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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Somehow managing to pull the massive longshot of an idea, Adelle did get her rag onto the eel, which did give it some issues in trying to taser her further, only some slight tingles coming through in the second attempt. The other three were not staying idle regardless, but only one of them managed to tackle the busty girl with a charged rush. All things considered, it was looking fairly good despite the four targets there against her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle, managing to get her rag out, grabbed the eel on her, while the other three came at her. She shifted around, trying to dodge them as best she could, while reaching out to snatch another one out of the air to put into the rag as well, along with the other one, and repeating the process as best she could until she had hopefully gotten them all. "Come on little guys, I don't want to hurt you if I can help it. But I can't just let you shock me like this. Now come on, and stop being difficult," Adelle grunted as she worked.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With some further success rearing itself to light after a bit of effort put into it, Adelle got another eel into her makeshift trap device as she got a grip on it's armor, that part of it being easier to hold onto than the rest. Even as they tried, the other eels failed to make any hits connect, somehow not hitting the obvious large target that the busty girl was.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle was quite amazed that she was getting this lucky at the moment, as she managed to snatch the second one she was aiming for out of the air. She put it into the washcloth she had with the other eel, and then went for one of the remaining two, grabbing at the armored section of the thing and hoping to get a third one, knowing that the last one alone wouldn't be to much trouble. "Come here you little rascal," Adelle said as she snatched out at the third eel.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

A brief bout of flailing and grappling went on, neither Adelle nor the eels making heads or tails of the chaotic situation as each party attempted to get some measure of control over the other, the girl not really managing to get any further fish grabbed and in turn they did not really succeed in hitting her. But then the tide turned against Adelle as the pair of the still free-roaming eels hit her in turn after a bad attempt, causing her to lose her grip on the makeshift prison for the eels and releasing the two she had already captured. Suddenly it was starting to look bad, the electric shocks taking a toll on the busty girl's form as she was repeatedly subjected to them, and now she was against all four of the fish again.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle tried in vain to grab the last two eels, missing both in her attempts to grab them. It annoyed her, but at least they weren't managing to hit her any in their attempts to do so. Then, things took a turn for the worse, as Adelle snatched out at the eels again, and missed yet again, and they retaliated, zapping her and making her let go of the other two she's had in her grasp.

"D-Dammit... now I'm back to square one," Adelle stammered, as she stumbled back away from the eels, knowing that she had to get rid of the darn things in some way or another. She quickly looked around the room to see if she could spot something, anything, to catch them in, without killing them, like a bucket or something, though if she couldn't find anything to use, she'd rummage around in her backpack to find an empty extra bag that she was sure she had in there, and then she'd go about trying to grab and force the things into it.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Looking around didn't really give any good options, the only real thing in the corridor being a fire extinguisher some distance away, and even that thing was probably unusable if it was as old as the rest of the school was. So going to the pack it was. But the hostile eels appeared to have another idea in mind as they rushed her mid-digging, four electro-tackles in succession pushing Adelle off her feet as the electricity was just too great. The current made her muscles tense up, and all the eels rolled over to her then, one coiling itself around her neck like a bizarre living collar, giving her another shock as the others started to look for places of interest on her body.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle noticed the fire extinguisher nearby, but not really anything else that might be able to help her, and she doubted that the thing still worked after all these years, most likely. Frantically digging around in her pack, Adelle looked back up just in time to see the things rushing at her en masse, and before she could react, she was shocked 4 times very quickly, and fell back flat on her cute bubbly rump, causing both it, and her breasts to jiggle deliciously as she landed.

"Eek, g-get off you little.... w-wriggling... bastard," Adelle whined softly, reaching up to try and pull the one off her neck, even while the rest were worming their way down into her clothing, kicking at any of the ones down near her feet, and trying to outright knock them out now if possible.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The struggle was at least somewhat fruitful, two of the eels getting kicked back and off from the situation at least for a little bit. The collar one did not get off quite that easily as it appeared to have bit on to it's own tail for increased grip while continuing to provide shocks. Another one that did not get removed from the hassle went on to see what was hidden from it, creeping it's way past Adelle's belt and into her panties, bringing a familiar slimy feel as it touched her there.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Kicking and flailing, Adelle managed to dislodge a couple of the eels, but not all of them, as the one collaring her remained firmly in place, and wouldn't let go, she found. Any time it shocked her, Adelle yelped and twitched a bit, even as it clamped down onto its own tail to hold on tightly, with Adelle refusing to let it go even as it refused to let go.

"W-Wait, no... n-not there, please. I-If you shock me there, I... I'll go crazy," Adelle pleaded with the eel worming its way into her panties, reaching down to try and stop it, though she wasn't trying nearly as hard as she was for the one on her neck.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Maybe getting some sort of energy from her predicament, Adelle pulled away the collar eel after a bit of struggle, the thing tearing off a bit from itself as it attempted to resist the removal up to the bitter end. But that was not to be the case with the other one as it slipped from her grip, creeping it's way into her clothes fully before hastily pushing itself inside her and shocking the busty girl from within her pussy. The other two were still a bit out from the situation, not really managing to get into the hassle in any useful way. But the situation was still bad as an eel was inside Adelle now and she was still sitting on her ass, which was not the best place to be in her current state when there were three others looking to have their way with her, whatever that might entail.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle struggled, bit by bit, until she finally managed to tug the eel collaring her off, peeling the thing out from around her neck, and pulling the thing off. Flinging that one off, Adelle's hands scrambled down and tried to quickly grab the one worming around in her panties, as its slippery body squirmed against her nether regions. Before she could manage a good handhold on the thing to yank it out of her panties, Adelle gasped, and then let out a little moan, as she felt her folds spreading open, as the thing wriggled its way inside of her, shocking her the whole way.

Feeling a shock from within, Adelle's body seized up a bit and she collapsed back, out of breath for a moment. Adelle raised up a bit, almost ignoring the other three eels, and reaching down to shift her panties to the side a bit, so she could try and slip her thumb and index finger inside of herself to try and grab the eel, before it got too far up inside of her to get out. "O-Oh please come out," Adelle whispered under her breath, her cheeks flushed already from the lewd actions of the eel that wormed its way inside of her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The fight against the creeping eel had little in the way of success, the attempted pinch grab slipping off from the eel's body that was still outside of her. The failure only caused the thing to get bolder as it pushed itself in deeper, it's head entering into the busty girl's womb while the armor plates scraped her cervix a bit, causing some nastier feelings alongside the lewd ones. No matter how badly the lack of attention was allowing them to move, the three other ones just could not get themselves into gear to aid their companion.

And just then was the moment when this situation would solve itself, Suzanne charging down the corridor, apparently having had enough waiting in the room and listening to what was going on. With a series of unexpectly quick and accurate movements, she quickly turned the situation around. Her flimsy-looking pointer did exactly the opposite of what one would expect, smashing one eel to the ground as she bent the armor on the thing with the sheer impact instead of bending. A quick and brutal backflip kick followed, sending both of the two others out from the nearest window in a hurry. It looked amazingly impossible for someone in that getup to do any of this, but Suzanne had just done it like it was nothing, even landing like no problem with her heels. Not even her glasses were misaligned. Quickly getting to the situation at hand, she looked at the ongoing hassle in disbelief. "And just what is going on here?"
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Feeling her fingers slip, and the eel pushing deeper inside, grinding its scaly armor against her cervix, Adelle's eyes kind of went blank and her body shuddered from the pleasure. Adelle glanced back at the other eels as they swarmed around her, and she worried about them all delving their way into her folds as well. She was quite glad that Suzanne came in when she did, and smacked the other eels down, and shifted her panties back into place down in her shorts, before getting up.

"O-One of those things slipped down into my panties while I was fighting with the others, a-and it's... k-kinda up in there, w-wriggling around, a-and zapping me with little shocks," Adelle panted softly, her voice breaking slightly as she stammered, her hips twitching with every shock the eel might give her. "I was trying to grab it right before you came in, b-but I couldn't manage to do so," she added, her cheeks flushed in embarrassment as she tried to shake off the pleasurable feelings from the eel inside of her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"And you're just letting it be there? Surely it's not small enough to get there completely." Suzanne's disbelief went on with each word, and she was not wrong as there still was a good bit of eel outside to be grabbed. But if left alone, the animal would probably find a nice, warm cave for itself to live in the busty girl's womb. "Can you get it out or do I have to help?"
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"W-Well, I tried to grab it, a-and it slipped through my fingers," Adelle whined softly, looking around at Suzanne. "I-If you wanna help, I'd appreciate it. I was trying to keep from having to kill them," she added, leaning up against the wall and sliding her shorts down and panties, to give her and Suzanne access to the rest of the eel, where she'd reach down to try and grab the parts of it still outside of her, with Suzanne's help, pulling on the thing.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With Adelle getting the picture and getting up to gear, Suzanne let her stand up, not even giving her too much time to act before the slippy eel was tugged out. Maintaining a firm grip, the teacher lady batted it unconscious with a single hit to the head before putting the animal aside. "That was not something I ever expected to do in my life." she flatly stated as she turned the other way to let the busty girl collect herself and her modesty.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Getting to her feet, Adelle let Suzanne grab hold of the eel as it wriggled around inside of her, pressing insistently against her cervix and the entrance of her womb as it tried to worm its way inside further. Thankfully, Suzanne was able to tug the thing out of her, and it didn't try to hurt her or anything in retaliation, where she watched Suzanne knock it out moments later and toss it aside.

"S-Same... I've eaten eel before, b-but don't think I've ever been violated by one," Adelle replied, blushing deeply before using her towel she'd gotten out to wipe herself off a bit, and righting her clothes.

Once she had collected her thoughts, and righted her clothing, Adelle sighed a bit, and then nodded to Suzanne, before leading them back out, to keep their search up for anything else that might be lurking upstairs in the school that might try and attack, or molest them, keeping a close eye out in any classrooms they passed that were unlocked.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Going around the upper floor was fairly uneventful after the eel encounter, all the rooms being open or unlocked when not open. There were no other creatures lurking there besides the manta, which kept on going the corridor in the same clockwise circle it had before, still uninterested in the newcomers that had made their way to the place. With the quick clear-up, there were more options to choose from, The roof was still there, as was the room with the crab and the inner yard, where the pool and sports field were.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well, it seems like the manta is the only other thing here. Let's check the roof too, and from there we can get a look down the back area of the school yard," Adelle said, heading for the roof access, and steering clear of the manta so she didn't disturb him on her way through with Suzanne.