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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Thelia looked up at Sara a moment before relenting and took her hand much to Aya's jaw dropping disappointment. Heading out to the floor they found that Sue read their intent and started up a lively tune. A very simple folk dance that most everyone knew. Pretty soon several of the other patrons began to get up and dance as well though several were drunk. One almost stumbled into Thelia but the nimble woman danced out of the way easily. Not to be out done Aya was soon up and dancing as well competing with Thelia.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Surprise briefly flashed across Sara's face as Thelia took her hand, but she was quick to recover and with a charming smile she pulled the half-elf out onto the dance floor, quickly getting into the tune. It was a good thing Sue had decided to play something easy, Sara never had been one for dancing. She giggled as Thelia managed to avoid one of the drunk patrons and Aya joined them, seemingly competing with the half-elf.

With a sly grin to Aya, Sara started closer to Thelia and occasionally letting a hand bump into her. As time went on her touches became slightly more insistent, trailing hands up and down her sides every so often. "I figured you'd be pretty light on your feet Thelia, but you also seem pretty good at dancing. You're certainly a lot better than I am. Are you having fun yet?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Thelia didn't seem to be bothered by Sara's touches to much though as they got a little more insistant she would find the elf easing away from her. "It was the one thing my mother enjoyed above all else. She taught me how to dance. It came in handy later." Thelia frowned a little as a dark look crossed her face as she excused herself from the dance. Sara may have tried to go after her by Aya intercepted her with a shake of her head before pulling her into a spin. "Best let her work it out she might get angry with you if you pry now."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara noticed Thelia reacting negatively to her more insistent touches, so she eased up as the half-elf told her about how her mother taught her to dance. Her comments were forestalled as the half-elf got a dark look before excusing herself. She tried to go after her, but Aya blocked her off and talked her down. "You're probably right, thanks Aya. I'm not sure what that was about, but would you care to dance, since it seems I'm without a partner now?" She gave the succubus a more lewd smile and slid a hand down to grope the girl's tight ass. Then she spun around and ground her own ass into Aya's crotch for a moment.

After briefly teasing her, Sara turned again and resumed dancing with her succubus partner, not shy about dancing close enough that their chests rubbed against each other. Sara would happily dance with Aya for awhile, and if nothing else happened, after their feet started to get tired she would suggest Aya retire to the room with her. Once they were on their way Sara would thank Sue for playing for them and lead Aya off.

Back in the room Sara locked the door, Thelia had her own key, and thanked Aya for dancing with her. If Thelia wasn't back yet then she would converse with Aya. "Thanks for the help, you're a pretty good wingwoman. I think we make a damned good team. If we can get a legendary assassin like her to warm up to us, just imagine the possibilities...no woman would be safe from our combined charm..." With a giggle she quickly embraced the succubus and planted a sloppy, tongue-filled kiss on her lips before stripping and crashing down onto the bed. "Well, you know I'm always game for some fun between the sheets, but maybe we should hold off so we aren't too worn out tomorrow, besides, who knows when Thelia will come back. We've got to save some energy for her too." Realizing she probably smelled, Sara looked around for a sink and if she found one she would use it to wet a towel to clean herself off before returning to bed.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

As Sara grouped her ass Aya placed her hands around her neck and drew close for a kiss. It was light and sensual and over all to soon as the two woman changed position with Aya grinding her ass against Sara crotch. This drew a cough from the barkeep who was red in the face but still seemed insistent on keeping the dance civil. After all the duo did indeed tire out and head to the room. A brief check revealed the half-elf was nowhere to be seen though thankfully her stuff was still present. Cleaning up Aya giggled "You sure are insistent and energetic. Aya climbed into her part of the bed and covered up before speaking in a low voice. "First thing about seduction Sara is you have to make the person want you, and I can already tell that Thelia will be a long project. She has emotional scars and a troubled past. I wouldn't be surprised if her abuse wasn't just physical and mental. Your going to have to get close to someone who doesn't want to have anyone close to them. Now that is an uphill battle." Aya yawned before snuggling close to herself under the blanket. "But I can tell she is attracted to you. Just keep in mind you want the assassin in your bed it better be genuine." Aya yawned again and as Sara turned to speak saw the girl had already slipped off into dreamland.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara grinned as Aya gave her advice on seduction while toweling herself clean. "Yes, Thelia will take awhile, but I'm confident she'll be worth it, no matter how much of an uphill battle it will be. Good advice, though. I'll be sure to be genuine." With that, Sara joined Aya in bed, leaving a spot in the middle for the half-elf.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

After awhile from the bed she saw the door open and Thelia enter. She was quite and closed the door gently. It seemed the assassin didn't think either oen of them was awake. Getting undressed Sara was able to steal a peek at Thelia, who was in the middle of pulling off her shirt. The girls now much larger chest bounced as it became free of the tight confines. Next the assassin pulled down her pants revealing simple underwear, much to Sara's disappointment. Every sense she had felt it at Fort Droth the spirit user had wanted to see just how pierced the girl was. Sure she had caught a glimpse of it during their night of fun but she had other things to focus on. Not to mention how or why did such a reserved woman like Thelia do that. It was a mystery that teased the corners of Sara's mind.

Once Thelia had gotten dressed in her night cloths she looked to the bed a moment and sighed. Clearly she had figured out she had been tricked into taking that spot. Still with measured step the assassin eased her way into the bed being careful not to disturb Sara or Aya. Once in the girl lay like a board under her covers looking up to the ceiling. Sara of course could cuddle up to Thelia if she dared but that was her call.


In the morning Sara awoke to the strumming of a lyre and a voice singing beautifully in the tavern. If she got up to investigate she would hear the song end midway threw getting dressed. Leaving her door she would catch the tail end of Rikke's party leaving. Nearby Sue sat drinking some water a single tear rolling down her cheek.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara was glad to see Thelia return to them safely. Regardless, she barely managed to suppress a sigh as the half-elf revealed conservative underwear that she did not remove, continuing to deny her a view of her pierced flower. The spirit wielder wondered, as she had every night since her romantic encounter with Thelia, what had prompted the seemingly reserved assassin to get such raunchy piercings. And of course she wanted to see how exactly she was pierced as well. "Sooner or later..." she vowed silently to herself.

Once Thelia was ready for bed, Sara maintained her self-control to keep from giggling as the assassin realized she had been out-maneuvered and continued to pretend she was asleep. She maintained the illusion as the half-elf settled into bed. Of course, maybe settled wasn't the right word as she was tense as a board underneath the covers. After a few minutes Sara let out a soft sigh and gently snuggled up closer to Thelia, resting her head in the crook of Thelia's shoulder as she continued to act like she was asleep and shifted up to softly hold herself against her arm.


Sara awoke the next morning and tossed on some clothes as she went to investigate the sound of the lyre. It was too bad she had missed Rikke's group, but they seemed tough enough that they hardly needed her to look out for them. In the meantime her attention turned to Sue, seeing the tear on her face. "Are you alright, Sue? What's the matter?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Seeing Sara Sue smiled making it clear that she was alright but as usual Sara insisted and Sue wrote down why she had cried. Looking over the scratch pad it read. "The maids singing reminded me how beautiful my voice use to be." Soon enough she was joined by Thelia who looked at her a moment before wandering off to a table. Not long after Aya joined them her hair all bedraggled looking half dead.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

With a compassionate smile Sara runs a hand over Sue's cheek, whispering, "I'm sure it was, though if it's any comfort, your music is beautiful now." Sara then turned and joined Thelia and Aya. "Good morning, ladies. Everyone sleep okay?" She looked pointedly at Aya and giggled at her bedraggled state. Afterwards she added, "So, should we head out today, or do we need to take more time to rest?" She remembered that they also needed to go to the store Aya had traded their loot at so they could restock on provisions.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Aya blinked slowly one eye moving faster than the other. Sitting down she raised her hand up. "Coffee!" Then sat her head down on the table. Thelia just sighed at the succubus. "Best to wait for her to at lest wake up a little. She's the only one who knows what shop she sold the items at." Thankfully it wasn't long before Sue brought a steaming cup to Aya who drank it slowly. Handing over a slip of paper to the Succubus caused the girls eyes to bugout. "One silver for a cup of coffee!" Sue just shrugged and held out her hand. Grumply Aya pulled out a coin from her own purse and put in the girls hand before sipping her coffee again. "Aya slept like the dead. I myself had not so easy a night. Im not use to sleeping in a bed with others." Aya shrugged. "Its because you sleep like a board that can't be comfortable." Thelia scoffed slightly. "At lest I don't shove my tits into others faces." Aya grinned "You should you actually have tits now. Make use of them." This seemed to make Thelia frown and the elf woman stopped speaking.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

As usual, Aya was a zombie this morning. Sara giggled as she looked at her bedraggled companion. Thelia looked ready to go, no surprise there, she was a very disciplined woman. In fact, Sara was surprised that she had managed to wake up before her this morning. Usually the half-elf woke up well before everyone else. At their exchange about breasts, Sara couldn't help a short laugh before covering her mouth and looking bashfully at the frowning Thelia. "Sorry, but that was a little funny. Cheer up, she meant it as a compliment!" After composing herself, she added, "So what made you sleep in so late this morning, Thelia? You're usually the one all packed up and waiting for us in the mornings."

Once Thelia had offered an answer, Sara would ask Sue for some breakfast. After Sue left, she would bring up the waitress' misfortune. "Poor girl. Its such a shame about her tongue. I wish there was something I could do for her to give her back her voice, but such healing is unfortunately beyond the scope of my powers. She would need a more dedicated magical healer to do the work, and my village is more focused on spiritual power than magical." Once her food got there, Sara would happily pay for it before tucking in. She was open to suggestions from her companions as to what they could do.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Thelia closed her eyes and looked down a smirk on her face. "There was this woman who kept throwing herself on me as I tired to sleep. Made it very hard to get any rest. Then there was another little tramp who kept grabbing my tits saying mine all mine and drooling on them. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep."

Aya made a face at Thelia but soon food was ordered and she began to mow down once it was brought. As Sue walked away again Thelia spoke in a hushed tone. "The Healers at the Acadamy are by far the best in their field though it would take us well away from Endus and way to much coin to actually hire one to travel to this wart of a village." Aya continued to eat speaking with her mouth half full. "Hummm Mwarghbe Emdums haghs ah muberler?" Thelia just looked at Aya slightly horrified at the succubus and shaking her head. To this Aya just smiled a peice of egg sliding out of her mouth and onto her plate with a plonk.

Just in case
Humm Maybe Endus has a healer?
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

At Thelia's smug remark regarding the affections they had shown her the night before, Sara smirked right back and shrugged. "Well from the sound of it and that self-satisfied look on your face I'd say you liked it a little more than you care to admit...Don't be mad, we can't help it if you're so good looking we're drawn to you in your sleep." She graced the half-elf with a flirty wink before listening to the tales of healers.

"Well that is a shame. I truly wish there was more we could do, but I suppose it may not be so..." She tucked into her food with with gusto when it arrived. At Aya's remark and Thelia's look, Sara gulped down her current mouthful of food and said, "She said there might be a healer in Endus. It's certainly worth considering and asking about." She returned to her food with a grin.

Once they were done eating, Sara leaned back in her chair and let loose a contented burp. "Mmm...that was good... So, what's the plan for today my lovely lady friends? Should we restock our gear and set out today, or do we need time to recover?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"We did have a hard road we could rest another day or two if you desire." Aya looked up dabbing some toast in the remaining egg yoke. "True we should take advantage of a warm roof to mend gear or replace gear. Not to mention our slave driver here kept a very hurried pace. I'm still a little sore." Thelia gave a dark look. "You have no idea what slave driving is you tart. Im going to get some fresh air." Thelia got up in a huff and headed out with Aya wincing as she watched the woman go. "Damn it..."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Hmm okay so we'll-" Sara was cutoff at Thelia's sharp retort. She shared a wince with Aya as the half-elf stalked off. "Well shoot, that could have gone better." With a huff she added, "I guess we can stay here for another day, two at the most to make sure we're good and rested for the road. We should probably take care of our gear shopping today. I think I'll try and calm Thelia down and then we can go get some gear." Unless something came up, she would head out after Thelia and try to calm her down.

If she did find Thelia, she would gently place a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, sorry if we hit a nerve in there. We were just poking fun at you. It's something we do with friends, we truly didn't mean to offend you. It's clear that we've got a lot to learn about you, so I'm sorry that we offended you. If it's alright with you, I'd like to learn a little more about so that we can be more comfortable and friendly towards each other. We don't have to force it, I'm just letting you know I'm here for you."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Finding Thelia was easy to do. Very few people were out and about and the blonde half-elf stood out. Catching up to her Sara caught half an angry mumble "......succbus bitch I should show her what real slave driving is." Thankfully Sara managed to catch Thelia and place a hand on the assassin who wheeled around sharply a gun already clear and pointing at Sara. Seeing who it was the gun was promptly put away. "Sara......" Thelia's voice had lost most of its edge. "I think I will get a separate room tonight if we are going to stay any longer." It was said matter of factly as Thelia turned around and headed to building with a handgun shaped sign. "Ah a gunsmith a rarity outside Bardia. Ill restock some ammo you can.. come if you want."

Walking into the store if she chose to follow Sara would see several guns on display some far older than what she had encountered before. The man behind the counter was old with a long graying beard. He saw the two of them enter and promptly sat up waiting to see what his new customers wanted. Figuring now would be better than never Sara made her apology only getting a grunt of acknowledgement form the woman. "Do you have an squash head rounds?" The man looked at Thelia before noticing her custom hardware. "Expecting trouble miss?" Thelia looked up and snorted. "Im heading to Endus and last time I was there a gang war was raging. So yes I'm expecting some trouble.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"We did decide to stay at least one more night to recover. I understand if you wish to have a separate room. I wish you would reconsider, I'll sleep in the middle tonight and I promise no funny business, I'll give you my word that I'll cuddle up to Aya instead of you while I'm awake and at least try to keep her from bothering you too much." She sighed as Thelia put the pistol away. It was a good thing the assassin had some trigger discipline. She really needed to be more careful when walking up behind the half-elf. "I guess for someone like you who is a bit of a loner, having to spend so much time with people like Aya and me can get pretty tiresome. I suppose I can't begrudge you your personal space while we're here. But if you want your own room, you're paying for it yourself." She gave the assassin a friendly wink and a pat on the back to show there were no hard feelings and followed her into the store, happy that her companion had invited her along.

When Thelia told the shopkeeper why she was looking for squash head rounds Sara remarked, "From what that Rikke girl was saying, it sounded like things had chilled out there. Of course, I wouldn't go unprepared based on the word of someone I didn't really know. It's probably a good idea to stock up, Thelia." She expressed confidence in the half-elf's choice and backed her up on her reasoning, wanting the woman to get the sense that Sara supported her.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Maybe but there may be some bad blood. You tend to attract the foolish who want revenge in my profession." A moment later the smith brought down a box with the bullets in question. Opening them Theia's eyes widened and a slight smile crossed her lips. Looking over the assassins shoulder all Sara saw were bullets. "Is this all you got?" The man behind the counter nodded to Thelia. "Ill take them all and promptly placed a large sack of coin on the table before scooping the large box into her bag. The man took the bag wordlessly and hefted it and gave a smile. "Are you sure miss this feels like to much." Thelia looked and spoke. "If the quality is what it seems to be then I've underpaid you." The two exchanged glances a moment before nodding. Thelia looked at the man as he went about before leaving. "To think to find an old imperial gun smith in Crolia.... Times certainly change."

Leaving they ran into Aya who had finished her meal and was looking for them. She began to speak but Thelia held up a hand. "Sara already said it for you. Now lets see to our gear. We should probably sell the sledge and get our skies treated before we head out."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Yes, I suppose you do." Sara acknowledged the validity of Thelia's point and watched the transaction in silence. For the life of her she couldn't figure out what made Thelia so excited by this stuff. Still, once the transaction was concluded and they went outside she mentioned, "Pretty sure that's the most excited I've ever seen you about anything. What's so great about old imperial gunsmiths?"

When Thelia stopped Aya with her remark, Sara stood behind her and silently offered Aya a bemused shrug. "Yes that's probably a good idea. I know I'm tired of pulling that blasted thing. Aya did you see any shops where we could do that when you were selling the gear yesterday. Or Thelia, did you see anything when you were...out and about?"

Sara was mainly in the market for healing and spirit potions, but who knew what she might find in an out of the way town like this. Aya was probably the one to know how to get stuff though.