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Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Ulalamulg HP = 48, PP = 63, EP = 35, Status = The Wrong Girl to Fuck with Tonight
Zarila HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 108, Status = Perhaps has no Vagina
Hecro HP = 93, PP = 39, EP = 34, Status = Body Magician

"M-m-m-my name's Edd. With two D's." the man revealed.

"T-there's only one three-story house on the block! It's right there, outside the window!" he cried.

"I-I don't know how many he has. At least... maybe three? Not counting the two I mentioned... But I never go in there for anything other than... Um... Stress relief."
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

She hummed and hawed a moment as she watched the orc interrogate Edd. With a smile she thought up of a way to make sure he was truthful with them. As she approached the man and orc, she made her fingers just a little bit longer. Made the flesh tighten about her bones, as she gave the ends of each digit a sharp nub. Using her shapeshifting to keep the fur on her hand to give it a normal appearance.

With a sweet smile she gently reached up to caress his face. Though the caress would appear to be familiar and intimate with nothing amiss, to Edd it felt as if a pale skeletal hand was scraping against his flesh, the nubs of the skeletal fingers sharp as she gently caressed his cheek and lips. She spoke in her sweetest voice. "I suggest you be truthful with this fine orcish lady." As if to emphasize her statement ghostly skeletal hands appeared out of the wall. The hands grasping at Edd as if seeking to drag him down beneath the earth. The faces of horrid monsters appearing behind the grasping hands as they sought out to rip and gorge themselves upon his warm flesh.

Just a version of Nightmarish Image.

Nightmarish Image
The character conjures an illusion of pure horror around them, making all others hesitant to get near them.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 2 EP upkeep every round.
-The character gets a 3X bonus to Dodge, melee damage and Resistance to resist hostile effects.
-In addition, any creature attempting to attack the character must win a Resistance check against a DC equal to 4X or have their action automatically fail. This DC does not get a d20 roll. Creatures that lose this roll by 20 or more will attempt to flee rather than fight the character further. This effect does not work on mindless creatures.
1 EP to use it and keep it active till Edd is very forthcoming. Upkeep is 1 -2 ep for 0 EP.
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Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Hecro rises to his feet and goes and takes a seat back down and looks between the three of them. Quietly requesting a drink from the bartender as he listens to the answers this 'Edd' was giving them. Thinking for a moment...

"Perhaps we should take him with us so we have a 'face' to give us more access if we're going to this building?" Its more likely to be more effective than three complete strangers going to the building and harassing the people inside for information. He doesn't have any thought of using any of his magic against a man that so easily gave information to them. Apart from the healing he had already given. Not seeing a point in breaking his bones just so he needs to heal them again.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Ulalamulg HP = 48, PP = 63, EP = 35, Status = A Statue of an Orc holding a man
Zarila HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 108, Status = Scaring the Fuck out of Double D
Hecro HP = 93, PP = 39, EP = 34, Status = Rolling the Dice to see if he's getting Drunk

"AAAAAAAAH!" The man screamed.



And then he pissed himself in fear, proceeding to spout inane babble as he looked as if he were about to die. "I'M NOT LYING PLEEEAAAAASEE-AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

She sniffed with disgust as the man pissed himself in terror. "Thank you for the honesty. Though it is entirely up to her whether you live or not." Gesturing to the orc woman holding him. She gave the man a smile as she removed her hand. As the illusions faded and her hand returned to normal, she looked at the other two.

Stepping away from
the man and orc as she thought for a moment. "I don't think we will need Edd." Looking to see what the orc thought about Edd and what she would do with him. "I think we can deal with three guys. I doubt Cinnamon and Candy will help fight against us. Shall we go see what info is in the building now?"
Adjusting her pack as she approached the door.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Ulala thought about the other's proposals for a moment.

"Would one of you kindly divest one of those other losers of their pants, please." The orc said, in a far less menacing voice than what she'd been snarling at the gang leader. "I don't want to have to smell this idiot's liquid fear while we go for a little walk."

Assuming the other two were ready to leave once someone had been depantsed and Edd was in their trousers, she would wrap herself around one of his arms and led him out a rear door or something, assuming there was one. It might've been cute, out of context - and the orc made sure to keep his other hand controlle as well, pulling it in front of his crotch and entwining her fingers with it. "Let's go for a little stroll, why don't we?" 'She' suggested, in the cute voice he often used when masquerading as a woman.

Once outside, Ulala turned down the nearest secluded alleyway outside. "Stroll's over." He grabbed Edd by the back of the head and slammed his face into a wall to knock him out - repeating as necessary. Once he was out, he stole his clothes - studying his body as he stripped him. Ducking into whatever cover there was, Ulala changed into his clothes, and let his form change - skin turn that weird shade of pinkish-white humans had, hair probably pulling in from the shoulder-length he normally kept it to match Edd's length and color, body reshaping itself, until he resembled the ganger as well as could be managed with such a short time of study.

Ulala drew an axe and made a shallow cut in Edd's leg, to stain the back of one a leg. "Big ma- *ahem* Big man, can you hold onto my armor? Just strap it on your back or something, it's not that heavy. If needs be, I can tell them we ran outta town, or something to clear the house - If not, I can get the jump on someone. Let's find Tuck's two whores - I want to get nice and personal with them."

Using Shapeshift for shenanigans. Swapping whatever for Night Eyes, to see in the alley, and then whatever else to disguise myself as he.

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Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

"Okay." She moved over to one of the still unconsoius men. With deft hands she hand his pants removed in short order. Her eyes lingering a little too long should the man be naked beneath and impressive in size. Handing them to the orc, and watching her curiously. Watching her drag the man man out the back, she shrugged and followed after.

Seeing her duck behind some cover, got her curious. So she crept closer to take a quick peek. Interesting. Backing away before the orc finished changing. Seeing her come out as the man caused the half-breed a smale smile. "Are you sure you wouldn't like to show up with a small prize at least? That way should they fight back, you have some help? Or at least provide a distraction for those within." Sticking her hands out infront of herself, and putting her wrists together as if bound. "Think I would do? They might get suspious if it is him." Gesturing to the much bigger Hecro.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

He watched all of this happen with an almost unreadable expression. From the man making a wet patch on himself from the dancer simply touching him. From the switch of clothing and the brutal beating of the man against a wall as they left. And finally the whole 'transformation' act that she had pulled.

He looks between them both, the acts and roles they can play in this being rather clear. However, for someone as big as him? It is not as so. He may be able to buff, heal, and even break bodies with ease. Even terrify people by sheer brute force. He had noticed how men had fled after he killed on of their own with several fists in the past...

So he looks between them. And speaks. "What role do you think I should play in all of this? Those mens clothes will have little chance of fitting me. Let alone any of their appearances fitting one of my distinction."
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

W-were we waiting for me? <_>;;

"I just want to clear the place the hell out," Edd-lala said. "Tell them we're running for the city gates, get a few out of the way. Kill the rest, steal one of Tuck's whore's faces - maybe kill them too. I figure, show them poor ol' Edd's hamstringed, they'll leave my slow-ass behind. Just wait for me to yell, eh?"

Ulala patted Zarila on the head. "They need to think their money's on the run, eh? Gets them movin' faster! So, good plan, right? Let's hurry up, before they figure out what's happening."

If they were good to go, Ulala peeked out of the alley to find another alley near the brothel for them to hide in, and then started limping for the whorehouse.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Ulalamulg HP = 48, PP = 63, EP = 35, Status = <_>;;
Zarila HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 108, Status = Wants to experiment with bdsm
Hecro HP = 93, PP = 39, EP = 34, Status = Wants a status

And so Edd was knocked unconscious. Laying there, looking quite dizzy, he mumbled uncertain words. Among them, only this was understandable. "No, Tuck... Not the cactus one... The bumps hurt..." he whined, before seeming to become fully passed out.

Looking across the street, Ulala would find that the group of bandits didn't head for the large building Edd had told them about. It seemed like not even one headed in that direction, given the tracks on the ground and the general direction they fled, so the brothel was apparently not a choice to them. Given all that was going on inside, based on the open windows, it was just a business of whores and their trade. As one whore's leg was lifted in plain view, it was revealed that it was a business of man-whores who bend over for other men and get paid. Access seemed easy enough. Ulala could sneak in any way he liked. Through a window, or through the main doorway. Security didn't seem to be a concern.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Zarila smiled as the transformed orc patted her head. "Alright, but be carwful." She gave the former orc a nod and watched hom leave. Turning to the large man. "I guess you can stay with me and protect me should something goes wrong." Looking about their ally, searching for a spot to hide. Once she found one, she hunkered down and prepared to wait.

Yes. XD
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

He watches all this happened. A small quirk of his brow being the only real change to his expression as he watched the orc head out. Wondering what was going to happen to her plan. Perhaps a battle would break out? He wouldn't be surprised with the attitude he had seen from her so far.

He then turns to the other, a brief hint of a smile appearing as he nods. And then follows after her. Resting his back against the wall and sliding to a seat on the ground. "I shall...Are you comfortable crouched as you are?"
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

The pretty cat woman shrugged. "I have been in worse and certainly less comfortable positions then this." She was paying more attention to not getting her skimpy outfit dirty then him. Brushing off some invisible speck of dust her dress, her chest jiggling at the motions. Looking over at him with her gold eyes. "Why the concern about being being comfortable while crouched?" Her eyes looking him over during the calm before the storm.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

The tall man lets out a quiet chuckle as he watches her fuss over her clean dress. A small smile flickering over his lips before he slowly moves and takes a seat on the ground himself. Crossing his legs under him and looking at her. Even sat like this he was still above her. "I was just making conversation, and what's wrong with a man wanting to make a woman he is with comfortable?" The smile grows for a moment before settling back down in a blank expression.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

All the while she used her shapeshifting to change her gender should any of her squirming and fussing get a little to risky. She eyed the man a moment before smiling and giving a soft musical giggle. "Nothing wrong with that at all." Getting herself as comfortable as possible why trying to stay clean. "Do you have any other useful skills?" Looking him over curiously as she spoke, and idly wondering what he was capable of. "Where abouts will you head after this?"
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Dudes, huh. Well, either way...

Eddlala started limping his way up the street, favoring what looked like bloody, cut leg; the rack of axes he usually wore on his back held awkwardly around his shoulder, hanging down on one side. 'I stole it from the green bitch. She got me with with one before they ran off,' he'd explain it as.

He decided to stumble in through the front door, sprawling on the floor as he pushed on the entrance.

Gasping on the floor as he struggled to get up, 'Edd' wheezed out, "T-Tuck's boys... where're - get me Tuck's boys...! Marks... runnin'... town gate..."
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Is anyone else being unable to get onto the this site lately? It keeps coming up with host not found.

He considered for a time. Calmly leaning back against the wall of the building and closing his eyes as she thinks. "I am a fighter, a healer, and a musician. Those are the main skills I have, everything else is branched off from that." He considers for a moment longer.."I can also buff you..increase your senses, make your body stronger, even make you faster." He turns a little to her and watches as she fidgets and fusses over herself..."You can sit on one of my legs if that would make you more comfortable."
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Zarila gave a small smile at his suggestion. "Sorry but I usually don't sit in a man's lap before they even take me out on a date." Looking up to see the transformed orc stumble and collaspe into the building. The cat girl almost moving to go aid her, before realizing the orc wasn't hurt before she left. "Get ready, I think we will be needed shortly." The cat girl moving to sit beside the man and placing a hand on him as she prepared to teleport them.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Ulalamulg HP = 48, PP = 63, EP = 35, Status = Shapeshifted
Zarila HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 108, Status = Requires Dates
Hecro HP = 93, PP = 39, EP = 34, Status = Buffs, and is Buff

Ulala busted in through the main door. Various men dressed as women all looked to who they thought was Edd in shock. Rather than give a strong reaction to Ulala's entrance, the man in drag over the counter simply turned and shouted in a serene voice that would leave someone who didn't know any better that 'he' was a 'she'. Though, the apparent customers did appear shocked. "Girls! We got a bleeder on the floor. One of Tuck's boys it seems."

Then, the floor seemed to shake, as if an earthquake was underway. But the source was not motions under the ground. Out stepped a huge, masculine figure of a man. His veins were pulsing over various hard mountains of muscle, and he was wearing a blue spaghetti string top and a white short skirt complete with blue panties that pointlessly covered a massive bulge that only a horse would not be jealous of. His blond hair was done into two short braids that tickled his shoulders, and he had a full short beard. He stared at Ulala with eyes that seemed full of evil, rape and murder, and every breath he exhaled came with a low growling sound.

"Someone's bleeding all over our floor, you say?" a high-pitched, cute voice came from behind the large hulk. They came around, and approached Ulala on the ground, at him on the ground. "A nameless grunt has the nerve to come here, demand our presence, and bleed on the floor while he's at it?" he inquired coldly.

"Said something about marks running." The girl over the counter said.

"Cinnamon," The smaller girl announced, smiling at Ulala disguised as Edd. "Show him how much I care about his problems." She announced to the hulk.

Cinnamon, the large hulk of a human, nodded and began stomping towards Ulala with a now wide, and murderous grin. " " The large monster announced.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Well, Ulala thought to himself, at least I won't feel bad when I bar the doors and burn this place to the ground.

Upon hearing one of his mark's names, Ulala's eyes started roaming the gigantic man-shaped pillar, to (try) and shift into later. She hoped that little shit Edd hadn't pulled a fast one on him; a good, hard fucking he could handle - and even kinda wanted, right now - but if Tucker wasn't into dudes like this? It was gonna turn out that this idea - Ulala's idea - was a total waste of time. Aggravating.

Putting Edd's cowardly mask back on once again, "W-w-wait... they said... they said they would be coming for Tuck's f-favorites, later! Th-th-three of us! In the bl-blink of an eye, three of us, at once...!"