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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Might not be the worst idea, I guess. Would be a bit of a hassle if that place went unchecked and the workers who will eventually come here got attacked by a roof shark or something." Suzanne agreed with the plan of going to the roof. With the rest of the floor checked, they could find the roof entry hatch near the stairs, the ladder going up there already down so it was easy times.

But despite the teacher's words and her suggestion about a roof shark, the roof area appeared to be devoid of life save a few pigeons that had made a home on top of a ventilation unit. They could see the inner yard from high up, the pool in there being filled with stagnant, murky water that was surely the result of a long time of not being changed. And while the pool looked otherwise peaceful, a few suspicious pipes went in there from the nearby ground, suggesting that something might be lurking underneath the cloudy surface. The field was similarly unkempt and had developed patches of weeds that had pushed their way through the fine gravel surface, making the thing look like it needed a bit of work to make it better again.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Nodding, Adelle headed up with Suzanne to the roof, going up first and pushing the hatch at the top of the ladder open. Exiting onto the roof, Adelle saw it was clear for the most part, save some pigeons that had made it their home, which she figured that Suzanne didn't really care about. After that, they looked out over the school yard on all sides, and she saw the murky watered pool below and was quite... worried by the looks of it.

"Huh, probably be good to drain that water out of the pool, just for safety's sake, because that's just nasty," Adelle said, glancing over at Suzanne as she spoke. "First though, we should probably deal with that crab thing. Big manta though on the second floor... I just, don't know how we're gonna deal with that thing. It's just too big to get out without killing it I don't think, and he seemed peaceful enough, so long as he's not being touched," she went on to say, starting to head back down to head to the office, and heading towards the office.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Sounds like an idea to me, though I think no person would swim in that voluntarily. It'll be done when the cleaning and rebuilding starts again." Suzanne agreed as the two finished looking down to the inner yard and got a move on, leaving the roof and going down to the bottom floor for inspecting the remaining animal and the room it was in.

They arrived near the room in a few minutes, the teacher's lounge being a good bit bigger than the class rooms as it had about a dozen bigger personal desks spread about it. But more interestingly, there was the armored crab lingering there, the little knowledge Adelle had in crabs telling her that it was a species of fiddler with the right claw being vastly bigger than the left one. The left one was still substantial enough though as the crab was big enough to outsize a singular desk in the room. And with the armor it had been decked out with, it would probably be a tough opponent to deal with directly.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well I didn't mean that I'd swim in it, if I could help it at least. I was hoping there's be a switch or something that would start to drain that nasty thing out without us having to set foot in it, maybe in the maintenance shed for it or something," Adelle said, shrugging a bit before she looked to Suzanne and headed back down the steps.

Heading back down, Adelle and Suzanne arrived outside of the teachers lounge and Adelle looked in again. "Well, how to crack that shell, and get at him I wonder? Explosives might do the trick, but I don't have any. If I can get right in his face too, then I probably can just shoot him, but even then I might still miss and hit his shell," Adelle asked, looking over to Suzanne to see if she had any ideas, as she looked in the room to see if she could find anything that she might be able to use against it to either knock it out, or somehow kill it, since she was pretty sure it would be hostile.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Maybe there is a drain switch somewhere. Keeping an eye out for a possible spot." Suzanne said as they went.

For all of her attentiveness, Adelle could not find a real tool to solve the puzzle of the crab with. "Not quite sure if we have any other choice besides trying to take the thing on directly. We might be able to leave it, I'm sure there will be ways to deal with it later, but there might be something hidden in the room that we can't quite make out from out here. Who knows."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Aye, well, let me ease in, peek around, see if there's anything else, and then we can try to tackle it. Best thing we can do, is keep attacking its head, since that's the only unarmored part of it really," Adelle whispered back to Suzanne, before easing the door open as quietly as possible, and slipping inside to look around the teacher's lounge better, and hoping that would maybe provide her with a better means of taking the thing down.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Making a sneak for it, Adelle slipped inside as best as someone with her figure and armaments would, actually managing to make it from the looks of it as she saw the crab move away from it's spot a bit. The thing had been standing on top of a badly hidden steel trapdoor that had was built into hole that had been broken into the floor. Whether the crab was actually standing there by some programmed guard duty or simple chance was something that they might never know, but that it had done for a while at least. The animal was still fairly near the door, so going for entry might be a bit hazardous unless the busty girl did the a grand sneak maneuver and somehow evaded it's notice.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle snuck into the room, looking around as much as possible, and noticed the crab moving around a bit, and ducked behind cover as quickly as she could to keep from being noticed. She then noticed the trapdoor that it had been on top of, which seemed to have been placed there after a hole had been made in the floor. She eased her way around and looked for the crab, to see if she could make it back to the exit, so she could inform Suzanne of her findings in the room, as she had just come up with a plan of sorts, with which to make it to that trapdoor, which was to open a window in one of the classrooms, lure the crab into said classroom, jump out the windows, and have Suzanne slam and lock the door shut behind the crab, and she'd whisper her plan to Suzanne, assuming she managed to sneak back out.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Making the trip back with the same surprising competence that had made it possible for her to make it into the room without being noticed, Adelle sneaked out to have a discussion of plans with Suzanne. The teacher lady did not appear to have any issues with the whole thing, stating that she thought it was a fairly solid plan for their situation. Stepping aside, she went forward on the corridor a bit to let the crab come out when it would. Once Adelle got the thing's attention, it turned sideways to chase her like a crab would, coming after her in a speed that was probably a bit surprising for her to see. But it did not catch the huntress despite reaching for her with the massive claw, missing her by a few inches just as she turned to enter the class. By this time Suzanne had followed them and slammed the door shut, leaving the crab there as it did not appear to be aggressive anymore after not having any visible targets.

At the teacher's lounge, Suzanne opened up the window so Adelle could climb in. "That went well, no crab shenanigans." she said as they were faced with the trapdoor.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

One her plan was prepared and they were ready to enact it, Adelle rushed out with the crab chasing her, and once they'd trapped the thing, Adelle made her way back around to Suzanne, dusting herself off as she got there. "Well, there we go, and he doesn't seem to be overly hostile anymore now, so let's check out that trapdoor," Adelle said, heading back into the teacher's lounge, and showing Suzanne the trapdoor, and opening the thing up to check down there.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The trapdoor was not locked or anything like that, so it was easy to open up, even as it was a bit heavy thanks to it's full metal construction and thickness. As the door opened, a set of lights flickered on, revealing that there was a ladder going down about 30 feet to something that looked like it had been a lab once upon a time. From the position they were in, the two could see traces of flooding, but there did not appear to be anything living down there anymore as the water had cleared out.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Despite how heavy the trapdoor was, Adelle managed to get it pulled up with Suzanne's help, and looked down in there. Looking back up at Suzanne as the two lights flickered on down there, Adelle nodded and started down the ladder, slowly, and carefully, in case the thing was slippery. When she reached the bottom, Adelle looked around, aiming her pistol about and looking for her flashlight to shine about to light her way.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Going down the ladder allowed the two access into the lab proper, which had fallen to a flood by the look of things. The place was not quite as big as one might imagine, one wall completely taken over by a caved-in window that had probably held a large aquarium-like water tank in the past. The rest of the place was a laboratory, a collection of different aquatic animals being stored in various glass jars, obviously dead but still in good condition as their bodies were lingering in formaldehyde. But not all the jars were intact, some of them lying shattered in various spots and having a decayed sea animal nearby. More interestingly, there was a single operating table with various surgical tools and some more mad science-looking things, along with a skeleton of a human that was now covered in algae, like a good part of the place was. On one side table was a pile of journals and scattered papers, most of them a mess but some still apparently readable.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Going into the laboratory, Adelle saw the state of decay it was in, and felt a bit saddened by the sight of it, figuring that someone had put a lot of work into it, surely, and it was now laid to waste. Seeing the dead sea creatures in the jars and whatnot, Adelle figured that the work was on those very things. She moved over and found the papers near the algae covered skeleton, and picked them up to look them over, idly wondering what was on them, and wondering if they would tell who the skeleton was, and maybe how to deal with the creatures upstairs.

"Suzanne, here's some papers and stuff," Adelle told her companion, showing them to her as well.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

What little sense of the papers could be made out told a rather bizarre story, the majority of them being progress reports and research notes for weaponizing the many sea animals that were present by making them controllable and nearly impervious to the ravages of time through the weird mechanical parts that all of the animals they had seen were fitted into. For what reason and for whom these things were originally going to made for would be an unknown forever as that information could not be found in any of the readable papers, and as much as it was a thing that might be desired to know, the specifics on how the machinery worked were in the category of lost information. But one particular note certainly stuck with them as they saw it. It mentioned something that the former mad scientist called his greatest creation, and that it was stored away in the school grounds, separate from the rest of his experiments, along with some mention of "personality adjustments" for increased combat effectiveness.

"Looks like we've stumbled across a real-life mad scientist lab. Good that there was no need to confront the scientist at his peak. Might have had to deal with an army of those creatures." Suzanne remarked as she looked away from the papers, casting a disdainful look at the skeleton that had once been the man of the lab.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Huh, I wonder why he made them," Adelle commented as they stood there, looking over the papers, and spotting his "greatest creation" being mentioned. "Looks like his masterpiece as he called it, is outside in the back, either in, or near the pool I'd guess. Let's head out and see if we can find a way to drain that water real quick," Adelle went on to say to Suzanne, nodding lightly as she headed back over to the ladder to climb back up unless there was anything else that looked interesting in the room.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Doesn't look like we'll get to know from these papers. But it might come to light when me and my fellow teachers look through these things more thoroughly. I'll send your folks a message if we ever get a clearer picture than this current fairly muddy one." Suzanne made a little promise to keep Adelle and the rest of the people in her group informed for no real reason than possible thankfulness. For the whole emptying out the pool idea, the teacher was more or less agreeing with it so they could end up completing their tour of the area and getting the job done.

Getting out was easy enough to do with some climbing of the ladder. And accessing the inner yard was hardly more difficult as there was only a set of double doors that needed to be opened on the opposite side of the teacher's lounge in the corridor. From there, it was a clear path to the field and by extension pool.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Aye, likely not. And thanks," Adelle replied, moving on up and back out the teacher's lounge to the back of the school, where the yard and pool both were.

"Well, here we are. Let's look around for some way to drain it. But be careful, alright," Adelle said to Suzanne, beginning her search nearby the pool, figuring that if there were a drain of any sort, it would be near it most likely.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright, I'll do just that." Suzanne agreed as the two of them went across the unkempt field with no issues, the weeds not offering any resistance for their advance towards the pool. The murky pool was just as unpleasant-looking from a close view than it had been from a rooftop one, so getting it drained was starting to sound even better now. The drain controls were actually there in a fairly easy to access spot on the pool's edge near the center, though they were protected by a thick pane of plexiglass and a padlock. While the glass did not appear to have any wear on it, the padlock was not really all that big and had a good bit of rust on it as did the rest of the metal parts, giving an impression that the lock could probably be pried off with a bit of effort.

But before they could start any attempts on that, there was a sudden wheeze on the pipes that went into the pool, the sound being something that suggested them straining against pressure. That was followed by the waters stirring and bubbles rising to the surface before a large, clawed hand of metal reached over the surface and the edge of the pool to grab a hold of the ground. Soon another one followed as a tremendously tall humanoid began to climb out from the stagnant pool. While it was initially a bit unclear amidst all the water, it soon was revealed that this was yet another female sporting a horn, a strange black one with two glowing stripes on it. She was clearly an albino as everything on her body was white as a ghost, with the exception of the eyes that were the usual albino red and produced lights of the same color at the moment. As this thing was standing up, the height of her was going to be around the eight and half feet mark, rather threatening if they intended to make a confrontation when combined with the way larger claw hands she had in place of the usual human hands. The attire she was clad in was fairly skimpy, being made up of a ribbed white dress that barely went down enough to cover her underwear and it did not really make a better job on her chest either as the sides of her huge breasts were not co-operating with the rest of them and remained outside. The other parts were made up of similarly white ribbed clothing, knee-high boots with noticeable heels and detachable sleeves that reached up to mid-bicep, the latter being fairly wide at the lower end to allow the claws some freedom. But more noticeable that that was the fact that all the clothing had that previously seen black metal on them at the ends that held the ribbed material together, the dress starting as a high metal collar, then cloth and underneath the breasts was another, almost corset-like band of metal that wrapped around this lady's midsection before it went to the tight skirt that was held down with triangular weights of the metal in four spots. One of the pipes that the girls had seen was connected to the back of the giant female's collar, for what reason they could not know.

Whatever this thing was thinking, it was unclear. But she was getting up to her feet at the pool's edge and looking at the two with glaring red eyes.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Nodding to Suzanne as they moved along, Adelle made sure to keep a close eye out for anything coming for them, taking care to not get separated too much from her companion in the process. When she got to the edge of the pool, Adelle spotted what could only be the pump controls, and looked closer at them, figuring that she could either shoot, or pry that lock off the case for them. Just before Adelle was about to check her backpack to see if she had any thing to pry that padlock with, she heard the pipes creaking terribly, and knew that something bad was about to happen, because it was just her luck that it wouldn't be overly easy.

Looking out over the water, Adelle gasped a bit and took a couple of steps back, when she saw the large clawed hand spring out of the water and grab onto the edge of the pool and the ground next to it. After a few moments, a pretty damn huge woman was climbing out of the pool, and as she took the features of the woman in, Adelle gulped slightly, remembering just how strong Priscilla was and stuff, and imagining that this woman was likely just as strong, or stronger, from the looks of her. "U-Um... h-hello there. C-Can you understand me?" Adelle said to the woman, spotting the pipe connected to the back of her collar, and trying to sound non threatening to the albino woman as she kept a hand on her sword and pistol, feeling quite amazed at just how big the woman was, and also feeling that despite coming out of that awful water, that she looked quite pretty considering.