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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Your so sweat helping one of my sisters." (not an actual relation) Nyeri held her close in a tight embrace. "It seems you where invited to a special feast." Nyeri looked down at the assembled feast goers. "A powerful lord or lady must have brought you here for all the good deeds you have done. I wonder where they went?" Nyeri didn't seemed to phased by the mention of Asha or the term Glade runner bit but continued to hold onto Sara tightly. Looking up at Sara Nyeri smiled and answered. "Well your in the lands of the summer court in the Fae realm. Its a sacred place not many mortals are invited to visit. I'm glad your good deeds have brought you here so I can see you again." Nyeri blushed a little before speaking again. "Do you ever think about our time together Sara? I do a lot. I can't wait for you to visit me again when we have time alone."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Well I after hearing about her trouble, I couldn't very well leave her to handle it on her own, could I? Especially not when I possess the skills necessary to help her greatly. Though I'm afraid I don't know anything about this feast. I'm sure it's a great honor though, I'm very happy to be here. Although I don't know who would have invited me...I don't know any fey except for you, Asha, and a nymph named Spring who I summon when I need some extra help, though I guess Spring isn't her real name, that's just what she told me to call her. And I certainly don't know any fey lords or ladies...I don't think."

Sara was enjoying being in Nyeri's warm embrace. It had been too long, and it just felt so comfortable, so...right. When Nyeri blushed and asked her next question, the blush alerted her that it was more than just an idly question. Still, she couldn't resist a quick joke. "Well of course, silly! You left me plenty of gifts to remember you by!" She giggled as she indicated her skin and eyes. Still, she quieted her giggles, and in a lower voice asked, "But that's not what you mean, is it? I have missed you, and I have thought about you quite a lot. In fact, I've often wondered if I meant...something more to you?" She averted her gaze, rather embarrassed at her own forwardness. "I guess I'm a little lost, nymphs just have such a different attitude towards sex than my people do...I don't know what to make of your behavior, I don't know if the ones I've been with want something more, or if they're being free lovers. A-and nothings wrong either way, it's j-just I don't want to make a fool out of myself..."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Nyeri held her close listing to Sara's concerns. "Most Nymphs love freely Sara though that doesn't mean a lover isn't special to them. Im sure Asha would agree that love is a gift meant to be given and yes you are special to me Sara very special."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara contemplated this for a moment before thoughtfully saying, "Well, I suppose that makes sense, I just... If you love freely, then how do you express higher feelings? In my culture sex is...often reserved for couples who love, or at least think they love each other. Then they get married and have kids. I...saw some of Asha's memories, she felt strongly about the father of her daughter, that seemed different from just simply loving everyone freely, and from human customs of marriage, but I don't understand how you could communicate such desires to others, or even what that would entail if not sex."

She smiled ruefully, "I'm sorry, I guess I'm just a curious person, but you know that, don't you?" A light giggle escaped her lips at this reference to their past time together. "And besides..." She nestled a little tighter to Nyeri, "I'm special to you, and that counts for something to me, even if I don't know what exactly it means!" Smiling, she kissed Nyeri lightly on the cheek.

Sorry if the first part is kind of confusing. I wasn't really sure how to word it, but basically Sara's asking if nymph's even have an equivalent to marriage or make those commitments. Or if it's just one big happy nymph orgy she certainly wouldn't complain about that ;)
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Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Nyeri returned the kiss keeping her tight embrace. "We have marriages in our own way its called the joining. There maybe no ceremony or at lest not as mortals would consider it." Nyeri looked back down at the feast. "Oh it seems it ended... you'll be going back soon. Stay safe my Sara I look forward to our next meeting." A strange pulling sensation over came Sara as it looked like she was being pulled away from Nyeri farther and farther away until she awoke in bed with Asha the light of dawn creeping under their tent flap.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara arched an eyebrow. "The joining? What's tha-" She was cut off as her time with Nyeri was apparently up. As she realized what was happening, she called grasped for Nyeri's hand, briefly feeling its warmth before she was tugged away. "I will! I miss you Nyeri!" As the scene faded further and further from view, it occurred to her that she never did get to meet this 'mistress' who had invited her.

Waking where she had fallen asleep, she was rather puzzled. Had it all been a dream? Was any of it real? Had she spoken to Nyeri? She resolved to ask Asha about it later. In the meantime she remembered what had happened the night before with a grin. Asha's body certainly had the cum marks, especially prominent were the ones Sara had laid on her face right before falling asleep. She checked her lover's neck and nipple for hickeys, wondering if she had received one as well when Asha had bitten her.

Still, her presumed encounter with Nyeri had left an impact on her, gotten her thinking once again about what she was doing, and was generally sitting in the back of her mind, drawing her attention back to her first lover.

Sara was glad to have woken up before Asha this morning, at least presumably, unless she had just been awake and lying in bed longer than usual. Regardless, she didn't take advantage of her early wakefulness this time, content to lay back down on the girl-cum coated body beneath her and relax. Just the two of them, both in need of a wash, though Sara certainly didn't mind.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara lay next to Asha lost to her thoughts. Her inspection of Asha had indeed revealed a large and prominent hickey on her breasts though the one on her neck looked more like a bite mark and would fade soon. It wasn't long after that Asha began to wake. Seeing Sara she smiled and kissed her. "That...that was something special last night. I haven't slept that good or that long in ages". Asha stretched and yawned her arms and hands above her head forming a y which showed of her impressive chest. Feeling the dried cum on her face she blushed. "Oh dear we seemed to have made a mess last night we better get cleaned up." With that Asha slipped on her shirt pants, and boots before heading out of the tent. A few minuets later she returned with a steaming bowl of water. "I got the fire going again and boiled some snow." Taking a scarp rag she dabbed it in the water before wiping the stains on her face away. Moving on she disrobe and began to clean the rest of her offering to fetch fresh water for Sara to wash with.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara smiled at what Asha said about the night prior. "Aww thanks! I'm glad I have a knack for wearing you out!" She giggled and allowed Asha to slip off to get water. When she came back and started washing off, Sara gave a little 'tisk' sound and took the rag from her, saying, "Surely you've realized by now that I would love to be the one washing you. Just let me wash last night's fun off of you. Though it is a shame, covered-in-girl-cum is a good look for you. But I guess we can't walk around the woods, or a settlement covered in it, that would be bad."

More giggling followed as Sara washed her lover's body with the rag, naturally making sure to get her breasts and the spot between her legs extra clean. "Hmm...looks like I gave you some hickeys from last night..." Sara indicated Asha's breast and neck. "Did you get me?" She bared her neck for Asha to exam, declining the offer to get fresh water and just handing Asha the rag and bidding her to just wash her with the leftover, somewhat cummy water.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha rolled her eyes at the mention of being covered in girl cum as a good look for her. Still she didn't protests as Sara took over the cleaning of her body in fact it even made her tingle a little. "Gave me what?" Asha looked down at her breast and jolted in surprise. "Oh oh is that what its called.... it did feel good though." Looking at Sara's neck she frowned. "Did I bite you last night Im sorry I didn't mean to I sorta lost control." Taking the rag Asha cleaned Sara just as thoroughly as the woman had cleaned her though she did linger on Sara's breasts far longer than was necessary.

With clean up done the girls quickly got dressed and packed up camp heading back into the woods though this time they where looking for a path or road. "Come on Sara Ill teach you a little about tracking as we go. It looks like some dear passed threw during the night."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Laughing as Asha rolled her eyes, Sara didn't want the nymph to feel like she was being made fun of, so she added, "Oh come now! It's more fun when we're both covered, rather than just me!" She winked, ideas of a little...'body painting' starting to float around in her mind. That one would probably need to wait until later though.

When Asha found out about her hickey and apologized for biting her, Sara just laughed it off. "Oh it's fine, I rather enjoyed it myself, some little love nips never hurt anybody! And besides, I got you twice, you only got me once." The way Sara said it, it almost sounded like a challenge. "Anyway, I can heal the marks if you want...but I kind of like them. They're almost like souvenirs."

Once Asha finished up with bathing her, Sara said, "Mmm... that felt nice, my breasts want to thank you too!" She winked and gave Asha a light kiss before helping Sara pack up camp and hit the road.

"Tracking? Alright, lets do it! I'm ready to learn!" If nothing else, Sara was at least eager to learn, despite her lack of skill when it came to tracking.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

They walked on for awhile Asha pointing out the various tracks and what made them. "Anyone can track something in the snow but depending on how deep it is they may not know what they are tracking in the first place. See look there just a little way out see the tracks can you tell me what made them?" Sara could see the tracks clear as day in the snow they had two long marks with to small almost dots in between them. Sara had seen them before and Asha had told her but that was nearly an hour ago.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Hrmmm..." Sara stared at the tracks with a look of consternation on her face, thinking, thinking...still thinking. Finally a look of inspiration crossed her face. She cried out excitedly, "Rabbits! They're rabbit tracks!"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Good job you'll be a tracker yet. Now for something harder.. lets see. Oh over there. What are ? Sara saw what Asha had pointed out. They looked like dog tracks though much bigger than any dog she had seen before.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh! Those are dogs! Except bigger than the ones in my village... shoot, what was the name for them...?" She thought for a few moments before exclaiming, "They're wolf tracks!" After her exclamation, she glanced around a little worriedly. "You don't think they'd attack us, do you?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha went over and looked at the tracks. "Its a loner I doubt it will attack us alone so we should be safe. Shall we move on?" After a simple nod the duo was out making progress again. Around noon they found the road that ran north and south. "Humm not sure which way to go... though the river ran south and if they are indeed loggers then they would want to stay close to the water. What do you think?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"South sounds good to me, I'll trust your judgement on this one." As they set off towards where they hoped the settlement was, Sara decided to bring up the dream she had had that night.

"Say, Asha, do you know of the fey teleporting people around while they sleep? Or at least teleporting their minds around? I just had the strangest dream last night, except I remember it so clearly it doesn't seem like it could be a dream..." She relayed the events of her dream to Asha, not mentioning Nyeri by name, but just referring to her as her friend she had told her about before. "It just seemed so real, though I don't know who would have taken notice of me, and I don't believe I met any fey lords or ladies, I presume it was a lady that invited me though since the fairy was looking for a mistress. What do you make of this, Asha?" She was very curious to hear what the nymph had to say on the matter. Not knowing what to make of the events herself.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh it was probably a dream of course many Lords and Ladies love to send messages in dreams. The thing to keep in mind is this even though it was a dream everything that you saw and heard probably was going on and depending on the power of the Lady that sent the message your soul might have even been summoned there even if you where right next to me the whole night." Asha didn't seemed phased by this at all then of course it was her people they where talking about. Asha lead them down the road heading south just as a few flakes of snow began to fall. "Humm I hope we get to the town soon. I think we might be in for a winter storm." Asha frowned at this and quickened her pace slightly.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Wow...I didn't realize that was even possible...Though I guess it does make sense, I mean, I am able to summon some fey, so it makes sense that it could work the other way around. Still, I can't believe someone so powerful would want to summon me. I wasn't aware any more than a handful of people outside my village even knew my name, and I certainly didn't think a fey lady would be among them."

As they continued down the road and Asha remarked about the winter storm, Sara tried to think of a way she could help make sure they were going in the right direction. Unfortunately, she couldn't think of any way her powers might help her. "Well I don't want to be caught out in a winter storm, but I don't know any way to be sure we're heading in the right direction." A thoughtful look passed her face as an idea occurred to her. "However...I do know a nymph druid I can summon. You may or may not remember her help in healing you. She might be able to commune with the plants and animals around here and find out where the settlement is from them. The only issue is that I would have to pay her... Not that I would mind, just know that if I call her there may be a third woman in the bed tonight. Though she does prefer one-on-one, so I don't think she would bother you....I don't know...what do you think we should do, Asha?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha looked up at the sky as it started to grow cloudy. "Well I think we are heading in the right direction but if you want to summon her I won't mind." Asha looked about and headed down the road some more while Sara made her decision.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Thinking on it for a little bit, Sara decided Asha's judgement was good and that summoning Spring wouldn't help them get to the town any faster. "Well, if you think we're going in the right direction, then I'm sure we're going the right way. Surely we'll hit the town soon though."

Though her voice was cheery and optimistic, she couldn't help worrying a little in her mind about what would happen if they didn't make it to the town before a winter storm set in.