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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

From her position Sara could see Springs nipples harden showing that the Nymph was enjoying her sensual kisses. Before long though Spring would draw her into a deep kiss on the mouth before pulling the gril into a sitting position. Once there she changed her position once more so that she was directly behind Sara kissing the back of her neck while both hand began to message the girls breasts.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Noticing the nymph's hardening nipples, Sara's hands went to Spring's breasts, softly rubbing then as she was pulled into a deep kiss. She turned her head with Spring as she adjusted position. Holding the kiss for as long as possible, tongue flitting into the nymph's mouth, enjoying the woman's taste.

Now in a seated position and with Spring behind her massaging her breasts, Sara moaned gently. She was finding that she greatly enjoyed this slower, more gentle sex compared to rough fuckings. As the nymph's legs were splayed around her, in an effort to provide some pleasure to the nymph as well Sara reached back to caress Spring's inner thighs, gently rubbing the soft, delicate skin.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Springs breath was hot on her neck her panting increasing under Sara's caresses. Still giving the girl a fantastic breast massage began to tug playfully on the erect nipples on Sara's breasts. Mixing it with a playful flic of her fingers Spring continued to arouse the girl before one hand slid down the girls curves and ventured teasingly to Sara's sex. It lingered there a moment teasing the girl with its sensation before taking a daring dip and ever so lightly touched Sara's folds.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The combined feelings of the sensual breast massage, the stimulating of her sensitive nipples, and both the feeling and sound of Spring's warm, aroused breathing on her neck did a very effective job of getting the young spirit wielder very aroused, and rather wet. As one hand relinquished its hold on her breast and nipple, it traced an electric touch down towards Sara's waiting pussy.

When she began to softly caress her sex, Sara's breath caught in her throat. It just felt so...good. There was just no other way to say it. Maybe it was just a nymph thing, but every intimate encounter she had had so far with the fey women had been nothing short of spectacular. And they weren't even done yet.

As the nymph's fingers dipped into her sex, Sara arched her back and moaned in pleasure. "Oh gods, Springggg...ahhhnn...this is fantastic! Ohhhh..." This just flat out beat any other non-fey sex she had had, ever. She would take even just Spring's foreplay over full-on sex with anyone else. Her and Nyeri both seemed to just light her nerves on fire in the most sensual ways with their gentle touches. Leaning back against the pillows of Spring's breasts, she reached back and clasped the back the nymph's head, gently stroking it and running her fingers through her hair for a moment before bringing her head forward so that they could kiss again, her other hand continuing to stroke the sorceress' thigh, that being the only thing she could do to pleasure her from this position.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

This continued for several moments until a wet slicking noise could be heard from Sara's damp sex. Urging her lover onto all fours Spring with Sara's permission began to lick at the girls damp sex from behind while slowly masturbating herself with a free hand. Much like earlier Spring teased Sara's lips with her tongue before getting more generous and deeper with her licks causing the woman to orgasm right into her face. Still though Spring wasn't done and as Sara rode out her orgasm she continued her pleasurable assault.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

As she lay in Spring's arms, Sara became wetter and wetter, until Spring's fingers elicited a clearly audible wet noise from her pussy. At that point, Spring coaxed her onto her fours, and Sara eagerly complied. Her bare purple pussy dripping sex-fluids onto the ground. When spring began to eat her out, her moans increased, becoming louder as the nymph went deeper, and as she drew closer to orgasm.

Finally, it was too much for her to bare, and Sara cried out passionately as her inner walls spasmed, clutching at the intruding tongue as a burst of love juices flowed from her depths and into Spring's waiting mouth. The orgasm sapped the strength from Sara's arms and she her arms wobbled and her front in crumpled to the ground, her rear remained in the air however, allowing Spring to continue to slurp away at her juicy pussy while her strength returned to her arms.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Spring continued some more quickly bringing Sara back to her peak and over once again and then stopped. Hearing spring move and feeling the warmth of another body near caused Sara to look at Spring. Springs lips glistened with Sara's juices and her breath smelled heavily of sex. The Nymph smiled at her and spoke her voice a little husky. "You taste great Sara. You have unique flavor."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara shuddered and cried out as she was once again brought to orgasm by the lovely nymph that was so content to eat out her pussy. Rolling over onto her back, she lay there panting for a moment. Staring at Spring and seeing her fluids all over her lips brought a grin and a slight blush to her face.

"I'm glad I taste good to you, Spring. I feel a little guilty just letting you pleasure me so much without doing anything in return." She sat up and started to straddle the nymph, saying, "Why don't you just tell me what you like, and let me start paying back all of the pleasure I owe you, hmm?" She brushed a strand of lovely green hair out of Spring's face as she leaned in closer and closer, one hand on the back of her head to pull her towards her, the other going to towards Spring's own mound. She lightly kissed the nymph, getting a taste of her own fluids from her lips, curious to know what the nymph found so appealing about them.

Took tight mutation +2pp damage dealt when penetrated
Also managed to fuck up my character sheet somehow *facepalm*
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Spring smiled at Sara her heys alight with passionate fire. "Why don't you show me what your good at Sara." Spring drew her into a deep kiss letting the girl get a good taste of her own juices.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara moaned gently into the kiss, deciding that her juices tasted pretty good, though maybe it was that she was getting them back from a lusty nymph that made them taste as good as they did. Though now it was time to return the pleasure the nymph had given her. She felt a little weak from the dual orgasms Spring had given her, but her lust spurred her on and gave her the strength to pleasure the nymph.

Holding the kiss and still straddling the sorceress, Sara gently pressed her down onto their bedding. As the nymph was flat on her back, Sara was resting over her hips, and bending forward enough to press their breasts back together, feeling their perky nipples poking each other, still enjoying the kiss. While the kiss continued, Sara ran her hands up the nymph's sides, taking time to rub on her breasts before going back down towards her hips.

After they had kissed for awhile, and a fair amount of the juices on and around Spring's mouth had been transferred to Sara's lips she broke this kiss and sat up, straddling Spring over her hips. She took a moment to rub each of Spring's nipples between a thumb and forefinger, teasing her for a moment, before diving back down to rain kisses on her. The first few landed on her lips, then she began to track down. She kissed her cheek, down onto her neck, gave her a veritable necklace of kisses, and kissed her way down her chest. Kissing down into the space between Spring's admirable C-cups, she then kissed her way to the side and up her right breast, taking a moment to lick her lips and give them a little moisture before kissing her nipple and latching on.

Clasping hands with Spring and intertwining their fingers tightly, she began to suckle and nibble on the sorceress' nipples. She looked up cutely, making eye-contact with Spring and trying to gauge her reactions to a variety of techniques and pressures, determining what she liked the most in terms of licking, biting, nibbling, sucking, whatever set her off the most is what she would continue to do. After focusing on her right nipple for awhile, she detached, kissed her way over to her left nipple and repeated the process, focusing on what had seemed to give her the most pleasure on her other nipple. Additionally, she untangled her right hand from Spring's and slowly reached down towards delightful pussy. She let her hand glide softly and slowly over her skin letting the nymph feel it and allowing the anticipation build as it approached it's destination. Cupping her hand, she gently rubbed her swollen labia, caressing the mound fully with her palm, slowly getting it prepped for what she was about to do.

When she gauged it was time, she finished her ministrations on Spring's nipples, freed her other hand from Spring's, and kissed her way back to the space between her breasts, and then tracked down towards her pussy. Reaching back, she spread Spring's legs and dismounted her hips, slowly backing down farther from the nymph's face, until her own face was in front of Spring's snatch. Looking up at Spring's face and making eye contact with the nymph, the fires of lust burning in her own eyes as well as she inhaled the scent of the nymph's own aroused pussy. Then it was time to get to work.

Bringing her hands to bear on the pussy before her, Sara first bent forward and kissed these wonderful lower lips before placing a hand on each side of the slit. Slowly she pressed her hands backwards, spreading the nymph's lips wide, providing her with easy access to her vaginal tunnel as well as the nub of her clit. Bending forward, she tongued the clit, trying to coax it out of it's hood. After tonguing it, she began to suck on it, drawing it into her mouth before lightly nibbling it. After she did that, she dove straight for the warm depths of her soft pussy, delving into her warm depths vigorously. She shot her tongue in and caressed her insides. She licked the slit from top to bottom and probed as deep as she could possibly go. Next she shifted to a side-to-side attack, licking more shallowly than before, and working to tickle Spring's clit with her nose as she worked on her. Finally she hooked Spring's legs with her hands and used them as leverage to puller herself even more into the pussy before her, trying to go as deep as she possibly could, the warm, tight depths impossibly inviting. Alternating between probing her with her tongue and slurping her juices out of her, Sara did her level and lustful best to work the lusty nymph into an orgasm.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Spring moaned in appreciation of Sara's efforts her own sex highly charged from all the fondling she had done earlier. Every mmmmhhh and ooohhh Spring made seemed to spur Sara on to greater heights and feats of dexterity to please the nymph.

When Sara began her exploration of Spring's pussy the nymph was a shivering mess every lick and nibble bringing forth a pleasured moan or sudden intake of breath and it wasn't long before a flood of fluids began to spatter Sara's face.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara grinned in spite of herself as she brought the nymph to orgasm, delightedly slurping away at the fluids that pulsed from her delectable little honey pot. Smiling up at Spring, Sara indicated that she wasn't done, shifting her weight, she got her hips under the nymph and brought Spring's hips up into the air so that she could keep eating her out while in a sitting-up position, bringing her to orgasm once more as her own sex dripped in arousal and lustful contentment.

After Spring's second orgasm, Sara let her back down onto the ground and slid up her body, rolling off to the side once they were face to face, pulling the nymph over so that she was lying on top of Sara. She then brought her head down into another passionate kiss, sharing the nymph's juices with her has she had done for Sara. Once all of the love-honey was ingested between the two of them, Sara would release the lip-lock, her head falling back to the ground. She was well and truly exhausted and in a state of sexual bliss. All she could do was look up at Spring and smile, panting. She winked at Sara as she said. "I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did. I may have to make a habit of summoning you more often."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Springs eyes twinkled and she leaned over and spoke to Sara. "I would like that" Spring then leaned in and kissed Sara on the lips as she was called back to the fae realm from wince she came. Her magical departures leaving a tingling sensation on Sara's lips.

Breaking camp not long after Springs departure Sara soon had herself on the road once more. Thankfully her journey was uninterrupted with the exception of a group of sheep being herded by a very skinny and frail brown haired girl and her aged sheep dog. They however where off a ways. It seemed the Shepard was heading northwest away from the town. It wasn't long after that Sara found herself running into scattered homesteads she had to be close to a town.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara wistfully returned the kiss and waved goodbye to the nymph as she returned home. Breaking camp and starting back on her journey, she quickly found herself nearing the town. She looked around for any sign of the apparently fantastic tea shop.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Heading past many of the outer lying farms it wasn't long till she came upon a walled town. The construction of the wall looked fairly new but the gates where open and Sara didn't receive any challenges to her entry. Inside the town proper thing where abuzz with activity armed mercenaries waited by carts and traders barked to loaders. It was all chaotic and confusing to the girl her own town was much smaller and far more quiet. Still she could smell a faint hint of mint further in. She could follow her nose or see the goings on around here.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

This was curious, and not at all what she had expected, what with all of the mercenaries and what not. Still, she decided her best course of action would be to follow the smell of mint and try to not draw any attention to herself.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara made her way past the bustle and as soon as she got further away from the warehouses it got much quieter and peaceful though the din of the workers and what not could still be heard. Following the smell of mint Sara soon found a cozy little inn called Mints. Heading in she was surprised to see a very bubble high elf dressed in a very revealing waitress dress. She was busy handing out cups of steaming liquid that Sara hadn't quite made out. It was a squat little inn with a fairly open floor plan and not many rooms to rent. It seemed this was more like a tavern than Inn but there where rooms available if Sara so desired. The commons area was dominated by a large hearth with a roaring fire that kept the place nice and cozy. In a corner a brightly dressed human female plucked at a lyre. She wasn't playing any tune Sara had heard but would occasionally pluck a note and adjust something on her instrument. The rest of the place was fairly empty with the exception of one table where some jolly farmers where talking amongst themselves.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Managing to find her way to the source of the mint smell, the aptly named "Mints". Going inside, she noticed very cheerful high elf wearing a somewhat revealing outfit serving drinks. She assumed this was the waitress, going up to her she said, "Hi, may I grab a seat here and a cup of your mint tea? It comes highly recommended from one of the people from my village." This seemed like a nice place, she thought to herself. After she had gotten past the front gate and the warehouses, it had become less militarized and more like the peaceful village she had assumed it would be. This hotel, or tavern in particular seemed to have a nice homey atmosphere to it, what with the hearth, lyre, and general good cheer.

Still, it had struck her as odd, all of the mercenaries and the recently built wall she had seen when she came in. She decided to keep her ears open for talk of what might be happening, perhaps the waitress would know.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Ohh a traveler and such an exotic one to boot. Please take a seat Ill be right back with your tea." Elf quickly bounded off behind her counter and threw a door. Having seated herself Sara found the chairs to be well worn and sturdy. The group of farmers a few tables over where laughing about how Mark had taken with an orc woman and that she was the one wearing the pants in the house now. A younger man blushing madly just tried to handle the teasing of his fellows in good cheer and Sara could tell it was a case of boys being boys. Still she had to wonder about the recently built wall and mercenaries at the gate. Meanwhile the bard began to play a soft tune a simple melody often sung or whistled by mothers and wives while doing chores. It was hard to hear over the farmers but Sara could hazard that the bard was warming up. It wasn't long before her waitress returned with a steaming cup of minty tea. "Is there anything else I can get you hun after all the first cup is free for newcomers and travelers. Keeps the chill away."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara smiled and nodded as the waitress bade her to sit down. She absently listened to the ambient sounds of the bar. It seemed the bard was warming up, and one farmer Mark now found himself with an Orc.

She smiled gratefully when the waitress returned, accepting the tea and gently inhaling its scent before sipping at it. "Mhmmm... Thank you miss, I am glad to see its taste was not exaggerated. I am fine now, though I do have a question about the area if you have a minute?"

If the waitress did have time she would ask, "Well, this village is a little more...militarized than I had pictured from what I heard, what with the mercenaries and the new wall. Did something bad happen here recently that I haven't heard about?"

If the waitress didn't have time, she would just sip at her tea and enjoy it until she either did have time or something else caught her interest.