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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"It's... nice yes. I don't know if... there's a good reason for me to deserve this but... I'll take it." Rose did not seem to be feeling that troubled by her situation, even with the decent-sized crowd around. One alcoholic drink would probably not afflict her too much, again with the size advantage there to help her deal with the effects. Eventually the food began to empty out, the entire pile on the plate slowly but steadily disappearing into Rose, and soon it was just the empty plate and a little bit of the frying grease left.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Aw hon, of course you deserve it. You're my friend, and you've not gotten to leave that old school in a very long time. As hard a time as you've had, you deserve a helluva lot more than this, is all I can say," Adelle replied to Rose, unable to help but smile at her as she reached over and pat her shoulder.

Adelle let Gabriel continue to feed Rose until all of the food was gone, looking around to see if there was anything fun that she and Rose could do to enjoy themselves, but if it didn't seem like there was anything else that wouldn't cost her any money, and if Rose seemed ready to leave, Adelle would pack up and prepare to do so, walking out with Rose, unless Gabriel or anyone else stopped them for whatever reason.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Rose did not seem to have much reason for staying around, so it was probably time for them to get going. This did not go unnoticed from Gabriel's ever-vigilant attention, as expected. "Will the ladies be taking the car again? If you want to, I'll bring it around and get you back to your group's place. But of course, it is entirely optional if that is not your desire." he would ask the two, primarily Adelle but not ignoring Rose in any way.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh... sure, it'd be a pretty long walk back to the bar to pick up my bike, so a ride in the car would be nice," Adelle replied, glancing to see if Rose had anything against it, and if she didn't, then Adelle would graciously accept Gabriel's offer, and bow her head slightly in thanks.

When the car had been pulled around, Adelle would hop in, and help Gabriel get Rose in without any trouble, where she'd sit back and relax, glancing out the window as they went. "Say Gabriel... has there been any more trouble since the big attack a couple of weeks back? From more than just your average bozos stirring any trouble I mean. Like... one of the other bosses, by chance?" Adelle asked Gabriel, mostly just seeing if he might say something that Liliana hadn't said for whatever reason.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Since it was their desire, Gabriel had the car brought out again, and just like before, the two were packed into the luxurious passenger area while Gabriel went to sit with the driver on the front. The car went on to start the trip, and along the way, Adelle posed her question through the intercom as the driver and passenger areas were separated by the heavy-duty walls and glass. "Today's attack was the biggest event we've had in a few days. If there's something I'd consider different from the norm, we've had a good bit of the Triad people around recently, which I find a bit odd as they were not the most common of customers since the attack at the meeting. Usually it's the biker groups or the Russians looking for the girls, but now we get the Triads almost daily for one thing or another. I wish they do not attempt to start trouble with us as they are far better prepared for a full-on war than any of the others, save maybe the Russians." the man would share, offering some of his own observations as well.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I see, that's not good then I guess. Are the triads purposely starting trouble, or mostly just... like casing the place?" Adelle replied, looking a bit worried at hearing about them. "And if it came to a war, well... Liliana's been good to me, so I'd definitely help however I could, and besides, Miguel's already tried to have me both scared off, and killed, so I have no reason to wanna help him anymore, no matter how good the money is, and I've seen how he treats people... and I don't even know the triads any," Adelle told Gabriel, not really caring to speak her mind about Miguel.

"I mean, I doubt I'd be much help, but you know what I mean," Adelle said, reaching down to the mini fridge in the car and getting a soda out to drink, glancing out the window of her side of the car while they went, and wondering just how far the gang war stuff might go on, and hoping that regardless of what happened, Miguel and Rosieta both came on on bottom.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"They haven't been doing anything to provoke a fight or even try to make a scene, so if they are doing something, it's the latter. Looking for opportunities and possible weaknesses while trying to figure out how much we can throw back at them if they tried a full frontal assault. If they give us prep time, they'll find out that it's not a smart idea to come at the house without some real artillery." Gabriel would comment, indicating that there were some forces that Liliana could call upon outside the immediate security force. Maybe some of the summoned beings they called to perform sexual favors on the clients were capable in battle as well and had some desire to keep their current arrangements going which made them ready to fight for them if need be.

The car went ahead on it's way, starting to close the distance between them and the destination that was the Watering Hole. They would be there in just a moment.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Heh, well for all our sakes, mine included since I've been seen in your place before, I hope that they don't try anything, since I'll likely be singled out and targeted too. But... I doubt that they'd find my house too easy a target either. The last goons Miguel sent my way were all killed, save one. I wanted him to carry the tale back to Miguel and the rest of his idiots, that if they fuck with me, they don't fuck with anything again," Adelle chuckled softly, unable to suppress a smirk as she remembered that night, frightening though it was, it had been exhilarating.

"Well Gabriel, if you don't mind, tell Liliana that I said, if she has any work that needs an... outside touch to do, that isn't overly dangerous, to think of me," Adelle told Gabriel, flashing him a wink when they got to the bar proper and she and Rose got out. "I could use the extra cash, if you know what I mean. It's hard being a single girl that just came to the city to live," Adelle added after a few moments, helping Rose out of the car.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"She already told me to add you to the list of potential outsider workers, so I don't think it'll be necessary. And if she does think you are needed, we'll meet again. It'll be me or Morgiana contacting you if this is the case. You met her too, so it won't be unfamiliar faces when we come." Gabriel stated, having already received the order to keep their visitor in mind. While Adelle might have wanted to do it, the man was faster than her, already there to see Rose out from the large car. Once both of the ladies were safely out and easily able to make it into the bar, the man would excuse himself, the car soon driving off.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Ah, okay then. Well that takes care of that. In that case, see you later I hope, Gabriel, and if it's something that requires a... heavy hitting force, I'll ask Rose here if she'd like to come with me, and you can treat her to some more fine dining," Adelle replied, winking and smirking at him a bit before he left in the car, after helping Rose out before she could even do so herself.

"Well then, I suppose we can head on home for the evening then and relax, since I didn't have any jobs today or anything," Adelle told Rose, collecting her bike and starting it up, before looking over at Rose and gesturing to her to hop onto the back. "Come on over and hop on. It's quicker than walking, and I should be able to manage. Just try and not claw my belly with those if you can while holding on," Adelle told Rose, waiting for her to climb on behind her, where she'd pull out and head back home for the day, going just quick enough to let both their hair blow in the wind.

When she pulled in to her little driveway to drive the bike into the garage, Adelle walked the bike in and kicked out the kickstand and locked it, and the garage up, before heading on into the house proper with Rose to kick back and relax.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright then... if that is what you think. Maybe it is for the better that we go home. The night... is not too scary but... I'm not sure if I could find my way back." Rose would go on to say, somehow managing to get herself onto the bike and cling to the frame without falling off the entire way there. The suspension had a fair bit of work keeping up with the weight Rose presented, but with only minimal bumps on the trip it would surely be just fine even after that effort.

Back home, things were looking rather normal as Luna was there, lazing about on the couch with a plate of minced meat and spaghetti in tomato sauce as she looked at the TV with only passing interest. Buddy had moved off to one of the other chairs, still fairly intent on keeping up his lazy lifestyle as he laid there on his back, all spread out and asleep with a strand of spaghetti hanging out from the corner of his mouth. "Made food, eat up if you are hungry. Should be enough for all of us." the witch would mention as she noticed them return.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I know hon, which is why I'm gonna let you ride with me. Besides, I wouldn't leave my friend behind, ever," Adelle said softly to Rose, smiling up at the larger girl as she waited for her to hop onto the bike.

After they arrived back home and got inside, Adelle was surprised to see Luna had made dinner for them, and smiled. "Ah, thanks Luna. How'd your day go? Any trouble with whatever it was you went to go do?" Adelle replied, as she headed through to the kitchen to get her and Rose a place or bowl of spaghetti fixed up, offering it to her if she was hungry again, but putting it aside if Rose didn't want it just yet.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Asking about the day seemed to trigger Luna's mania side, and she started going on about the events rather fast. "I guess it was fine. I went ahead and sought out that Lucrezia lady, she looked like someone who can get things done. So, I made it to her place and asked if she needed to be helped in some way. She actually let me in her home place, which was made up from a few different small houses and a shrine. She still seems like a believer, even as she is a mage of such power. There was a large statue of some multi-armed god lady in the shrine, looked fancy. Lucrezia did read some mantras to the statue but mostly remained in her quarters and bed. Looks like she was not completely unscathed after that encounter a few days back as she did mention that she was recovering from having her magic slurped. Even with that sort of power, these things seem to affect you." she would explain, quickly getting back to it. "Anyway, I helped her with household maintenance and such, even as she had some familiars around to help. The tiger man did not seem too keen on having me around at first, but Lucrezia spent some ten minutes assuring him that I would not be a threat. I did end up tripping and splashing hot tea on him on later which made it a little less friendly between us but he had no real means to combat Lucrezia's decisions. Eventually she said I could go and come again if I wanted while giving me some money for the effort."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh you did? Neat. It sounds like you had some fun with her at least, and stuff too, and that she didn't mind you stopping by. And don't worry about her tiger man, I'm sure he'll warm up to you soon enough. Probably just jealous that a newcomer is trying to make time with his master or something," Adelle replied to Luna, as she got hers and Rose's spaghetti fixed up and brought out for them both, grabbing a couple of slices of bread as she came back with it.

"Well, I may have someone else that can pass me some jobs along, that might pay even better than Samson and the guild, though it might be slightly more dangerous work of course. Let's hope that isn't the case though, and it's just things that need to be done... discreetly or something. N-Nothing like assassination or anything. I don't think Liliana would go that far, even if her enemies would. But I could need a mage's touch in some cases if she has me doing any jobs for her possibly, or some heavy lifting and hitting, so I'd appreciate any help you might be able to give me Luna, Rose. If we can make enough money, we can move into a bigger house, or add a bit onto this one maybe, or I can help you both look into getting your own places around town nearby if you'd like your own places that is," Adelle said after sitting down with her meal, sighing softly as she started eating, watching whatever Luna had on the TV while she ate, relaxing for the evening and still feeling quite nice after that massage earlier.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Who knows, maybe I will do something for them." Luna would kinda agree, having some old comedy thing about a prince and some place called Bel-Air going in the TV. Rose did not see the need to eat, having been fed the massive stir fry just about an hour ago. And while neither really said anything about it, it was more likely that Luna would be capable of moving out, the things she had already done around the house suggesting that she was at least able to maintain a house or apartment. Rose on the other hand was a fairly different matter, at least at the current time. With her limited dexterity and knowledge of basically everything, she would require a good bit of looking after for an extended period of time.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I appreciate it Luna, thanks," Adelle replied softly, before continuing her meal, only having gotten a smaller bowl of spaghetti herself.

"So, I guess we can just laze about for the rest of the day. It really is nice to have a day off, to be honest. Kinda antsy though, you know. Like, I just wanna be Doing something," Adelle commented, sighing as she finished her food off and setting the bowl down on the coffee table in front of her sofa, and laying back on the thing to relax.

After a few minutes, unless Rose or Luna either one wanted to talk about something, or do something, Adelle would make sure all of the chores Luna might not have done, were completed, and she'd take the leftovers, minus a bowl of spaghetti for Rose, down to her little pets in the basement to feed them, and make sure that they were tended to, and after that, she'd head back upstairs and do some maintenance on her bike, make sure that it wasn't damaged or anything after the wreck in the wastes a few days prior, since she hadn't really sat down and done so yet.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Rose too had settled down on a chair, so there was little to be had from the two, the large girl probably still taking in all the things she had experienced during the day. They had been many and varied, so it was likely causing a fair bit of processing in her head.

The tentacle things in the basement were still there, the floating squid things looking a bit worse for wear as they had been neglected for a days, but they did not have any issues eating once given the chance. They would be alright, surely. The pods in the chest had gained mass since the last check, starting to look a bit larger than was comfortable for the chest they had been placed in. Feeding them might make them get bigger, which could lead to a variety of things happening, from them actually moving out on their own to something like the chest getting broken under the pressure of the increasing mass. Still, they were in the little chicken coop enclosure, so the things would not go free even if they did break out from the chest.

Having gotten the bike roughed a bit by the oni, Adelle had some cleaning to do on it to make it look better. The scratches on the paint she really couldn't do much about, given that there was no paint in her storage, but that would likely be an easy fix if she got some or took the bike to someone with more technical know-how in the whole bike and car department.

Back at the actual living area, there had been some developments when the busty girl had gone to do her things down on the street level. While Luna was still there on the couch, she had finished eating and was now reading up from her old tome, keeping up on the craft by the looks of it. Rose had left the other chair, having moved into the bed and was now taking a good bit of it with her sizeable form, a good bit of her lower legs actually being over the bottom edge of the bed as she was so darn tall. From the living room window, Adelle could see that Boris was home as well, having gotten out from the shower just then as she saw him going about his room without any clothing and slightly wet-looking. Or that much she could assume as she saw him from the waist up, the window was not quite low enough to view what was going on under the waist level.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Sighing softly, Adelle apologized to the floating squidlings and pet the tops of their forms, before she pulled her shirt up and exposed her breasts to them, knowing that they would be desiring some of her milk. "I'm sorry little guys, I've been so busy that I've not been able to really properly care for you two, and the other guys over there too. Go ahead, drink your fill, just... don't be upset please," Adelle whispered to the squidlings, as they ate the scraps of food she brought, and guided them to her breasts like she knew they wanted. "Tomorrow, after I get back from whatever job I take, I'll let you go as long as you both want, for now though just drink enough to last you until then, alright," Adelle added, noticing the chest the pods were in might be a bit too small for them now, and deciding that maybe she needed to get them fixed up the next day, or take them somewhere that they could flourish without any worries, with Liliana's place coming to mind.

After the squidlings had drank their fill of her milk, Adelle would let them pull loose, before heading on back up to tend to her bike, wanting to make sure it was in proper order, but also wanting to make sure that her little pets, as that's what they were really, were fed properly before she did so. She decided in the end, after looking her bike over, that she'd ask around for a professional that knew how to work on bikes and whatnot, so that she could get it serviced and repaired if it needed it, and she'd also talk to them about proper maintenance on the thing too.

Spotting Boris through the windows after heading back up, Adelle blushed ever so slightly, and checked in on the others and when she found Rose in the bed, Adelle couldn't help but smile softly at her, and figured she'd call it an early night herself too, as she moved to get another blanket to unfold and lay over Rose so her feet were covered up too. "There you go hon, probably best to cover them up too. And you mind if I join you?" Adelle said softly, taking off her shirt and stripping down to just her panties as she climbed into the bed with Rose.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The squids would partake in milk with all due eagerness that a few days of fasting would cause in one of their kind, clinging to the offered breasts and sucking until they were stuffed and heavy. Getting off eventually, they plopped down to the ground, slowly rolling back into their containment as they did not have the power to keep themselves floating after that kind of feast. All in all, easy times in the care unit as the things did not feel particularly spicy after stuffing themselves. The pods were equally reserved, just slurping up the offered food with quick flicks of their inner tentacles.

"It's alright... it's your bed after all..." Rose would not have much in the way of denial, the need to avoid damages keeping her stretched out as she held her claws off from the bed, making sure to avoid poking holes into anything with the sharper tips. The rings around her horn would glow softly in the dark, which would help with keeping track of the thing even in no light, good enough to keep it from poking an eye out. With the imposing presence there, it was easy to find sleep as she would surely not be a pleasant thing for any potential intruder to stumble into.

Sleep itself was a bit weird though. Adelle would go on to visualize a room in her dream, a dimly-lit area with curtains of dark blue on all sides, the few pieces of furniture matching the curtains in their material. A round table was there, with a small hunchback of a man sitting at it, shuffling a deck of elaborate cards with his skinny hands while a younger woman watched on from the side. She was dressed up like a flight attendant or a hotel employee, the official-looking dress again matching the surrounding room's blue in color, as did the man's fine suit. This would go on for what felt like a long time, the man shuffling and the woman observing dutifully from the sideline. Eventually, there was a sudden development as the man shot his gaze straight into Adelle's direction, their gazes meeting for the briefest of seconds before she snapped awake. It was the morning at that point, around 9 am, with Rose being there with her and still snoozing while Luna was nowhere to be seen, probably asleep at the books again in the living room. It had happened before so it was not a long shot to assume it had happened again.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After the squidlings had drank their fill, Adelle felt rather aroused, and during their suckling, Adelle had gently reached down to brush her fingers across herself through her panties, but she stopped before going too far in. She wanted the relief, but she didn't want to get too messy just now, and decided to stop. After the squidlings were done, and Adelle was going back upstairs, she gently wiped the milk that had dribbled down her breasts off with her hands. Once in bed with Rose, Adelle yawned and nodded to the large girl and smiled up at her, before laying down beside her without any fear. Adelle even draped one arm over Rose and hugged herself up against her, before closing her eyes and falling asleep not long after that, right along with Rose.


Adelle's dreams were... strange, to say the least. The strange dim room with the dark blue curtains all around was weird, and gave Adelle the shivers. She watched the hunchback guy and the young woman in the room for what felt like hours, the man shuffling a deck of cards over and over, while the young woman dressed like the flight attendant watched him. When he turned to looked at Adelle though, she snapped awake and gasped as she opened her eyes in the waking world once more.

"W-Whoa... that was weird," Adelle whispered to herself as she raised up a bit, shaking her head slightly after the strange dream, and after a few moments she gently pulled away from Rose and got out of bed, after kissing Rose softly on the cheek.