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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Nymph looked at Sara and shook her head at the woman before writing a name in the dust. 'Ferous' "Such a being is beyond my power to handle. You would not be ready youngling. The most I could say is grow in power and find allies. The best way to defeat a Daemon is with a Daemon, but such bargins are usually more trouble than they are worth.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"I see, this is...troubling to say the least. Thank you for telling me this, you have saved my companions and I a great deal of pain and probably a fate worse than death." Feeling the cold, begin to bother her more, she shifted closer to the nymph. Disturbing the dust on the floor to destroy the name.

"Assuming the daemon doesn't come here this night can personally guarantee that you will find the morning reward worthwhile." She gave the nymph a sly wink and a kiss on the cheek before rising to join Aya downstairs. As she secured the cloak to at least partially preserve her modesty, she turned to the nymph, adding, "I don't know Thelia as well, but I don't think it's not difficult to imagine Aya being game to join in as well." Before she walked through the doorway she blew the nymph a kiss and hiked her cloak over her hips to show off her buttocks to the sorceress for a brief moment before the garment slid back down over her skin. She then went back downstairs to join Aya in collecting wood.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Downstairs she found Aya grabbing up a healthy stack of wood and what looked like a bottle stuff in the mess as well. Of course she could say something about it but its not like it was hidden. Meanwhile the Kobolds having secured the door tended to their own fire which was much bigger than the one the three had shared previously. Of course they where reptiles even if they where magical creatures. Once Sara gathered what she would she would join Aya back uptop where she the succubus was currently poking the fire with a stick.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

As she was returning to her room with the wood, Sara decided to say check in with Asha so the poor nymph wouldn't worry too much about her. Casting about with her mind, she managed to latch onto Ama's mind to open a telepathic link with her. "Hey lover...hope I'm not waking you." Once Asha responded, Sara would continue, " Just wanted to let you know we're okay. We've taken over Fort Droth for the time being, though apparently there's another bandit or two loose because they had left before we attacked. We're safe though, I've summoned some fey to keep watch for the night. Anyway, big news on Lumi, the Ice Witch. Soo...it turns out that, according to this nymph sorceress, she is actually the result of some daemon that bonded its soul to Lumi's body and soul right before she died. Apparently this thing is even stronger than I thought so I will be working out a way to deal with that. But if you do encounter her again, I would go ahead and leave her alone. Not someone to fight by yourself. Though if you could try and find out if Tanya or Hope know how to deal with this thing, that would be grand."

Sara made it back into the room and set the wood by the fire, listening to what Asha had to say. In the meantime she spoke to Aya. "Hey Aya, I've got a mental link with Asha right now, want me to let you into it to say hi?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

There was a surprise moment that transmitted across the link quickly followed by embarrassment. "Hi Sara its so strange to hear you in my head. I even dropped a drink" Hearing Sara's words Asha nodded. "I see be careful lover I want our little girl to see her other mama." Waves of emotion carried over to Sara like a warm breeze. Asking her question of Aya the succubus stuck out her tongue at the user. "Shes making a face at me isn't she." Sara felt how Irked Asha was at that moment. "That brat anyway Ill be sure to ask Hope about it, Im not sure Tanya would be of any assistance."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara laughed at Asha's remark about Aya. "You know her so well. Okay, thanks for asking. How are things on your end?" Listening to how Asha was doing, Sara transmitted feelings of love and warmth to her nymph lover.

Once Asha finished talking, Sara asked, "So have you thought of a name for our daughter? I haven't given it much thought yet, but I will." After Asha gave her suggestions, Sara was ready to say goodnight. "Well, I'm going to turn in for the night, goodnight my love. I will contact you again in a day or two." Once Asha said her goodbye, Sara would sever the mental connection and settle down next to Aya.

Putting an arm around Aya, Sara asked how she was feeling. "How are you feeling after today, Aya?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara felt nervousness wash over her. "No... I want you there when we name her. So you need to think of a names too!" Moving to Sara other questions she found out that Asha was doing okay and while she couldn't work as much as she would like she dose help out when Tanya lets her. Other than that she missed have Sara around. Saying good night after that however Sara turned her attention to Aya. Laying down next to Aya the succubus rolled over and let her arm drap on Sara as well. "Im a little hung over. I tell ya the hermit must put something in that wine." She smiled warmly at Sara and yawned a little her eyes watering before snuggling close to the spirit user.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara happily curled up in the bed with Aya and the sleeping, still chilled Thelia. She giggled as Aya talked about being hungover. "Yea that stuff tasted pretty strong. If Thelia's feeling up to it, we're probably going to try to get out of here tomorrow. A shame about all the wine though...maybe we can bury it in the snow until we come back around these parts."

She was happy to converse with Aya for as long as she wanted, but would get up to make sure things were going well downstairs before rejoining Aya and Thelia in bed and conversing with the succubus. Eventually though, the strain of taking the fort and testing her new powers made her close her eyes and fall asleep between the two women.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The two girls chatted a little longer with Aya putting a few more logs to burn while Sara check downstairs. Once back in bed the succubus pulled Sara in close resting her head on the users breasts before drifting off to sleep. Occasionally she would hear Aya chuckle in her slip and mutter a little bit of drool on her lips. Listing in she could barely make out the succubus saying all mine pointy ears she's all mine tonight. Eventually though her exhaustion caught up with her and Sara drifted into sleep as well.

Sara awoke a heavy thunk echoed in the room. Looking over a fully clothed Thelia set a few logs on the fire. Though she seemed okay the girl sneezed a very cute and higher pitched CHOO! coming out of her mouth before she looked over at Sara and Aya to make sure the two where still sleeping. Seemingly satisfied the girl headed down stairs and out of sight.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara playfully rolled her eyes at Aya's silly sleep-talk before eventually slipping off to sleep as well.

Waking up to Thelia putting another log on the fire, Sara got up and dressed herself before heading out after Thelia. She followed the young half-elf and joined her in whatever she was doing to see how she was doing this morning.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Getting dressed her self Sara got to see Aya sleep grabbing at someones chest, and muttering some more. If she wanted to listen in she could but no doubt it was something silly and perverted. Heading down she caught up to Thelia who was busy getting the fireplace down stairs going. It wouldn't be hard as the Kobolds kept it going most of the night. Looking to the two lizard soldiers she found them asleep and the fae sorceress missing. She had little to worry as she could still feel the woman though it seemed she was outside.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara observed everyone downstairs before approaching Thelia. "How are you feeling, Thelia? Do you think you would be fit to travel today? Also, I'm going to have to...pay the fey for their services. The kobolds will be rather quick to take care of, but the sorceress' payment is a bit more...involved. I'm fine paying it on my own but I just figured I'd give you to opportunity to join if that's something you're into."

After getting a sense of how Thelia was, she would check on the sorceress to see how she was doing and if she was about ready to take her reward.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Thelia spoke but it sounded like her head was stuffed in a pillow. "Ill be fine. We can leave when ever." Looking at the half elf Sara could see the puffy eyes and snot filled nose that the girl was trying to hide. "I don't have any money to pay for the services thats all on you." Money? Oh.. she didn't know... that many did. Of course Sara felt the blush run to her cheeks but that couldn't be helped now. Taking care of the two Kobolds was easy enough and they parted with their kiss. The Sorceress was a little harder to track down as she was wandering the small woods near the fort, but eventually Sara found her. Looking at her the Fae woman smiled. "Mistress good morning."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara blushed, knowing she would have to explain the 'payment' method for fey summons when she returned to the fort. of course, first she had to track down the sorceress. The wielder did manage to track down the nymph after a few minutes. "Good morning, I trust the night passed uneventfully? Thank you for safeguarding us. I do suspect that we may need to stay here another night given that one of my companions is still quite sick. Would you rather I paid you now or wait for later if we need you for tonight as well?" After a moment's consideration, Sara added, "I imagine that Aya would enjoy helping me pay for your services, and Thelia might, but she didn't seem to understand what paying you meant. Anyway, what are you doing out here? Would you like to come inside and receive your payment?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"A bear came in the night so I chased it off and decided to rest in the woods before heading back to the dank fort." Listening to Sara's request the Fae nodded then when you are ready to leave tomorrow I will accept payment from both you and your friend." They Fae looked around a bit before heading back with Sara nodding to the small fairy that floated nearby invisible.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Well thank you for chasing it off. You are welcome to sleep in any of the beds since I am sure you had a long night, though I could release your summoning, pay you, and call you back tonight if you prefer."

Can Sara see the fairy? If so here is what she would do:
Sara looked curiously at the fairy before giving it a friendly nod. "Hello there, are you friends with the sorceress? You are welcome to take shelter in the fort with us if you need it." Sara let the fairy talk to her if she wished before returning to the fort, happy to let the fairy accompany them.

Sara returned to the fort and found Thelia. "Sorry Thelia, but I don't think we can head out today. You're just way too sick to be spending the night out in the woods. I think one more night here will do you some good. Also..." The young woman leaned in close to the half elf and whispered, "Fey summons don't generally ask for money or things from their summoners, they ask for sex. What I was offering you earlier was to join me in having sex with the nymph, if you're interested." She winked suggestively at the assassin before tossing some more logs on the fire.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara didn't see the fairy sense Sara wasn't looking for trouble she missed it.

Thelia wanted to protest about staying only to be interrupted by her own cute little sneeze. "I see your point." With that out of the way Sara mentioned how the faye are often paid causing Thelia to blush a deep crimson. "No I will not be joining in.. its not something I have a desire for. Ive had more then enough for a life time.

Setting logs on the fire Sara looked at the assassin who seemed content as things stood. Still it was Thelia's loss after all the faye just... something about them set Sara into the mood. Maybe it was their appearance or spiritual essence, but whatever it was drove her a little wild. Meanwhile Aya came down the stairs yawning and quickly moving to the fire and propped a grill over it. "Im going to get some fresh meat from the woods and cook it anyone interested?
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Sorry Thelia, didn't mean to bring up unpleasant memories. I will say that it can provide a blissful release like no other if experienced with the right partner. Or partners, as the case may be..." Sara gave the assassin a playful wink. "Regardless, if you change your mind, you're more than welcome to join in when the time comes."

Once Aya came down stairs and offered up the chance to go hunting, Sara could hardly refuse. Of course, it was tough to take her mind off the attractive nymph sorceress, but she managed some self control and gathered up her gear so that she could venture out with her succubus comrade. "I'd like to go too! Thelia will you be alright here with the sorceress?" Assuming she gave the okay, Sara would be ready to step out to hunt when Aya was.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara perception 38 vs DC 40 fail

Heading out with Aya Thelia gave them a brief wave before turning back to the fire. As the door closed the Fae Sorceress smiled at Thelia and slowly approached her a single hand undoing her dress.

Meanwhile Aya was out side counting out several small coin sized small rocks. Pulling out a small leather strap with a wide fold in the middle the girl gave it a few tugs and nodded. "Ready Sara? We might only get some rabbits or squirrels but Thelia looks like she could use some soup and I have some of the dried vegetables with us. None of the explosion stuff either you'll scare them all away." Grinning with a slightly toothy smile the succubus head into the woods with Sara close behind. Comming to a small clearing in the forest Aya looked and examined the grass before pointing to a spot. "Do you see it Sara?" Squinting her eyes Sara failed to see much of anything just the white of the snow and the sun glinting off it.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara only caught a brief glimpse of the sorceress moving towards Thelia, but it was more than enough to spark her imagination as to what might happen between the two of them while she was gone. Though with a brief shudder she hoped the half elf didn't freak out and kill the nymph. That wouldn't be a pleasant sight to return to.

Out in the woods, she had to agree with Aya's sentiment. "Yea, the poor girl needs some food to help her recover. Not to say I couldn't, I would certainly enjoy it as well." When Aya pointed out something to her, she squinted at the bushes she pointed to, but to her frustration she wasn't able to make anything out. She replied in a whisper, "I can't see anything, what do you see?" As she said this, she channeled some power into her astrologer's boon to grant her better perception and a better shot at finding food.

Astrologers Boon: X=5 Upkeep = 3
+3X bonus to attack rolls, Dodge, Resistance to resist hostile effects, and Perception, as well as +X melee/weapon damage.