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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Going through the routines of the morning was as easy as one could expect, everyone eating their parts and moving on after. Luna opted to stay at home some more, while Rachaela hopped on to the bike as expected. She did not want either of the options, instead asking to be dropped off at her own house where she would take the rest of the day off to regain her magical connection and hopefully be able to do something helpful in a pinch again. Without her magic, she was not going to much use, unless she had a gun, but even those would probably not be the best of options when it came to accuracy and being an inexperienced user with a relatively weak physique.

Assuming this was granted, Adelle would make it on her own, finding the bar to be in it's usual state with Mei at the door looking like her usual sleeping self. At Samson's table, Lucrezia was talking with the man, the oni and tengu both not too far away from them. It was apparently a new thing to see these kinds of people around for the usual hunters as the exotic two drew in the majority of the gazes in there, both male and female so it was not entirely a male gaze thing of noticing the new ladies, though there probably was a good bit of that too. Among the crowd was Shina, Mei's rival/friend, who was probably already looking for the first possibility to test herself against the oni's strength, but she was one to just go over and smack them one to initiate a fight. It would probably happen when there was a good and agreed upon spot in time.

The main table appeared to be a having a breakdown of yesterday going on, Lucrezia explaining her side of the experience.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle nodded to Luna, and then afterwards, Rachaela, when the smaller magical using girl of the two hopped onto the bike and asked to be taken to her place. "Alright hon, come on. I'll get you back there first and then let Samson know what all happened. I'll... leave out anything you want me to, and the obvious stuff, of course," Adelle told Rachaela as she headed out with her friend.

Adelle drove them to Rachaela's place, and helped her inside, where she bid her farewell for the time being, and told Rachaela's house companions to keep an eye on her while she rested. After that, Adelle headed back out to the bar, where she parked and headed inside, waving to Mei on her way past the door guard girl.

When she got inside, Adelle was surprised to see both the oni and the tengu in there with Lucrezia, and she noticed Mei's friend looking like she was itching for the first chance she could get, to fight with the oni. Adelle decided to grab a drink, and head over to Samson's table to help fill him in on what all had happened, well, anything that Lucrezia left out at least.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Rachaela did not really have much to hide, considering the worst thing she had gone though was the bondage and the power-draining kiss of the kitsune. Unlike Adelle herself, the mage had escaped the ordeal without too much issue after that, thanks to the oni's interception. Garagan did not really need to be instructed as he came to see them in, the colossus of a man picking Rachaela up and carrying her over to the rest quarters after she had briefed him a bit. It was just another display of the absolute devotion that the guy appeared to have towards his tiny-bodied charge.

At the bar, the situation was clear, and Adelle was given the option to take a seat next Lucrezia, who was still in the middle of explaining what she had gone through from the somewhat limited view that she had been in most of the time. But she was still fairly sharp about it, managing to come out with accurate descriptions about most of the things that had happened, despite having been blindfolded most of the time. She was not making any roundtrips about it either, basically going over everything she had heard and what the visualization of it was to her. Unfortunately, she could tell out what had transpired between Adelle and the spider, which resulted in some sympathetic and/or disgusted looks from the two leaders. In the end, there was fairly little that the busty girl could add, and it was not particularly relevant to anything even if she did.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Sitting next to Lucrezia after getting to the bar, once she had made sure Rachaela was alright and stuff, Adelle listened for the most part as Lucrezia seemed to know everything that had happened, despite being mostly unable to see. When Lucrezia didn't leave out what the spidery woman had done to Adelle, Adelle blushed and looked away a bit before nudging Lucrezia's leg with her own.

"You didn't have to mention that part you know," Adelle mumbled to her, before trying to bounce back with a cheerful smile so their leaders didn't think she was too distressed about what they'd been told. "Hey, better than being killed, right. Least I get to live to fight another day. Besides, I still got things I have to do in this life, and what doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger," she went on to say a bit louder, chuckling a bit before she sighed and leaned back in her seat, though it was likely obvious to Samson and company that Adelle was more just trying to put on a brave face and not let it show that it had gotten to her somewhat.

"So Samson, anything you need me for today?" Adelle asked curiously, trying to bounce back and not worry so much about what had happened.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yes, I suppose that is better than the alternative." Samson agreed, Shiulin looking like she was in agreement despite not saying anything about it all. For her part, Lucrezia did not appear to regret what she had said in any way.

"I might have something yes. But are you sure you want to go out there again this quick? That experience didn't make you want to have a day off?" Samson replied once asked about a new task. It did appear that he was not outright denying Adelle going out for the day, but was still having some concerns towards her well-being.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Mmm, maybe, I am a bit sore to tell you the truth. But, I need the extra money. Got to have extra to pay to repair my front door cos some of Miguel's thugs came the other night to try and... rough me up I think. Either way only one of them left alive because I wanted him to tell the story to not fuck with me, though I doubt he stayed alive after telling Miguel that he and his thug friends got creamed," Adelle said with a shrug. "If you're that worried about me though Samson, then how about something simple, or I can go see Elise and have her check me out and see if she can help the soreness," she went on to say, looking quite happy that Samson and Shiulin seemed concerned for her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"We'll think of something then. Go see Elise for a bit." Samson agreed, going into a hushed discussion as they pondered a smaller job to offer.

Having heard the discussion by all probability, the barkeep had already set the wheels in motion as he was at the slot that connected the counter and the kitchen, telling the big kitchen mama to send Elise over frontside. And that was what the happy-go-lucky kitchen assistant/house healer did, making it just as Adelle got to the counter. "What do you want? Where's the hurt?"
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright, thanks Samson," Adelle replied with a bright and cheerful smile, before getting up and downing the rest of her drink before bouncing off to see Elise.

"Well, kinda all over. Some... things happened yesterday that I'm not too proud of. I'll tell you a little more when we get back, I'd rather not be too public about it," Adelle said softly to Elise, and if she took her on back to get her checked out, Adelle would inform her of what all happened to cause the aching and whatnot. "I'm... really kinda sore down there. If you know what I mean," she added after she was done explaining.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Really now? Elise can fix that." the self-referencing girl replied as sooner as Adelle got past her initial reply, a ball of soft yellow energy starting to form between her hands as the busty girl went on with her explanation. There did not appear to be any need to go elsewhere as the ball acquired a certain size, which prompted Elise to pull Adelle's shirt up a bit and push the ball into her belly, where the energy of the ball spread out into a wave of feelgood that erased all the pains from before. "All better?" Elise asked as she let the shirt hem back down again.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I was sure you could do something about it Elise, thanks," Adelle replied with a smile when Elise told her she could fix her right up, telling her what had happened as she worked.

When the magic was done, Adelle sighed softly and nodded as her soreness vanished, the relief very thankful. "Aye, much better Elise. Thank you so much," Adelle replied, hugging the woman and pecking her on both cheeks in thanks, before she headed back out, unless there was more that Elise needed to do that is.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Of course, it's what I do." the healer replied. With no real need for further attention, Elise went back to her kitchen duties, if for no other reason than keeping the big momma in there from getting agitated.

Barside, the boss people had been joined by a new unknown person, probably a client by the looks of it. This one was yet another woman, a little older than the usual 20-somethings that appeared to be the mainstay of the female clients. There were obvious motifs to be seen in her choice of clothing, though she was certainly one of the sexy 30+ year old variety. Despite the teacher front she was showing, there was possibly something unknown to this one as they had a relatively sharp look in their eye, one that the glasses she had did not hide. And she was certainly aware of her sexy teacher status as she leaned back on the chair she was in, crossing her legs in that particular way that appeared to draw a good bit of the male gaze present in the bar room. Despite the pose, she would probably have a harder time convincing Samson than most other men, but it did not appear that she was trying to pull anything of the sort with him as they discussed.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As she headed back out to the bar, Adelle waved to Elise in thanks, and when back out front, she looked around and saw the newcomer there. Adelle wasn't entirely sure if she was a client, or one of Samson's people, but she was curious and so she headed over towards Samson's table where the woman was at. The woman, Adelle thought, was quite sexy looking, and mature. Quite the looker really.

However, if Samson gave her a look as if to tell her not to sit with them, because they were discussing business, Adelle would nod and head back to the bar for the time being and take herself a seat, and order another drink.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There was no signal to take a step back, the opposite of it actually as Samson gestured Adelle to stick closer so she too could hear what was going on. Apparently, this was a sudden new job that he was thinking about giving to her. The teacher lady basically explained that she was looking to clean out an old school building for restoration so it could be used for it's intended purpose again. "On behalf of my fellow teachers, we ask you people for aid. This city needs to have a working education to those who want it for their children. I'd do this myself but there might be some... undesirable elements of society slinking around that building, and thus I'd rather have someone with me to back me up and maybe help me persuade them into departing the grounds. Of course, you'll be provided a monetary compensation once we have a clean house." she stated her plans, not sounding like she's be too much use in a fight.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Seeing Samson not motioning her away, Adelle took a seat next to their table to listen in, ordering herself another drink to sip on while she listened. Hearing the woman out, Adelle actually felt interested, whether Samson asked her to go do this job or not, because she had a soft spot for children, and if it was to help them, she couldn't say no. It had been the time for the children that time she went to Priscilla to help the ones a while back.

Adelle glanced over at Samson after the woman was finished and smiled, flashing him a wink and motioned towards the back where Elise was and gave him a thumbs up, trying to let him know she was good to go if he wanted her to, and that she was feeling much better after what had happened.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Samson appeared to have noticed that the visit to the healer had gone by as he made a little nod about it to confirm his knowing of it. That was all about it really though as he quickly went on to ask if Adelle would like to take this one as her job of the day. "It might not be exactly what I had in mind, but if you want to take this job, I won't stop you from going. " he said. The teacher did not seem to have objections as she sat there, still in the same position as before.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Sure, sounds interesting. And besides, I like helping kids along. If this'll help make sure that they can grow and learn, then I'm all for it," Adelle said cheerfully, glancing over at the teacher and nodding to her. "Also Samson, you sending anyone else maybe? Or you think I ought to be able to handle it?" Adelle asked her boss, glancing back to him for a moment.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Bring someone else along if it encourages you. The pay will have to be split between you though as I only have the dedicated money for this job to give." the teacher spoke up before Samson had any input, basically answering for him. If they could get into agreement about the pay split, there would probably be no obstacle besides that to overcome if Adelle wanted to have a third member in the group for additional manpower.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, how about I take a look around the place, see what's what, and if I think I need someone else, then I'll go and find someone to help. Does that sound okay with you?" Adelle told the woman, waiting to see if she agreed with that idea or not, before making her final decision.

If she agreed, then Adelle would down the rest of her drink, wave bye to Samson, then head out with the teacher lady. If she didn't and told Adelle that she should get her help before they went, for whatever reason, then Adelle would nod and go see if she could find Mariela, Isabella, or Lacri, to see if any of them wished to accompany her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"If you want someone else, we should get them before we go. If it takes a little roundabout to get them, we can do that. But regardless of what you decide on that, I'm not staying here. We'll go together, just us two or with the third member too." the teacher explained what appeared to be her idea of the plan, though she was not going farther than that to try and assume some sort of mission control. Samson did not appear to be too concerned about this mission, unlike the previous few, which was making the whole thing look a bit better than the shady stuff from before.

None of the girls from the group were there at the moment, so it would probably take a trip into one of their homes or possibly some waiting time to get into contact with them.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm... none of the girls are really here either from the looks of it. Eh I think I should be able to handle it alright on my own. If I end up needing help, then we can back off if we absolutely need to, but I'm fairly confident in my abilities," Adelle replied, looking thoughtful for a few moments before she noticed that none of the girls were there, and that Samson didn't seem too overly concerned about this job. "Alright, let's head on out then whenever you're ready ma'am. I've got a bike out front," Adelle then said, getting up to prepare to leave.