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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

All appeared to be going according to plan as the creature was too focused on going along the path it had been possibly programmed into, who knew. With some debris available, Adelle could do her trap maneuver with the aid of a brick half. And as basic as this was, it appeared to work fairly good as the poofing sounds of gas flight started to come back towards her and the room. With the thing coming right in, she could get the jump on it, finding that the head was big enough to cling on and had some places between the plates where she could hold on. Bringing down the hammer with the pommel, she made a dent on the thing's head armor as it was still a little caught off guard. But it did react eventually, the jets propelling it backwards and hitting them both against the back wall. While it was a bit painful to get sandwich-slammed between the thing and the wall, Adelle managed to hold on.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Seeing the piece of brick laying on the floor to use, Adelle scooped it up as she followed the creature down the hall. Tossing the brick and making the noise, Adelle waited for the thing to creep inside, where she jumped up and latched onto its head. She slammed the hilt of her sword into the back of its head, which dented the head armor, but didn't seem to do any significant damage. Then the thing reacted and retaliated against her, puffing the gas again and slamming her back into the wall, sandwiching her between it and the wall.

"Gah... b-bastard," Adelle grunted, the breath knocked out of her, but she managed to hold on with her left hand, and she tried to bring her sword hand up again to hit it a second time, her movements now more desperate since she was partially trapped.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The fight started from that particularly bizarre position, Adelle keeping her bashing up as the sword hit the head of the biomech octopus, slamming it hard twice and seeing a dislocation starting to form as the plate was starting to loosen from the rest of them. The third hit did not go quite as well, only resulting in a glancing blow that deflected harmlessly to the side. Even while it was getting pounded, the octopus was not without action of it's own as the long tentacles were brought out, the things easily wrapping the busty girl's legs up to keep her in place, the slime on them easily coming through the fabric of her blue jeans and making it feel a bit icky. More of the tentacles attempted to grab at her arms too, but that was thankfully not happening just then.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Smashing it a second time, Adelle saw that the armor was weakening some, and she went in for a third strike, only to have it not hit as well. The thing's tentacles wrapped around her legs, effectively pinning her in place on its back, where she began to panic a bit as the slimy liquid began seeping through her pants. It was an icky feeling kind of slime, but she did her best to bear with it for now, as she saw more tentacles coming for her arms, and she tried to keep them from grabbing them as she leaned back a bit to try and get out of their reach as she tried to smack the thing again.

"C-Come on, and just go down... please. I don't wanna kill you if I don't have to. Got to clear this place out to make it safe for the kids," Adelle grunted as she tried to hit the thing again.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After the earlier bit of fail, Adelle made the slam land home again, removing the plate with her fourth hit onto it. Before she could withdraw her arm, a tentacle lashed out and grabbed it, putting her into a somewhat sticky situation.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Slamming the thing once again, Adelle felt a small sense of victory before the thing sent a tentacle up and grabbed her sword arm, preventing her from hitting it again. "N-No dammit... let... go," Adelle grunted, trying to pull her sword arm free and letting go with her left hand and trying to pull the thing off her sword arm, which likely wasn't the best idea, but she had begun to panic a bit.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Maybe letting go was not the best idea. As she loosened her grip on the edge of the armor plate, Adelle found herself getting pulled down by the tentacles that were holding onto her legs. Swinging through the air a bit, she found herself underneath the floating mechaocto, suspended horizontally by her legs and sword arm. It was only for a quick few seconds though as the gas jets were cut off as the thing had a new plan of attack, dropping down instead of trying to maintain some form of aerial struggle. The creature landed onto the huntress, back still towards her as the eye of the unit was still away from her vision. It was not quite as heavy as one might expect, but was still a weight that was enough to keep her pinned if she let it. There was a splash of tentacle slime at the impact, and now that she was in her compromised position, Adelle was wrapped by many, many tentacles that ended up causing even more slime to stick to her. With that many sucker-laced appendages, a few of them managed to coil themselves onto questionable areas, some squeezing the majestic chest present while one slipped inside the girl's jeans, teasing her skin directly and even passing over her panties with a slimy swish. For all of it being there, the slime did not appear to have any practical use for the creature. The situation was not the best, but the busty girl was still not out from the fight.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Trying desperately to free her hand, Adelle was instead yanked downward by her legs, which were held by the other tentacles. "S-Shit, forgot about those," Adelle inwardly cursed herself.

The thing hung her there in its grasp just underneath it for a few moments before it pressed her down to the floor. She struggled a bit, though with both legs and her sword arm grabbed, it was tough to get much leverage really. She found that the thing wasn't nearly as heavy as she'd thought it was though thankfully, else she might have been crushed. The tentacles began wrapping her more and more as she was pinned, and Adelle felt her chest squeezed, making her breasts stick out more as they were grabbed by the things.

Adelle gasped as she felt another sliding into her shorts, and the slime felt just weird and made her shiver. She was about to bring her left arm up to punch the thing in the underbelly, but her punch came up short and weak when she felt the tentacle brush across her folds through her panties, letting out a little half yelp, half moan. "N-No no no... n-not gonna be that easy," Adelle whimpered softly, trying to swing her legs around as she reached down with her left hand to try and pull one of them free so she could then try and kick free of the tentacles.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The struggle against the creature went on, Adelle's efforts resulting in little besides her molestation going on a bit further. The octopus even managed to grab hold and restrain her other free arm, which made the situation look even bleaker as the tentacle grope got harsher, the suckers in the tentacles sucking and easing up in patterns as a few more tentacles went inside her pants to make it harder for her to focus or resist when combined with some harsh squeezing on the chest. The first one even went inside her panties a bit to swipe over her pussy with a slime touch.

But that appeared to be a wake-up call to the fighter in Adelle. Her struggles suddenly produced results, a determined trashing with the legs forcing the thing to hold on more with that side of the grapple, and the opening left her arms a bit loose, where she could do a sudden shove. With the surprise power behind it, the push was enough to make the thing lose grip completely, a few tentacles losing some of their mass as the bits tore off from being subjected the the sudden push and being under the busty girl. The creature stumbled back with a few awkward-looking flips before coming back to rest in an upright position a little distance away, leaving Adelle now face to face with the glowing green lens eye of the thing. It would probably take a few seconds for the thing to get it's jets on and get back to floating, which gave her some time to get back to her feet as well. The huntress was free, but had slime covering her in numerous positions and the grope time had left her somewhat aroused, despite the gooey awkwardness of being molested by an octopus.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Despite her struggles, the only thing Adelle managed to do was get her only free limb captured in the end. No sooner did it grab her left arm, than she saw and felt several more tentacles darting down into her shorts, and one slid its way into her panties. When she felt the thing brushing across her folds, Adelle moaned, and felt her body go weak for a few moments at the thing's touch.

"N-No I... w-won't lose... t-that easily!" Adelle cried out, wriggling as hard as she could and managing to struggle enough to free her legs, and then her arms just enough to push and get free completely.

Scrambling to her feet, Adelle shuddered, the feeling of that tentacle rubbing across her pussy making her have the mental image of this and the other two creatures like it all pounding her silly floating through her mind, until she shook her head clear. Panting softly, Adelle felt her nipples poking against her shirt, and she couldn't help but moan softly as they brushed against the inside of her wet slime covered shirt. As soon as she had gotten her bearings again, Adelle tried rushing the thing, before it could get its little jets back on to evade her, slamming the hilt of her sword into the thing's face as hard as she could manage.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With both of them on almost equal ground, the battle moved on to the second phase. Success was Adelle's to enjoy yet again, her plan of smashing octopi faces coming a reality as she hit home, nearly destroying the eye of the thing with her pommel blow to the noggin. The thing had a reply in kind, a very natural attack to one of octopial origin as it sprayed a jet of ink from a reservoir under the eye straight onto the busty girl's face, temporarily blinding her and probably giving her blackface to go with the loss of eyesight. But it was hardly a hinderance at that point, Adelle forcing her victory in as she ignored her blindness, delivering what was the final smash to the creature's face and sending it stumbling back, where it dropped to the ground with a clang and a few futile, fading jet puffs.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Rushing in seemed to be the right move, Adelle found, as she smashed the thing's face, the eye of the thing nearly destroyed by the blow. Then, the thing sprayed ink in her face, causing her to stumble back as she threw both hands up to her face as she cried out in pain as the stuff got in her eyes. She managed to retaliate though with a lucky blind hit to its face again though, where once she had wiped her face, and eyes clean enough, she saw that the thing was down miraculously.

"F-Fuck, m-my eyes, burning so bad," Adelle whimpered a bit as she sat down and pulled her backpack around to pull a washcloth out to wipe her face with to clean it up as best she could.

Once she could see again, Adelle moved over to the creature, and began taking a closer look at it, seeing what she could find out about the thing and studying it.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Despite her best effort to get the stuff off, Adelle still probably had some black make-up left after the spray, not to mention that it what did come off went to her hands instead. But at least she could see again, and that was probably the only thing that really mattered.

The creature was not all that different from a common octopus from the looks of it, but the mechanics attached to it were giving it a different look and appeared to have been contributing to it's growth as it was not as small as the average octo was. The various segmented plates of armor were only there to serve as just that, though the face plate with the eye lens was a different story. That thing was grafted onto the octopus' face, and removing it would likely kill the thing. It was also acting as some sort of gas director as there were a few different small pipes inside the armor that were funneling the natural body gasses to the jets that allowed flight for the creature. The normal amount would probably not be enough though, so there was probably something in the faceplate that acted as a stimulant for increased gas production. Some mad science appeared to be going on here, if this was of any indication.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Thankfully she was able to wipe her face off enough to be able to see again, and then moving over to the octopus thing. She didn't remove the face plate thing on the creature, because she figured that would outright kill the poor thing, and despite the fact that she had just been fighting the thing, she didn't want to kill it.

"Well... he seems to be out for now. Best get out and try to take care of the other ones now," Adelle muttered to herself, before she scooted things around in the classroom she was in, to try and keep the thing from getting back up, where she crept back out of the room and headed back towards the other things, and trying to see if she could spot them.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Doing her little trap to keep the octopus from getting back up, Adelle was fairly lucky to see that the time she had spent fighting this one had given the other one patrolling time to get the round over the other side, and it was now coming down this side of the corridors she and the classroom was in.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After scooting stuff around to hem the one in she'd just fought, Adelle started out and saw that one of the other two had made its way over to her position, and was now starting down the hall towards her. Adelle quickly ducked back into the classroom she'd fought the other one in, to try and wait for the other one to go past to ambush it in the hall in much the same way as she had the previous one.

"Well, it worked once, for the most part," Adelle thought to herself, before jumping out onto the other one.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The ambush was just about the same level of easy to pull off as the previous one had been, the jump letting Adelle take a good hit on the target, only to follow up with But this time around, it was not quite as easy to hold on, this particular octo not being one to grab her right away as it whipped her repeatedly until she fell off. Back on the ground, it extended a long needle out from the same hole where the other one had sprayed the ink from, apparently housing alternative equipment within the shell. The needle dripped something to the floor a bit, the liquid suggesting that it might not be the best thing if the busty girl got it into her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The things didn't seem to be as perceptive as she first though, but damn were they pretty strong, Adelle thought, as she jumped out at the second creature and smashed the hilt of her sword into it. She clung as tightly as she could, but this time around, she couldn't maintain her hold as well, as the thing whipped her until she was forced to let go. After landing on the floor flat on her butt, Adelle grunted and looked up, to see the long needle looking thing coming out of the creature.

"O-Oh shit... n-no, don't you dare," Adelle said, trembling at the look of then needle, as she scrambled to her feet and tried to quickly rush it, ducking under the needle, or swiveling her hips around to dodge it, where she'd try to slam the eye of this one with her sword to knock it out like the last one, and hoping she could get it done before whatever was in the needle was used on her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Going for the attack straight away, Adelle made a good shot with her bash right away, probably shaking the creature up as she slammed the face plate surprisingly easy. The creature was not going to be outdone though, coming straight back at her as she retreated, the much-feared needle piercing her shirt and into the shoulder as the octopus reached it's tentacles around to prevent her escape. And it did succeed, a few seconds of exposure happening before the busty girl could push it off with another slam to eye for an end to the injection. The stuff she had been injected with went into effect almost right away, an unsettling relaxation settling into the area where the injection had happened, going down her arm as it did. That was not her sword arm, but it might not be too long until she would end up weakening elsewhere too. But it was not looking too good for her opponent either, which appeared to be already having some trouble keeping itself balanced and going to the right direction.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Darting in, Adelle managed to hit the face plate of the creature, and it was visibly shaken from the looks of it. Inwardly, Adelle smirked, though her small victory was short lived, as it seemed to recover quickly. As she fell back, Adelle gasped as her eyes widened, when the needle came straight at her, piercing her shoulder. Adelle quickly tried to pull away, only to have the creature wrap a tentacle around her enough to prevent her escape from its grasp, the drug obviously being a muscle relaxing agent of some sort, as her body began to relax, before she was able to hit the thing again and force it back.

"S-Shit... damned drugs.... A-Alright big guy... come on. One last bout... w-winner take all I guess," Adelle panted softly to the creature, as she staggered back a bit, trying to move enough to keep the drugs from taking her down before she could take the thing down. Then she ran at it again, hoping to end it, before the drugs caused her to lose her balance, and jumping into the air to get a strong hit to the face plate to knock it out the rest of the way with the extra momentum from jumping.