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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"A gunsmith is a highly trained artisan especially if they can make the rounds I need. His services would be in high demand in Bardia and he could probably make a fortune for his work. But he's here in Crolia. Meaning his either an exile or a criminal." As Aya approached Thelia listened in before nodding to Sara about getting rid of the sledge. "Yeah the outfitter I sold most of our stuff too has the supplies we'll need. As for potions I'm afraid that its going to be sparse here. They say there is an alchemist staying with the Peslies but they a day or two away from here and in the opposite direction. So any potions we buy are going to be expensive." Asking Thelia the woman shrugged "I wasn't looking for shops when I went out and about last night."

Potions will cost 1.5x their normal price. Example 10 gp potion will cost 15 gp instead.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara shrugged, it was too bad about the potions, but she supposed it couldn't be helped. "Alright Aya, lead the way. Once we get the shopping done, anything else you two care to do today? Otherwise I was just going to practice some of my new powers some more."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"No worries Sara Ill get it taken care of." Aya waved and headed off leaving her and Thelia alone. "Well my gear is in good shape so Ill just stick with you. Seeing a spirit user in action may help me expand my list of targets."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Thanks, Aya! I'll be practicing down the road in that gulch we passed on our way into town." With that she headed off with Thelia, casting a bemused look at the half-elf. "Oh? So you just want to watch to find out how to kill me?"

With a smirk and a confident sway of her hips, she led the half-elf out to where she would practice. When they got there, she turned to face the half-elf, a cocky grin on her lips. "So...tell me you didn't just come here to watch." With a sultry lick of her lips, she eyed up Thelia, though her gaze sharpened up quickly as she met her gaze. "What if we do something a little more interesting than just you watching me train? Why not get some training against an actual spirit wielder? That way I can get some training against an actual assassin. You game, gunslinger?" She started stretching out as she flashed a grin to her companion, adding, "Of course, if that isn't exciting enough, I'd be happy to make some sort of friendly, non-monetary wager if you'd like to spice things up."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Thelia frowned a the offer. " There are no such things as practice rounds with my guns. It wouldn't be a fair fight. Besides my targets usual have no idea I'm coming. Though a wager for skill might be interesting if we can find a game we can both agree too.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

At Thelia's remarks Sara frowned as well. "Good point, I suppose it wouldn't be a realistic matchup. But a contest of skill, you say? What kind of skill did you have in mind?" The prospect of a game of sorts excited her. Assuming whatever Thelia had in mind wasn't too ludicrous she would agree to do it.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Thelia looked around a moment at the area taking in the place they stood. For a moment all Sara could see was her breath rising up on the wind. "Well you want practice then lets help you practice." Taking up a hand full of snow Thelia packed it good and looked to Sara. "I'll throw this in the air and you try to hit it with your power. Sound good? Once I see your relative skill Ill offer terms for a bet?" Thelia began to pack several more balls waiting for Sara to answer.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara grinned as Thelia outlined the terms to her. Blasting snowballs with her energy blast sounded wonderfully fun. "That sounds absolutely delightful, Thelia!" She readied herself and prepared to cast her new power at the snowballs the assassin would throw. Of course, perhaps because of her time with Aya and Tanya, a devious idea occurred to her. During the practice throws, she intentionally missed a ball or two, to hopefully prompt Thelia to underestimate her skill. Of course, she didn't intend any malice for it. If the terms of the bet were serious, she wouldn't hold Thelia to it after the fact, she just wanted to make the half-elf squirm a little.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara (Sturm)
Sara Hp: 55, Pp: 55, Ep: 59/90, Status = Fine

Rules for the contest
To start out Thelia will throw five balls as a test of Sara's skill. Sara my choose to throw this if she wants. Given how new the power is Sara will have to beat her own resistance stat with just her mind score +15 and a d20 roll. If she fails the energy expenditure or X value you will be randomized up to her spirit ceiling divided by 2.

Thelia throws five snowballs 57,59,61,64,66
Sara can hit all these with out effort Attacks can all autohit
Resistance check 33,39,37,31,29 fail
X = 3,7,8,7,6

The rules seemed simple enough and as the balls of snow flew high in the air in quick succession with Sara focusing her power she blasted each with measured effort... that went horribly wrong. Constant spikes of energy caused each blast of her power to either go out of control or weaken considerably, and in the end She had no idea how many she hit or missed. Thelia meanwhile looked up and nodded. "Sara you hit......"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

As Sara's power levels fluctuated, she scraped her plan to hustle Thelia. Her difficulty in controlling her power fluctuations inflamed her pride and she blasted all five of them out of the air. Despite the energy expenditure, she grinned at the half-elf. "You'll have to do better than that. So, what are we wagering?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

".....All of them. And easily as well....." Thelia frowned and looked at Sara a mix of wonder and hurt. "Im not sure I can throw them fast enough to be a challenge for you....." It seems that Sara and Thelia where at an impasse. Her skill was made evident and Thelia seemed reluctant to challenge it. "Perhaps a different game then. Any thoughts?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Hmphh..." Sara grumbled as Thelia withdrew her challenge. "I knew I should've just fudged it...you're no fun." She only pouted for a moment before getting a thoughtful look on her face. "Well, I've got a new technique for making a spirit blade. I can make it low energy enough that it won't really hurt you. We can find a stick for you and have a practice duel. I need to practice my sword fighting, I'm not so practiced with that as with my pure spirit powers." She gave the half elf a questioning look. "Surely you need to keep your skills sharp as well, can't count on getting the jump on your target all the time. And what about a wager? I am quite interested to hear what you have in mind."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Thelia raised an eyebrow "Humm that could work. Looking to Sara she drew a short blade and readied herself. "For the wager if I defeat you in this mock duel. I get to sleep alone in my bag if weather allows it on our trip to Endus.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

At Thelia's declaration of the wager, Sara giggled broadly. "Ohhh, now I see why you were hesitant to wager against my aim. I like it! Let's do it!" She hopped back from Thelia and conjured her tubular spirit blade, this time, however she kept a it at a low energy, testing it against a tree to make sure it couldn't actually cut anything. If she started experiencing the same disruptions as during the earlier challenge she would call it off, not wanting to injure Thelia.

"Before we start, what will constitute a win? First to land a hit? First to land three? In my experience, everyone has their own rules for duels."

If they were only going to the first hit or several, then she would power herself up right away. If they weren't then she would hold off on displaying more of her power.

"If you're ready, let's do this!" If Thelia didn't have any objections, she would go on the offensive, seeking to tag the assassin with her severely under-powered energy blade.

Energy blade: x=1 2 EP spent
If the duel is supposed to be short (first to land a hit or several): Battle Aura x=4

If the duel will last awhile, where she won't lose before the next post, then she won't use battle aura just yet.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara (Sturm)
Sara Hp: 55, Pp: 55, Ep: 51/90, Status = Fine, Energy.. umm tube, Battle Aura of cheating +12 hit, damage, dodge, and speed. +4 resistance ;) honestly she really doesn't need it

Speed to see who hits first
23 vs 40 Thelia acts first!
67 vs 62 Thelia hits
94 vs 45 Sara hits

Sara had little trouble focusing and bringing her blade into life. Testing it she found that it was more of a club than a sword but it would do. Thelia meanwhile looked on gauging Sara's movements. "First to hit 3 times wins" Smiling Sara lept into action only to see Thelia in mid swing already having crossed the distance in a blaze of speed not even matched by her enhanced body. Still both hit each other though much to her disappointment Thelia had struck first. "Not bad even with your aura. The point is mine."

Looking on as Thelia got ready for round two Sara had a moment to adjust strategy. Firstly Thelia didn't appear to skilled with her blade. Well compared to the skill she was taught when she left home. In melee combat Sara clearly outclassed Thelia. However the woman was amazingly fast. Even enhanced as she was she would not be able to keep up with the assassin.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara was shocked by how fast Thelia moved. Even with her aura, there was no way she could keep up. The only factor in her favor was that her aptitude for fighting and focus extended into sword use as well. She had no trouble hitting the half-elf, however she would be hard-pressed to hit her first at this rate. Sara grinned, "You're pretty damned fast. I'm starting to think you set me up here..."

At Thelia's remark about her aura, Sara's grin widened. "Well you did want experience with a spirit wielder. First lesson, don't try to fight one on one unless you've got a way to resist powers." With a somewhat more mischievous smile she settled into her fighting stance again, maintaining her battle aura. She focused her spiritual energy again, this time focusing the energy in a way that she was much more familiar with. Using her ability to scry a limited part of the future, she looked to see how Thelia would attack her next and prepared to dodge it and hit her in return, a confident smirk on her face.

Scrying (3): Pay 4 EP, automatically dodge next attack
Maintain battle aura

It's a lightsaber, dammit :D
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

This time the results where different. Using her skilled powers Sara traced out several possible futures in mere moments. Out of the four moments of time she saw only one lead to her being hit by Thelia first all the others she got the next strike. Confidence soared as the scenario played its self out. Thelia came quick but Sara had already moved out of the way. Surprised registered on Thelia's face as Sara brought her energy sword down gently as the woman passed her bye. Righting herself Thelia stepped back a moment an eyed Sara. "That point is yours."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Her power worked like a charm, and she only felt the faintest touch of guilt at using such a power against the assassin. She winked at Thelia as she raised her blade once again. "Nice try, your technique could use some work, but you're still pretty good." Now that the score was even, Sara figured she would practice countering on her own. She settled into a more defensive stance, knowing the half-elf would come to her. As long as she could evade the first strike she was confident she could counter and score on Thelia. She readied herself to pivot away from the first strike, edging the sword away with her own blade before aiming to deliver a tap against Thelia's midsection.

maintain battle aura
defensive fighting: -20 attack (64 remaining) +20 dodge
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara (Sturm)
Sara Hp: 55, Pp: 55, Ep: 51/90, Status = Fine, Energy.. umm tube, Battle Aura of cheating +12 hit, damage, dodge, and speed. +4 resistance ;) honestly she really doesn't need it

Speed to see who hits first
23 vs 40 Thelia acts first!
58 vs 82 Thelia misses
68 vs 45 Sara hits

Eyeing the combat Thelia made her move. As usual she was lighting quick but her lack of training with a blade left her easily open for an attack from Sara's readied defense. Knocking the woefully miss aimed blade aside Sara got another quick tap on Thelia who grunted in frustration before setting up for another round. "The point is yours."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

With a bemused grin, Sara withdrew back from Thelia to reset. "Hey now, no need to go easy on me! At this rate we'll be sharing a sleeping bag until I can't swing a sword any more!" She laughed and settled back into her defensive stance. If Thelia was more hesitant this time, then she would advance on her, but maintain a defensive stance with her blade. She would try to get a light hit to Thelia's enlarged bosom this time.

maintain battle aura, defensive fighting -20 attack +20 dodge