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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I might not like it, but I hate being in debt, so I have to bite my lip and go along with this nonsense. But fuck this chaos, she's on her own now, I ain't taking part in the battle that might or might not happen. If she decides to try taking all of you guys on with her increased power, she'll do it on her own. Not going to raise my club for one party or the other. the oni distanced herself from the fight that could be happening. "I didn't do anything, she just drank with me. Doesn't look like you humans can handle oni-grade booze too well,especially ones with small frames like her."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Why did you want Rachaela with you then?" Adelle asked curiously, unsure of why it the oni actually had done that. "Also, do you know where my stuff is? I kind of want it all back. And my bike too, where is it, and is it still capable of driving?" she then asked the oni woman, lightly shaking Rachaela to see if she can wake her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Why would I want a little cutie pie like that to be torn apart by those violently lustful animals outside? Just doing a service to myself and all the others who like cuties out there. She has a charm about her that I really like, in the looks department at least. And even if we talked only for a little bit, she did appear to be a completely alright person to party with as well. Maybe a little too eager to accept my drinks with that tolerance." was the rather simple reasoning for getting Rachaela out from the orc rapefest. The oni chugged some more before she could provide further answers, a hearty amount of strong drink getting downed in a hurry. "There's a storage cave area towards the other end of the complex where we stack useful things for later use. Should be there. The bike got a few bumps and scrapes on it, but I did try it out and saw that it started still. For all that high-tech flimsy look about it, that thing appears to be a sturdy piece of work. Unlike most technology..."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle crossed her arms with a bit of an annoyed look on her face. "And I'm not cute or good looking? Hmph, I like alcohol too you know," Adelle asked, feeling a little ticked off that she wasn't found cute or good looking. "And alright, thanks I guess," she added when told where her things should be, glad her bike was still working at least, according the oni woman anyway.

"Will you keep an eye on Rachaela then while I go and get our things, please?" Adelle then asked, fairly certain the answer would be yes, and if it was, then she would head on with Luna to the place the oni had mentioned. If it was a no, then Adelle would pick up Rachaela and carry her with them to the storage cave.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Maybe. Just not one for my tastes." the oni shrugged off the annoyance as she took more drink without much care. She had made up her mind about sitting any possible fights out, and thus had no real objection to looking after Rachaela, who would probably only have the minimum impact to any hostilities with her magic being temporarily drained. Letting her stay behind was probably the best choice of action here.

Going through the door, the girls could see Tadakatsu back at his feet, but the undead warrior was not moving from his position, probably having reservations about trying his luck with the oni for a second time. Luna let him remain there, and the two of them went ahead, passing by the main hall and the orc massacre hall to find another corridor with a side path and a main path. The side path appeared to be the way to go, as they could see an opened, sturdy metal door and Lucrezia looking around over at that direction, along with some stray items. That would probably be where all the gear would be.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle rolled her eyes a bit at the oni's words before checking on Rachaela, finding her too out of it to try and wake up, and or carry out. She'd be totally dead weight on them, and if it came to another fight, Adelle doubted that she could carry Rachaela, and fight at the same time. Leaving her behind for now, Adelle kissed Rachaela on the forehead and headed out with Luna.

Moving onward with Luna, the pair headed back the way they'd come and passed by the dead orcs, the main hall, and whatnot. "Jeez your familiars and Lucrezia's did a lot of damage," Adelle muttered to Luna.

Once they saw Lucrezia, Adelle moved towards her, hoping that she'd found their gear, where she could get geared back up to be able to fight. "Lucrezia, you okay?" Adelle asked the mage woman as she and Luna came up beside her. "And we found Rachaela, she's resting for now, so we couldn't really move her and fight at the same time. One of Luna's familiars is guarding her for us," she added, explaining they'd found Rachaela.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I am, yes. That does sound good, we can still get out from here with just some minor damage to anything. Did you see that fox there?" Lucrezia asked back, looking like she was on her own initially. But it was not completely true as Adelle could notice the plague doctor near her, now in a nearly transparent state that made him hard to spot unless one was real close. The room was just what the oni had talked about, having a bunch of items stored in there, mostly just everyday items. And just like she had said, the personal belongings of the three captives were there in separate piles, Lucrezia having reclaimed most of hers already. The bike was there too, and with that too the oni had been truthful, the vehicle looking completely alright save a few bumps and scratches on the sides, along with one of the mirrors being a little bent. The corridors nearby had been empty too, so it would probably be safe enough to spend a little time changing.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"No I didn't see her on the way here, or back that way. If I had to guess, she might have made her escape with the arachne who had me in her web," Adelle replied, heaving a sigh of relief to find her things inside, including the bike. "Oh wow she was honest about it," she commented upon seeing the bike.

Adelle decided to change into her clothes regular once more, using the remnants of the blanket to wipe herself off the rest of the way before she did so, and getting her gear back on in the proper places. Once she had gotten her gear back on along with her clothes, Adelle got her guns loaded and ready to fire, and got ready to fight, just in case. "Alright, I'm ready when you are. Wanna keep going and see if we can find her, and kick her ass?" Adelle told Lucrezia when she had gotten all of her gear back, making sure everything was there like it was supposed to be.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"This path appears to be the exit if you continue past the room. We can come with you to that other path you went into, so we should not be having trouble, unless that fox is even more powerful than I envision." Lucrezia agreed to come along with her other familiar that was present, now looking and feeling like the number one hunter would. With the recovery time she had, the power appeared to have returned to her in all due haste, and even Adelle could get a feeling of something immense coming from within this lady. If she got to see the power, it might be something to remember.

With three ladies and two familiars, the group headed back to the oni's room, finding Tadakatsu still at his post outside. And the oni had not gone anywhere either, still at the table and chugging while occasionally taking glances at the sleepydrunk Rachaela. Past the entrance to that room, a corridor went on to even deeper in the cave.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle nodded, leading Lucrezia back to the other path. "Alright, come on then, it's this way. And... I don't think that she's that powerful, but I could be wrong... though I hope I'm not," Adelle replied, looking around cautiously as they headed back to Rachaela.

Passing by the oni's room and seeing Rachaela still in there and okay for the most part, Adelle heaved a sigh of relief and moved onward down the tunnel with Lucrezia and Luna. "She's probably down this way," Adelle whispered to the two, keeping a hand on the handles of her pistols as she lead the way in exploring the new path.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Going forward, the ladies and familiars passed by a few more rooms, most of them only having only some crude furnishings, possibly indicating that they had been the chambers of some of the more dominant personalities among the orc horde. One was more lavishly decorated, some things in there suggesting that it was probably the room of the tengu who they had met at Lucrezia's home. The trashed nature of the room suggested that her departure had not been a completely peaceful one. Maybe a conflict of personalities between her and the fox, who knew. Both appeared to have a great deal of arrogance, so it was a fair assumption, and the tengu has revealed the situation without too much refusal, only makikg the scenario more obvious.

After a bit of corridor, there was another bigger hall, one with a dinner table for four at the center and a primitive kitchen on one wall. But there was also a bigger door there, one that had a clear feel of master bedroom about it. Nothing hostile was apparent, but who knew if the mistress of the cave was still there.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As they went onward, Adelle saw one room that reminded her of the tengu woman... thing that was at Lucrezia's home when she and Rachaela had gotten there. "Hey Lucrezia, there was a tengu or something at your home when Rachaela and I got there during our search for you. This... room here looks just... familiar, like her almost, or that's the vibe I'm getting at least," Adelle said as she looked about the room. "She seemed to think that she was taking over your home too by the way," Adelle added.

After they moved on and went further down the hallway, Adelle saw the little dining room setup and chuckled a bit. "Heh, guess she did have a little lavish area for herself. Makes sense I guess. And that... is probably where she's at," Adelle said, pointing at the big doors as she glanced over to her companions. "Want to go knock and say hi?" she asked, smirking a bit as she pulled both pistols out and checking to make sure she was fully loaded.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Really now? We'll just have to see about that later." was all that Lucrezia had to say about the potential home conqueror back at the city. She did not appear to be having too much fear towards that being a thing. "Hopefully they don't take it upon themselves to make too many adjustments..."

At the door, the group made some preparations. Luna didn't do much besides move back and behind her familiar for cover, Lucrezia doing even less. Adelle had to reload her guns as they were still loaded with the same ammo she had spent while initially fighting the oni woman back outside. Once they were all ready, Lucrezia took point, a five-set of intertwined balls of fire and lightning appearing over her head and remaining there in a fanned formation appearing after a few quick words. She then proceeded to push the door open, signaling that the group should all decide actions.

But it was not going to be necessary. The room was as lavish as one might expect, but there was something going on that made Adelle feel queasy. The fox was there, as was the strange female ghost she had been helped by earlier. The fox was suspended just a little above the ground where she could not reach by a long spike of ice that had pushed itself in from between her legs, the blood dripping down on it suggesting that she was indeed impaled on the thing. The ghost was not idle, having taken the kitsune's robe partially off and was now doing something rather unexpected. One could see the teeth marks from even a little distance away, and there were a good deal of those on the fox's shoulders, while her arms had been partially eaten already. The ghost was currently fixated on devouring a boob, and was not even aware of the groupbeing there by the looks of it.

While Lucrezia showed fairly little reastion besides some disgust at the scene, Luna appeared to be a little more terrified by the handiwork of this ghost who was still one of her familiars. Maybe there were good reasons that Adelle had not seen this one before.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Nodding to Lucrezia after reloading her guns, Adelle prepared for a big fight against a powerful mage, knowing it would be very tough indeed. When they were ready, Adelle moved in with the others, aiming her pistols forward and keeping her fingers on the triggers, ready to shoot. When Adelle saw the sight within however, she couldn't hold it any longer, after all of the gore from before, it had just went over the limit to what she could handle, as she saw the kitsune and what had been done to her. Adelle promptly ran just back outside the door and vomited in the corner.

"T-That's horrible, even though I said and thought things that I'd do to her... I don't think I could have actually gone through with them," Adelle said from behind the door. "Luna... is she.. one of your familiars? If so, w-which one is she?" Adelle then asked, steeling her nerves again and stepping back into the room, but not looking at the grisly scene before her, and moving around it as wide as she could, to look at the kitsune's things.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As Adelle retreated to throw out her food, she could see Lucrezia wind down, the magics poofing out as the situation was clear to them all. She moved onward to investigate the room, but Luna was still having a hard time as she remained hidden behind the emotionless Blaze. "She is mine, yes... and this is kinda the reason why I did not show her earlier. Kuroyuki is her name, and she is a powerful, corrupt yuki-onna spirit. Worst thing... I'm not sure if I can get her to leave soon...." she explained the situation, stubbornly refusing to go any further into the room.

As she got into the room, Adelle got to hear some more sounds of flesh getting torn and devoured as the ghost ate up. Despite the look of it, there was a hoarse sound of pain to be heard as well, the fox apparently still having some life in her. Lucrezia had not missed out on the conversation between the two, and was in the mind of resolving this situation fast. While the busty girl could not see it, she could hear the powerful wizardess make some invocations, followed by a shrill scream as she banished the snow ghost.

The room was pretty lavish, everything being rather expensive-looking and made from fine materials. But there was little in the way of weapons, most of that stuff probably being stored in the scroll rack and the bookcase near it that formed the study of the fox woman.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After getting back inside and listening to Luna's explanation, Adelle was pondering how to get rid of the... evil snow spirit, she presumed that she was evil anyway, from the way Luna was talking anyway. Adelle felt tears brimming up in her eyes when she heard the pained noise coming from the kitsune, again feeling that despite what all she'd thought and said, she'd never do something this gruesome. Thankfully, Lucrezia banished the spirit woman away, and Adelle felt a lot more... at ease.

"I... I can't leave her like this, no matter what she did," Adelle said softly, easing her way over to the Kitsune, and barely glancing at her as she put her smaller pistol to her head, and pulled the trigger, putting her out of her misery and agony, if she was still alive that is, unless Luna, Lucrezia, or someone else stopped her from doing so that is.

After that, Adelle looked around the room, trying to not look at the kitsune anymore as she did. Adelle went over to the study and motioned the others to come over with her to look at the scrolls and stuff. "So, what are these scrolls? Magic stuff I don't know anything about?" Adelle asked, trying to change the subject away from the kitsune, before she looked around at the more expensive things to see what all was there, for Adelle never passed up an opportunity.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I suppose that is the best path to take here. I don't have much knowledge in the healing arts, and it would take skilled user to prevent her death. With what we have here, it would only delay the inevitable an hour or two at best." Lucrezia seemed to agree, not appearing to have much hostility against this fox despite what their plans for her had been. Luna was still a little too fearful to step into the room, remaining at her earlier spot outside and behind Blaze. With no objections to be had, Adelle was free to end the misery, and she did exactly that. With the gun blowing their face up, the kitsune perished without further pain.

"Yes indeed. Those are magic scrolls and books. I don't think you have much benefit to gain from those." Lucrezia confirmed Adelle's suspicions about the scrollery and books. While those were not valuable to her, there were some high-quality furniture items around, along with a small lockbox that contained a few pieces of jewelry. One was a necklace made from silver, sporting a blue jewel as the centerpiece. Another one was a silver hairpin with a flower decoration, the flower having a red jewel in the middle of the petals. Underneath those was the final piece, or pieces rather. These were a paired set of yet more silver chain, apparently earrings or something with small pieces of pink crystal on the opposite sides of the attachment loops. If nothing else, these things told that the fox had a liking for silver.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle closed her eyes as she pulled the trigger, once Lucrezia had spoken and they came to the conclusion that the best they would manage here would be delaying the inevitable death of the kitsune. After putting her out of her misery and heading over to the scrolls and whatnot. "Ugh, I hated doing that to her, but leaving her like that was worse I think," Adelle said, a bad taste left in her mouth after that, though that may be because of the vomit, she thought. "And no I can't do anything with those. So I say take the magic stuff if you really want it. I mean Luna could probably tinker with it, but you know," she added, looking at the jewelry.

Adelle decided that she would take the jewelry as part of her spoils of what had happened, considering she'd taken the brunt of the torture really, at least she felt she had anyway, what with being impregnated by the arachne girl. After looking the various pieces over, Adelle took the lockbox and put it into her backpack. Looking around, Adelle got a good look at the other furniture, to see if there was anything she could perhaps salvage out of the whole thing, though if there wasn't, she would settle for the jewelry box.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"She might. Rachaela too. As much as an ordeal this has been for her, she will probably walk out with more skill and variety in her spell selection if she is inclined to pick some of these up." Lucrezia stated as she went to have a look at a few scrolls, the doctor trailing her every move under the veil of near invisibility.

The furniture was made up of chairs and a table for them, a make-up table, a bed and a couch, each of them made from luxury materials. One could only wonder where they had found this stuff. There was a closet too, that one being a little less fancy, filled with the departed fox's clothing. The articles might not be the best gear to have as they had been made with adjustments to allow one's tails the freedom they needed. The size was not good either as she had been smaller compared to Adelle and her chestiness.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I'll hold onto them for her then, see if she wants to look at them later," Adelle replied, taking the magic scrolls and whatnot and putting them into her backpack too. "Hmm, I wonder if I could somehow take this fancy bed and stuff back home. I wouldn't mind having a nice bed there, and I suppose we could take the clothes to Josephine, see what she can do with them," she added, looking around to Luna and Lucrezia.

"Could either of you magic the bed and these things back to my place by chance? I... admit I don't know how magic works, so I dunno if it's even possible," Adelle asked the girls.