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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Opening the door she saw Thelia in the midst of messaging her own breasts. Apparently the change had made them hyper sensitive. She remembered that after her skin color had changed it was really sensitive afterwards for a good while. Already Thelia was panting one hand tweaking a nipple while the other was buried deep in her sex or at lest thats what Sara assumed from her position.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara's breath caught in her throat as she edged the door open and saw Thelia masturbating and rubbing her breasts. She had told herself that she would behave, but seeing this...it was so hot she couldn't resist shifting her clothes so she could jam a hand between her own legs after swiftly removing her top. Her other hand started to massage her breasts, causing milk to leak from them and run down her chest and stomach in small streams. At first she was able to keep quiet and remain hidden, but after a minute she accidentally moaned a little too loudly, the sound surely reaching Thelia in her room. She clamped her mouth shut for a moment, but continued to masturbate and watch Thelia to see how she reacted.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

It seemed Sara's pervy moment was lost as Thelia was reaching her own. The elf girl cried out as she climaxed and much to Sara's surprise squirted visibly into the air. "W-What the hell... that's never happened before...... KYAAHH!" Once more the girl cum arched out. Stopping a moment Thelia panted before starting again. So hot... so horny...... so good.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Seeing Thelia's juicy orgasm and then watching her start pleasuring herself again was too much for Sara, who creamed herself with a loud groan just from watching. She decided that since the half-elf was clearly in the mood for stimulation, now was the time to try and get with her. Slowly, the lusty spirit wielder stood up and straightened her clothing out to preserve some of her modesty, though she couldn't hide the wet marks on her top from where she was lactating. Raising a shaky fist, she knocked on the door twice before slowly pushing it open and revealing herself. "Thelia...I'm so horny right now...please let me pleasure you. I swear I'll make you feel so good, and having sex with me won't cause any changes to your body..." She slowly edged towards the half elf and if Thelia didn't outright reject her advances or act like she might kill her, Sara would slide up next to her and put her hands on her newly grown breasts and start massaging them for the assassin, trying to make her feel good.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Comming in Sara got no objection and as she settled in behind Thelia she placed her hands on the girls now large breasts. If she had to guess they seemed to have settled on C bordering a D much larger than the girls tiny A's she had before. Touching them caused Thelia to orgasm again her quivering sex squirting her girl cum in a high arch. "W-Whats wrong with me.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"You're perfectly fine, Thelia. Your...altered body parts are just very sensitive after they change. It was the same for me when my skin changed color. It was almost a day before I could wear clothes again..."

Sara removed one of her hands from Thelia's breasts to trail down her body and lightly rub at her half-elven cunt. She began to finger her, going as hard and fast as the assassin wanted. "I want you so bad right now, Thelia. Tell me how you like it so I can fuck you as well as you deserve..." While she waited for Thelia to tell her what kind of sex she wanted to have, she started to maul her sensitive tits with one hand while rapidly fingering her with the other. At the same time, she latched onto her neck, kissing and nipping at the sensitive flesh with her teeth. "You know, I could grow a cock for you if that's what you're interested in..."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Thelia quivered under her touche and there was little doubt that she could do anything she wanted to the elf woman right now. Though she was far more considerate than that. At the mention of the cock Thelia broke away only to lean forward to present her ass to Sara and wiggle her butt at the spirit user.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara licked her lips as she admired Thelia's ass. The way the half-elf was presenting herself to her was doing a remarkable job of turning her on even further. She immediately dropped her pants and manifested a cock with little effort. The lusty spirit user let Thelia brace herself on the bed while she ran her cock up and down the hot elven ass before her. "Where would you like it, my dear?" When she got an answer, Sara would spit into her palm and rub it over her vampiric cock to lube it up before inserting it into Thelia's preferred orifice. If the half elf couldn't voice an answer, then she would press into her offered cunt.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Thelia brought her hand down and parted her lips for Sara offering her pussy to the woman. The way she wad dripping however Sara didn't really need to lube herself up though she did it anyway. Sliding in Sara was surprised that Thelia wasn't tighter she would have thought the woman would be like a vice. Though as she slid deep Sara felt a cold metallic object brush against her cock. Once she hilted she felt Thelia grow tight around her the woman's muscles contracting her sex to hold Sara tight. Once trapped Thelia forced her self back pushing Sara back ending up reverse cowgirl style. For a moment she sat there squeezing Sara's conjured cock with her sex. Seeming satisfied the girl began to bounce up and down on the shaft.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara relished the feeling of sliding into Thelia's sopping wet tunnel, though she was puzzled since it wasn't as tight as she expected. Of course, that wasn't about to stop her from hilting herself in her new half-elven lover and enjoying every minute of it, she was getting to fuck her favorite part of the female body after all. The strange and out of place metallic feeling in Thelia's cunt was a mystery to her, but another one for another time. Once she was deep enough, Thelia tightened up beyond what she had expected, managing to trap her and immobilize her as she pushed back in an unexpected display of dominance until Sara was the one laying down as Thelia rode her reverse-cowgirl style.

The purple-skinned girl found the dominant streak to be very sexy, she had been wanting someone else to take the lead in the bedroom for awhile and now that it was finally happening she was prepared to enjoy it. As Thelia bounced on her cock, Sara groaned in intense pleasure, trying to hold out for as long as possible while she sat one hand on Thelia's hip and curled the other one around to her newly enlarged mammaries. She eagerly mauled the titflesh with the one hand groping and roughly massaging the orbs, occasionally stopping to tweak and flick Thelia's nipples. With the other hand, she sometimes left it on Thelia's hip to help her keep pace with the thrusts, though other times she would bring it over to the assassin's butt to occasionally deliver slaps to her butt cheeks, giving them a pale red color to offset their general whiteness.

Beyond the physical gratification, Sara got a good look at Thelia's back and the scars it bore. Somehow the way she bore herself like this to Sara made the experience even more intimate. In addition to the insanely good sex of course.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara almost one control from Thelia from abusing her oversensitive nipples and breasts. Still the assassin wouldn't be defeated so easily. In response the woman began thrust herself deep on Sara's cock knocking the air out of the spirit user and no doubt leaving bruises on her hips. Still the constant attention caused Thelia to scream out again her fluids squirting out of her and coating Sara, some so forceful that she could feel it hit her lips. At this THelia leaved forward exhausted unable to maintain her dominance as her body just couldn't keep up. There was little doubt for Sara that if Thelia hadn't revved herself up so much earlier she could have been in for a wilder ride.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Thelia's intense bouncing made Sara groan even more loudly in pleasure, the rough cowgirl ride making her feel absolutely phenomenal. Despite the unexpected skill of the assassin, apparently the nymph sorcerer had depleted her stamina earlier, so Sara was able to regain control after an early but powerful orgasm from the half-elf.

"Mmmm...oh goddess Thelia..." Sara propped herself up and managed to topple Thelia onto the bed as she took to her knees behind the girl and resumed her thrusting. Her hands both latched onto Thelia's hips to control the pace as she gave her the same hard fucking she had dealt Sara earlier. "Fuck! You feel so good, can I finish inside you?I can't hold out much longer, please let me spray it all inside you!" Sara could feel a hard knot of pleasure building inside of her, the half-elven pussy driving her wild. Since she had started using the demonic cock more, she had found that she far and away preferred finishing in her partners' pussies than anywhere else. If Thelia didn't tell her not to, then that is where she would unload her cum. Of course she wasn't so far gone that she would do it regardless, and if the half-elf told her not to then she would pull out and unload all over the beautiful assassin.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

All she got from Thelia was an intense moan which just seemed to spurn her on. It was almost primal and Sara let lose her load into the woman who arched her back as she came once again. Though that was the final straw as Thelia passed out again leaving Sara panting, sweating, and sore. Pulling out Sara watched the cum leak from Thelia's sex only then noting the the elven woman was pierced all along her pussy.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara couldn't help shouting out in pleasure as she came inside the half-elf's snatch. "Goddess..."she moaned, sinking down to the mattress with Thelia after unloading her cum. Now that she saw her front, she noticed all of the piercings on her labia. "Wow...you're a dirty little deviant art you? I like that..." Sara whispered it to herself as she admired the pierced pussy. Now that she had finished for...was it her third or fourth time? She couldn't even keep track anymore. Regardless, now that she had finished, she released her vampiric cock and was more than ready for bed.

Before she fell asleep, Sara went to make sure the main door was barricaded shut. While she did this, she collected up her clothes and put them back on before summoning the merchant. She paid for a pushup bra that would fit and show off the assassin's new bust, as well as a shirt so she had something to wear over it.. Afterwards she went and brought Thelia's gear into the room she shared with Aya, before lifting Thelia herself with her telekinesis and gently lowering her onto the bed with Aya, placing the half elf in the middle. This allowed Sara to pile all of the blankets onto one bed. Finally she gathered up another one more large object, be it a piece of debris or something else, to barricade the door to their bedroom with from the inside, just in case.

With everything done, she stripped nude and lay next to Thelia, resting a hand on her enlarged bosom as she went to sleep.

I assume it's just 2-4 denarii for the clothes, I'll deduct whatever you want to charge.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara loses 1 denari

Getting everything secure Sara contacted the merchant and bought the asset enhancing bra. It was a little devious but Sara couldn't help herself. After that was done she brought Thelia into her room and into her bed with Aya. After once more securing their door she drifted off to sleep a hand firmly placed on the elf woman's chest. Hopefully Thelia wouldn't freak out to much. Drifting off to sleep Sara found her dreams highly erotic. Of course with all the sex she just had it was hardly surprising. When the morning came she found Thelia was gone from the bed. Looking about she found the assassin had cleared the door and wore the cloths that Sara had given her. Aya meanwhile was still out the succubus resting peacefully under a blanket nearly completely covered. Pulling the covers away Sara saw two very small vestigial pixy wings on the girls back. That was certainly new looking at them Sara reached out and touched them finding them rather soft and silky not brittle like insect wings.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara woke up and stretched the next morning, feeling refreshed, energized, and highly motivated by the wonderful dreams she'd had. They had mostly involved filling the women she had encountered with her seed, and just before she had woken up she was surrounded by many pregnant lovers. It had made her feel all warm inside.

The first thing she did was check Aya for mutations, finding some tiny pixie wings on her back. They were incredibly cute, though she wasn't sure if the tomboyish succubus would appreciate the sentiment. She liked them regardless and hoped they got even bigger in the future. Maybe she would summon that sorceress back just so Aya could have fun with her... But that would have to wait for another time. She got up and dressed before going to find Thelia. Hopefully she wasn't too upset over what had happened the other day. Honestly, after getting a taste of the half-elf's pierced cunt, Sara was definitely interested in getting intimate with her again...and again...and... She cut off the train of thought, suppressing her lust so she could get on with the business of finding the assassin.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Heading downstairs she didn't find Thelia in her usual spot. Her bag however was still present so she hadn't left yet. Heading outside sense the door was cleared she found the girl getting the skies ready as well as the remaining sledge. Looking over the girl glanced at her before looking down. It was fast but Sara thought she saw a small blush. "Good morning. Im feeling better so we should leave soon. Make the most of the sun and get out of this place. It was a nice resting spot but sooner or later the last few bandits are going to return. Not to mention your Ice witch friend."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

It took awhile but Sara was glad to find Thelia, and that the girl hadn't left after waking up. She wasn't sure how the assassin would feel about their tryst the night before, but the tryst made her feel hopeful that she had enjoyed it. "Good morning, Thelia." Sara carefully approached and helped her ready the skis and sled. "You're right of course, it's time to get moving."

After a moment, Sara edged closer to the half elf. "So...I hope you had as much fun last night as I did. To be honest, I found the experience mind blowing. Though I am sorry about you developing your new assets so unexpectedly, even though they do look quite good on you."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Thelia kept working as Sara spoke before pausing to speak as well. "It was a pleasurable disaster. My balance is off and Im going to have to get used to these massive tits. Thank you though for the cloths. Ill repay you once we get back civilization." Thelia leaned back the motion showing off her new large chest. "Gods damn it I doubt Ill get used to this any time soon. I always heard more than a handful was wasted." Looking over at Sara Thelia seemed to almost smile before getting back to work.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara's eyes widened as she ogled Thelia's chest while the girl leaned back. The pushup bra did an excellent job pushing them out and up. As she complained about her breasts, Sara got closer to her and remarked, "I don't know, I think they look great on you. It's a shame about your balance, but they look wonderful." Thelia's smile warmed her up in the cold and made her think the girl might react favorably to her advances.

She put her hand on Thelia's shoulder, rubbing it softly. "I was actually hoping that we could have a repeat of last night. You were damned good in bed, and those piercings were a...pleasant surprise." If Thelia was reacting favorably to her advances, Sara would slowly place her other hand on Thelia's lower abdomen. Then she would slowly trace her way up Thelia's front before coming to rest on her chest. Once her hand reached her chest, she would worm her way inside her shirt and cop some generous feels of her enlarged tits. If the assassin didn't resist, Sara would lean in and plant an extended kiss right on her lips before finally pulling away. Now it was time to start packing up, so Sara turned to go back inside to wake up Aya and finish getting ready to leave. Before she left, she turned to wink at Thelia. "I hope you'll join me in my sleeping bag tonight..."