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Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Allow me to answer some of these questions/issues!
Glad you're getting somewhere. A few things I noticed off the top of my head:
-Standing on the platform just below the text causes your head to disappear.
That text won't be there in the final version, so worry not!

-You'll need some sort of list of controls on the character selection screen -- it took me a few minutes to figure out how to select a character.
They're there in the text, but the text is hard to see... But, it doesn't really matter much, becaaause...

-Keep in mind that many keyboards/computers can only have three (?) or less buttons pressed down at any time, and this may cause problems for you down the road.

The controls are configurable, so you can change them to your liking! The only thing that you can't configure is the weapon selection.

Anywho, another update -- I've implemented and debugged dodge rolling, and it looks ... Pretty awesome, actually. So, that just means I've bug squashing to do, then the basic engine is completely finished, and I can start changing stuff to the hentai version.

That being said, I'm still at a loss on what to do for a last few bosses. The bosses I have planned so far that I know I want are: Tentacle beast, vore beast, futa... futa, dominatrix girl, hypno girl... But other than that, I can't really come up with much. Only other thing I could think of would be, like, Magic Girl, where all the rape attacks are somehow based on magic. Anyone have some ideas and suggestions? Even if it's just to get the gears in my head tickin', it would be helpful.
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

An Ovipostion enemy/weapon upgrade might be interesting...

And then theres nekomimi

And Maybe Titania! The tank crushing tits of GOD!... Though the weapon for that one would be less utilitarian and more "Hur... Boobs BIG!!! Me likey bouncey..."

And then theres the possibility of a Mirror boss... "EAT LEMONS!!! Oh god... Lemons are RETURNING!!!!" *Asplodes*
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Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Allow me to answer some of these questions/issues!

That text won't be there in the final version, so worry not!

They're there in the text, but the text is hard to see... But, it doesn't really matter much, becaaause...

The controls are configurable, so you can change them to your liking! The only thing that you can't configure is the weapon selection.

Anywho, another update -- I've implemented and debugged dodge rolling, and it looks ... Pretty awesome, actually. So, that just means I've bug squashing to do, then the basic engine is completely finished, and I can start changing stuff to the hentai version.

That being said, I'm still at a loss on what to do for a last few bosses. The bosses I have planned so far that I know I want are: Tentacle beast, vore beast, futa... futa, dominatrix girl, hypno girl... But other than that, I can't really come up with much. Only other thing I could think of would be, like, Magic Girl, where all the rape attacks are somehow based on magic. Anyone have some ideas and suggestions? Even if it's just to get the gears in my head tickin', it would be helpful.

You could have FlashMan from Megaman 2, he will this time wear a trench coat and flash his junk at you to stop you in your tracks as well as stop all time.Time stop rape and stuff I guess will be the h events, slow motion rapid fire ejaculations for attacks and stuff. Tugs it to build up power letting you get distance before he flash's you and attacks.
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

I like the idea of a mirror boss, although that sounds something a bit more akin to the "Wily Stage" bosses. Ovi-boss could probably just be something I squeeze into tentacle level.

The idea of "Flash Man" made me laugh at first, then I realized it could potentially work :( A boss who stops time could be neat. Maybe an attack of Magic Girl.

Keep in mind, though, I'm not so much just looking for the boss themselves, but more over, a theme the level and the boss can revolve around. (Also, not terribly into "man" bosses... >> Monsters, though...!)

Keep giving me ideas!
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Mirror World:
-enemies/boss mimic your attacks and movements (e.g. you go right, they go left, etc)
-portals into some sort of inverse world (reversed gravity, reversed color scheme, different enemies, and/or whatever)
-Some enemies can reflect your attacks back at you

Hmm. I thought I had more ideas for you, but I guess not.
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

So there are some really stupid bugs in the engine that'd've been bugging the hell out of me, so I decided to do something a little different. Found a charset for rm2k that I really liked, and decided to play with it a little, and, well...


See, that's what I can do with an rm2k sprite, imagine what I could do with some better ones! ... ... I know it's not amazing, but I had fun with it :p

You can do a dodge roll slide sorta thing now. Hit space. I'm not too keen on the animation, but eh, the not-H-one looks much better.


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Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

No feedback or comments on the H stuff? :(
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

No feedback or comments on the H stuff? :(

Not bad, but the sprites are really too small, imo. Also, you'll need a way to skip the H scenes (if, for example, you've already seen them or you get grabbed twice in a row). And does that one H scene just loop forever?

I noticed also that after playing for a little while (or perhaps when that one H scene ends) you're suddenly transported somewhere else with the game controls on the background. Is that intentional?
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Nooope! I haven't made a way to break free yet, either :O Can just hit f2 to reboot. I haven't decided on what I wanted to do for the breakfree mechanic.

I know for sure I don't want to do the mash left-right thing, as it's been done to death, and... Well, if you're playing with a handicap *cough*, not easy to do with one hand.

One idea I had was, upon getting grabbed, you see a key with a question mark on it and a timer. Once the timer reaches zero, the key is revealed, and if you hit the right one, you're released, if not, the timer resets.
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Sounds feasible, provided you get multiple chances to escape and the key range is heavily restricted (to say, the movement keys or something).
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

That was my plan! Movement keys, and possibly jump/shoot.
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

That's a pretty solid idea.

As twisted1 said, the sprites are a bit too small for decent H, and on a personal prefrence note, unless we can see what's going on it's kind of pointless to have rapes.

I do realise this is your first try at it and early work to boot so no worries, and good work.