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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With the plan set in place, the two ladies got a move on. The teacher did not let them go right away though as she only saw it proper to introduce herself before they went. "Suzanne. Hopefully a teacher in the future." she would say, offering a firm shake of the hands. Just as her earlier mannerisms had been, Suzanne's walk too was as sexy as they got, firmly keeping the attention of most male hunters until they were out of the door.

Outside, there was a silly sight waiting as another bike was parked near Adelle's, but it was not quite the same thing as hers. It was a plain white-framed female's bicycle, even having a basket at the front to make it as stereotyped as possible. And the owner was not far as Suzanne sat on it, revealing that it was her movement option of choice.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Adelle, and pleasure to meet you, miss Suzanne. And I hope that this school thing really works out for you and those helping you. I'll do my best to make sure it can happen," Adelle replied, shaking the woman's hand and smiling before they went, with her noticing the quite sexy walk the woman had, which made even Adelle stare a bit along with most of the male hunters in there.

When they got outside and Adelle saw the bicycle parked next to her motorcycle, she wondered for about 2 seconds who it belonged to, until she saw Suzanne sit down on the thing. "Well, I suppose I'll need to go slow then to stay with you. Lead on," Adelle told Suzanne as she started her bike's engine and prepared to head out with her new companion, and driving slow enough to stay with the other woman.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Suzanne gave Adelle a funny look, almost looking she had taken the comment about going slow in some personal way. But she made no comment of it, instead turning her cycle about to start the going on. And she was not quite as slow as one might imagine, actually having a good deal of speed to go with as they went, even without having one of those road speeder types of bike. Clearly she had ridden a bicycle for years and had accumulated the conditioning and technique to be fast with it.

They went through the city, the bicycle ahead of her guiding Adelle towards the southern parts of the city. Eventually, there was an area with a more open space, and on this open space, the school building. The place was an older variety of building, built with red and cream bricks for the most part. It would probably be able to have some two hundred children there at max capacity, or at least that was the estimate Adelle got from the looks of it just by the frontal view. A chain link fence went around the perimeter, torn down at certain areas, and there were a few broken windows on both floors that were visible on the front. The place really did look like it would need a thorough renovation to get into a proper facility again. Suzanne had probably seen it all a few too many times as she did not really even pay attention to the outside. She drove her little bike to the front doors, which had a hole in the left one. Hopping off, she set her bike against the wall near the doors. "Right, here we are. The place is a big square basically, two floors, large-ish inner courtyard with a field and pool for P.E, according to some rumors I've heard."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Seeing that Suzanne didn't comment verbally on what she'd said about going slow to stay with her, Adelle didn't say more, feeling that she didn't want to antagonize further, since she apparently had in some way. Heading through the streets, Adelle saw that Suzanne's abilities on her bicycle were actually fairly good, and she was able to make good time. Staying with the woman, Adelle saw them coming up to a large open space, where she saw what she could only assume was the school building in question.

Pulling her own bike up to a halt next to Suzanne's, Adelle cut the engine and popped the kickstand out, and locked the thing down as she got off. "Hmm... not as big as I was thinking it was gonna be. Makes clearing it out easier though I guess. Wanna take a look around the grounds first before heading inside?" Adelle said as she looked into her little box on her bike to see about getting her gear out and ready, just in case, slinging her sword over her shoulder, and getting her submachine gun out, and pulling her little backpack up too, which held her extra ammo that wasn't on her belt.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well yes, it is not the biggest. But it is the biggest still standing, so we might as well use it instead of letting it go decrepit even further and collapse." Suzanne basically agreed but did not still want to see the good building go to waste. She agreed to take a trip around the outer edges of the school first, the inner courtyard might require that they go through the building as there were no direct ways to go there, at least not on the front side. Doing this might get them some idea as to what there was inside, considering the windows were only waist-high from the ground and allowed easy sights inside the class rooms on the lower floor.

And it did not take them farther than behind the first corner to come across something out of place. The corner classroom, which had only 15 or so student desks, had some suspicious things laying about. On one of the desks, there was a bizarre creature, somewhat like an octopus. It certainly had the usual tentacles of one, but the head portion of the thing was far more sinister-looking. Made from black, angular metal plates, it had a large mechanical eye thing in the middle of it that did not move really, maybe suggesting inactivity. The tentacles were hanging towards the floor while the metallic head part stood upright on desk, the only sign of life being the translucent slime that the tentacles dripped now and then. And the thing did not appear to be alone, another two occupying the teacher desk and the supply locker top respectively.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Indeed. Was merely thinking it to be a bit bigger than this is all," Adelle replied, moving with Suzanne around the building to get a good lay of the land around it, and using the windows around the building to get a look inside.

When she spotted the strange octopus like creatures within one of the classrooms, Adelle's eyes narrowed slightly, and she gave a little nod to herself. "Mmm, those could be troublesome. Alright, Suzanne, I hope you don't mind getting a little dirty maybe. If you want to take stock of everything that needs fixing out here on the outside of the place, I'll head on inside and see about clearing those things, and the rest of whatever may be inside, out," Adelle said, glancing over at the woman to see if she would be heading on inside with her now or not, and preparing to move in through the nearest of the doors.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"That can wait for a time when there is nothing to possibly harass the builders." Suzanne opted out from the lone check-up tour, simply sticking with Adelle as they went back to and through the main entrance. There was an entrance main hall kind of room behind those doors, but fortunately there was nothing waiting to attack them in the room. They could follow the corridor to the left, passing a few empty rooms and the stairs on the way towards the open door of the class where they had caught sight of the odd biomechanic things.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright then, let's move on," Adelle said, moving back to the front doors and preparing to push inside.

Looking around inside the entryway, Adelle saw nothing laying in wait for them thankfully, meaning that those things she saw through the window may be the only things here. "Want to check the room out those things were in, and see if they're hostile? Or since we know they're there, you wanna check out the other path first? You're the boss here," Adelle asked Suzanne, but kind of wanting to clear that room out first herself.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Might be better if you made the serious combat decisions. I'm not the best when it comes to strategy." Suzanne passed the decision to Adelle as she got her pointer thing out and extended it to full. It did not look like the most intimidating of weapons, but was probably better than nothing with it's metal construction.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright. Well we might as well go on down to check those things out, see what that's all about," Adelle said with a shrug, heading down the path towards that classroom. "If you need an extra weapon to fight, then here," Adelle then told her companion, pulling her kukri out and offering it to her before they headed on down.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I'm sure I'll manage." the teacher turned down the offer for the weapon, simply keeping to her pointer for some reason. This did not stop the two from going on however, a few quick steps taking them to the edge of the door where they could peek in. The peek appeared to be enough to alert the bio-octopi though, the one in the middle of the room starting to wiggle it's tentacles around before some internal mechanism made it jet into the air by the force of some unseen gas pushing it off the desk. It floated and turned towards the door, the eye on it opening to reveal a glowing green lens. The thing started to make weird poofing noises that sounded like valves venting steam at different strenghts and speeds, which alerted the two others as well, and they too took themselves off the ground as the first one moved in to investigate what was there in the corridor.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle simply nodded and re-sheathed her kukri where it was on the back of her belt, and moved on. Creeping along the hallway, Adelle peeked into the specific room that the tentacled things were in, and when she saw them, the one in the middle of the room appeared to have spotted her too, or had at least been alerted that someone or something was in the hall. Ducking back quickly, Adelle glanced over to Suzanne, and motioned to her to duck into the next room for cover, where she pushed the door closed until just a bare crack was left open for them to see through, where she peeked out at the thing if it came into the hallway proper.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

At Adelle's gesture, the two retreated back to the earlier room on the corridor, which was a little supply and cleaning closet that took them both without too much hassle, though they had to share the room with an old bucket and broom handle. Looking through the crack allowed them to see that the thing was in fact in the hallway, turning around and taking looks down both sides of the hall before starting to the direction of the girls. The floating took it past them, the door apparently acting as a good enough mask to avoid detection, and the thing probably did not have enough intelligence to carry out a proper type of search. The two others were soon in the corridor as well, looking around in a somewhat confused manner.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Ducking into the room next door seemed to be a good idea, as the things didn't seem to notice them as they started making their way out into the hallway. Adelle sighed softly, and looked over to Suzanne for a moment. "Do you know what those things are?" Adelle asked in the barest of whispers, keeping a close eye on them until they were out of sight of the door, where she very slowly pulled the door open, and peeked out to see which way the things had gone. "I'll see if I can tell what they're doing and follow them a bit, to try and find a good chance to take them out, stay low okay, I don't want to shoot at them if I can help it, just because it'll definitely alert the others. I don't know what they'll do if they catch us, but... well, better I check it out first than you, since you are paying me to help clean this place out and all," Adelle then whispered to Suzanne, creeping out to try and shadow one of them that may go alone to elsewhere in the school building, and hoping that none of the other detected her and Suzanne.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I wish I knew. I heard there were some unscrupulous people using this building as a base of operations, but the rumors might have been wrong. Unless... they actually built those. The things don't look too natural, so I'd imagine they are some sort of twisted experiment by an equally disturbed mind." Suzanne commented on the octopi things as Adelle made a new plan for them. This time around, she did not try to come along, and the coast was soon fairly clear as the one who had passed them went along, turning the corner as it did. The other two split up, one returning to the class room while the other started to go the opposite direction to the first. There were two different ones to follow now, though the first one was probably the safer bet as the second one might have the one in the class room looking out to the corridor, and passing by the open door would likely lead to detection, unless the one in the class was not actually looking.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Likely so. Be careful for now, and stay low, miss Suzanne," Adelle whispered to her companion, nodding in agreement and slipping out and following the things as stealthily as she could.

She decided to stick to the one that went off by itself for now, motioning for Suzanne to stay there for now in hiding, while she tracked the first one to leave, and hoping that she could catch it off guard, while the other two stayed down here. She'd rather take one by itself, than as to try and take the two together, and risk the third coming back after making a patrol round, where she felt that she'd likely get obliterated by them.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Sticking to what they agreed, Suzanne kept herself hidden in the closet for now, the company she was giving surely making the broom handle there happy.

The weird fusion monster kept on going the way it did, slowing down a bit as it did not appear to find any targets. Still, it kept on going the predicted route, apparently aiming to take a full round of the school's lower floor before returning to the class where it had been. The thing was looking around as it went, but did not really look back too much, turning to the sides here and there to check out the rooms that were open while looking out to the inner courtyard through the windows as well.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Following the thing along, Adelle saw that it was indeed patrolling, or at least that's what it looked like anyway. She kept following, until the thing went into one of the rooms at the far end of the school from the room they had all been in together. When it went inside, Adelle crept around quickly and slipped in behind it, shutting the door behind her, and ducking behind any cover she could to observe it. If it saw her though, she'd draw her sword from over her shoulder, and get ready to fight, as she looked around for any advantage she could find.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Following the thing was easy enough, but it did not really want to go into any rooms it looked like. Having passed to the opposite side of the main entrance corridor, the thing had not gone into any of the rooms, simply sticking to looking into them from the corridor. It would soon reach another corner and start to take another longer corridor that the ladies had not yet seen, though the layout would probably be fairly similar from the look of things.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Seeing the thing not going into any rooms, Adelle inwardly sighed, and kept following. Until it started down the hall around the corner, and well out of sight of the other room they had been in. She waited until it stopped, or if it didn't, then she would pull out a or some debris if she could see any, which she would then toss into one of the open rooms down this corridor, to get its attention, where she would hide and wait for it to go check the noise out, and try to ambush it, jumping in on its back to see if she could knock it out without having to kill it.