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Re: Sniper

(( I could think of something to say if you want me too ))
Re: Sniper

(( <.< I can't think of much to post at the moment ))
Re: Sniper

~~~That's my cue!~~~

As all three girls walked inside, they noticed a variety of tiny lights randomly placed along the mall, mostly near doors. while the mall itself looked utterly thrashed, and looted heavily. It just seemed like an empty building with lots of little lights along the ground.

As they only inspected the mall for only a second, they heard a man speak in a near whisper over the intercom.

"What do you want?" he asked.
Re: Sniper

Selena kept her weapon low as she looked around,


"Oh great... it's a guy..." She muttered under her breath before speaking aloud, "We just want to talk, d'ya have any place we could discuss a few things...?"
Re: Sniper

Selena nods as she looks around, trying to see if she could spot the man... or was he hiding somewhere...


"Yeah, we're from Apple Inn... you heard it on the radio right?" She continues to mutter, "Jerk probably watches us change at night..."
Re: Sniper

The man's calm tone changed to a hostile one, "Then we're done talking. Leave."
Re: Sniper

Iris hadn't walked all the way out here to give up. She was at least going to speak with this person face to face. Iris wasn't very good with people so she hoped if she couldn't get this person to at least see them that Emily could. Iris then spoke out in a calm voice-

" Sir. Please, at least see us face to face. I'm sure we can work something out. "

Iris hadn't thought out what that could of implied.
Re: Sniper

Selena silently agrees with Iris for once,


"Yeah, c'mon, what's wrong with just talking a little?"
Re: Sniper

The man continued, "I said we're done talking. If I'm going to witness the end of the world, I'm going to do it a free man, not as some puppet on a bitch's string."
Re: Sniper

Looks around, blinking


"What the hell are you talking about? We're all pretty much free, well, y'know, except for the occasional errand."
Re: Sniper

Iris let out a sigh. This man was being stubborn and her and Selena were having trouble. It was going to be difficult to get him to let them speak with him. Iris wasn't going to give up just yet. Still talking in her calm voice Iris said-
" Sir please, isn't there any way you will let us speak with you in person? "

Iris wondered if this man knew anything about the director of the inn. It sure sounded like he did.
Re: Sniper

The man's tone stayed in it's hostile state, "No, there isn't. And I don't want to see anyone get hurt, so just leave me alone."
Re: Sniper

Iris let out another sigh. It was hopless. Iris couldn't get this guy to agree. EMily was their only hope. Iris looked at Emily and said-
" Emily, see if you can't get him to agree. "

Iris knew Emily was better with people then her. She had a better chance to get this guy to agree to a face to face meeting.
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Re: Sniper

Sighs and checks her rifle, then looks up,

"Can we at least have some supplies? We need more over at the inn."
Re: Sniper

Emily was surprised that there was a man in the mall. She assumed that all of the ones that survived this hell where at Apple Inn. She listened to the conversation not knowing what to say. "He's right... I had to kill so many women to be able to help this place out...." She thought. She wasn't sure what to do. She wanted to stay here with him, but at the same time thought it was insane and wanted to go back to the hotel. When Iris spoke up it helped her make up her mind. She sighed. She decided to place a gamble on how to get this guy come out.

"Hey why the fuck are you too scared to meet a three women face to face? Big strong man can't even bear to see us?"

(( I love Intimidate =D ))
Re: Sniper

The man's tone went neutral again, "Have a safe trip back." he said as he hung up the intercom.
Re: Sniper

(( Nice move TheWeirdOne. :l ))
Iris covored her face and shook her head in disbeleif at what Emily had said. She insulted him instead of trying to get him to let them see him. Now their only option was ti go through this trap infested mall in hopes of finding him. Iris felt like smacking Emily then. Iris pulled herself back together and forgot about her violent thought. Iris then said to Emily and Selena-
" Well we only have one option left. We have to go and find the sniper ourselves. "

Iris hoped she wasn't killed by some death trap along the way.
Re: Sniper

Emily heard the man's tone in his voice and didn't know what to make of it. She sure knew what the words meant, though. When the intercom hung up she felt like a dumbass and knew her attempt failed. All she could think of to say was...

"Oh fuck."

(( Now I hate intimidate D= ))

(( It's not like we were gonna get him to come down either way so I threw our best card out there <.< ))