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Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Ulalamulg HP = 48, PP = 63, EP = 35, Status = Shapeshifted
Zarila HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 108, Status = Fine
Hecro HP = 93, PP = 39, EP = 34, Status = Fine

"How wonderful! They're coming back so we can kill them all. It's not often your enemies give you such a convenience!" cheered Candy, before looking Edlala again. "And I suppose your method of not being murdered right now is to give us lots of useful information, a good strategy I must say! I certainly hope that wasn't the only thing you had to say, lest your efforts be short lived."

"SPREAD THOSE CHEEKS!" Cinnamon shouted at Ulalamulg.

"Calm down, Cinnamon." Candy said to her larger companion, before stepping over and picking Edlala up by his arm until he was standing. "Well? Start talking little one." Candy advised.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Eddlala faked a groan as the smaller one pulled him back up to his feet. "W-w-well...", he said, panting and wincing when he put weight back on his 'injured' leg. "M-mostly, it was the orc. She threw... she threw a buncha axes, and everyone ran. There were two o-others... a big guy, but he d-didn't have no weapons... and a... whadda... Iunno whatcha c-call 'em... cat... the cat people? She didn't do nothin' either, though, so... mostly, it was that orc. B-but... I managed to nick her stuff, so Iunno what else she can do..."

Ulala hoped that might lull them into underestimating them, later. Damn it! How is it that these fuckers had these murderous man-cunts for leaders?! He didn't expect this!

"P-please, I need to find Tucker... t-t-tell him what h-happened. I-I just came to - to warn Cinnamon and Candy about... about... please?" Eddlala was back up towards the door, slowly - wincing and limping on his 'bad' leg, of course. He was looking around the room as he did so, checking if there was a bar of somesort full of alcohol - curtains, rugs, draperies, a fireplace, what-have-you. Anything that would burn. Which he was definitely going to make happen, if he could. Fuck these guys, man.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Ulalamulg HP = 48, PP = 63, EP = 35, Status = Shapeshifted
Zarila HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 108, Status = Fine
Hecro HP = 93, PP = 39, EP = 34, Status = Fine

"You stole her stuff?" Candy inquired with interest, before Candy grinned. "Well, it's good to know we face three combatants. That isn't a worry at all. Though let us take precautions in case they aren't a bunch of bumbling fools." Candy announced, before turning to Eddlala, not letting go of his arm. "Well, it's been fun, but what's yours is mine as they say. Including your life." she said, pulling a knife out of nowhere as if about to gut Eddlala.

Looking around, Ulala would spot a lamp full of oil hanging in the middle of the room. The whole room would likely catch fire if she struck that. Or she could go directly for Candy and Cinnamon themselves, perhaps winning and killing them, or perhaps not.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

"Whauh?! W-w-w-w-wait! There WAS one more thing...!" EddLala said, stumbling backwards. Steadying himself, he took in a deep breath, and opened his mouth.


Grabbing two fistfuls of the axes at his side, Eddlala sent four hurtling towards Cinnamon, while a fifth he tossed spinning up at the lamp up above.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

At the sound of the scream, Zarila spoke a quick warning to Hec. "Hold tight, and don't move. What you will see is the place between and the source of my power." With a deep breath, she focused upon the world around them as she pictured the stairs and entrance to the whorehouse.

Both of their visions blurring a moment and they found themselves in another place. A white void filled with a warm bright light. Vast house sized roots surrounding them and digging deep below, as if stretching out below for miles. A gargantuan tree reaching up into the vast white void above them. The tree's soft milky bark, giving them a safe and homey feeling. A light wind brushing against the pale gold leaves in the canopy above.

Before either of them could do or say something in the strange void, they found themselves somewhere else. They were now standing in front of the whorehouse. A few feet from the open door. Zarila had a small smile on her face as she looked curiously about the building. Her claws extending from her hands slightly as she prepared for battle.

Pay 6 Ep for the teleport. and she prepares for a fight.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

(Been waiting for Sprig's post. Should I not have?)
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Has not been well and just now getting back to everything he has been doing on the internet. Sorry guys! How long have you been waiting?

He blinks a few times as the vision plays over his eyes and fills his mind for a moment. Shaking his head to clear it of that white that filled it in a flash for a moment he brings himself back to focus on the place and task at hand. Figuring to ask about that tree with the golden leaves when they were done.

Quickly he brings out his knucklers and places them across his fists as he prepares for battle. And then moves. Foot moving back to slam into the door and burst it open so they could quickly backup the orc that had gone on ahead.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

As a friendly reminder from your GM, you should list out some calculations for your GM to use quickly. To-hit values, and damage values should be given as a gesture of kindness showing that you want to make their lives easier. Please put these values either in your posts or on your character sheets.

Hafnium provides a good example of a cheet sheet for a character and appropriate values for any GM to quickly punch into a calculator. Any Gm you play for will thank you kindly for putting forth this effort!

This is directed at no one in particular. Just a PSA from Arjay to always be helpful to your GM's! If you've already done all of what was said above, thank you!

Ulala's axes flew, and two struck the large hulk. "OW, THOSE HIT ME!"

Then the other two struck him. "OW, THOSE HIT ME TOO!" he said before falling backwards.

"Damn cock sleeve!" Candy cursed, before the lantern above was struck, and fell to the floor, causing Candy to retreat lest he be burned. "Fuck you!" Candy cursed at Ulala, before unleashing a wave of seemingly pure force, which struck the shapeshifter and sent him flying backwards, slamming into the chest of Hec, who had just slammed the door open to land together on the ground as the whorehouse front quickly became engulfed in flames.

After a moment, it didn't appear that anyone was coming out. Cinnamon and Candy were not visable from their current position while shouting from inside resounded.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Before he could even think about it, some invisible thing hit Ulala, and sent him through the door and into what he eventually found to be his impromptu comrade while the orc was in the process of scrambling to his feet. It was a much softer landing than he might've expected, all told. For him, at least.

"Thanks, big guy," he said, before drawing the axes he didn't use for throwing. "A cock sleeve, am I?" he asked. "I'll fucking show you cock sleeve. Where are you?!"

The orc charged back inside, hoping to retrieve his axes in the confusion, holding his axe ready to swing at that behemoth he'd stuck four of 'em into, if he needed to.

Besides that, though... more than likely, that little brat would be wearing some sort of perfume - probably something more expensive than the rest here, given that he seemed higher on the totem pole around here. He'd not thought to get a better whiff earlier, but with his 'succubus' powers, he might be able to follow him by the scent of that perfume alone... or if not, maybe hear the little shit running, or shouting orders...

Imma use shapeshift to try and get Keen Ears and Keen Nose. I'm not sure how many of my mutations are tied up in my disguise, but presumably at least two are not, and thus, I would like to swap those for yon currently.

Also, loot ye axes.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Steps into the room and has a moment to few what was happening to the building, catching sight of what was happening before the axe-waver comes flying towards him. Holding his arms out to catch the flier and lets the impact come, taking it and grunting as they hit the ground. But showing no other sign of registering the impact.

"No problem."He watches her scramble to her feet and then slowly rises like the giant of a man he is. Watching her rage and charge ahead he lets out a small sigh. "Try to leave one alive for information if you can.."

Using a lesser buff to increase his speed he takes a deep breathe. Calming himself and then stepping forward, and then sprints. Darting ahead towards the foe they going to be feet, his plan to dive through the flames and take a swinging kick to his leg..and unleash a bone snapping bolt through it on impact. He tried to perceive what he needed through the glowing flames that were beginning to spread...well, this building wasn't going to stay standing for long!

Buff (Mind/6, spell level - 2 EP upkeep)
LvL 2 Strength, Lesser (Buff) [May increase Body, Perception, or Speed]
Bolt (2d4 + Mind/6)
LvL3 Bone Snap (Bolt) [None]

Body: 28 (26+2)
Mind: 20 (14+6)
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 93
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 39
Spirit Energy (EP): 34
Speed: 16
Dodge: 45 (29 +10 + 6)
Armor: 18 (16+2)
Resistance: 14
Perception: 16
Stealth: 1 (16 -15)
Grapple: 28
Spirit Ceiling: 3 (7 -4)

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

To hit +46 (+28 + 12 +6)
Base Damage: 1d8 + 33 (14 + 6 +8 +2 +3)

Base Casting: d20 +3 (10 -7)

That help?
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Zarila looked at the flames and frowned in thought. Though she wanted to help the the other two, she didn't want to enter the smoking building. Gasping a bit as she saw the orc get flung back by a power. Taking a few steps back as she saw the two collapse in front of her with a look of concern. "Alright, I will see what I can do." Sighing in relief as they both sprung back up and charged in. With a small groan she stepped inside to get a better view of the unfoding chaos.

Focusing on the only enemy she saw, and the mammath of a man. Whispering sidhe words as she called upon her ancestral spirits to aid her and strike the man. With a flick of her wrist, a dozen small ghostly green leaves appeared, and with a push they all began to spin rapidly and turning into spining green blades as they raced towards the large crossdresser.

Energy blast on Candy.

Spirit power to hit d20 +54 (40 + 10 + 4)

8 Ep for blast (3d4 + 1) * 8 Max damage is 104, and due to harmful spirit apptitude the mininum damage is 1/2 of maxium damage and is 52 damage
Explosion, Energy Blast, and Energy Wave now ignore 1/2 of any AV or resistances that would affect their damage

Also her AV is currently 1 and dodge is 48
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Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

So what are we waiting for at the moment?
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

And then the three charged into the room after Ulala had been thrown out. Oddly enough, the mammoth of a man and the one who blasted Ulala were nowhere to be seen. The very attractive possible man was still behind the counter, screaming at the flames. "Help me! Help me please!" he or she cried out, putting out the flames that had caught their sleeve on fire by flapping a rag over it.

Ulala's nose picked up the perfume belonging to the one who called him a cocksleeve, and his ears picked up his voice, an unnatural distance away, out of the back of the whore house. "Tucker would be quite angry if you died." he said, making a heaving sound. "You are such a heavy bastard..." he grunted, before wooden wheels groaned, and a horse neighed at the sound of a whip.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Zarila coughed from all the smoke in the room. Giving the other two a shout over the growing flames. "We need to get out! We can't chase after them, we wont know the layout or if they have a trap for us to seal us in!" Shouting out her piece of mind, she quickly hurried out onto the street. Frowning sadly when she noticed soot smudges covering her nose.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Ulala picked up the scent, but more importantly caught that little shit's voice, coming out from the back of the building.

He was snarling, and had almost started following his perfume trail through the building, but the kitty had a point. "Back of the building, outside, on the street!" He called out, snatching up his axes as quickly as he could. "Horsecart, the two are running!"

Once he'd got his weapons, Ulala grabbed the pair, linking them together. "You can follow, right, Kitty? Go!"
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Covered his mouth to block out as much of the smoke as he could, breathing slowly, unlike the other two he quickly moved through the flames and reach for the panicking voice. His plan? Grab him and throw him out onto the street and run after the two of them! But before he could do that Ulala's arm locked around him and he turned his blank face to her.

"Should we not..help that one? May know where the other two are heading."
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Frowning as the orc grabbed her arm linking all three together. "I can only teleport to places I can see or have been to. If I try to go someplace I have never been or can't see, we might end up in a wall. Which would be a dead sort of bad." Looking over to Hecro. "Though I think he may be right. We should save the person still in there. They will know where the horse cart is going." Looking to see what the orc thought.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

"Don't leave me! Please! I can't get past the flames!" The victim cried out in a desperate voice.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

"Seriously? I set this place on fire, and you want to save a witness, who I also set on fire?" Ulala asks the two, only loudly enough that the flamer in question wouldn't hear and releasing his hold on the two. "Aaalright then, you guys do that."

The orc went over and to a patch of wall near the exit that wasn't on fire and leaned against it. He supposed the cat had a point - he might know where those two shits were going. He'd also been shifted when he set the place aflame, so they might not pin him for it for awhile - the whole throwing axe thing was a tip off, but he'd been shifted and wasn't wearing his girly boob-plate, and more or less kept his shapeshifting a secret, so that ought to be alright for at least a little while... even if he was probably the only axe-juggling orc in town.

Briefly, he pondered how he'd set things on fire so hard.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Zarila frowned a bit before giving the transformed orc a nod. "Alright." She then covered her mouth and went back into the burning building. Looking about for a safe spot near the trapped person before teleporting next to them. Offering them a hand with reassuring look. "Grab my hand if you wish to escape here."

Once her hand was grasped, she would teleport back out on to the street. Looking over the person she had saved curiously. Still holding the rescued person's hand as she spoke to her companions. "Somewhere private we can go?" Frowning sadly as she noticed more sooty marks on her fur and dress.

2 uses of Intant transmission for 6 EP each for a total os 12 EP spent.