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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Well for one after tonight I doubt well see each other again. As for the orc well he will probably collect his coin and leave me to my fate. If I'm lucky it will be a quick execution if not well it doesn't matter anyway." Looking about Sara noticed that the woman was still bound at the wrists with a chain leading down to manacles attached to her ankles as well.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Well..." Sara knew this was bound to cause some trouble for her, but she decided to say it anyway. "Let me cut to the chase, Aya. The last person I met in jail was in for knocking some perv out who decided to cop a feel. Your situation is a little different. I could spend all night talking to you, and I'm sure I'd enjoy it. However I still wouldn't be closer to really knowing you. And I don't know that I'd be comfortable helping you if I didn't know for certain that you wouldn't turn on me." She paused to let that sink in before continuing.

"So one last question. And then a request. Why did you rob this noble? And if you would permit me, I would like to examine your memories. I can't promise it will be painless, but I will try to minimize your discomfort. If I like what I find in your head, I will help you out. How does that sound?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The woman frowned at this statement. "How can you help me? Even if you free me Grack will hunt me down again he's very persistent." Sara noted a sudden change in how Aya carried herself her confidence and sarcastic attitude evaporating as she mentioned the mind probe. At the moment she looked like any other scared woman.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara grinned a little cockily at the woman's worry. "Eh, leave that to me." However she frowned at the succubus' attitude change when she mentioned the mind probe. It was the demeanor of someone who had something to hide... Or it could be the demeanor of a frightened and alone woman who was scared of having a stranger rummage through their mind. In the end, Sara was confident enough in her ability to read people's body language to make that call, that's why she needed her powers.

"So...may I take a look? I will try to refrain from looking where I don't need to if it makes you feel any better, though honestly allowing me in can only help you. As it stands now you apparently face death, and more time with Ugly the Orc, which may actually be worse. So?" Sara looked at the pretty succubus inquiringly.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

It took only a few moments for the girl to relent as indeed she was facing death what else had she to lose. "Fine just keep your hand off anything that doesn't need to be looked at." The succubus relaxed a little and moved as close as her cage would allow. At best Sera could get maybe one hand on the woman but it would be at a stretch.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Of course." Claire nodded her assent when Aya told her to not look at anything...extra. "Well Aya, let's get to it." She indicated for Aya to take her hand as she reached through the bars, though she couldn't shake the feeling this was similar to reaching through the bars at a zoo to bet a lion. When she had established contact, she would begin.
Mind Worm 8 EP. Looking for memories of the robbery, what she took and why.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara's minds eye traveled deep into the succubus's mind quickly finding the memories in question. Sera found herself standing in a hallway of an opulent manor. Red carpets stretched down a white plastered hallway filled with paintings and dark wooden doors with brass handles. She felt her an arm locked with in her own. Looking over she saw a rather fierce looking noble in finery. The man with sharp features looked back at her and Sara could feel the cruelty in his eyes. "I'm so glad you decided to join me for the night Tiffiany." Sara giggled her voice different from her own and even different from Aya's. "My lord is to kind for a humble woman such as myself." Sara passed a mirror glancing at her reflection noting a blonde woman with massive tits and demure smile. The eyes while a different color reflected the same attitude that Aya portrayed when she first spoke to her. Quickly passing by the mirror the duo entered a room with a massive bed. As soon as the two had entered the room the lord turned about and shut the door locking it. Smiling he moved next to Aya smiling cruelly before smacking her and tossing her to the bed. "MY LORD WHAT ARE YOU.." The man was on top of her before she knew it ripping her dress freeing her massive tits. "Quiet whore there is only one reason for me to bring you here. Ever sense I saw you in the bar I wanted you wanted your sweet flesh." Aya began to scream but the lord smacked her again causing the woman to fall silent. Though the situation was scary Sara felt an usual calm almost if a plan was falling together Aya wasn't afraid but almost seemed bored. The rest of the encounter escalated quickly with the lord raping Aya or at lest so the lord thought. From her borrowed perspective Sara felt Aya's body do things not humanly possible. Her sex seemed to adjust and reshape itself to fit the cock perfectly locking the organ into its ever tight embrace. The foreign sensations of energy being drawn into her from her lover was hard to explain but soon enough the Lord blew his load and Sara could feel a massive rush of energy flow into her. Pushing the now dormant lord off her self Aya took on her more familiar form the sensations of her body shifting another new experience for Sara. Tiding herself in the mirror Aya snuck out of the room and crept along the hallway to another door. Here she popped a lock and entered a study or office type room. Seemingly as if she knew where to look Aya moved to the desk and pulled out a hidden compartment. Opening this revealed a large box that she quickly check revealing a large stash of denari. Taking this went to a window and opened it slipping out and down. The rest of the memories blur here a moment and suddenly stop at run down looking building. Looking down at the box Aya opened it up and grabbed to large handfuls of coins placing them in her own pouch before dumping the rest into a collection bin near the door. With that the memory ends.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Even having lived a relatively secluded life, Sara was quick to deduce what sort of man the lord was. She felt no pity for him being tricked and robbed. In her opinion he deserved much worse. Using his wealth and power in such a way. Shameful. What puzzled her was the end of the memory. The building, the collection jar...What was that about?

Sara decided to look for something about that building with its jar. Once she figured out what it was, she would better understand the motive for the robbery. Clearly the succubus hadn't just been motivated by self interest. Sure she took a good deal for herself, but she had put far more in the collection box. Who had that been for? Once she found that out, Sara would withdraw from Aya's mind.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

It was here at the building that Aya fought Sara back trying to force her out of her mind. Of course Sara was far more powerful in this aspect than Aya and could more than likely proceed if she wanted to it was up to her. If Sara relented she would find herself kicked out her power ending.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Despite knowing she could easily force her way past Aya's defenses, Sara refrained. She knew that the succubus wasn't a ruthless killer, or at least wasn't presently wanted for ruthlessly killing someone. Just a robbery from a villainous with some motive other than or in addition to personal gain. That she could work with. She withdrew from Aya's mind, releasing the power and letting go of her hand.

Staring evenly at the succubus, Sara said, "You know for me to be able to trust you I'll have to know why you took the money..." She gave a brief pause and sighed. "But for now that will suffice. I will make you an offer. I help you out of this little bind, and you join myself and my companion on a journey. At the journey's end you will be free to go on your way, can you accept this offer?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"You would risk the wrath of a noble and a bounty hunter?" Aya's voice was clearly skeptical but given the choice of possible freedom or death the choice was realtivly easy to make. Though the thought did occure to Sara how would she enforce the succubus's side of the deal. "If you can get me out of here then fine Ill go on what ever little adventure you want."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

A goofy grin spread across Sara's face. "Sometimes to make new friends you have to make a few enemies as well. Besides, I plan to make sure Grack, the sheriff, and the man outside don't remember anything about you...Wait here." With that, she crept back to the front and used telepathy, aiming to dominate the guard. While he slept. If successful, she would have him unlock the succubus' cage. If unsuccessful...things might get a little hairy.

Telepathy to dominate: 8 EP, resistance check with resistance at 47
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Poor guard didn't stand a chance

Grinning Sara let her power loose on the unsuspecting and sleeping guard. What brief resistance the man could have mustered shattered and soon he was doing as mentally commanded freeing Aya from her cell though he did not have the key to the bindings.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Well...that was a problem. So the guard had the keys for the cell, but not the bindings within. That was doubtless an excellent bit of foresight on the part of the sheriff. She addressed both the guard and Aya as she started figuring out what to do next. "Guard, do you know where the key to her restraints is? And do either of you know where the sheriff and Grack are sleeping tonight?" It would doubtless be easier to erase the memories of the two while they slept, and she was sure Grack would have the sealing collar key on him, she hoped the sheriff wouldn't have taken the key to Aya's restraints with him, but it was a distinct possibility.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The man struggled against Sara's control but her power was just to overwhelming for him. "Garack has the keys to her bindings and the sheriff will be in his office." Still it was not all lost it seemed that Aya could move around now just not very fast. Clearly Grack was skilled and hobbled her encase of escape.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara smiled and turned to Aya. "Ready to go? The road awaits. Do you know where Grack is sleeping tonight? This will be a lot easier if I can ambush him while he sleeps. The first visit is the sheriff though. We'll wipe his memory of you and get a move on. By the way, what is your talent, are you a spirit user or a mage?" As she left, she bade the guard to sit in the cell and locked him inside. Once inside, she used mind worm to remove the erase the last 24 hours from his memory, but you didn't release the domination yet. That would only come once the sheriff was subdued as well. It wouldn't due to have him cause a commotion and alert the sheriff.

"Alright, lets go pay a quick visit to the sheriff..." Sara would motion for Aya to be quite as they approached the sheriff's office so they could get a sense of what was going on inside. Hopefully the man would be asleep, or at least not paying too much attention.

Mind worm 8 EP to erase the past 24 hours from the guards mind, maintain domination.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Not very bright are you?" Aya looked at Sara with a bemused expression. "Im a thief by trade before.." Aya stopped before the door to the office going silent as Sara checked the door. Sara put her ear to the door and heard nothing inside at lest on the ground floor. Trying the doorknob Sara found it locked. "Locked huh to bad my hands are bound I could have that lock popped in a moment."
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Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara just rolled her eyes, but didn't really take offense to Aya's snarky comment. Rethinking her plan, Sara backed off from the door, trying to stay in the shadows, motioning for Aya to do the same. In her new position she used her celestial powers to attempt to scry the inside of the building. The better to get an idea what she was walking into before she opened the door.

Scry (5 EP) the character glimpses at another location, and may both see and hear what occurs at that location, though they generally cannot interact in any way with things on the other side. This can also be used to target a creature rather than a location, but the creature gets a Resistance against the character check to resist the effect.

Also, didn't realize Aya had bindings other than the sealing collar. If it's just rope or something Sara can undo then she will in her next post.
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Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara Hp:54 Pp: 54 Ep: 54/88

Sara used her powers again to examine the location inside the building. The inside looked to be a set of two desks with a locked rifle rack and gun case holding revolvers. One desk was empty devoid of anything while the other had a mug as well as several pappers scattered over it. A set of stairs led up to the second floor.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara decided discretion was the way to go here. "Aya, please make sure I'm not disturbed for a few minutes." Pulling her cloak's hood up to shield her face, Sara once again used her astral projection ability, this time projecting an image of herself inside the house. This way, she could move around inside and do what she needed without actually entering the building. Assuming the projection was successful, she would have her from slowly ascend the stairs to the second floor. Keeping an eye out for the sheriff and trying to hide if she thought he might see her.

Scry: astral projection inside the building, 8 EP the character astrally projects themselves to a location or creature, allowing them to communicate and interact with powers with creatures and objects at that location.