 0.18.0 in one week, meaning the public release should be linked here in two.

2) But meanwhile, you can check out version 1.1.4 of my side game Ouroboros here:

Feel free to post over there if you have thoughts about it!

Since you can break out of the side of the gate ambush and circle around, you should be able to already be outside of the trap by the time whatshername teleports in to monolouge at you, but she doesn't teleport in until you walk back into the trap to trigger her, and which point you remove the whole trap and do battle.

I sorta expected a way to be able to ambush her ambush by circling around and waiting behind the spot where she teleports in.

Edit: One other thing i meant to mention. Don't say you should be working instead of reading comments. Reading feedback IS working. For you anyway, I don't have any excuse.
I believe the ambush is clarified and bug free in the version I just posted!

Anyway, you're right about reading feedback, and I do take it seriously. But it's time away from creating the next version, and I know that's what people want me to be doing, so I try to keep myself focused.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/27]

There's something I've been wondering about Ouroboros, plotwise. I understand why the evil cabal trapped Teira and Emantha in the Lotus Eater Machine since the later was Atreyan's teammate and the former was, if not also part of their group, definitely an adventurer herself, which made her a danger. But why did they put Amiel in there too ? Was she also an adventurer that got mindfucked into believing she was just a normal village girl ?
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/27]

There's something I've been wondering about Ouroboros, plotwise. I understand why the evil cabal trapped Teira and Emantha in the Lotus Eater Machine since the later was Atreyan's teammate and the former was, if not also part of their group, definitely an adventurer herself, which made her a danger. But why did they put Amiel in there too ? Was she also an adventurer that got mindfucked into believing she was just a normal village girl ?

prob because shes really into him and trying to help him wherever she can.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/27]

There's something I've been wondering about Ouroboros, plotwise. I understand why the evil cabal trapped Teira and Emantha in the Lotus Eater Machine since the later was Atreyan's teammate and the former was, if not also part of their group, definitely an adventurer herself, which made her a danger. But why did they put Amiel in there too ? Was she also an adventurer that got mindfucked into believing she was just a normal village girl ?
prob because shes really into him and trying to help him wherever she can.
I'm wondering if the fact that she's the one with such drastic personality changes after she breaks out of the cycles have anything to do with it...?

Maybe she did become more crass during the incident (maybe due to depression of being helpless or fear of losing Atreyan?), and then directly help Atreyan fighting Vizier, so she's got sucked up in the cycle too as the result, which kinda explain why her cycle self reverts to the introvert girl (before the incident), to absolutely remove any hint about the truth?

Just an advice guys, maybe we should do deep discussion about Ouroboros in it's appropriate thread?
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/27]

Best HRPG I have ever played right here. Love the story, the protagonist, the scenes, and the mechanics. Can't wait for the update.

That said, I feel like combat could use a little balancing. A few points:
- Valia's numbers are pitifully low considering her skills have additional HP cost. This takes into account Valia's attack boost from dual-wielding (her attack growth isn't stellar enough to offset it either).
- With Altina, it's basically never advantageous to use AoE spells over single-target versions unless the enemy is much weaker than the party, which makes it redundant to have more than one element.
- Given current gear options, Yarra essentially breaks the game with Incubus King's Emissary and any gear that gives Preserve SP.
- Hilda tanks like no tomorrow, but essentially does nothing else. Bash is unreliable the closer you get to the end of current content, since stun is almost universally resisted and has a random chance of lasting one or two turns (one turn is useless because she always moves last).
- Nalili is outshined by pretty much everyone, although Combat Masturbation is a pretty unique skill.
Some of my ideas:
- Give Valia a unique Bleed state (and also possibly Aka's Forceful Lunge). Said state can synergize with her skills and/or just inflict DoT like a weaker Poison. You can also have it reduce the evasion parameter since no other skill/state your allies inflict does so.
- Give Valia a charge skill or some sort of HP recovery.
- Give Valia a skill like Desperation or Vengeful Strike (damage dealt in proportion to HP lost).
- Give anyone a chance to inflict Paralysis or Sleep.
- Give Robin/Altina a Focus/Channelling skill that boosts next spell's power. Possibly make it a state that boosts magic for one turn, but is removed with damage and increases damage taken.
- Change Altina's AoE spells into random target spells like the elemental Dances in SMT games. Alternatively, tweak their cost and/or power.
- Give Robin/Altina a mana shield skill.
- Make Shield of Purity single-target and double its effects.
- Give Hilda a cover skill.
- If this isn't already planned, give Hilda a skill that nulls all damage taken for one turn. Probably her ultimate.
- Make Lust Stunned or Lust Mad enemies fully susceptible or vulnerable (100%+ damage rate) to lust attacks. To balance this, consider adding a chance of removal upon taking damage.
- Make states such as Stun and Lust Stun null evasion. Consider adding a small (5~10%) evasion debuff to Blind stat as well.
- Add Steel/Durge Claws to the game...?
That's all I could think of off of the top of my head.

I've already heavily edited my downloaded copy of TLS adding in random stuff I thought would be cool (like adding Stigma, Doom, Injury, and Power Stun states, changing animations, implementing conditional activation on skills, etc., in addition to most of the stuff I mentioned above), so I would be happy to help if you'd like. Since college is out, I have nothing but free time at the moment.

Fun fact: the amount of ProN needed to optimally invest/exchange/buy everything in the current content is exactly 1 million ProN (not including the initial 50~65k you give to Megail). This assumes you ignored the flower investment and chose to invest in the Dusty Horde after the attack (you are still able to achieve max rewards thanks to synergy).

...A little late for this last comment, but if decrypting/editing files is frowned upon or not appreciated, I'm sorry. qq
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/27]

Speaking of attacks, I have a couple of comments too. Though mine are less mechanical and more story/interaction based.

The succubus skills seem to get very little acknowledgement. It is mentioned that Succubus don't fight anything like humans, and their items get a bit of dialog about them, but you'd think Qum's sexual healing would get mentioned once or twice. Early game Aka would probably have something to say about Qum's healing kiss, for a start.

That's not even getting into situations like using Qum's Arousing Kiss, which boosts magic damage, on the party mage. Robin. That sounds like the sort of thing she'd make a comment about.

Is it possible to cue an event to take place after a battle in which a specific skill was used on a specific character? Because I'd like to see some reactions to that.

If you do get into the nitty-gritty skill/interaction triggers like that, you could do some more mundane stuff too. Like having an early-game event where Aka talks to Simon after he uses his battlefield medic skill on her. (I'm assuming that's more along the line of bandages and gross salves than actual magic.)

You do have some stuff like that with Simon talking to Nalili about her skills. (and her talking to him about his Imitation Chosen thing) but those happen at specific points.

I guess you could just have the medic/kiss scenes play out after a random bossfight or something, and just have the game assume that those skills were used. Rather than tying it to something a finnicky as "did they use X skill on Y character" triggers.

Either way, I'd just like to see a little acknowledgement that yes Qum is going around kissing people to heal them and/or improve their magic by making them horny.
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