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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Outside the room, it was as expected, Luna being there on the floor next to the couch with her book on her face. She had apparently dropped from the couch and somehow still managed to keep herself asleep as the position she was in did not look like something one would take naturally. Buddy had taken the spot on the couch as there was nobody else there, lying around in his usual widespread manner. Rose had not stirred from the smooch, so Adelle was still fairly free to do whatever morning tasks she had in mind as it looked like things were fine all around.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle did indeed find Luna on the floor next to the couch with her book laying across her face, having tumbled off the couch in the night, but somehow managing to remain asleep. Or she'd just been too tired to care and just continued laying there. Then again, Buddy might have shoved her off the couch in the middle of the night, Adelle thought to herself. After pecking Rose on the cheek, and finding the large girl didn't wake up, Adelle smiled and headed to do her morning business and got ready and whatnot, before heading to cook a quick breakfast for them all, something filling. After she'd finished up, having decided on some bacon, scrambled eggs, and toast, something simple, she headed back to get the others up to eat.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There was no obstruction to prevent Adelle from doing what she was, so the food got to be prepared as quickly as she wanted it to be. The sounds of the food making was all that was needed to wake Luna, who was only a little distance away from all the pans clanking and similar. She would sit up on the couch, gathering up her scattered belongings and still looking a bit sleepy as she took a moment to wake up proper. Rose was another matter, the large girl still sleeping away as she was a room away from the sounds of food.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When it came to getting Rose up, Adelle eased into the bedroom and gently shook her, steering clear of the horn on the big girl's forehead. "Hey Rose... hey hon, breakfast is ready. You wanna eat?" Adelle whispered in Rose's ear, leaning over her a bit to do so and pecking her on the cheek again as she gave her another little shake to try and rouse her up. "Come on hon, up you get, unless you wanna sleep in a little while that is. If you wanna sleep in, just tell me and I'll leave your plate wrapped up for you to heat up later," Adelle then said to Rose.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Taking the precautions against the horn appeared to have been correct as Rose snapped into wakefulness after a brief bit of poking, the whole thing being a far more violent event than her usual behavior as she shot up to a sitting position, eyes blazing red again. Looking like she was agitated by something, the large girl looked around in a fairly brisk pace, eventually calming down as if she had forgotten and then realized the situation being what it was again. "Oh... morning..."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle was right to have been cautious around Rose's horn, as the thing might have poked one of her eyes out had she not been ready to move at a moment's notice, it seemed. "Morning Rose. Do you want to sleep in a little more, or go ahead and get up? I made some breakfast, and I've got yours sitting on the table, ready to eat, or be wrapped up, depending on whether or not you want to go ahead and get up," Adelle said softly to Rose, smiling over at her, and offering a hand to help her up and off the bed so that she could do whatever she needed to in the bathroom.

Once Rose was up, or decided to go back to sleep for a little bit, Adelle would get her things together, as she had planned to head over to the bar to check around for any good paying jobs that were in need of doing, so that she could make up enough to get food for the three of them, unless Luna was going to go out and do a job herself today that is.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yes, I'll get up, no need to rest more... and I'll go eat too..." Rose would opt to get active, giving Adelle a reminder about their size difference as she could barely get a grip on one of the large girl's claws while helping her up. The three of them would eat up together, Luna taking a bit of a head start on the two others as she was given plenty of time to do so while the bathroom actions were going on.

It did seem that Luna was going to be heading out to look for something moneyworthy to do, having apparently enjoyed herself enough yesterday to try it out again and make some earnings.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright hon, I'll make sure your plate's nice and warm for you. So go ahead and use the bathroom or whatever you need to," Adelle said cheerfully to Rose.

Adelle would help Rose in the bathroom since she had the large clawed hands, brushing her hair out for her, and helping her to get herself freshened up. Once that was all finished up, Adelle would go back to the kitchen with Rose for them to eat breakfast, enjoying the meal together, before saying goodbye to Luna for the day. "Be careful out there Luna," Adelle called over to her, before looking back to Rose. "Well Rose. Anything you'd like to do before I head out? Or would you like to come with me and see if Samson has any jobs that we could both do together? Or maybe there's a job he could find for you that you might enjoy," Adelle asked Rose after Luna was gone.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Luna was out of the door soon enough, and the two others remained. "I suppose I'll come along... I don't want to be a burden..." Rose was readily agreeing to getting into something, apparently feeling exactly as she was stating in her words, looking like she was ready for whatever might be coming their way.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Aw hon, you aren't a burden. You're still getting used to life outside of where you'd been for... well, all your life really. I wouldn't consider you as a burden," Adelle told Rose softly, smiling over at her before they got ready to leave. "And also, we'll get you some more clothes later too, but for now I think we ought to be fine. Would you rather walk, or take the bike? I think I've gotten the hang of driving it with you riding behind me," she went on to say, grabbing her bike key if Rose didn't mind riding to the bar with her, but leaving it behind and making sure to lock up the house if she'd rather walk.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"If you think the bike can handle it... sure... It seemed a bit hard last time for it..." Rose would mention but ultimately agree to take the bike. Again, it seemed stressful for the suspension to carry them both around, but they could make it in the early morning.

The bar was not the most busy at the early hour, but there were some of the usual suspects around, making Adelle question if they lived there or something as they always seemed to be present, regardless of the hour.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah it was a bit, I won't lie. But I think I can handle it. Besides, it beats walking all the way there, and possibly ending up with a job that keeps us out until nightfall, so we'd have to walk back in the middle of the night. And I also need to ask around about getting the bike checked out anyway, because I'm afraid that flip out in the wastes might have damaged it," Adelle replied softly, deciding to take the bike this time to the bar for the purpose of possibly taking it to a mechanic to get it worked on and whatnot.

When they arrived, with Adelle going around the same speeds on the bike as the day before, but with much more confidence, she parked and went in, and spotted some of the usual people inside. "Morning Samson. How're you doing today? And also, you know anyone I can take my bike to to get her checked out by chance? That tumble in the wastes the other day might have damaged her and I'm worried since I know piss all about bikes," Adelle greeted Samson when she closed in on him.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Samson was at his table as usual, Shiulin being absent this time around. The old guy seemed to be just as he usually was, and would mention it too as they greeted. "Well I know a place that the more vehicle-oriented people among our numbers use. Run by this guy about my age and his daughter. Father does the cars while the girl manages bikes. I'll give you the directions if you want to go there." the man would tell her, writing some info on a paper before handing it over. While that had been going on, the usually half-conscious Mei had stirred from her sleep at the door and actually came over to the table to see what the hell she was seeing in Rose, who clearly caught the China girl's attention.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I'd appreciate it Samson, if you don't mind. After that tumble in the wastes when we saved Lucrezia and stuff, I'd really like to make sure that my bike's alright and stuff. And after that, you got any jobs for either me and or Rose here? Rose is... well as you could probably guess, strong as hell, and she can pack a massive punch, especially with those claws. Problem is, she can't take them off," Adelle replied, gesturing at Rose's claws and looking a bit proud of her companion.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After handing out the paper, Samson took a moment to consider. "Well I do have something I think you two could do." he would say, proceeding to getting a picture of a man out from his pile of many papers. The guy didn't look anything special, maybe even a little meek all things considered. "This guy here is Davis Dodge, a former member of the city's already overworked police force. He was caught stealing from their funds, and violently attacked and injured two of his former co-workers when they were looking to apprehend him for his crimes. There's also been a number of other things that were rumored to be credited to him, one being him sneaking away weapons from the police armory and selling them to possible criminals on the street. He's on the run now, still in hiding as he is looking for a good time to flee the city and the law. The latest information about him suggests that he is laying low in a building that was once a small-scale prison." he would go on to explain the task, pointing out the location on the map as he did. "While he has some violent ways, try to bring the guy back alive. While he can lash out, I think seeing Rose there will probably make him give up as he is mentioned to be somewhat timid despite the occasional violence."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle listened almost eagerly, taking the directions for the shop to fix up her bike, and then the picture of the guy that Samson held up to show her and Rose. "I see... he looks kinda like a weasel of sorts. Sure, I think we ought to be able to handle grabbing him and bringing him back. Do you want us to try and bring him here, or the police station? Or just whichever is closer?" Adelle replied after listening to Samson explain who and what the guy was, glancing over at Rose and showing her the picture a bit closer.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"The usual deal with the wanted people. To the station, they issued us with the wanted info and will provide the payment there, the payment depending on the fact that he is alive or dead, of course." Samson would state the usual rules, though it was understandable as Adelle had not been out on a manhunt in a while, mostly having had the more unusual tasks to go through in recent days.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alrighty then, I think we ought to be able to handle that easily enough," Adelle replied with a nod, before looking to Rose. "Well then hon, let's go. And... I think I can swing by the body shop Samson gave me on the way and drop my bike off there," Adelle went on to say to her large friend, getting up and preparing to leave and looking at the address to the body shop to see if they could stop there along the way to wherever mister weasel here was.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Right. Good luck, and come back in one piece ya hear?" Samson would say as the two took their leave from the bar.

The pair would go on to move towards the body shop, which was not too many blocks away from Josephine's and the biker's former hideout. It was a place that looked like one would expect it to, being an industrial building from the outside, while being a relatively large hall with a few car lifts and a whole bunch of tool storage scattered about. Having probably expected to meet the father first, Adelle sighted the daughter at work first, who turned out to be a familiar face from recent days. It was the amazon-esque redhead from the wrestling place, now looking a bit more worker-like in her heavy-duty overalls and oil-stained white tanktop.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"We will Samson, don't you worry," Adelle called back to him, as she and Rose left.

Hopping back on the bike with Rose, Adelle drove them towards the body shop, which turned out to be not too very far away from Josephine's clothing store. "Huh, who knew. Josephine's shop is literally right down that way. If I'd known this was here, I'd have brought the bike in sooner," Adelle commented as she pulled the bike in to the body shop, where she parked and kicked the stand out for the bike, before she headed inside.

"Well you're a sight for sore eyes. Remember me from the wrestling place?" Adelle said to the amazonian like redhead girl when she spotted her. "How have you been the last little while? I never got to really come back to the wrestling place after I went with the biker guys to that meeting," she then asked a little more quietly, just in case the girl didn't want her father to overhear about the wrestling place.