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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Ouchie... that was something I was not expecting to happen. Should not have underestimated the booze." was the first thing Rachaela would say as she got to her senses proper and realized what was going on around her. The restless and no doubt kinda sweaty sleep she had been in had left the mage somewhat messy as her makeup was going down her face, a thing that she and the rest of the sisters probably had to contend with when they did not have the time to wash themselves. Yet it was a little odd to see on Rachaela, who was consistently the neatest of the foursome, at least when it came to personal hygiene and appearance. With her gear on Adelle, she could actually get back into dress, the whole ordeal of it giving a brief glimpse to the world of the sister group and what they went through daily to keep up appearances. But the small sister was soon back in gear with some help given, looking like her usual self, a slightly disheveled and messy one. She was still wobbly on her feet, but looked like she would manage to get around at least a little bit.

By the time they got moving again, the undead samurai fellow had disappeared from the corridor, probably banished by Lucrezia as she had not followed Luna and Adelle in right away. It looked like the way was clear, the whole cave complex now in a dead silence spare the sounds that the group made when they moved around.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well you are little, so booze probably has a bigger effect on you than someone like me, or her," Adelle said, gesturing over at the oni, chuckling a bit.

Adelle helped Rachaela get cleaned up a bit and back into her dress, finally noticing that Rachaela and the rest all wore makeup a lot of the time apparently, and kept up their appearance as the prim and proper group they were. It was quite amazing actually, Adelle thought to herself, and she also thought that maybe she ought to try and pretty herself up some too later on maybe.

"Well... I don't suppose that you want to really stay here do you, miss? I'm sure that you could find plenty to do in the city if you'd like to join us," Adelle asked the oni once Rachaela was ready to go and whatnot, the busty girl looking to the big horned woman curiously, and waiting for an answer before she led the way to her bike and whatnot so they could leave, and Adelle would let Rachaela lean on her along the way unless the oni decided to tag along with them, in which case she would let the oni woman carry Rachaela if she wished, since she clearly liked Rachaela.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Like what exactly? I sure as blazes ain't going to stay here in this charnel cave, but is the human city really a place for someone like me to be in? I'm not sure the humans are open-monded enough to let an oni in their midst, especially the ones who don't know better." the oni questioned the idea, not being entirely sure that her presence would be welcomed into the city. And she had some truth in there for sure, as it might not be the most welcomed thing to see a seven-foot, muscular monster of a woman in the streetscape.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm... guarding stuff perhaps for people, I mean you do look quite strong and intimidating. The Hunter's guild we work through is always looking for able bodied people too of course, and you earn respect and money working for them," Adelle replied, looking over at Lucrezia and Rachaela for help on this, as she didn't feel that she could really leave the poor oni woman here, no matter what she'd done to them before, but she also didn't really know where she could go now.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Really now... If there is a spot for a nonhuman like me out there, might as well gry out this city thing. Even if it is not maybe my ideal choice of surroundings." the oni started to come around, and some further encouragement from Lucrezia completed the shift. Getting up from her position behind the table, the oni scooted over to the bed area, finding her patterned robe and throwing it on. Picking one of the four clubs from the rack, she hefted the heavy thing onto one shoulder, another getting occupied by one of the many booze jars. "I'll come for the rest later."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"There's a few non humans I think that work with the Hunters that we do," Adelle said with a shrug, heading out with the others to collect her bike. "So... how far from town are we?" Adelle asked curiously as they returned to where her bike was at.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The whole non-human statement was further confirmed by Lucrezia, who was highly likely to be more well-versed in the varied members of the loose group than Adelle. That being said, the collective group made their way back towards the exit, Adelle having to take the brief trip into the storeroom for her bike. At the actual cave entrance, the remaining of Lucrezia's familiars being there and waiting for her. The powerful mage took a minute to pet the flame-maned horse, eventually climbing onto it's back. "About three hours on foot. Not quite that long with your vehicles or steeds, I'd imagine." the oni told her estimate about the distance when asked.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I see, well that's not too bad I suppose. Um... can that big guy carry more than just you Lucrezia? I don't think my bike can carry more than me and one other," Adelle said once they got to the entrance, with Adelle cranking up her bike after checking the gas to see how much she had left, and ready to move once they had decided who was going to sit/ride where, with Adelle offering the spot behind her to Luna, Rachaela, or the oni woman whose name she still didn't know.

Once they had decided all of that, Adelle would rev the engine and once her passenger was on board behind her and holding on, Adelle set off back towards town, driving at a decent pace that Lucrezia's steed could keep up with.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Of course. He is a proud stallion and would not be sure of himself if a few of us humanoids got the better of him with our simple weight." Lucrezia confirmed that the fire horse would indeed be able to carry both of them and even the belongings of the oni on him. Just to confirm that, the horse puffed a few clouds of contemptuous black smoke from his nostrils, making sure he was not looked down at. Rachaela would take the second seat of the bike after Luna told her to do so, the option she took being on one of Blaze's arms. The chandelier monster appeared to be easily capable of taking her around, so it seemed natural for them to do this. All things considered, being able to go against the laws of normal physics made the ghost thing a capable mount, and probably a hard impact creature as well if it decided to use it's bulk in such a manner.

The time outside was very early morning apparently, probably around the 5 am mark. The city was not looking too bad as they approached, the outskirts being quiet at that particular hour.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright then, let's go," Adelle said, mounting up on her bike.

Helping Rachaela onto her bike, Adelle smiled and gently pulled the small mage girl's arms around her waist, and revved the engine up and prepared to go once the others were ready. Heading out, Adelle drove at a quick, but relaxing pace, and when they neared the city, Adelle sighed with relief, thankful that they were now so close to home again.

"So... by your place first, Lucrezia? See about that tengu or whatever the hell she was that seemed to think she owned your home now," Adelle asked the woman curiously as they neared the city.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As the trip had gone by, it almost looked as if Rachaela had been sleeping against Adelle's back, though that was probably not the case. She would have fallen off the bike rather easily if that had really happened. More likely, she was just extremely relaxed or still feeling the effects of the oni booze.

"I don't think that's necessary. We can go and make that circle in your house, and then I can go home. I'd rather not make too many rounds at the moment." Lucrezia stated her opinion, not apparently having too much concern for the house takeover. The oni was quick to offer her help to the situation as well, telling them that she would probably be able to speak the tengu out of the situation without any need to get hostile. "She too is a long-time friend, just got sick of the company back there and decided to go out on her own after being this far away from the rest of them. Despite the boisterous talk she puts up, that lady is just lonely at heart."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright, that's fine with me Lucrezia. And I see... well, I'll let Lucrezia handle that, since it's her home and whatnot," Adelle replied to the two, before she revved the engine and drove on back down to the city, heading for her home in particular first so she and Lucrezia could get those things she'd decided to collect from the kitsune's lair.

When they arrived at her place, Adelle sighed softly and stopped her engine once she'd pulled into the garage, climbing off and helping Rachaela off too. "Alright, whenever you're ready Lucrezia, and Rachaela, why don't you head on upstairs for now and rest a bit, okay, I'll head over to the bar to inform Samson of what happened," Adelle told Rachaela while she and Lucrezia prepared to do the spell to bring the new things there.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The sight of a flame-maned and flame-tailed black horse, not to mention the large ghost chandelier, would surely have caught the sight of most people with eyes, but thankfully there was little in the way of people to stumble across in the early morning hours. Even the predatory night thugs appeared to have retreated back to their hideyholes already, but the average band of city bandits would probably not have been a been much of a threat to the current gathering of ladies and creatures unless they had something real powerful to use against the monsters. And even that might have not sufficed if Luna or Lucrezia got to throw their magical power and summonable allies into the fray. Luna possessed some powerful familiars, but somehow it was a thing in Adelle's mind that they had only seen a part of what the powerful first hunter would be able to bring out if the pressure was there. With that situation, there was no opposition keeping them from making way to the house as soon as possible.

No further attacks or vandalism of any sort had happened in Adelle's absence, probably being a sign that she was safe from Miguel and his thugs at the moment. The crew went right in, Lucrezia's familiar remaining outside to wait for them as they still had to go to her house eventually and walking was not in the mage's desires that time. Having the idea of the dimensions needed, she started to scrawl the second circle onto the middle of the garage floor, this time doing all the little details in reverse, possibly to indicate that this was the exit portal. In just a few short minutes, she was already chanting, the climax of which was a poof of light and all the stuff appearing in the place where the drawn circle had been just seconds ago.

As this had gone by, Rachaela had made her way up to the living floor, to the toilet by the sounds of it as the water ran a bit. The oni had been following the proceedings from the garage door, not coming in as she was not wanting to take too much space from the garage, the place getting fairly crowded once the stuff was there. And of course, she had mostly been keeping her eye on Rachaela, at least until she went off upstairs at least.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Thankfully, no thugs bothered them any on their way back through town, so they were able to pass without much trouble, much to Adelle's delight. When they reached her place, Adelle was happy to see her home hadn't been broken into in hers and Luna's absence, as she pulled into the garage after opening it up. Once inside her garage, Lucrezia's familiar stayed outside while the thing' master went to perform the magics they had talked about.

Adelle watched Lucrezia perform the spell to bring everything from the dungeon outside of town, to her garage, that she had put inside of that circle. While Lucrezia did her thing, Adelle watched as Rachaela went up to the bathroom to get cleaned up. "Ah... thank you Lucrezia. I appreciate it. I gotta go let Samson know that we found you and everything here shortly. But until then, please, come on upstairs and get yourselves a drink. I'll go through this stuff shortly," Adelle told Lucrezia, inviting her and the oni upstairs to the home itself as she shut and locked the garage door, and once up there she'd get them a soda or a beer to drink, whichever they preferred, before getting herself cleaned up a bit so that she could head to the bar and whatnot.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With the offer to go up, the oni left her luggage at the garage floor and moved on up after Lucrezia. Neither of them really wanted to take any canned liquids, Lucrezia simply wishing for some water while the oni said she was fine, falling back to her gourd was an option of needed. Luna did not skip on the opportunity though, drinking up a can of soda without too much hesitation. Being back home appeared to have eased her tension a good bit. Rachaela briefly passed by them as she exited the bathroom, the drippy makeup now gone from her face as she went on to have another lie down on Adelle's couch. Oddly enough, Buddy appeared to have no problem with it, and he had been somewhat territorial about the couch when Mariela had been around to sit on it. He even parked himself against the tiny mage, pressing his back to her lap as he too sought to sleep some. Luna's familiars appeared to be absent, though a look into the bedroom revealed that Banie was there, laying motionless on the bed as he was usually prone to do. Outside, Adelle could see Boris pass by his window, the exposed upper body suggesting that he had probably just woken up in the early hours they were at.

With the state of the house being what it was, there was little to keep Adelle from her chores.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Nodding to everyone as she got the drinks for those that desired them, Adelle returned and handed a glass of water to Lucrezia, a soda to Luna, and popped a can of her beer for herself. After sitting down for a few minutes to rest her weary legs, Adelle sighed and then went to clean herself up, once she'd finished her beer. "Alright girls, I'll be back in a few minutes, gonna wash up real quick," Adelle said, going to the bathroom now that Rachaela was out, and doing just that.

Now freshened back up, Adelle walked out of the bathroom and stretched as she went to her bedroom to grab clothes, just strolling through completely naked without much worry, and grabbing herself some fresh clothes to put on, deciding on one of her simple white T-shirts, one of her cute blue thongs, and nothing else for now, though she did carry a pair of her jeans to wear as she headed back to the living room with everyone else, checking the clock to see if it was too late or early to go say hi to Samson and apprise him of the situation.

"Alright, soon as the bar's open, I'm gonna head over there to have a talk with Samson, let him know we're back, and that the guild may have a new, pretty damn strong member," Adelle said, as she plopped down on the couch and laid her head back onto the back of it to rest a bit for now, still in nothing but her thong and shirt, and setting her jeans on the couch arm.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There was little to hold her back from doing things, so Adelle got to clean up and re-dress. She got to the couch soon enough, there being enough space for her to avoid sitting on Rachaela and Buddy, but she still had to sit normally as the mage took two spots while laying down with the cat or whatever he was. It was still a bit unclear, and the guy could or would not really tell about it himself.

After a bit of time went on, Lucrezia got up from her seat, proclaiming that she would be going home. The oni too decided to go along, the two having talked about it a little and the mage agreeing that she would let the oni talk to the tengu before any violence would be used. Of course the mage was thankful of the hospitality, but did not want to be a bother too long. She would also state that she would let Adelle do the informing to the guild, as she might not leave home for the rest of the day. Unless Adelle had something to further to ask or wanted something else, the two would find themselves out, their departure leaving her with the half-sleeping and still probably powerless Rachaela, and Luna of course, who was looking a bit weary as well, nowhere as bad as the mage sister though.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As Adelle sat there on the couch, not minding having to actually sit, she sighed softly and rested her eyes until Lucrezia mentioned that she would be heading on now. "Hmm? Oh okay, sorry bout that, was starting to nod off a bit. Here, let me see you both out then. And thank you again Lucrezia, for the magic and stuff before. If you need anything though girls, don't hesitate to ask. You want something to take with you to drink along the way? I got some sodas and stuff, and was probably gonna go get more today anyway," Adelle said, jerking awake a bit as she got up to see the two out, not even bothering putting her pants on as she opened the front door for them to let them out, grabbing them both a soda to drink on their way.

Once they had left, Adelle went over to the couch and gently scooped Rachaela up, and carried her to the bed, deciding to grab a little nap for two or three hours herself before heading in to find Samson and chat with him. "Hey Luna, you alright hon? Come on, let's take a nap and stuff, you look like you need it, and I know I do," Adelle told Luna after taking Rachaela to the bed and coming back, gently taking her hand and leading her into the bedroom, where she set her alarm clock to go off in 3 hours to wake them back up, or at least her, and she'd pull her shirt and thong back off, roll into bed with Luna in tow. Once in the bed, she pulled Rachaela and Luna against her as they all got some sleep for now, until the alarm clock went off of course.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Both of the exiting females politely refused the offered soda, saving her some cans, but they did not see any issue with Adelle helping them find their way out. Just like that, they were out of there, the oni collecting her booze pot and club on the way out as she had left them in the garage. The garage was fine for now, but would need to be rearranged in case the busty girl wanted to fit something else in there besides the bike and the stuff pile.

Getting picked up was not something Rachaela had been expecting, and neither did Buddy by the looks of him, but the mage was easy enough to get along as she certainly had no objection to going on a bed instead of the couch. Luna was equally caught by surprise as she was being led to the same place. "Not much wrong, just the usual. A bit tired maybe, I had to follow that lady mage's psychic beacon on foot. It was a lot of walking in the middle of the night." she explained, the hours spent on walking proving to be exhaustive on her. She did not look the best physical specimen when it came to fitness, so this was not too hard to imagine. Soon there were a bunch of ladies in the same bed, and they could take a good nap as the early hours were not a time they were necessarily needing to be active, especially as they had been going through a good part of the night.

The clock did eventually beep and buzz to bring the trio back into the waking world, the time being something around 9.30 am by them, a much more reasonable time to start getting active. Luna was the quickest of the three to get up for once, slogging her way to the fridge for a drink as soon as she got up, having a serious case of bed head after that brief rest. Rachaela appeared to fare better, though she was not quite as quick to get up, giving herself some lie down time before eventually moving up.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"And I thank you for coming for us. If you hadn't, we may never have gotten out of there hon," Adelle told Luna, giving her a hug after setting Rachaela down before getting in bed to sleep.


After they woke up, Adelle rolled out of bed a minute or so after Luna had, getting to the bathroom to get ready to go out to the bar. She got them a quick little breakfast cooked up for the three of them, and a smaller portion for Buddy. After she had eaten, Adelle got dressed, grabbed one of her pairs of short shorts, a blue shirt, grabbed her pistols, one sword, and her submachine gun and a couple of extra magazines for it, and then she headed down to the garage and got her bike out, and headed to the bar. Before leaving though, she would ask Rachaela if she wanted to stay there and rest a while longer, or get a ride back to her place to change into more proper clothing first.