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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Hum well as much fun as that would be we should get some sleep especially if we are heading out on the road." Aya looked over her bag shifting items around. Asha looked at the succubus a moment her thoughts hard to read. "Well for once I can agree with Aya here, besides Im still sore from all the sex we had earlier. Anyway you wouldn't want to meet up with whats her names smelling like an orgy would you?" With that Asha went about cleaning up the bed and getting ready for some peaceful sleep.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara smiled ruefully at Aya's and Asha's remarks before resuming packing. "Well, I guess you girls are right. No sense getting worn out the night before we set out." Once all of her gear was packed away, she decided to follow Asha's advice and quickly bathe so that she wouldn't smell like sex when she met the half-elf in the morning. "Guess I should get cleaned up before we meet with Thelia tomorrow, good call Asha."

After a quick rinse and making sure all of her gear as well as Aya's was ready for tomorrow, she crawled into bed with Asha, saving some room on her other side for her succubus lover. "I hope you weren't planning on spending your last night before a long trip through the woods sleeping on a couch, Aya..." Sara gestured to the open spot on the bed next to her where Aya could lay, keeping Sara in between the two women. She lay down with an arm around Asha as she kissed her nymph lover. "Come lay with us tonight, there's room..."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Aya waited a moment her eyes wandering to Asha. Hearing no objections the succubus headed for the bed and lay next to Sara. "Hump hardly enough room for two people let alone three adults." Still Asha held her tongue likey trying her best to make this work for Sara. After a few moments of grumpy mumbling Aya quited down leaving Sara next to two of her lovers. Her thoughts her own Sara eventually drifted into a sleep.

In the morning she awoke with a shock as Asha dumped a small glass of cold water on her. "Wake up sleep head! Your gonna miss your meeting." Sitting up Sara found Aya already gone and Asha packing the very last of her things. "Come on come on I had Rose bring up some food for you quick before it gets cold." Nearby sat a plate of food still steaming slightly.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara was just happy to have both of her lovers in bed with her, and not fighting with each other at that. The apparent progress made her hopeful for their future together.

She gasped and bolted upright as Asha threw water on her in the morning. It took her a moment to shake off the disorientation that came with such a sudden wake up, but when she did, she went into panicked overdrive and started grabbing and tossing on her clothes and armor before quickly kissing Asha and inhaling her food. She narrowly avoided choking on it, and forced it all down in record time.

"Thanks for waking me up lover! Good grief I can't believe I overslept!" She grabbed up her gear and took Asha's hand and hurried downstairs so her nymph lover could see her off on her continuation of their journey with Aya and the new elf companion.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Getting ready in record time Sara was dressed, fed, and out the door. Pulling Asha along with her Sara felt the energy of a new adventure. Upon getting to the ground floor she found Thelia and Aya having a stare off. "Aya the bandit whore. Its a good thing Im an assassin and not a bounty hunter. I could make a tidy sum off you." Aya scowled at the elf woman. "Yeah been their done that not a fan." The two looked at each other having a mental due till a very stern cough and a menacing aura overcame them all. Looking to the source Sara found Tanya smiling at the two though clearly the woman's aura was effecting both of them. Aya looked like a child who knew she did something wrong while Thelia looked ill at ease. Behind the bar girl stood her now tan skin and pink hair done in a pleasant style and covered in alluring makeup. Next to her was Mindy on her skates holding something behind her back but with a cute smile. "Girls you know the rules of Tanya's no fighting, and to make sure of it I'm sending hope with you till your out of town." This seemed to cause Aya a little distress but other than a mumbled half spoke word the girl didn't complain. "Also Sara I need to speak with you a moment before you go."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, a good bit of Sara's enthusiasm evaporated as Aya and their new elf companion were already at each other's throats. She rubbed her temples, chastising herself for believing the fighting would end once Aya and Asha were closer to friends than enemies.

When Tanya's commanding voice and aura put a stop to the fighting, she couldn't help but be a more than a little impressed. She nodded to the demoness and walked over to see what she had to say. "Yes, Tanya? What can I do for you?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Heading to Tanya Sara saw that Mindy was holding a shotgun behind her back just in case things got ugly. Though with Tanya's aura it seemed things resolved themselves well enough. Leading her to her office Sara saw Tanya sigh a bit. "I must admit Sara I have not been entirely honest with you and well after last night I need to clear some things up. For one Hope is my daughter. Claire the woman I told you about did exist she just couldn't handle her own life and it got the better of her. I wanted you to know because well after all you've done for me I wanted to make sure you knew. If your wondering why Hope isn't a demon well its something to do with how angels are born. I don't know the details. There I've said my peace and we are now in the clear." Sliding a bag of coin over Tanya sighed "Also this is your pay for your time here. Have a safe journey Sara." Hefting the coins Sara could tell there was about 400 denari probably more than what she had earned during her time here. Still unless she wanted to ask Tanya some more questions it was time to leave.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara was floored when Tanya told her the truth about being Hope's mother. "Wow, I had no idea!" She wrapped the older succubus in a hug after accepting the money from her. "You've been like a mother to me Tanya...erm...and some other things too...But regardless! As far as I'm concerned you are an excellent mother and have done a fine job with your children!"

She pulled back a bit and gave the demoness a gentle kiss on the cheek. "That's why Asha and I would love for you to be our daughter's godmother!" She gave Tanya another kiss said her goodbyes before heading out front again.

Just before she left, she kissed Asha again, barely remembered a conversation they had had when picking out a map of the surrounding area. "Asha, Thelia is heading for Fort Droth. I remember you saying earlier that it was overrun long ago. What overran it exactly?" Receiving her answer, she gave her lover another kiss goodbye and set off with Hope, Aya, and Thelia on the next leg of her journey.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Pausing Asha put a finger to her lip and looked up at the ceiling a moment thinking. "If I recall it was overrun by demons first and then once they where cleared out by orcs which trashed the place. So really its probably just a bandit hole now." Theila seemed to nod at Asha's assessment. "I have a target there some bandit thug that killed a merchant's son.. blah blah blah. Its good money I don't care about the rest of the details." Once that was covered and any other questions answered the trio with Hope went out. For the most part Hope stayed to the back watching the two girls ahead of her and occasionally nodding to Sara if she looked her way.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Smiling and kissing Asha goodbye, Sara said, "Thanks love, I'll be back as soon as I free Naomi!"

The group set off to the town exit, with Hope coming along to make sure there were no violent altercations between Aya and Thelia. Sara eyed the two girls nervously, making sure the tension between them didn't blow up. She gave a friendly nod to Hope, glad she was there to mitigate things as well.

As they approached the town exit she tried to make general conversation with Hope until they reached the town exit, asking her to look after Asha and her as yet unborn daughter.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Walking along Hope held her cloak tight making sure it didn't billow out. Still it seemed it was something she was used to doing and it didn't stop her from chatting with Sara. Aya and Theila seemed to keep to themselves and while Aya would look to Sara every once in awhile she didn't say anything. "I will be sure to watch over your little one Sara it is part of my duty after all." Hope made it sound so very professional. Looking to the woman she could now see the resemblance to Tanya. The placement of the cheekbones the curve of the chin and well her other assets. While not as pronounced as Tanya's Sara could see the angel had a body to die for. Of course that is where the similarity ended. Apparently Hope had inherited her fathers attitude and moral compass.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara smiled and thanked Hope for agreeing to look after her child. It was too bad she was more reserved, as she would really enjoy thanking her sexually, especially since she inherited most of Tanya's good looks. She was content to continue to make friendly conversation with the angel as the moved through the city. As they got closer to the gate, she even mentioned that she would enjoy adventuring with the angel once she returned with Naomi.

"Any chance I could convince you to leave the bar and come on an adventure with us when I get back with Naomi?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Humm while that might prove interesting I have my duty to consider. Fair well Sara and be safe." Stopping the angel waved the group off as they headed out and into the winter wilderness. Once Hope had left them Aya came back to walk with Sara as Thelia walked ahead ignoring both of them. "So how was the conversation with my step sister? Heh I always found it funny that my stepmother was a literal demon but my step sister was an angel. Its like some crazy messed up fairy tale"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Ah well, thank you and take care of yourself as well, Hope!" Sara shrugged regretfully as Hope declined to come with them. It wasn't unexpected, but she wasn't quite ready to give up on having Tanya's beautiful biological daughter join the band of adventurers...and hopefully lovers too. She blushed. Tanya's family, adopted and otherwise, was blessed with very good looks.

When Aya fell back to join her, she grinned at the succubus' remarks. "I enjoyed it, you know I've got a weakness for your family." She laughed, adding, "and the irony of your family doesn't escape me. Who would have thought you would be the normal one?" She laughed again and playfully elbowed her succubus companion.

"So, how far to Fort Droth?" It was an open question for either girl who felt like answering it.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Thelia looked back at them and answered. "A day maybe two depending on the road." With that the cold elf woman turned back to what she was doing. Aya winced at the exchange and frowned. "Not very personable is she. Gawds I hope I wasn't that bad."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara gave a slight shrug at Aya's question and remarked humorously, "It depended on whether you were talking to Asha or me and whether or not you were trying to make Asha jealous." She grinned at Aya before speaking to Thelia again.

"I'm sure you are a formidable fighter, so I hope you don't take this as an insult to your skills. But we, well I, and probably Aya too would be happy to stand by to assist you with the bandits if you would then continue on towards Endus with us. It is a lengthy trek and a larger party would hopefully dissuade any unwelcome interruptions."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The woman kept walking and was silent a moment. "If you want to help that's your business. As for Endus well if I live I might head that way after all it is a large commerce hub and no doubt someone wants some one dead." Aya shivered a moment before looking to Sara. "Damn she needs a good lay." There was a forced cough from up ahead which silenced Aya immediately.

For a good while they walked only stopping to rest and have a hot meal and hot coffee a drink which the elf woman passed on. Instead she brewed some tea for herself with the remaining water. For lunch Aya made some grilled meats using some of the fire-starter Asha had packed into Sara's bag. The warmth was welcome and as they rested the elf woman and Aya removed their socks and took out a fresh pair. "You don't want to be walking on wet feet hun. Keep your feet as dry as you can especially in this cold. You don't want your feet to go numb."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara quirked an eyebrow at Thelia's response to her question. She sure was grim, and apparently fatalistic. Few people discussed the prospect of their own death so casually. "Oh, um....okay..." She figured she would wait until later to try to find out a little more about the assassination target and the half elf she was traveling with. After Aya's remark about her needing to get laid and the cough that followed, she turned to the succubus while Thelia wasn't looking and gave her a look that said she agreed as well as an affirmative nod.

Sara enjoyed the break for food and coffee, it was almost as good as the mint tea she had towards the start of her journey. Seeing Aya and Thelia, changing their socks, she decided to follow suit and change hers as well before they continued on their way. "Good advice, definitely don't want that."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Thelia sat a moment before taking out one of her guns and began to clean it. Aya meanwhile got some snow and melted it to wash out some of the dishes they had used. Silence just filled the camp as the girls went about getting ready. Wanting to break the silence Sara was about to speak when Thelia spoke up. "If you are going to be brave travelers and help someone in combat you should be aware that the men I seek are known raspiest and murders. They are dangerous and will put up a fight after all no one wants to die."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara was almost relieved when Thelia broke the silence on her own. It was the most she had said without being prompted during the entire trip. She had a strange way of talking, but it didn't seem as morbid. It relieved her that the bandits she was going after were apparently truly bad men. Of course, she would have to verify they were bad before she helped the half-elf kill them.

"Frankly that is a relief. I have only ever killed in self defense, and if I am to kill these bandits before even giving them a chance, I will need proof of their wrong-doing."

She got up and started helping clean everything up before continuing, "Do you have any proof of their wrong-doing? If you have personally witnessed it I could work with that too. Otherwise, I will have to get the proof directly from one of the bandits." An official warrant from a recognizable government would work, but in the absence of that, Sara would have to examine the mind of Thelia or a bandit to make sure they were as bad as they seemed. Though perhaps a simple reconnaissance of the bandit camp at Fort Droth to spy on them would yield evidence of their wicked ways. Regardless, she just wanted to know they were evil before she participated in killing them