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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I might, but it would take some preparation. I need to make markers for the target area and this place if I were to shift this much material around over longer distances." Lucrezia mentioned that she might be able to if they went through some efforts to make it happen. Luna did not have any alternatives, if her silence was of any indication, so it would take that back and forth if it was truly a thing that Adelle wanted to happen.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"That would be helpful if you could, cause it would just be a waste to leave it all here I think. I don't mind helping set up the markers though, and we can just bring the stuff to my garage or something, maybe the front of back yards, such as they are," Adelle replied, scratching her head a little as she stood there. "Could we set the stuff up here first then and then head back, or do we have to set it up at home first?" Adelle asked curiously, noticing Luna's silence and worrying about her a bit.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"No, we just need to set the circle up here and put everything you might want to loot into that circle. Then, we make another one at your home, one that I can use to summon the things inside the first circle." Lucrezia explained the process as she found a piece of chalk inside a small bag on her costume. Using that, she started to draw the outline of the teleportation circle, asking Adelle for some sizes so she could make it as big as possible without some silly mishaps occurring, like things getting teleported partially inside her house walls and making them fairly hard to move without breaking down the walls. For all the things present there that might be interesting, Luna was not being too keen to enter the room, even as the familiar of hers had been gone for a few minutes already.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh well that's good then. And... hmm... might be best to just bring it into the garage area since it has so much open space and stuff, after I move a few things around of course. But that won't take too long once we get back," Adelle replied, tapping her chin as she decided to just take it into the garage. "We can put some of the other things here on the bed, and that way it won't take up as much space in the circle area you gotta make here. I mean, I hate asking this of you, but it seems just a shame to leave it here to go to waste, when it could be put to such better use elsewhere. Anything else, we can just make separate circles for back at the house," she added, taking a good look around again and deciding to get all the furniture in there, and taking the clothes and tossing them all onto the bed, thinking maybe she could take them to Josephine later for either adjustments, or to sell to her for scrap material or something.

With that, Adelle would maneuver the furniture around as best she could to be close to the bed, avoiding the area the kitsune had been in as much as possible, and checking the back of the closet for any secrets that might have been stuffed in behind the clothes. After she'd done all that, and while Lucrezia was making her markings for the circle, Adelle went back over to Luna and gently cupped the normally slightly crazed girl's cheeks in both hands and kissed her lightly on the lips. "Hey... are you okay hon? You look really shaken up about that," Adelle asked Luna softly, so as not to disturb Lucrezia.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I don't think it is a waste. It might be a dead person's belongings, but this fine furniture should be used instead of wasted. Just make sure you put your old ones to some use." Lucrezia kinda agreed with the idea of the furniture loot, but appeared to have some suggestions of her own to give.

Kissing Luna did not appear to make her much better, and the bold approach appeared to give the nearby Blaze a bad idea about what was happening as they hovered closer with a look that could be deciphered as contemptuous, as far as the features of a chandelier monster could be interpreted as anyways. "Why did I have to summon those two... I knew it would end in atrocities... and we still need to get rid of Tadakatsu... he might not be willing to leave just by me asking..." the hexer stated her concerns, apparently not being quite as used to the bloody realities that her familiars might produce if given the opportunity to do it.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Aye, I won't let mine go to waste in the least. I have some extra room around that I can shift stuff around in," Adelle replied to Lucrezia as they prepared to get ready to get the stuff moved out.

"Hey... even if it was a little bad and stuff, I... I thank you Luna. You came for me, when I was about to give up all hope of anyone finding us. It's not your fault honey, you only did what you thought you had to in order to help me," Adelle told Luna, not ignoring the chandelier like familiar, but letting her know that she meant no harm towards Luna, and wanted to help her if she could. "Look, I won't pretend to know how you feel, or... how your magics work, all I know is, that you're a good and decent person, and you shouldn't beat yourself up over this. I'm here for you if you need me Luna, you're my friend, and I'm not going to leave you out in the cold. Besides, you're their master... right? They follow your orders, because they're your familiars, not the other way around. If you put power behind your words, and mean them, then your familiars must follow your orders.... Right?" she went on to say, wrapping an arm half around Luna to hug her again.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"It's not that simple... Being familiars doesn't automatically make them obey everything I say... they can be temperamental and even turn hostile if they have enough power behind them... and Tadakatsu might pull Kuroyuki back into our plane if she calls for him... that will probably not be good thing after her forceful banishment..." Luna explained the situation, revealing that she was not completely in control of these more powerful and dark-minded familiars. "I was told back home... that every magician should have their shock troopers... but... I just want to be friends with these tragic entities..." she explained the main reason for having so many of them as she shifted around to hold Blaze's bulbous main bodypart in her embrace, and the chandelier appeared to enjoy it despite the macabre look that it usually displayed.

Despite working on the circle, it could be clearly seen that Lucrezia was following the conversation between the two other girls, her semi-invisible plague doc familiar doing just the same from a little further back, still shrouded by the chameleon-type camouflage it had used up to now.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I see... well, I think you're still stronger by far, than they are. And... not every being wants to be friendly, I've found. It's sad, but... it is the truth of it most likely. Although... if you need any help, and I can give it, I'll try my best to do so. Because you're my friend, and you came to help me," Adelle told Luna, watching as she touched Blaze, and reached over to do so herself unless Blaze didn't want her to.

Adelle glanced over to Lucrezia and thought for a moment. "Hey Lucrezia... is there any way you could help Luna out a bit, with her problem?" Adelle asked Lucrezia after she finished the circle she was making.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well I can send the zombie man away. After I finish this. Don't be surprised if they are even angrier next time you summon them though." Lucrezia offered to repeat the banishment that she had done once already, the one that had already sent Kuroyuki back to the spirit realms. It did not appear to be a completely good deal though, but it would rid them of their problem for now.

But something was happening out of their immediate notice, which Adelle herself thankfully caught, none of the others present apparently missing it somehow. A thick waft of smoke that came from the deceased fox was starting to solidify into a physical form, one that was of a really tall humanoid woman in a long, conservative white dress that appeared to reach past their feet as they floated up a few feet off the ground. While their facial features might have been stunning, there was a problem with their face being a simple flat area of milky-white skin in the shape of a woman's face, no visible nose, eyes or mouth there to make the visage more normal. Yet they still had ears, albeit pointy ones, hidden under a mane of blonde hair that was almost as long as the dress on this entity. A set of golden metalwork began to materialize behind them, forming a vague shape that could be interpreted as a fanned-out pair of wings that had fused together. The appearance and the fact that it radiated a visible aura suggested that this being was not something minor. It was just beginning to realize what was going on, but so were everyone else besides Adelle, who had spotted the thing by a stroke of good luck as it had been literally soundless in it's materialization.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm... I more meant was there a way you could help her to like... maybe come to an understanding with them, so she could control them without having to resort to that. Kind of like you have with your familiars. Unless, you've got others like that, which are really dangerous to let loose," Adelle replied to Lucrezia, looking around at that point and noticing the smoke pouring forth from the dead kitsune. "What the... hell?" Adelle asked, getting the attention of the others to look at said... thing.

After the thing had materialized, Adelle was a little worried, drawing her pistol as a precaution, but not aiming it at the being just yet. It didn't seem like it was the kitsune, but then again, what did she know about magic. It could be the kitsune powered up or something, and about to try and kill them for all she knew. "Um... girls, what is this thing?" Adelle asked softly to Lucrezia or Luna, whichever answered first.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The reactions from the different members of the party was varied, Luna stepping back at the sight of the oddity before them as Blaze came forward to defend her, all of their flames starting to grow and flicker with more intensity than normal. Lucrezia's familiar remained semi-hidden still, not straying too far from his mistress. But the mage herself was the most dramatic reaction. Not even taking the time to turn, she snapped her fingers as she dropped the drawing of the circle, that simple act creating a five-layered bubble shield around her and sharing a bit too as each other friendly member to her got a single-layer one. As she turned, a brilliant burst of different-colored rays shot out from her hand, the creature deflecting several of them but still getting set on fire, electrocuted and drenched with acid all in the same time as three of the wild rays hit home. Lucrezia faced the thing down, not having much in the way of words as she focused on it for now. The creature, wailing in a spectacularly loud shriek, soon shrugged off the effects, but some damage had already been done by the several seconds of sustained elemental exposure. The "wings" of the injured creature started to emit numerous light rays that swept across the room, not managing to cause any damage at least then.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle was taken by surprise at Lucrezia's reaction to the creature, and she hunkered down as the creature began sending the beams of light out at them. "What the hell is that thing?" Adelle called out to Luna and Lucrezia, checking to see if she could fire her gun out of the bubble she was inside. "And... what does it want?" she then asked, preparing to fire her guns.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Almost as if to indicate her for a shot, the shield blinked a few times to let Adelle take her shot onto the weird, somewhat divine-looking abomination. And oddly enough, only she and Blaze managed to make a decent impact on the goings, the chandelier bringing out an inferno of purple fire to bear as the busty girl shot out a chunk of flesh from the creature. Lucrezia and Luna both met little success, the shadow energy shots and the multi-color rays from each of them respectively getting effortlessly deflected by the thing's magical defenses.

The counterattack was not quite as pleasant this time, the passing light rays clipping everyone's shields but Adelle got a more direct display of what the light did if it touched her. The ray passing her sliced her bubble out, the touch of the light feeling like hell itself swiped it's flames across her as it went, tremendous heat and a high-pitched noise taking out her sensory input for just a second as they were that intense. Not quite as bad was the fact that her clothes were disintegrated from the line that the ray touched, which did not really make it troublesome just yet but still leaving a long hole. Of the others, none were affected directly, though Lucrezia lost two of her defensive layers to a sweeping ray.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Firing through her shield, Adelle hit the strange creature with her shots, and Blaze managed a hit too, though what the thing was, was still a mystery. When the creature attacked again though, Adelle gasped as she saw the beam cut across her bubble, and then... her shirt in a large hole across her chest just disappeared and turned to dust seemingly. "Eek!" Adelle cried, trying to cover her breasts as they bounced free.

She was still kind of dazed from the high pitched noise that had sounded, making her head hurt a bit. But still, Adelle aimed her pistol at the creature and prepared to fire again. "What do you want with us you... c-crazy thing?" Adelle asked the creature, doubting she'd get an answer, but hoping she would, and firing her pistol again if the creature made to attack her again or anything threatning.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Another bout of furious attacking went on, Lucrezia's wildly powerful spells making the biggest impact but there was something to be said of the rest of them as well, with both Adelle and Luna meeting the better part of their respective fortunes when it came to getting their attacks on the mark. The familiars fared a little less better, but it was still looking fairly good. The crazy light show from the odd creature's metal fan-wings kept on going, everyone else losing their bubbles at that point while the more powerful mage still retained two of her five shields after that. Adelle got the worst of it again, the sweeping ray cutting off the lower part of her pants and reducing them to shorts, along with the usual heat and mind-scrambling noise that the brief contact with the ray did. She was already starting feel pretty nasty, despite having only had two brushes with this stuff. It was probably as potent as the wielder appeared to be.

Thankfully enough, both for Adelle's remaining clothing and her brain, the combat was brought to a quick end as they brought more firepower to bear on the pseudo-angel apparition, Blaze being to one to finally end it all as her roaring flames consumed the creature, only a final screech remaining as the thing was reduced to ash that soon scattered onto the floor. No remains, no blood or meat or even the metal from the wings, just ashes that poofed away.

With everything ended, Lucrezia dropped her remaining shields, coming out from fight mode. "Never thought I'd see one of those." she stated, readily going into a brief explanation as to what it was as she could tell the confusion on the other members of the party rather easily. "That thing was an Elohim, basically a corrupted angelic being. She was probably binding it to her own soul, but did not have the opportunity to release it before... you know what. When she died, it came out and was probably not too happy, if not outright insane as most Elohim are."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Firing her pistol again, Adelle took aim as best she could and squeezed the trigger, her bullet striking true amazingly. Clutching her hands to her ears as the beams came from their foe, trying to keep them from deafening her completely. Blaze however seemed to have saved the day, burning the the angel like being away with her powerful flames, and when the thing began turning to ash, screeching like crazy, Adelle sighed with relief. When it was gone, she looked up and got up on shaky legs, and just as she prepared to ask what that thing was again, Lucrezia explained.

"Well then... I'm glad I had you two here to help with that, or I'd probably have been killed," Adelle replied with a sigh, looking down at what was left of her clothing before rummaging around in her bag, and hoping that she had an extra shirt in there.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(I dunno if she had extra clothes, just gonna assume yes.)

"That is very likely as most of those things are completely mad and don't have much respect for creatures they consider below them, which includes almost anything not them." Lucrezia assured that Adelle was probably right in her assumption about the elohim being a lethal opponent in all likelyhood. But it did not seem to bother the mage too much, and she went on to finish the remaining bits of the elaborate circle.

Adelle had done the right packing as she did have a spare t-shirt hidden in the bag of stuff she carried around. Thus, it would not be as awkward to get back into the city. With the demise of the corrupt angel, Luna had calmed down a fair bit, which was probably a thing that brought some comfort to the busty girl as well.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Managing to find her spare plain white T-shirt, Adelle pulled it out and put it on, though it was a little wrinkled and whatnot, likely from the way the orcs had treated her gear when they brought her into this place. "Have you ever encountered any of those before by chance? You seem to know a lot about them," Adelle asked curiously while Lucrezia finished the circle, her question directed mostly at Lucrezia, but also meant for Luna as well.

When she noticed that Luna was calming down a bit too, Adelle did feel a bit better, and walked over to check on her while Lucrezia answered her, giving her another friendly hug. After that, Adelle would wait until Lucrezia had finished the circle and nodded to her, before she went back for Rachaela, checking to see if she was awake yet before getting everything ready to leave this place and go home.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"No, I have not seen one before. But I do know about them, since I have gone through a lot of the knowledge we humans have written about the various magical entities, and I have a sagely friend who knows a lot about various subjects. One of them happens to be the divines." Lucrezia gave a brief statement about herself. For her part, Luna appeared to have nothing to add as she did not make any comments about it.

Going back to the oni's room revealed that Rachaela was still having a lay down on the furs, but did appear to be coming to her senses. "So, you defeated her. I think you being back here is a clear indication of that." the oni spoke up as she looked at the party come back.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I see... I'm sure that Lacrimosa will want to know about this too when we get back. I'll need to make sure to remember to tell her," Adelle said as they headed back for Rachaela.

"Yeah... one of the familiars had already... done some bad things to her. And I mean... really bad things. I put her out of her misery, because even I didn't wish that on her," Adelle told the oni when they returned, sitting down next to Rachaela and brushing her hair out of her eyes and helping her to raise up if she was able to get up yet, deciding that it would probably be best to wait there until Rachaela was up to leaving before they left the room again, just in case some other strange things happened.