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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Of course I do, I remember those knockers rather easily. Like I imagine most do." the redhead would state, providing a comment about the busty girl's tits as she had not gotten one in a while. The small name tag on the chest of her top reminded Adelle that her name was Kristy. "Me? Not much different to be honest. Less working out and more actual work. The bikers still keep in contact with me due to our connections with their and my profession, so we won't go hungry. There always seems to be at least one or two bikes with something to fix on them. And it's not that the rest of us got to do anything really. They shut the place down after their boss went kaput, and it never went back as there was the fire bombing to the HQ. Most of us don't seem too bothered about it, but I heard some of them took it pretty bad as they basically lived in there." Kristy would go on to explain, apparently not having too much reservations about mentioning it all, even when the father, an older man with a protective look and a tremendous Hulk Hogan mustache peered at them from a little distance away while working underneath a raised car.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Heh, and I remember those big strong muscles," Adelle replied with a smirk, before Kristy went on. "Yeah, sucks what happened. Was kinda hoping to head back a few more times and make some extra cash, but those bastards went and firebombed it like they did. But yeah, I should be alright too, was less a job, and more just a fun way of making some extra money on the side from the guild jobs," Adelle went on to say with a nod.

"Anyway, I'd like you to take a look at my bike if you don't mind, and have the time. Samson mentioned you and your dad ran a place that could do some maintenance for me and stuff, because I don't know what the hell I'm doing, and I don't wanna take it apart to try and fix it, without knowing what to do once I get it apart," Adelle said after a few moments, pointing over at her bike just outside the doors, and heading over to push it on in for Kristy to take a look at.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I remember you did mention that you were a rider. Let's see this thing and if it requires little or big fixes." Kristy would reply as the two of them. They did not get farther than a look though as the redhead immediately got a rather questioning look about her upon seeing the bike. "I am tempted to question how you came into possession of this one. Considering it was me and pop who put this one together for a dedicated customer's custom order." she would go on to say, revealing that it was a build of her own and that she knew it was not originally meant to be Adelle's.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Ehehehe, w-well let's just say that... he and I had a... very big disagreement, when he pulled a gun on me and my friends at a stadium, not too very far from here I believe, and I... didn't appreciate that. It seemed a waste to leave the bike, so I um... w-well, figured I'd... t-take it," Adelle chuckled, looking a bit worried, but figuring it best to tell the truth, since Kristy obviously knew the bike by sight.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Huh. Guess I was wrong then. Pops said that he saw something unusual in the guy's eyes, knew it was not a good thing. I told him that he was just imagining things, but I suppose he was having the right hunch about him." Kristy pondered as she went to take a look, going all aww at the bent mirrors and the various scratches in the paint. "Might have to take it in for a bit to change some parts and re-paint. Looks alright and functioning on the surface but it could be safe to make a check through the various parts. Did you roll this over or what?"
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Let's just say a larger and even stronger girl than you hit it and flipped the entire thing when I... tried to skirt around her out out in the wastes while looking for another one of the Hunters from the guild that'd been missing for a few days. But hey, so long as you get it up and running again like new, I don't mind losing her for a few days," Adelle replied with a nod, genuinely not minding having to leave the bike there for possibly a few days.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"It shouldn't take more than a day, unless there is something inside there that needs fixing, or if I need to go looking for some parts." Kristy would give her assurances about the garage time not taking too long and leave Adelle bikeless for any unnecessarily lengthy period of time. Now the two would end up going on foot, the bike staying behind as the redhead amazon brought it in and under her skilled ministrations.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"That's fine hon. Thanks, appreciate it. I'll check back tomorrow sometime and stuff," Adelle replied, giving a wave to Kristy before starting to head on out with Rose.

Once that was out of the way and her bike left in good hands, with her leaving the key with Kristy since she was sure the redhead girl would want to start the thing up a couple of times to test it and make sure everything was in working order, Adelle led the way towards where her and Rose were supposed to go to find the cop guy. "Hmm, I wonder if he has anyone else helping him," Adelle pondered aloud as they approached the place, having taken only her two pistols today, and her little special shotgun pistol, which she kept in her backpack, but still loaded.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There were a few others across the way as the two moved on, but most of them made themselves scarce as they saw Rose and her monstrous size, apparently intimidated by her presence. As they got closer though, the people were not there anymore, the neighborhood apparently being a bad one as there were barely any real inhabitants around after a certain threshold.

The address was soon found, a rather bleak-looking building of heavy concrete. There were only tiny windows on the walls, which confirmed it had probably indeed been a prison once. But it was thankfully on the smaller side of the scale and only two floors high, which should be of help in the search. The front double doors were not really much of an issue, given one of them was on the ground and not set up like a door usually was, having been removed a long time ago by the looks of it. The room beyond the door appeared to be the start of the processing unit, or so much Adelle could guess from what she saw from the outside.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After leaving Kristy's and her dad's workshop, Adelle and Rose made their way onward toward their job's address. The closer they got to the place, the fewer and fewer people Adelle noticed, and those that they did spot were seemingly too frightened to approach them.

"Hey Rose... stay close okay. Never know who or what might be lurking about, trying to take advantage of either of us," Adelle mumbled up to Rose as they approached the building Samson had told them about.

Looking up at the prison building, Adelle found it seemed... about as big as the school she found Rose in, possibly. Though it might be a bit bigger once she got inside. Moving towards the doors, Adelle stepped gingerly around the broken one and motioned to Rose to follow. "Hmm... let's be careful Rose. Make sure we don't trip any traps," Adelle said to Rose, peaking around to make sure there weren't any tripwires or anything just inside that she wouldn't trip over, or any other traps that could be tripped.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Going up to the door and right on in, the first room revealed itself to the two. There were no hidden tripwires or land mines placed underneath the mat at the door, so they could go in right away without something fucking them over right at the starting line. The first room was a simple reception area, with nothing really interesting for them to look at, but there were doors on all three sides other than the entry. The two side doors were entryways to the prison wings, having a few different armored doors on each to go through as they would have been pretty useful during the time this place was used for it's intended purpose. On the opposite side of the entry was a more regular door that looked like it was the path to the staff areas.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well, at least the guy doesn't seem to have trapped the door and entryway. Though that doesn't mean he hasn't trapped up the rest of the place of course, so let's be really careful. Better safe than sorry," Adelle said to Rose, looking around at the other three armored doors around them. "Huh... let's check out the staff area first. Might find something useful, and may find the security cameras to help find the guy easier," Adelle suggested, making for the staff area door and opening it, after checking it and the surrounding area for traps and whatnot.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

For the most part Rose remained quiet, having some issues with the door as she tried to come in, bumping the tip of her horn on the door frame. But she did get in, so it was not all that bad. The area behind the staff door was a corridor, with some doors on both sides. The first door on the left was opened, with what looked like a break room beyond. The remaining doors were shut, but the closest door on the right appeared to be a locker room, or that's what it looked like through the clouded pane on the door.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh, you okay hon? Didn't hurt your horn did it?" Adelle asked softly, making sure Rose was okay before moving on in.

Adelle moved to the break room door and peeked inside, before she looked to the locker room door on the right, and decided to check it out to see what was within, figuring it best to make sure they checked every room before pressing onward, to make sure nothing could sneak up behind them. "Hmm... I wonder what's in here," Adelle whispered to herself.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"It's... fine. Just having some trouble with... these doors being so small." Rose would state, the issues with her large frame getting more obvious in the indoor spaces.

Wandering near the break room revealed little of interest, but there was something to be said of the horror that was a likely decades-old jar of mayo still sitting on the table. Opening that would probably be one of the worst mistakes Adelle could make, so it was probably for the best to leave that eldritch abomination to sleep the rest of time away in peace. The initial look into the locker room revealed that it was indeed that, with most of the lockers being shut. Two were open, the doors showing that they had been forcefully entered in the past. There was also another open door there, leading to what appeared to be a shower/washing area.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"It's alright hon, take your time, and I'll slow down a bit," Adelle said to Rose as she had a look around the break room some, and she couldn't help but feel the desire to open that old jar of mayo, Just to see what might be inside, but she refrained for now and headed on into the locker room.

Spotting the two open lockers, Adelle could only assume that the other locked ones might contain weapons possibly, or other police gear that she could make use of later. She made a mental note to come back here afterward and have Rose help her open said lockers to look around some of them. The shower room came next, and Adelle moved around inside the room to make sure nobody was hiding behind walls or anything of the sort. If there was nothing else to find in the locker room area, she would head back out with Rose down the other path they'd passed on the way to the locker room area.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

It was probably safe to assume the possible items in the lockers, but no real way to tell until the lockers were actually investigated. So it would remain uncertain for the time being.

Looking into the shower stalls that were separated by small pieces of wall, Adelle found nothing of real interest until she came to the last one. The last particular stall was cleaner than the rest, and the reason was clear as a thick green slime began to leak and gather from the shower head. It was steadily collecting into a bigger pile as the drip level increased, the pile starting to shake as it increased in size.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As she inspected the shower stalls, Adelle saw the greenish slimy substance pooling in the last one, the stall itself quite clean otherwise. "W-Whoa, what the hell is this stuff?" Adelle mumbled to herself, looking a little closer at the stuff with a curious look on her face.

She glanced back to see if Rose was behind her, or if she was still in the locker room area in the previous room, before glancing back to the slimy puddle before her, where she knew that this was probably some sort of slimy monster, but at the moment it didn't seem to be Too much of a threat, so she went ahead and stood back up and started to head out back towards the locker room after a few moments.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Of course Rose was there, a little bit behind as she had not made it into the shower room, the locker room holding her more comfortably in the open space than the more restricted shower area. The slime kept on coming from the showerhead, the pile still going on and increasing in mass as Adelle made it back to the previous room. Looking back though, the ooze was now moving on up, having attained considerable blob size and coming towards them.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"W-Whoa there, that stuff's following us. Come on Rose, help me shut this door and we'll leave it be. I don't have anything that can really hurt a slime creature like that, since bullets would probably just go right through it," Adelle told Rose, moving out of the shower room and pushing the door shut if she could, but if she couldn't, then Adelle would just take Rose and head back to the main area just before the doorway leading to this one, and head down the other path left to them.