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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The reckless attack paid off in spades, the creature attempting to intercept the jump by turning itself and hoping to get Adelle to spike herself for the second drug injection, but it did not quite go that way as the scrambled machinery refused to operate properly at the critical moment. The hit was landed, and the thing came at her clumsily, which only made it a target for another hit. With that, the machinery gave up, the second octopus thing too hitting the deck as the drug effect crept on inside the busty girl, making her start to feel weak in the limbs.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle's attack seemed to have worked, thankfully, she thought to herself, as she didn't think she'd manage another one like that quickly. It didn't take the thing down completely though, yet, but as it floated towards her, looking quite weakened itself, Adelle hit it one last time to knock it out the rest of the way, before collapsing to her knees, panting heavily. She could feel the drugs working their way through her body, and knew that she'd need to hurry to take the last one of these things out, before they worked so far through her, that she couldn't walk.

Looking down at the second creature, Adelle decided to just leave it, and looked back down the hall around the corner after getting to it, to see if the third and final creature was in the hallway. If it was, Adelle would step out and get its attention, to make it give chase, where she would duck back around the corner, and hide behind and a bit under the second one, pulling the needle thing up if she could, and preparing to jab it up into one of the tentacles, or the underbelly of the third octopus thing as it floated over her. If she had to go a bit further down the hall first to get its attention though, she would do so.

"God I hope this works, if it doesn't, then I don't think I can win. Gotta trick it, and hope the drug effects it enough to keep it from being able to get me easily, or at least put us on even terms," Adelle mumbled to herself as she formulated her plan.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The third octopus thing was nowhere to be seen on Adelle's current corridor, and she decided to head back towards the initial corridor where she had seen the class with the things in them. Just after she had gone past the corner to that particular side, her legs gave out, but thankfully there was not too much distance to the closet where Suzanne probably still was, keeping herself hidden. The third one was still out of sight, possibly in the class where they had come from as it had returned to the room earlier.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Looking around the first hallway, Adelle didn't see the last one, and returned to the classroom they first saw them at, though before she got to it, her legs gave out and she fell to her knees again, panting heavily. Adelle crawled her way back towards the closet for now, though when she fell she had dropped her sword, which clattered on the ground. She quickly grabbed it and gulped, looking down the hall for a few tense moments, before she continued moving towards the closet, the last octo nowhere in sight.

"Come on Adelle, just get to the closet to rest a few minutes... it's all you gotta do," Adelle kept muttering to herself as she crawled, assuming the thing didn't come into view, in which case she'd try to get back to the second fallen octo, to perform her plan she'd come up with.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Suzanne might have been hearing some of what was going on outside as she appeared in the doorway of the closet after a bit of crawling, not saying anything as she grabbed Adelle by the arm and pulled her into closet, remaining outside herself for a bit. "They got you? Looks like that might be bad." she commented as she set the busy girl into the closet, where she could lean against the wall in a sitting position.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Seeing Suzanne open the closet, Adelle breathed a sigh of relief and gladly took her offered hand and was pulled inside. "Just got jabbed with a needle full of drugs. Muscle relaxant from the feel of it, something to make me more docile for... things," Adelle panted softly. "Just need to let it filter through me a bit and I'll manage. I got a plan though to take the other one down without killing it, which I'd prefer to do. No need to senselessly kill the things I don't think. Besides, the tech they got in them could prove valuable to some folks," she added, leaning against the wall a bit and trying to lift her left arm to see how sluggish it was now.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Something like that hmm? Yes, if it's not too potent, it should wear off after a bit of time. I'll take a look in the vicinity, just get that stuff out from yourself." Suzanne replied, appearing to have a good idea what Adelle had been injected with and how to deal with it. But with that being said, she shut the door, probably going against the busty girl's wishes as she went out by herself and left her supposed guardian to herself in the little broom closet. The grip of the drugs did not let up for a good bit, about ten minutes going by until Adelle got herself into a comfortable level of control to try and get back to her feet. The time she spent in the closet was uneventful and eerily quiet, no sound coming to her ears until Suzanne came back to the door again. "The last one is there in the class, but appears to be in sleep mode again. Also, saw a large crab with similar tech and armor plating a little distance away in the teacher's room." she remarked about her sightings as she helped Adelle up to her feet.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright Suzanne, but be careful okay. They're armored pretty well. Aim for the eye on the front to knock it out, if you have to fight that last octopus thing," Adelle told the teacher lady.

While Suzanne was gone, Adelle rested, closing her eyes to rest and hope the stuff worked its way out of her system. Adelle didn't like that Suzanne was leaving, but since she seemed adamant about it, she didn't say anything. After a few minutes, Adelle saw Suzanne return, and felt relieved to see she was okay, as she got up to her feet, a bit shakily. "Thanks, and I'm glad you're okay. Wouldn't do to have my employer to get hurt thanks to my negligence. Alright, let me get a look at that crab, and then I'll see if I can get the other octopus thing out of the way," Adelle said, nodding to Suzanne as she prepared to head back out, getting a drink of water from her canteen in her pack, before heading out to check on the crab thing first, to see what it looked like, and then coming back to the other classroom to get the last octo's attention, to lure it down to the second fallen one that she'd knocked out, where she'd try to inject it with the drugs, and hope that it didn't somehow figure out what she was doing and stop her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Since she was not told to stay hidden again, Suzanne followed in Adelle's wake this time around. They went past the first class to see the octopus still there before moving on to see a few more empty class rooms with open doors. Near the corner to the final unchecked corridor was the teacher lounge, which was about the same size as the classes but with actual work desks that had once been the personal workstations of the different teachers here. Among them was a crab, like Suzanne had said, and this animal too had been fitted with a similar yet still a bit different set of mechanical gear that was more appropriate to a crab. And it was large, about the same size as Adelle's bike was, with a proportionally larger right claw which marked it as a fiddler crab of some species. It too appeared to be in sleep mode as the light eye was off.

Going back to the octopus, there was some issue as the thing did not appear to react to anything Adelle was doing to attract it. It simply sat there on the teacher's desk, back to the ladies.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After heading over to the teacher's office, Adelle saw the crab thing was armored just like the octopi were, and she inwardly sighed, thinking that crabs were already armored with their shells, which likely meant that the thing was gonna be tough to damage. Thankfully, it was shut down for now, and she didn't have much to worry about from it, so Adelle left it for now, figuring that they could take it last... hopefully.

Moving back to the other room, Adelle found the last octopus creature in sleep mode as well apparently. Seeing the thing not moving at any of her attempts to get its attention, Adelle sighed again and glanced over to Suzanne and shrugged. "Nothing for it I guess. Get ready to run just in case," Adelle whispered to Suzanne, as she carefully approached the thing on the desk.

Adelle cautiously peeked around the thing, curious as to why it wasn't reacting now, when it had before. She waved her hand in front of its eye, to see if it still didn't react, and if it didn't, then she would look on its mechanical parts, to see if there was a shutdown switch on there, hoping there was, so she could maybe get rid of this one without a fight.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Mhmm." Suzanne confirmed as Adelle sneaked onwards to see the octopus. The approach did not get any reply, not even when she sneaked up to the front of it. But from there, the busty girl could see the eye of the creature, which had been cleanly pierced with something, a neat hole in the middle of it. No signs of any life were present in the creature, the hole in it apparently having been good enough to disable or destroy the machinery that controlled it.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Moving closer, Adelle leaned around and saw that the thing's eye was... gone, and where once there was an eye, there was now a hole. After seeing this, Adelle was more concerned with what might have done this, instead of the creatures themselves. Looking back to Suzanne, Adelle drew her pistol and prepared for a fight with something more sinister than the octopi and the crab, as she cautiously led the way back to the hall where the other two octopi were knocked out, to see if they were still there, and their eyes intact, and if they were, then she would head back to the main hall, and head upstairs, leaving the crab for now.

"What the hell could have done that?" Adelle asked in a whisper, not really to Suzanne specifically, but loud enough for her to hear, as she crept up the steps to look around the second floor.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The teacher did not seem to be too bothered by the lack of a possible fight with the octopus, looking more like she was relieved to not have to see or take part in that kind of activity. Going around a little to see the others, it looked like they were just as they had been before, no further damage apparent to them than what had already been caused by Adelle's bashing. "Did it collide with something? Can't really figure out any other reason for that, given our situation at the moment." Suzanne did reply as she picked the question up with her ears.

Whatever the answer was worth, it mattered little as the two went on and up the stairs, only to see yet another inhabitant of the sea float past them just a few seconds before they were on the upper floor. This time, it was a large manta ray, this animal too sporting the armor and face plate. "Oh dear, that thing is big."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well, I don't think it was dumb enough to purposely run into anything that easily. Plus, right in the middle of its eye... that's just way too convenient and accurate for simply bumping into something. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm glad to not have to fight that one too, but whatever did that scares me," Adelle whispered back as they climbed the stairs.

Just before they reached the top of the steps, Adelle saw the manta ray float past, and had to think to herself why there were so many sea like creatures in here. "Yeah... it's big alright, but it didn't look hostile really. And it had to have clearly saw us, we weren't exactly hiding," Adelle said, cautiously moving towards the creature, and motioning for Suzanne to stay back a bit, just in case.

If the thing didn't attack her, Adelle would reach out and gently try to pat the thing as it went by. If it did attack though, then Adelle would jump back and look for a weak spot to try and hit, hoping to not have to use her gun just yet, and bashing it with her sword.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The big ol ray did not seem to care about the girls too much as it lazily floated on and down the upstairs corridor. But it did not appear to be too keen about touching though as it trashed it's body as Adelle brushed it, not really hurting her in any way but making it clear that it wanted to float undisturbed. Again, the face plate had been placed over the eyes, and this large thing too had the same uni-lens eye that the others had, along with the entire upper side of it being covered by the same black sequence of armor that the others had been. As smart as it might have been, the manta was not armored on the underside at all, only the pipes going along it's stomach to keep the gas floating going.

With the encounter done, the ray moved on and down the corridor, where it would probably turn the corner once it reached that place. The animal was large, so it would have trouble fitting into the class rooms as the doors were only so wide.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Whoa whoa big guy, I get it, it's alright. I mean you no harm if you don't mean me any," Adelle told the big thing, as it thrashed about, backing away to give it some space, and wondering how the hell she would get it out of the building.

While she thought about how best to get the thing out of the building, Adelle motioned for Suzanne to follow, and began checking the classrooms for now, seeing as the thing didn't mind them being there like the octopi had before. "Come on, might as well leave him be for now. I dunno what we'll do to get him out of here. But... we'll think of that while we look, because we might find something interesting to do so," Adelle told Suzanne as she began checking the upstairs classrooms and whatnot.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Few of the first class rooms were empty spare for the actual stuff that belonged into the them. The last room on this side appeared to be the power room, occupied by a generator. But it was occupied by some other things too as a squad of four eels, not much bigger than the usual example of their species, emerged from within the nooks and crannies in the generator. Keeping up with the pattern, they too were equipped with the face plate, but these were a little more defined to keep their vision forward. They still had the devices in place to allow their floating, but were otherwise armored lighter than the other creatures had been. They were already awake, eyes glowing as they started to advance towards the visible target that was Adelle. Suzanne had remained a few feet back, and thus was not visible to them just yet.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Searching the classrooms, Adelle found nothing out of the ordinary really, until they reached the room with the generator in it. When she saw the eels coming out of the shadows at her, Adelle gasped and saw they too were armored, though much lighter than the other things. Motioning to Suzanne to stay back with a wave of her hand, Adelle watched the things coming towards her, and figured that she could easily handle them, despite their greater numbers, since they were just small eels after all.

Holstering her gun, and sheathing her sword, Adelle waited until they got close, and reached out to snatch one out of the air, and then another, hoping their armor would mean they weren't as slippery. If she managed to catch them, Adelle would bonk their heads together to knock them out, and then try to grab the other two, to do the same.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With the gesture to stay back, Suzanne stepped away from the possible melee, entering the nearest empty classroom that was there just a little ways back.

The eels did come onward and did look like they were having ideas of attacking the visible Adelle, so she would have to try and get them offline. Grabbing the things proved to be a bad idea though, the one that she did succeed in getting to immediately giving the busty girl a harsh electric shock, revealing that the animals were in fact electric eels. The other three too started to crackle with energy as they attempted to tackle into her with their electrified bodies, but thankfully were not quite aiming right to hit her. With the armor there, it was possible to hold on to the eel, but it would come with the cost of getting shocked constantly.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Once Suzanne had stepped back, Adelle prepared to grab the eels, which turned out to not be a good idea, as the first of the damn things shocked her. She yelped and almost let the thing go, but managed to hold on for now, but the thing was shocking her, and made it hard. Adelle quickly reached into her bag, and grabbed her rag out that she'd used to wipe her face off with, and wrapped it around the eel in her hand, and used that to hold onto it so the shocks weren't quite as bad, or were negated for the most part.

"S-Stop the shocks little guys, I don't wanna kill you," Adelle told the eels, as she tried to snatch the rest out of the air as well.